HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-158 Newcastle By- law 81 - 158 THIS BY- LAW NEVER RECEIVED FIRST READING Council Minutes . Specification 81-10 Pol icy for Elected Officials . . - 4 - November 30, 1981 Resolution #C-1360-81 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor Item 18 - THAT the contract in respect of the winter maintenance of sidewalks and walkways within the Town of Newcastle be awarded to D. & F. Snow Removal, 86 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, at an average rate of $13.50 per hour, paid on the basis of the average hours worked subject to meeting all the terms and conditions required by Specification 81-10, be approved. Resolution #C-1361-81 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Cnllncillor Hubbard .s{,c>,((--- 10.<.t,"por---;" bri(:nc:,-lCl THAT the matter be referred back to~the General Purpose and Administration Committee. Mr, r "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1362-81 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor Item 19 - THAT the policy with regard to the reimbursement of travel and other expenses be amended as set out in the attached by-laws (See by-laws 81-158 and 81-159); the mileage rates for elected officials be equivalent to those rates in effect for all municipal staff at any given time, and by-laws 79-45 and 81-26 be repealed, be adopted. Resolution #C-1363-81 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Prout, THAT Schedule 'A' to By-law 81-158 be amended by deleting 1. Attendance at Council and Committee Meetings. 7. Picking up agendas when a separate journey is needed to do so. Recorded Vote: Councillor Cowman Nay Councillor Hamre Yea Councillor Hubbard Nay Councillor Prout Yea Councillor Woodyard Nay Councillor Taylor Nay Mayor Rickard Yea "LOST" . . . Council Minutes Newcastle Cement Block Co. Guidelines - 1982 Budget Discussions Unfinished Business - 5 - November 30, 1981 On being put to a recorded vote, Resolution #C-1362-81 was "LOST" Recorded Vote Councillor Cowman Nay Councillor Hamre Nay Councillor Hubbard Nay Councillor Prout Nay Councillor Taylor Yea Councillor Woodyard Yea Mayor Ri ckard Yea Resolution #C-1364-81 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendation in Report PD-190-81 re Proposed Site Plan Agreement Newcastle Cement Block Co. Ltd., Part Lot 25, Concession 2, former Village of Newcastle, be approved, and 1. Report PD-190-81 be received. 2. The attached Site Plan AGreement be approved for execution. 3. The attached by-law authorizing execution of the aforesaid Site Plan Agreement be passed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1365-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Administrator's report Admin. 40-81 re Guidelines for preparation and timing of 1982 current budget discussion papers be approved, and the report be received, and Council adopt the fOllowing resolution. "Council hereby endorses the attached Guidel ines for preparation and timing of the 1982 current budget discussion papers." "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1366-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Mr. Veldhuis' presentation be acknowledged and the 3 proposals set out to Council; -