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' ~ , ' ~,,,~ ` ' ~msaaaµ... ..... - ~ - ` ~ ' • s.zo~oadsul stq ao .zaaul8ug dTgsu~oy aqq ao uoz~sdzasgo aq~..zapun alq~ssod ss dlxornb ss pus dlsnonut~uoo uoi~.onz~.suoo gone q~It+- paaooad TTegs aaur~0 auy • Sl •aaaulBuH d~usurLOy aqq off. paaoo.zd off. uoi~.ua~.ut s~q ao aot~ou ua~~l.zM uaet8 ssq ag lF~un ~uaiuaaz8s slgq uI o~ paaaaaaa s~.zor~ aqq ao dus ,~o .uol~.onz~suoo aouaunuoo qou TTsgs zaur~p atiy •+~l S}RIOM ~0 HOIyB'TdAI00 Ql~I~/ ~JnIIOHS~I00 • aassgoand terns dq oqul pa.za~.aa assgo.znd o~ ~ua~aaa8s aqq uF aoa.zagq s.relnoi~sd lma q.zasu~ lreu8 pus sao~.zas gone ao gsoo pus aan~su auk. ao aassgo.znd auk. d~t~ou llgus aaur-p aqq ~ saoptizas piss aqq ao due ao uot~.sllsgsut auk ,~o ~.soo aqq ao ~..zsd due dsd off. pa.z~nba.z s~ aaur-0 auk ~uo.za spud piss aqq ao a..zsd due ao .zassgo.znd s aaat~ '£t SHaIA~IIS 30 HOIytTOI,IIyOH •uolsszmu~o0 auk. ,~o asn aqq .zo,~ ~uamaa.z8s s~q~. ,~o u0u alnpagog uo ut~ous ss pue ~.ua~aa.z8s s~q~ ao uau alnpagog u~ pagl.zosap spud aqq sso.zos s~ua~aassa sno~tngs.z8 q~tM uolss~m~ao0 sal~Il~~II o~lgnd '["gaol dus ao~pus ol.zB~uO ,~o uozsstmruo0 aar~oa ola~.oal~-o~PdFi auk apl~o.zd llgus aaBeS~.zoy~ auk. pus aauMO auy ' al •uo~~slls~.sui pus u8isap gone .zoa smagsds uol~ngla~.stp .. pue BuI~~Tl ~.aa.z~s eons ,~o sgsoo lls .zoa • 0' a' d' g' H aR~ o~ algisuodsa.z ti= .~ ~ aq llgus aaur~0 achy •puno.x8aapun pa~.sool aq off. s~uagsds uot~ngt.z~sip gong `~, ,,, , ~~o ~~'~ ~,~`,~, 'sP~T Pass aqq .zo,~ pa,zlttba.z su[a~sds uol~.ngl.z~slp ot.z~oala-o.zpdq dzessaoau ,1 ~t '' ,~ lls Pus ~ul~.gBFT uMSl quo.z,~ ao uoi~slls~.su-~ pus uBlsap aqq .zoo otxe~.u0 ao uotsst~o0 .zatsod ol.z~oalS-o.zpdH aqq u~tt1 a8us.zxe llsgs .zaur~0 au,I, 'lT L~IIySJCS aIKyOH'IH-O~tQAH Ql~f JHIyH~JI'I yS~2iSS ~dtgsur~oy aqq ao ls~o.zdds aqq off. pus uol~onz~.suoo oq .zolad 8ui~.sixa ~.sq~ o~ lsnba ~ssal ~s uo~~-~puoo algssn pus poo8 s o~ pa.zogsaa aq ll$us. 'pa8smep az 'pus 8u~gslxa Mou ~su~. ss uot~.lpuoo poo8 ss uz uoz~onz~.suoo ptss auk BuF.znp ~daX aq llgus spud piss aqq uo uot~ona~.suoo aqq 8ui.znp ssaoos ao3 pasn spsoa pus spud pass age BuZ~~ngs spso.z aqq ao l'Ctf 'Ol SQH02i ~JHIy,L[lfft/ • ~ ~. ~, , -s- .................................................. 1N30IS3Nd 03lIUd'11 S1h34'JdOl3i~?~ c'uti ~ .zou d~gsur~oy aqq Rq s~aoM p~~s aqq ,~o Rue ao aou~gdaooB uB pamaap aq qou TTegs 8u~aredaa pug R.zqua gong •s~.zoM pees aqq ao fiue oq saz8daa RouaB.zau~a 8u~xetu ~o asod.xnd aqq aoa aca~q oq auRq ~ao.za ao a~iq Rus q8 spuBT plus aqq .zaqua fie d~gsur~oy aqq ,~o squabs .zo saaRoTdm3 •6t SJ,~IIJ~T 2i0 S3~C0'Idi~II 'I~fdI0INf1W ~S ZNTAT.'7 •pasn os s~.zoM aqq ao aouBUaqu~euc pue uo~gonxgsuoo aqq ao goadsa.z u~ suoiquS-~Tgo stq ao aauMO aqq aAa~Ta.z fish Rae uF qou TTsgs asn gone (£) pub 'dtgsuMOy aqq fig sK.zoM aqq ao aou~agdaoo8 ug pamaap aq qou TTegs asn gone (Z) 'pau8~sap a.z~a sx,zors gone go~gM .zoa sasodznd aqq aoa suos.zad pazl.zoggns aaggo .zo d~gsuMOy aqq Rq pasn aq fie oq pa•z.za~a.z u~a.zau sxaoM aqq (T) : gBgq saa.z9s .zaur-p aqy ' gT S~aIAZIIS Q1~IK S~IyI'IIJ,(1 30 ~Sl1 • gsanbaa fieta atatq oq am~q tao.r,; .zaau~8u~ d~gsurioy aqq ss „a„ aTr-pagog pass aqq uI uMOgs s~.zoM gone uizoaaad ao TTsgsu~ ' gon.zgsuoo tttM asodand gsgq aoa pus a.zinba.z fie •zaauz8u3 dlgsuMOy aqq ss s~aoM aqq ,~o uotgsTTegsut