HomeMy WebLinkAbout1764A By-law to propose an amendment to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.°,.0. 1970, as amended, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area, being the attached text and Schedule "X", is hereby proposed. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics and I~itergr~vernmental Affairs for the approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of final passing thereof. Read and second time this 1 $ day of December, 1973 Reeve Clerk J; Read a"third time Enacted and passed by a vote of 3 to 2 this 19 day of December A.D., 1973 in a. 5 member council. elm' _ Q.t~[ ~ f~U.e.~ Reeve Clerk AMENDMENT N0. 1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CLARKE PLANNING AREA DECEMBER, 1973 THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF .THE TONRSRIP"~?~' CLAIiiO; ORONO ONTARIO AMENDMENT N0. 1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CLARKS PLANNING ARFA The attached explanatory text and the map designated Schedule "X", constituting Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area, Were prepared under the direction of the Council of the Corporation. of of the To~mship of Clarke under the provisions of Section 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended. The Corporation of the Township of Clarke ~~Gw~-~:4~rt~G~.~:.-c~ ~ ~.~:.[~I~figl~,...{SEAL) Reeve Clerk This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke is hereby approve8 in accordance ai.th Section 17 of The Plan- ning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, as Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area. ................................ .................................... Date (i) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARK BY-LAW NUl~ER 1764 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.3.0. 1970, ~ amended, hereby enacts as follows 1. Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area, being the attached text sad Schedule nX", is hereby ~iroposed. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized sad directed to make appli- cation to the Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics and Intergovernmental Atfairs for the approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area. 3. This BY-law shall come into force ead take effect on the day of final passing thereof. Read a first and second time this 18 day of December, 3473. Reeve Clerk Read a third time, En ed and passed this 19 d81Y of December A.D., 1973 by a vote of 3 to 2 in a 5 member council. eeve Clerk Certifie8 that the above is a true copy of By-Law No. 1764 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Towaship of Clarke on the 19 day of December, 1973. Clerk - (ii) AI~ADMENT Ro. 1 To THE OFFICIAL PLAR OF THE. CLARKS PLANNING AREA The following text and Schedule "X" constitutes Amendment Ro. 1 to the Official Plan of the Clarke Planning Area. Also attached hexeto, but not constituting part of the Amendment is Appendix 1. This Appendix contains background information relating to the Amendment. 3 ~, PURPOSE OF AMII~IDMENT To permit two mobile home retirement communities in the Municipality and to provide guidelines for the establishment and regulation of these developments. 2. LOCATION OF LANDS AFFECTID The two areas affected are shown on Schedule "X" as "Change to Mobile Home Retirement Community". In conjunction with the changes adjacent lands subject to erosion along Lake Ontario are being placed in an "Envirormiental Protection Area" designation. 3. BASIS OF AMENDMENT The M~ulicipality has received applications for the development of mobile home retirement facilities in each of the areas indioatad above. Each development is to contain approximately 1,000 "double wide" mobile home units and is to be provided with a full range of community facilities designed to meet the needs of a retiremeat caan- munity and to minimize the effect of this community on the environ- ment. The policies set out inthis amendment are designed to ensure that the developments will take place in the intended manner and accord- ing to the appropriate standards. Appendix 1, attached hereto, contains information upon which the decision to amend the Official Plan was based. 4. DETAILS OF THE Ar~IDMENT (1) Section 3 of the Official Plan is hereby amended by inserting the following new subsection (5d) after subsection (5) thereof: "(5A) MOBILE HOME RETIAFI~ENT COMMUNITY The Mobile Home Retirement Community classification of land means that the use of land in an area so designa- ted shall be for a mobile home retirement community containing a t~].l range of community facilities. (1) The general principles to be considered in the develop- ment and zoning of an area designated as Mobile Home Retirement Community are as follows: (a) The uses permitted shall be limited to mobile hares, active and passive recreational facilities, commer- cial and storage facilities and such other accessory and incidental ancillary uses as may be necessary to serve the retirement cotmnunity. Development will be on the basis of full services (including piped water and sanitary sewers, as well as appropriate storm drainage facilities, all of which shall be approved by the appropriate author- ities) and in accordance with the following prin- ciples: (i) All mobile homes shall be of the "double wide" variety and shall conform to the National Building Code. The floor area for all mobile ha~mes when averaged together, shall approximate 1,000 square feet. Parking shall be provided at a minimal rate of two spaces for each mobile home and stor- age space for each home shall be provided at a minimal rate of 150 cubic feet. The maximum gross residential density shall not exceed approximately 4 mobile homes per acre, and the maximum number of people per- manently residing in each mobile home shall not exceed two. (fi) Active enclosed recreational facilities shall be provided at a minimum rate of 13 square feet for each mobile home. (iii) Cemmercial facilities, to serve the needs of the residents of the retirement community, may be provided at a rate not exceeding 20 square feet of gross leasable floor area for each mobile home. (iv) Passive and