HomeMy WebLinkAbout1767A By-Law to authorize the conveyance of certain lands in Lot 27 and 28, Concession 5, village of Orono, to The Durham Central Agricultural Society and to other abutting owners. lands is Lot 27 and 28, Conoeasioa 5, Pillage of Orono, to The Darham Cientral llgrionltnral Sooiety and to other abutting owners. W~dB the Township of Clarke are the present owners of certain lands is the Pillage of Orono presently described is Flan 108 280, as amended by Flan 108 318, the said lands being the former Township Hoed Department Yard A~ WBSRHA.S snob land beoame surplus to regair~ents when the new 8oai Department yard bras activated scone years sego A~ Wl~88AS the said lands abutted to the South those~le;dsal>~referred by the Durham Central Agricultural Sooiety oosmwnly to as Orono Fair Grounds AND WSffiA3 the said Township of Clarke sad the said Durham Central Agri,caltural ~oisty agreed some time ago to bt>,- and sell the said leads and the proposed purchaser paid a deposit and entered iato possessioa of the said leads AND WHS~AS oompletioa of the said agreement of purchase sad of the e~ea been delayed, because of the neosasity of preparing a survey and settling the boundaries sad description of the said parcel of land AND WAS it has been agreed between the Solicitors representing both parties that the requisitions on title and the description of the leads involved have been settled so that the matter can be oos~pleted. AND WB86HA8 the sum of two thousand dollars has been paid sad. in lies of the two thausand dollars owing the purchaser has agreed to return part of the lands originally intended to be conveyed sad the vendor has agreed to snob arrangement as illustrated in Flan 108 318. ~ ~ T by the said Corporation of the Township of Clarke: 1. That the leads described as follows be conveyed to Durham Central. Agrical.tnrsl Society (i} parts 1, 2 and 3 on 8egiatered Flan Ito. 108 280, deposited is the 8egistry Office for the 8egietry Division of Durham Weat on the 4th day of December, 1973• (ii )parts 4 and 6 oa Plan No. 108 280, said parts being portion of allowance for roads as stopped up by 8y_-I+aw 80. 1748. (iii)SAY~TG AND HXCHP'TING thereout sad therefrom the firstly and secondly described land.:, those parts of said lot 27 in the 5th concession, of the said Township of Clarke sad said lot 28 is the 5th concession of the Township of Clarke now within the limits of the said Pillage of Orono, more particularly designated as pacts 1, 2 and 3 oa Flan 108 318, deposited in the 8egistry Office for the 8egistry Division of Durham west on the 31st day of December, 1973• (iv)TOG~TSSR WITH the right -of--way in "cos~mon" with all those legally entitled thereto for their passage over, along and upon, that part of the said unsabdivided lot 28, score particularly designated a$ part 8, on said P1aa 108 280 and as part 1, on said Plan 108 318. 1 ~~ 2. That part 5 on said Play Ho. 108 280 be conveyed to Alfred Joseph Jakenan, for the sun of two dollase (=2.00) and other valuable oonsideration, aad if not wanted by him to be conveyed to the Dorhan Central Agricultural Society for the sane aoasideration. 3. That part 7 on said Plaa X10. 108 280 be conveyed to John Henry Cornish, for the sta0 of trro dollars 02.00) and other valuable consideratioa, and if not wanted by him to be conveyed to the Darham Central Agricultaral Society for the sane consideration. Bead a first and second tame this 31st day of December, 1973• 8eeve ._J~. II~y A~ ~ ~I1~ Clerk--- 8ea-d a third time and finally passed this 31st ds~r of Deoenber,1973. n '7 8e6ve ~~ Clerk