ao .zapao gone a~.,zasgo TTiM .zaur-0 aqq 'spuBT plBS aqq ut papnToul qou s~ gBgq pusT anzas ao gtaauaq .zauug~¢ Rue uz Tttrl qua~aaa8s s~qq .zapun pa.zinba.z sxaoM aqq ao Rum '.zaaut8u3 dtgsuroy aqq ao uoluldo aqq ui 'a.zagM •ZT S}RIOM 30 HOIy~I'I'IdySUI 30 ~IIQZiO • suo~suagxa gone .zo,~ spunoa8 aTgBUOSBa.z s, aaucip aqq uodn aqq oq aqq ~o~ po~aad s~qq puagxa TTsgs TZOUnoO digsuMOy aqq gBgq ' ~a~aMOq ' pap~oad uots :~ip~S 30 ~Td aqq ,~o uotgsags~8aa ao agBp aqq tuoa~ sseaR aa.zgq uzgglM u~azaq oq pa.z,za~a.z s~aagsRs uotgngi.zq -sip ozagoaTa-o.zpRq aqq ao uoigeTT~gsui aqq ,zo,~ a8ueaxe pue uiaaaq oq pa.z.za,~az sxzoM TTs ao uo~gonagsuoo aqq agaTdtaoo Zregs .zauri0 aqy •9T • '~ r ,nuaoisaae - 9 - a311Wi1 S1PJ3t'~~v13,'~33 S`v"~l3 • sfi3~g8~q ao s~aaa~s gone uo .zo u~ ~ua~uaaa8e slq~. .zapun paa~nbaa ss aos~ans ~.ua~¢a~sd ~.Tsgdss aqq ao uol~daaxa aqq. q~tM sxaoM TTs ao uot~.sTTs~.su~ aqq (o) pus ` aos~.zns ~.ua~aaASd ~.Tsgdss aqq. ~o uo~~daoxa aqq. q~.trs `BuFpTlnq aqq. o~ dzgsurvoy aqq ao sfi3Mg8~q 8ut~.stxa aqq ~ao.z~ ssa~as aal8 ~.sq~. sfi3r-q~~q ao s~aa.z~.s T-~a ~o uotgan.x~.suoo aqq (q) pus `aos,~.zns quaTUansd ~Tsgdss aqq ~o uo~~daaxa aqq q~.~ `s~.uo.z,~ ~utpTtnq aqq gozgM uo gaa.zgs aqq o~ u~s~aad ~sq~ sxaote TTe ao uot~.sTTs~sut aqq (s) :ao uoi~aTdt~oa aqq Tl~.un pa~dnooo aq o~ spusT piss aqq. uo pa~ona~suoa Bu~pTlnq fixe gzurzad ~.ou TTsgs .zau~p aqq (T) • ~Z S"JHIQ'IIAg 30 xOH~d(1000 ' dlgsuMOs aqq. taoz,~ pau~s~go uaaq ssq Tseo.zdds aot,zd ssaTun papuilp aq TTsgs usTd aqq ulq~.tM ~.oT .zo ~aoTq ou ~.sq~ saaa8s .zaursp aqq ' £Z • ~.ua~aaa~s slq~. 3o u0u aTnpagog uo uMOgs suo~~s~aTa aqq q~.IM ~~Iw,zoauoo ui pa~oa.za aq TTegs spusT piss aqq. uo pa~oa.za aq o~ s8utpttnq ~sq~. saaa8s aauMp aqy •ZZ •tua~.s~s xus~ ot~das ~ ao uoz~sTTs~sul aqq X03 ggTBaH ao .zaoia30 Tsotpay~ aqq tao.za pauts~go uaaq ssq Ts~o~dds ua~.~.i.zrr Tiqun ~Td aqq uiq~.zM xaoTq .zo ~.oT fixs uo a.m~ana~s fixe ~o uoi~.aa.za aqq .zo,~ gt~zad BuipTtnq s ao,~ aps~u aq TTiM uot~.sotTdds ou ~sq~ saa.z~s .zaurip aqy • TZ •'~tun q~.Tsag aqq. ~q paAOadds pus paw•zo3.zad uaaq ssq giuII gq~aH ~q•~Q P~ PusT~aq~q~ou aqq Rq X03 paTTso xaor~ aqq. Tt~.un pt~ - 9£ s~.oZ ao rsrre uo aangana~.s fire ao uot~.oaaa aqq .zoa ~.t~zad ~iPT~S s aoa aps~a aq TTZM uol~salTdds ou qsq~. saa.z8s .zauMp aq,Z ' pZ ssoz ~ula~Ing ~o ~o~H~zo • ~uaruaaa~s s~q~ .zapun suotgsB~Tgo sIq ao fizs tao.z,~ aauMp aqq. ,~o assaTa.z s .zou q~.~Maaaq~ uoz~oauuoa ut R~.tTZgs~T firs ao dtgsur~os aqq Rq uoZgdmnsss us o' I ~ ~ ~ luaaisaaa~~ U;~19L''.i J J1i.~i',.:lU iris'':~iij .,~ ~-9J • spurt aqq. a~.zas gotgM s~.uaTUa~o.zd~ Teoot Rine ao axegs s,dtgsurioy aqq. apntou~ tugs sa8.zsgo gong •paaa~st8a.z s~ ustd aqq uagr~ atgsssasss-uou a~ooaq ttiM gotx~ri spurt piss aqq ~supe~s passasss squaTUa~o.zdmt tsoot 8ut~sixa off. ~.oadsaa q~.iM sa8xego tt's `~.uaa~aaaae stq~. ao uot~.noaxa aqq. o~ .zozad `~sd pus a~nimaoo tugs .zaur-0 aqy •9Z S~J2iyHa ~II110~Id1nII 'Iff00'I 30 uOIyXS,f1WYd00 • spuet pass aqq. ,~o Aus ao aauri0 aqq ~q atss aqq off. ,zo~ad ta~q ~q atgsfisd pus anp ataooaq fieta goigM saxs~. tsdiotun~u Rus ~sd o~ saa.z8s oats aaur,0 aqy • quautaaa~e stq~ ao uo~~noaxa a.zo,~aq spurt pass aqq ~.suis~s 8uzpus~s~no saxs~. tsd~otun~a tts iced tugs .zaur,0 aqy • SZ S~Xby 30 y1~L~nI7Cdd • quaiuaaaes stq~. uz aoa papi~oad ss •d~gsur~oy aqq q~tM