HomeMy WebLinkAbout1748A By-law to stop-up certain road allowances and certain parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke. ,• `. tic~.ed~ale -rArt - to By-Lsrw No . 174$ ~Z.i. A'r~ =i'1vJiA.': t~7GSe CL'T'ts±.:~n r` 1"C ~ s '_ rat' rr ra. e_-.s or .:races ~y la.~.~. and ;'rt:*'"'.150;; 5lt!.iatE.d, lyill~; ?nd being in t'.!1i.' Y3.11.~~e Gf ~-'rOnO anc? ;,he 1oti^ms` ~-~: o,`' ~1_ar'_;e ~^a~th~n the county of Lur':ar. in t'rle ~'rovlnc<s of Cntar io ?nd be ~-n~ ccw~'osad of : ~'i~;,.;`i'..~': Al_? of `Ji.lla~e Lot one (l) forr~in~; part a" the ori~;3_nal ~oa.d .A1.lovr~ncc hetWeen Concess~_a.rls Four (;;) a.nd i~,e (~) ?cross iowrls?.'3.r; Lot i'went,T-n3.ne (~~) accorciin~ to C. v. 'i~nni n~ t s r1_an o~~ the said `dil.la~~ of Orono, together Tit'.. parts of tho a ~"crewid F;oad +~llowar_sa, a-11 ~•:ithin t':e sa d ~o~arlshi p of Clar'.-~e, rore Nartic~.zlarly descri lied a s fol_lcws i:v~ iLvCTi;i at t e :~Otl'~',<_i'@StGr1.~r ?~Y210 Of V~11?~;e Z,Ot Liht (~) 3n B~oc'r r1 r', a.ccard ~n~ to C.G, iIa nn3.r1~;1s Plan of the Sai~. V.1.1aue of Grar_o; ?'.?,TEE :.youth ?1_ degrees ? ~ ;;~i rlutes 30 seconds ~JeSt along; the :;outlier ly ? ir;.it of s~3_d Township Lot ~Q in the Fifth Concessian, being t^~e ~Torthcrl_y 13.2M:.it of the Sa3.d :oad All aW?nce, ? distance of ~'~~.~.~ faet to the `~:~oint of intersection Frith ? fence r'ar''in~ t1:t; ;; 1:i Sti n~ Easterly 1.3..2'?~ t Of a travelled road rU.nnini >out?ierly; `~'.?F.i'C.:. ~:outh ~'; degrees L~7 minutes East 3.n tr.e line of the said. _°;.~I~ce a :33.~ta.nce or 6~?.~~.3 feet r.:ore or ~_ess to tie point cf _':j:.c;:rSr:Ct._On ~~,ii t,i tr?t;, i`;OY'tilerly 11m3_t Of La` ~~ 3.n the FOtas'th t, s., C:ancess3on of the Sa.3_d ~owr_sh3_p of C~ arkc; -.,,. ~ ,-,~-. ,Tar,. y ,~~ l,ry i.:.L:V ., v._ J_ dE:~rE: C~.v ~ last .Yent3_oYler:i ? .:^it, be?_n r';oa-d Allowaz4ce, a. d3.s+~ance ~,o3_rlt of 3.oltersect3_on ~~~•ith ~' de~;rces ~3 r3.nutes :.ast ? ~znUtaJ 3O J~sCOn~~iJ Ea.sv a1on~ the /Ehe ~:cutherly 3imit of the 5? id Of ti;7~.t1~, ~°eet .'10T'G Or 1_eSS t0 t_e 1_ire dr~i•,m or: ~ course of gout: fror.. the ;o~_nt of ca2~.r~zence:-°ent; j.'?i:. TVir ,.Ortt 1`? ~t r-l 1 t r?3 nt r -~ Y f '4` ~ ..t<:Z;r"dE;:.i ~,J 2"^_1nu~eS +~dS a .~ a...C~, Of ~(~ 1. G3E.t ?.".Or c: C~i Z.Q.S"a to t}'1L i vT..V1 ~L, L~i.i,~Tliri~.~.~.i ri+ :~:jCO?.~L`~': AZ_l of t?xe Gri~inal Street AZ.I L3~~t (.') ,n.~, ~;-_ne (~?) according; to C.u. .7a-'-'-~ ~ ~i~'t~e of iii'OnO, ,~e7_Y1t; Na_rt Of t::c~ i :vvn:^~T .r _.nG: ~?c ~ ~ n the t,lftti? COY1C<;:SJ1an :>W?nCe ~ STi nE~ tiJetWe<:n ~lOC?rS '~?Yin i.n~S 1'la.n O~~ t~iG Or3.viilal iG1tTY1S~r'=i :' LOt of the Oti~'nSi1i'. Of r1 v _?'~ric ; ~Ti T T "f"' -' T Z ~ • • 1 .L.~. ~.i~.J1.. T. All O:~ t'tl(: Or_'. i; 7._il?. 1, at~eet .CL'3c:r VE'. _:~inL bet WevY2 V~_' lat; i ~Ot.:, 'ihrOC: (,~i) ?nd Faur (1,) in 'lOC~~ IrTJrr, a.r`COY'Ciwnt; t0 r. rr. _:.a.^ln~_xlr:.i iJl?21 cf t.ne Sa7d 'd7.1 n' v „r 13 rye it-. - l?.fie oy ~-raro, tr~tenCa_.n~ orn L_.t Las''~r~_y ~_~_I.~~_t o '. _._ll Street to the 'easterly ~ ~~,t cf Churc~ ~tree+~; r-. ?-~~ ,.. rr !'~.~L..~._Lt'. ~ 1 c;f t?":e or-3.~:..nal .:>tL'0f't i:v::iGT':'E: ~ y7_n~ t.`et:~'CGn~.31GC~~ a i~Ol:.r (:-i-~ ?1=Ci Z.OC~<< ~i"'_]--rtes: n (~~) aCCOr~1I~~ t0 C, v. a.xlni 21~; r;~ i'y 2~ of t`_~e saint 7~ lla~e of ~~rono„ e~tendlr.~ frar.'~ ti:e E? sterly '_._._it of .:ill Stree'~ to the East ~r l3 '_t f t ~ ~ ~a-•~ +- 'c:zT::nteE3n (~'~ry), .~Ciar '~'-~'1~0, J~ OC~' ~„ ?nC1 'f il_~ ~~e LOt ~.. ~'.'`?t,t:Eiis (1.~) :~?r ~?n~0, IOC'' 1_~ j _._a,.~.7..,1 All Gf t. E3 Or i v~ na1_ ~trf:C:'., ~eSCrVC ly~_I?~ bLt`'.%f:E:i: .~..~ C'C~, 'iti'_3rtc~n (ZJ) a r7 ~IOC~: yen (l0) aCCOr(i3-.nom t0 ~..u. -7?'i2'~i2"'_t:;r:=, i'~_a?-, O:.° t'lE; Sa' ~ `v'T7 l l ~''~: Of JrQnd '"'+v ;;r ~ ~ {' '' ~iE: La ;;,tGr7 ` ~.t c ~ n~ raI-.. t .-,~ ~ ; ,-.. ~. , . ~ i 7 _.. .? _ O~ _ ::it'^i~:t t0 ti"'_0 EA.StGr ~ `~' 13.r,:=t Of t'.Ae V'_1.1_~~e ..Ot i',Tc:'_:'~~ t.^TO (:~~),yi.•v'ar Za.Til~;e, ~lOC~'_. ice, arid 'Vi.lla~e LOS. 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