active recreational open space in addition to the facilities mentioned in (ii) above, shall be provided at a minimum (2) rate of .02 acres for each mobile home. Generally, all areas not used for other purposes specifically set out above, shall be designed as functionally related active and passive open apace. (v) Appropriate screening and noise abatement techniques shall be employed to minimize the effect of adjacent uses on the community and to screen the community from adjacent uses . (vi) Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation standards shall be referred to in formula- ting guidelines for the development of site plan details . (b) Prior to approving arty application for the rezoning of a~- portion of an area so designated, Council shall: (i) approve a concept plan based on the policies set out in (a) above, which covers the entire area so designated and sets out the location of the various components of the community. (ii) enter into a suitable agreement with the ap- plicant including all matters such as park management, provision of services, financial arrangements, licensing provisions, etc. (c) On the basis of the information set out in (a) and (b) above, detailed (site plan) Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law provisions shall be formulated and duly enacted by Council." (2) Schedule "A" to the Official Plan is hereby amended, as follows: (a) by redesignating to Environmental Protection Area those areas shown as "Change to Environmental Protection Area" on Schedule "X" attached hereto; (b) by redesignating to "Mobile Home Retirement Community" those areas set out on Schedule "X'' attached hereto; (c) by adding the arterial road shown as "Change to Arterial Road".on Schedule "X "attached hereto; and (3) (d) by adding to the legend a new symbol entitled "Mobile Home Retirement Community". 5. IMPLE.ME'NTATION This Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented in accordance with the implementation policy of the Official Plan as contained in Sec- tion 6 thereof. 6. INTERPRETATION This Official Plan Amendment shall be interpreted in accordance with the interpretation policy of the Official Plan as contained in Sec- tion 7 thereof. (4) w 2 O SCHEDULE "X" AMENDMENT N0. I TO Official Plan Of Clarke Planning ~ iir t . ~,. ns' MAN V£RS THE The Area LEGEND CON ~ ~ MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE L__J EN VIPONMENTAL PROTECTION AREAS CON /X RESIDENTIAL D HAMLET °°®°O°° MM CO ERCIAL CON V/// HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ~' IND STRIAL U PITS AND DUARRIES CON V// RURAL y ~~ i ~~ MOSPORT PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS ARTERIAL ROADS V/ COLLECTOR ROADS OTHER ROADS V .".'.~•'~'''.''. MOBILE HOME RETIREMENT COMMUNITY a x N 2 3 0 O N ~, q R / O :~,~~~..~PL...~.~ ~oxs~L.AN,s ~a APPENDIX 1 The following information is not in- tended to form part of the Amendment, but is included for the purpose of providing back- ground information in support of the Amendment. APPENDIX Z 1. BACKGROUND Representations have been made to the Township of Clarke by applicants who wish to establish mobile home retirement facilities in the municipality. In reviewing the desirability of the proposal Council assessed the need for such development, the proposed location, surrounding and proposed land uses and desirable development controls. The Township is of the opinion than a need exists for this type of housing accommodation and that such development would be an asset to both the Municipality and the Province. 2. POPULATION TREND Table 1 indicates that the retirement age population in Ontario is increasing in both absolute terms and as a percentage of total Ontario and Canadian population. In response to similar trends in the Unfted States a number of retirement communities have developed; however, the concept of the providing a community aimed specifically at a retirement aged population is a relativly new concept for Ontario. TABLE 1 Year Total Ontario Percentage of Percent age of Total ~- Population Aged Total Canadian Ontario Population 6~ ~e~rs and over Population Aged AEZed 65 veers and over 6 vears,an_ d over 1921 172,251 4.78 5.87 1931 234,161 5.55 6•~ 1941 301,325 6.67 7.96 1951 400,363 7.75 8.71 1961 508,073 7.62 8.15 1971 644,410 8.09 8.37 Source: 1971 Census of Canada (A-1) The encourage^~ent of such communities in Ontario would have a number of advantages among which would be the provision of a stimulating environment for members of our rapidly increasing retirement population. 3. RETIREMENT COMMUNITY REQUIREMENTS The policies and community requis'em,ents set out in the Amend- ment were formulated on the basis of the following assumptions: (a) no industrial area will be necessary as a source of employ- ment or as a source of tax revenue. (b) standard open space and recreational facility requirements must be increased to provide for the activities of the resident. (c) commercial facilities should be provided at a rate sufficient to accomodate the daily needs of the residents. (d) school facilities will not be necessary since: (i) the occupancy of each unit will be limited to two persons, and (ii) the atmosphere and advertising of the community will be geared to attracting retired people. (e) development is to take place on the basis of full services and the community is to operate as a mobile home park. (f) the mobile homes within the park will be assessed and taxed as normal homes. 4. EXISTING LAND USE The existing land use in the areas which are the subject of this amendment is as shown on Plate 3B of the Official Plan. 5, PROPOSED ARTERIAL In order to provide adequate access to the proposed retirement community located to the west of Newcastle as new arterial road has been proposed. (A-2) This road, together with abridge crossing Highway 401 and the Canadian National Railways, will be constructed and used as the main access while Cobbledick Road and its crossing of the CNR tracks will be upgraded to the extent necessary that it ,may serve as a secondary or emergency access. (A-3) \ \ ( ( / ( \ . / / ( \ ( \ \ ( . ( \ \ \ � / \ \ . ( E , C \ [ ( [ ( ( � \ \ � \ � , / K ( t \ [ � [ / [ [ [