aostd oq pazrnba.z st aauta0 aqq. goigM gzsodap gsso aqq ~o.z,~ ~.zoM gons ao ~.soo aqq .zoa atas~.t asuad~ooaa pus ~Czsssaoau aq Asp ss ~.zoM ts~pa~aa.z gons ono ~xeo ttouno0 aqq. ,~o uoi~ntosaa Rq Ae~ digsuroy aqq uaq~. a~~. atgpuossaa s utq~iM ~.tns,~ap gons A~atQa.z off. os patts~ ssq pus ~tns~ap gons ~pataa.z off. aot~.ou anp uani8 uaaq ssq aq aaa.,;s pus aoaaaq (Z) pus (t) sasnstogns 3o suoistAO.zd aq~.,~o bus ut ~tnsaap uz aq aq ptnogs ~sq~. saaa8s ~ga.zaq aaur-p aqy (~) • AbMpso.z ~S.re,zodu~a~. s ss asanoo assq aqq. ao asn aqq o~ anp pa,za~ans a~sq you tugs sRsMpsoa aqq ,~o uo~gon.z~suoo aqq ~sq~ .zap.zo uF `~S.zsssaoau aaagM `as.znoo assq gons aostda.z pus .zisda.z pus asanoo assq aqq. ao uot~sunae~.uoo bus at~o~aa off. atq~suodsa.z aq tugs ~auMO aqq aos~.zns ~.tsgdss aqq ao ~uataaostd aqq. off. aoi zd • satu-~~ tl"s ~s o~~~s.z~. tsuzzou xo,~ ~z3 `uo~gipuoa aaa,~-pitta pus ~.snp `paps,z~ ttaM s ui s~sMpso.z aqq .zoa assq xetnus.z8 aqq uts~utsta tugs aaur~p aqq. ` ~uataaASd ~tsgdss aqq ,~o ~.uataaostd aqq. Pus s~utpt-rnq piss aqq ao bus ,~o ~ousdnooo uaaM~.aq potxad aqq ~ui.znQ (Z) • J ~ . .. ,, fi ~ l° - g - ao a3~T aq~ 8u~anp sa.znssaay digsur-oy aq~ ao fipogsno auk ut u~8maa TTsus pus dzusur~oy aq~. pus .zaute0 aq~. ,~o sataeu ~.uzo~ aq~. ut panssi aq tTsus sazotTod ao fio~Tod uong • xaznssa.zy dtgsur~oy auk. oq ~S.zo~os~sz~.ss A~sd~oo aous.znsut us u~ a8smsp ao,~ s~sTo ,zo saBBUiep TTs ~.suis~e aansui TTsus aaurs0 at.Zy • a8staep fi~.,zadoad pug ,~~ZTZgstT ozTgnd ss off. paaaa3a.z A'Tuowuoo .za~osxeuo aq~ ,~o sTUtsTo TTs ~.suts8s a znsut TTsgs aaurip atT.L ' 0£ dOl~i~2i[1SKI 1N301S3Nd ~~, • asnsTo stgq ao sidaaq aq~. ggirs aousiTd~oo x3111-~ I1 S1PS3~`SdOl~,i3~ S'v~38 s, aaur-0 aq~ ,~o fi~~aoq~n~ eons ~ao.z,~ ~ua~aa~paTriouxas us u~~~ dzusur-oy auk A`~ddns ° ~sanba.z uo ~ TTsgs aaute0 atiy • spusT cans ao3 aTgzsuodsa.z 1C~t•zou~.nd aq~ ,~o ~.uasuoo ua~~~.ztti aq~ ~.noq~trl 'uolsrr~tpgns auk. ut „Z„ aTnpagoS s~uutt~-s•zQ 8utaaau~8u~ auk. fiq pa,zznbaa uoi~.ona~suoo Tsn~os auk usu~ .zaugo `„a„ aTnpagog ut o~ pa•zaa,~aa spusT aq~ 30 Aus taoa3 TTt3 fine panocaa.z aq off. q~~uzad ao aAOtaa.z off. aou ~ uo si.zgap .zo TTz3 ~~ 'padmnp aq o~ ~.tt~zad aou dip ,zaq~~au off. saa.zas .zaur,0 auy •(Z •fisM ,~o ~u8~a ao ~uaaiassa ,~o ~crs.z8 • aq~ `sassBd fieM ao ~q8~.z .zo ~uataassa ue uo~uM u8no.zq~. fi~,zado.zd aq~. ,~o aTgz~ uo pa.za~st~aa seu dlgsuMOy aq~. ss atat~. goes Tiqun qua~aaa8e aq~ ,~o s~za~. aq~ .zapun ~uaruaa.z8s .zo ~ fish ,~o ~u8ta ~ ~.ua~zassa 3o fiarl fiq ~sa.za~.ut us pafiaAUOO 8uzaq st dtgsuMOy auk. gotuM ut spusT Sus fia~uoo o~ aa•z8s ,zo ~.~aeuoo ~.ou TTtM aq ~sq~ saaa~s .zaurr0 aqy •gz '00'000`OT$ ao ~.ua~sd s snTd 0 pus g sXooTg ~o pas~ad~¢oo spusT ~o ~ aauri0 auk fiq ~dzgsuMOy aq~ oq uot~.sozpap auk. apnTout TTsRs aousfiaAUOO uonS •asuadxa s ~ .zaur-p aq~ ~.s pa.zagst8a.z pus paasdaad aq TTsus spaap gong •pa,za~.st8aa uaaq aesq TTsus usTd auk .zags pa~aasut aq fieuc •zagmnu eons ~su~ os ~ueTq ~aT aq TTsus usTd auk. ao aagmnu pa,za~sz8aa aq~. spaap eons u2 • spsoa usq~. aaggo ~ ~uaTUaa.zBs stu~.ao uau aTnpauo8 ut pagtaosap spusT auk `aq fie asso auk ss aa~o s~.ua~assa .zo aousaqumoua ,~o aa.za aTdutis aa,~ ut aT~i~ a~.nTosgB us dtusur~oy auk ut ~san o~ ~.uaiota•;ns ~ua-aassa 3o s~usa8 ,~o pus -- aousRa~uoo ao spaap diusursoy aq~ ,~o xzaTO auk. u~tM ~.tsodap Ttegs aaur,0 auk. aa~s~u~ auk. fiq usTd auk ~o Ts~o.zdds Tsu2~ auk. a.zo~a8 ' LZ SSSOdNfld 'I~ldIOIlQllYd 2i03 SQI~'! • ~ ~ 4 t~~ -6- aASq sxzoM Tts .za~.,;s sAbp L£ 4`L~.zo~o8as~~.ss pa~atdiuoo pus pa~xo~aad ~aoM .zo,~ ~Sg assaTaz .zo ~uatuaa.z8s szq~ ,~o ,-,~-, aTnpagog u-~ uMOus ss sxaoM pass aq~, ao uot~.sTTs~.su~ pus uot~m.z~.suoo aq~ ao ~soo pa~8taz~sa auk Aed off. '.za.znssa.zy diusuMOy aq~ ~q pa~oadds sat~.t.znoas aTgsigo8au .zo ' ~tsodap gsso s ss ~.uatot~,~ns mns s dtgsur~oy aq~ ugtM ~.tsodap TTsus .zauri0 aq~ ' dzgsur~oy auk. ~q pa~.noaxa ~uacuaa,z8s stuff pus uoz~.s.z~ -st~aa aoa .za~stuzYl auk. dq paAO.zdds usTd auk ~ut~su a.zo~ag (T) •z£ .................. SyH~1nIIJt~i2i~d '~IbI01Q~TUId 1N3UIS3Nd •..••••..•••••• •• ••••••• Cr.r l 1~r;1 •o~.aaau~ 8utu~sa..zad sxaoM -Ce.za~as auk TTs .zo Atiis ggtta .zagga8o~ ' usTd stq~ 8u~xs~.zapun aaur~0 aq~. 3o uossaa ~q fi«oaazpu~ ao fi~goa.ztp aau~~a as~xe fistQ uotuM aaeaos~.suM spusiaap pus s~atsTo 's~tn.s 'uoi~os ao sasnso 'suot~os TTs ~suts~s dtusurtioy aq~ ~f,~iumapu~ TTsgs aaur~0 aq~ '~oa.zau fi£ uol~oag aad ss uot~nTosaa ~q s~,zori auk pa~daoos aASq TTsus dzusuMOy aq~ ,~o ttouno0 aq~ TZ~uII 'Z£ 2i~lSMO 30 ~I'IIStlI'I • ~.oa,~,~a pus ao.zoa TTn3 ut si aous.znsui aqq ~sq~ Pus ptsd uaaq a~sq aous.znsut ao sa~otTod ao lfo-~Tod eons uo smntma.zd tra ~sq~ ' a.zrnba.z A1a~ as mssa.zy d~usur-oy aq~. ss atat~ o~ atai~ taoz,; 'dlgsurloy aq~ ~o uot~os,~sz~ss auk off. a~o.zd T-rsus aaurs0 arty •aTgtsuodsaa pTaq aq Asta aq uo~uM .zoo 'A~rs 3i 's~sTo aaBxsT .zo .zaq~.o .zo,~ d~.zTigtsuodsaa uro•z3 ,zauri0 aq~ 8uu-atTaa sa pan.z~.suoo aq ~.ou T-~egs aousansu~ ~o Ro~Tod s gone ,~o aousnssi au,I, • ~az~ssTq .zoo uoisnToxa ou uts~.uoo tTsgs pus ' aousua~u~sta paa~.us.zsn8 ao po~.zad auk. ~utpnTout ~ua~aaa8s stq~. ao po~.zad au~..zoa ~oa,~~a u~ aq TTsus ~oijod achy • a8gu~ep ~~.aado.zd ,zo,~ 00' 000` OOT$ p~ quap~oos ataes auk ~o ono 8uistxe suosaad a.zout ao orl~. 'ao u~sap ao 'off. ~xn~ut ~tzpoq tao.x,~ 8uz~.tnsa.z a~s~ep ao ssoT X03 00' 000` 00~$ p~ ' uos.zad auo A~.is ' ao u~.sap .zo ' off. ~.zn~ut djtpoq tao.za Bul~tnsa.z a8sutep .zo ssoT god 00' 000` OOZ$ sMOTTo,~ . ss aq TTsus satoiTod eons ao s~iuziT mn~iui~a auy • ~ua~aaaa8e stq~. ~ ' ~° ~• tu3aisaaa .... .... . 03IIG~II SZIV'3~'t':(~i3~i3~ Sv;i3~ -OT- •.zaau~8u~ d~gsu~oy aqq. ~q aoazaq~ ~o,zdds ~Czsu~Taad aqq. pus sXzoM gone ao uo~~.aTduzoo aqq SutriotTo;~ RTagstpamruF .zsa~ auo 3o pot.zad s .zoa sXaoM puno.z8aapun aqq TTs uts~uTeuz TTsgs ,zaur~p aqy (s) (S ) • aa.znssazy d~gsuMOy aqq. pus aogTo~ToB d~gsu~oy aqq ~q tazoa o~ ss -~sao.zdds o~ ~.oa~gns aq TTegs pus ~,,3„ aTnpagoS pass aqq uz uMOgs ss sxzori piss aqq ao uoigsT-~s~.suz pine uot~ona~suoo aqq ~o ~.soa pagsun~.sa Ts~oq aqq. off. Tsnba qunome us ao~ aq T-~sgs spuoq .zo puoq gotgts `ozxe~.up 3o aouuoaa aqq ~q pasuaozT Rusd~uoo aa~.us.zsn~ .zo ~ga.zns s ~q pansst spuoq ao puoq aousuaquzs~a s ggzri dZgsuMOy aqq apt~o.zd TTsgs aaueep aqq ` (S) ££ uoT~oaS 3o s~uata • -aatnbaz aqq oq ~oa~gns pus ,~oa.zaq (Z) ££ uo~goaS ut o~ paaaaaa.z puoq , aous~zo,~.xad aqq ao ,~oa.zaq (T) ££ uo~~oaS ut o~ pa.z.za~aa ~~sodap gsso aqq. 30 ~S6 ao dtgsur-oy aqq .~q assaTaa aqq .zoo a8usgoxa uI (t~) • quaucaaa8s stq~ ut .zoa papie.oad ss aLZOa.zad fieta digsuMOy aqq ~sq~. ~.zoM A~zs ~o ~soo aqq Aed o~ aoa.zaq (Z) .zo (T) ££ uot~aaS ut off. pa.zaa~a.z ~.zsodap gsuo pass aqq ~o ~unome aqq. ~o a.,zsd .zo aTogM aqq ao asn aqq azz.zoq~.ns atai~. Acre ~.~ Abia `Tzouno0 ao uotgnTosa.z ~q dtgsuMOy aqq ` s~.uataa•z~nbaa s~.t q~.tt1 aous~Tdcuoo .zoa a~i~. aTgsuossaa tatq uaet~ 8u~~sq pus aauMO aqq. pat~z~.ou ~.sai,~ 8ut~sq aa~y (£ ) •.za.znssa.zy dtgsursoy aqq pus ao~.iotToS d~gsurioy aqq dq ~zoa off. ss reAO.zdds oq ~oa~gns aq TTsgs p~ udu aTnpagoS piss aqq uF qno ~.as ss sxaoM. aqq. ~o gsoo pagsun~.sa aqq ao ~unozue aqq uz aq T-Cegs puoq gotgr~ `otxe~.up ,~o aouu~o,zd aqq 1~q pasuao~T ~Susdtaoo aaqus.zsn8 ao ~S~aans s ~q panssi puoq aouBUtizo,~.zad s pus `~.soo pa~.s~ai~.sa p~res aqq. ao ~S ~.ssaT ~.s off. -Cenba `.za.znssa.zy _. dTgsur~oy aqq ~Sq pa~oadds aq A'etu ss sat~.t.znoas ao gsso gons dtgsurioy aqq off. ,za~tTap ~~ .zaur-0 aqq ~tsodap gons ao natT uI (Z) • aoa.zaq (9) gd.z~s zsd-qns aapun ss aous-req aqq pus `pa~aTd~aoo uaaq { lN30~53gd /~.. - TT - a~~~t~toi s ~~~._o~~,._.~ s~,~,ae ~.zogngsqs s qq~r~ d~gsursoy aqq gs~uzn„3 TTsus .zaurip aqq ~ s~.zoa~ pass aKq ,~o dtgsuMOy auq Rq aausgdaoas aqq oq .zo~ad (T) • s~.zor~ piss aqq ,~o d~gsuMOy aqq dq a~usgdaaas auq oq quapaoaad uoiq~puoa s aq TTsgs digsurioy aqq ao Ttouno~ aqq ~o uotgosas~,gss aqq oq quauraa.z8s stgq .zapun suotgsBzTgo stq ,~o .zaurip aqq Rq aausurzo~aad atZy •££ azxs~oy ~ xg ~o~~oob r•, ~_~,--._ '~'~ `u~xa~oZ 'g 'S 'aye '.zogtotTog dtusur~oZ__ aRq dq d~~surLOy aqq oq paa~o~u~ ss aq -Rags sgsoo Ts~aZ 1 1 •pagtu[zZ ~czedu[o~ squsgTnsuo~ 8utuusTd Tsd~atuny~ Rq dtgsur~oy aqq oq paoto~ut ss aq TTsgs sgso~ auFuusTd •aoa.zaq ~~,~„ aTnpagog .zapun sx,zots auq 3o qso~ aqq ,~o ~d paaoxa qou TTsus tx~~gng ~ suns ~uaggoy ao sgsoo ~utaaautBuS spusT pass aqq ,~o uotsuipgns aqq _' ggtM uo~goauuoa u~ d~usur~oy aqq ~q paa•znouz sgsoo TsBaT pus 8utuusTd ~Suiaaau~8ua TTs aoa d~usuMOy aqq as.znqunaa TTsgs aaur-p auy (8) • s~,xor~ p~rss aqq ao aousuaqu2s~a pus uotq -sTregsu~ ~ uotganzgsuoo aqq q~'~M uoz~.oauuoo ut aTgsA`ed pus anp a~aoaaq a~sq gsgq squnoaos TTs p~sd ssq .zaur~p aqq gsuq .zau~p aqq 3o aTsgaq uo .zo ~q uotgsxeToap ~S.xogngsqs s gq~t+i ~pus~uap uo aia~q oq aunq Boa,; pus aunq ~tz~s qs dtusurioy auq usiuan.,~ TTsus aaur~p auy (L) ~~1 \\ •quauzaaa8s azgq aapun d~gsuMOy aqq Rq pTaq uagq spuoq pue sa~q~anoas ~ sazuout TTs digsursoy aqq ~q ~R oq passaTaa aASq oq paTgzqua aq TZegs aaur~p aqq ~ diusuMOy aqq ao Tiounoa auq pus aaaut8ud dzgsur~oy aqq ~q h8 uozq~ag ut aoa papu-oad ss sxaoM pass auq ao aousgdaa~s -Ceui,~ uodn (9 ) •aaau~BuS digsuMOy auq ~q ~oaaagq Tsnoadds dasu~~Taad aqq Pus sxaoM cans ao uoigaTduzoo aAq 8uu+-oTTo3 fi~ags~paumn salad oMq ao potaad s ao~ sxaoM punoa~ a~ogs aaugo pus sgano ~ sfieMpsoa aqq TTs utsqutsuc TTsus aaurip achy (q) ` f ~~ ~ ,~ ' .~ t ~ ~ , declaration by or on behalf of the Owner that the Owner has paid all accounts that are payable in connection with the installation and maintenance of the said works and - that there are no outstanding claims relating to the works. (2) Prior to the acceptance by the Township of the said works, the Owner shall furnish the Township with linen drawings showing all the works "as constructed". (3) After completion of the works and prior to their acceptance by the Township the Owner shall furnish the Township with a statement by a Registered Ontario Land Surveyor that he has found or replaced all iron bars as shown on the Plan. (4) Upon completion, and final approval by the Township Engineer of the works specified in Schedule "C" and the fulfilment of the conditions of this agreement, . the Township agrees to forthwith accept the works by resolution of Council. BUILDING PERMITS 3~+. The execution of this agreement by the Township, the approval by the Township of the Plan for registration, or the acceptance by the Township of the said works shall not be deemed to give any assurance that municipal building permits. will be issued for the lots and blocks shown on the Plan. LAND USE 35• The Owner agrees that the lots and blocks shown on the said Plan shall be ,used for no other purpose than those uses set out in Schedule "G" of this agreement without the prior consent of the Township. 'Subject to contents of Schedule "G" (Single Family Homes) . i'' BEGS ~'EVi1~ ~~1~E~~S LI ;91TE~ - 12 - ~" ~ ~pw• .,..,.a. ._.... .. ..........PRESIDENJ '~~ YY ' it #` i t ,, ' r ~ . INCOMPLETED OR FAULTY-WORK 36. If, in the opinion of the Township the Owner is not prosecuting or causing to be prosecuted the work required in connection with this __ agreement, or is improperly performing the work, or shall the Owner neglect or abandon it before the completion, or unreasonably delay the same so that the conditions of this agreement are being violated, or shall the Owner neglect or refuse to renew or again perform such work as may be rejected by the Township as defective or unsuitable, or shall the Owner in arty other manner, in the opinion of the Township make default in performance of the terms of this agreement, then in any such case the Township Council shall promptly notify the Owner and his surety in writing of such default or neglect and if such notifica- tion be without effect within seven clear days after such notice then in that case the Township Council shall thereupon have full authority and power immediately to purchase such materials, and rent such tools and machinery and employ such workmen as in the opinion of the Township Council shall be required for the proper completion of the ' said works at the cost and expense of the Owner ox' his surety, or both.. In cases of emergency, in the opinion of the Township Council, such work may be done without prior notice but the Owner shall forthwith be noti-• fied. The cost of such work shall be arrived at by jointly the Township Engineer and the Owner's Engineers. QUALITATIVE OR QUANTITATIVE TESTS 37. The Owner shall upon request by the Township furnish to it qualita- tive and/or quantitative tests conducted by an independent testing firm and, in the case of the Owner's failure to provide such tests, the Township may have as reasonable an amount of such tests made as may be necessary in the circumstances requiring such tests made of any materials which have been, or are proposed to be used in the construction of any of the works required by this agreement, and the reasonable costs of such tests shall be paid by the Owner within ten days of the account being rendered by the Township. -13- BE AS 3 ;_ n~~~~ v , ~... . , ..~.. ' •• • • ~PRESIDENi ~• .. , .~ ;. l ,, RELOCATION OF SERVICES 38. The Owner agrees to pay the cost of relocating any existing ser- vices and utilities caused by the subdivision works within ten days of the account for same being rendered by the Township. The Owner further agrees to similarly pay the cost of moving an}r services or utilities installed under this agreement in driveways or so close thereto, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, as to interfere with the use of the driveway. PIDESTRIAN WALKWAYS 39. Where the plans indicate a pedestrian walkway, the Owner agrees to construct it according to plans and specifications approved by the Township Engineer. LICENCE TO ENTER 40. The Owner agrees to retain•a licence from any subsequent purchaser of the said lands to enter upon the said lands in order to comply with the provisions of this agreement. SNOW PLOWING AND SANDING OF ROADS 1+1. If any buildings become occupied adjacent to roads or parts thereof, the Owner agrees to snow plow and sand such roads from such occupied buildings to existing Township roads or to subdivision roads that have been paved, including alternate means of access where available. Such snow plowing and sanding shall be done from time to time when the Town- ship Engineer deems conditions warrant and until such time as the roads receive temporary surfacing and the Township Engineer is so advised in writing by the Owner. INTEREST 42. Interest at the rate of l~ above prime bank interest rate shall be payable by the Owner to the Township on all sums of money payable herein which are not paid on the due dates calculated f'rom~ such due dates. The due date of any sum of money shall be thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. • ~~",S %t',.'E' ~?~:"LPJTS LI~~IITED - 14 - ................~.. PRESIDEPM. z , ~ ~ J ~ CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT 43. In the event the Plan is not registered within twelve months from the date hereof, the Township may, at its option on one month's notice -.- to the Owner, declare this agreement to be null and void. NOTIFICATION 44. If any notice is required to be given by the Township to the Owner with respect to this agreement, such notice shall be mailed or delivered to: Becas Developments Limited, Box 141, Toronto--Dominion Centre, Toronto 1, Ontario, or such address as the Owner has notified the Township in writing, and any such notice mailed or delivered shall be deemed good and sufficient notice under the terms of this agreement. REGISTRATION OF AGREEMENT 45. The Owner hereby consents to the registration of this agreement by the Township, and at the sole discretion of the Township, upon the title to the said lands. 46. The Owner hereby charges all its interest in the said lands with the obligations set out in this agreement. EXPENSE TO BE PAID BY THE OWNER 47. Every provision of this agreement by which the Owner is obligated in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Owner" unless the context otherwise requires. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENT 48. This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon all of the parties hereto and its, his or her respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 49. The Owner may assign this agreement only with the written consent. of the Township which shall not be unreasonably withheld. .. i5 PRESIDENT H ~, ~. ~' x , ~.~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals the day and year first above written, and the Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) OWNER: In the presence of: ,) BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED President THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKS ' Reeve Clerk Authorized and approved by By-Law N~ber enacted the dey of 1969. 8~~~5 i?'~~~~`ELO'~Y9ii~)~S LIP9ITED - 16 - ~ PRESIDErrt j~ . 3 ~~ t , •~ ~~ i SCHEDULE "A" SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR REGISTRATION ,~~~' r$ Cl~ii'T~ .•,,:..: rResrd~jy~r ~" t d iti +~ - ~ ~ ~ ` ~ f f DESCRIPTION OF SAID SANDS ULviA~J LC...-~~ ,.~-•~.J ~-i~iiiCD PRESIDENT ~;. I, • ~~ ~ 'I M ~ SCHEDULE "B" '~ ~ -~t ~~ ~" ii - . I1 ALL At'JD SIt~G'JL11R that .curtain parcol or tract of land and promises situate, lying , `;and being in the Township of C1arkQ, County of Durhar~, Province of Ontario, and ~ bcinc~ composed of parts of Lots Tw.onty-sawn (27) and Twenty-eight (2<3) in the ':Fifth Concession of the said Township of Clarks, containing by admQa,uremont i:~~1.0~2 acres, b© the samo more or loss, th4 boundaries of the said parcol being more particularly d©acribod as follows; ,; j' PP;Q.i25II;G that the Easterly limit of said Lot 27 has a bearing of North 18 degrsae' 17 u~inutes 30 seconds hest and relating all boarings herein thereto; ;~ Beginning at tho point of intersection of the tJort}--t`~esterly lisait of King's Hir,~, ~v~ay tiunber 35 with the Eastorly limit of said Lot 27, said point distant 5outharl +in th© last-mentionod limit fivo~hundrad and seventy and forty-eight once-hurxired ~ feet (570.4£3') from the North-Easterly angle of said Lot 27; .. . '! Thoncc~ South ~ dc~reas a2 minutes 30 seconds ~'%ost along the North-~"'ostarly limit ~~ of the said tiicfi-way a distanco of ton hundred and forty-sawn and soventy-fivo one--hundredths fens (1047.75') to an iron bar marking the point of eoamoncement ~ of the lands to bo herein described; TEii~dCE continuing South 32 doc~rc~s 42 minutes 30 seconds Ytest along thQ iJorth- V='csterly limit of tho said Hightray a distanco of sawn hundred and four and sixty ono one-hundredths fe©t (704.61•) to an iron bar plant©d at the point of inter- ~section with thQ 3ti'esterly limit of said Lot 27; ~ T~If~;CE ~~Sorth 18 degrees 16 minutos 30 seconds 4't'c3st along thQ t'losterly limit of said Lot 27 and the Easterly limit of Orono Cemetery a distance of six hundred and sixty-one and one-tenth feat (Gl~l.l') to an iron bar planted in the line of a fence running ~"~esterly; T}iE~:CE South 73 degrees 45 minutes Wiest along the Ydortherly lirlit of Orono Come- tery as markc3d by a fenco a distance of six hundred and sixty-Wino and ones-tenth foet (b69.1') to an iron bar ~fplanted at the point of intersection vrith a fenco running Northerly; Tt1~JCE ;forth 17 degrees 52 minutes Most along the said fence a distance of five hundred and forty-eight feat (548') to an iron bar; ~~ THEiJCE north 1£3 degrees OI minutes test continuin along a fence a dist~nca of I~four hundred and sixty-six and eight-tenths foes ~4f36.~3') to an iron.bar planted I~at tho paint of intersoction with the Southerly limit of County Road Idumbar 1 (Taunton Road) as widenod; TIE*JCE E•:orth 72 dogrees 41 ipinutes 30 seconds East along the Southerly limit of ' Ijt}~a said County Road as widenQd a distance of twolve hundred and seventocn and { eighty-night onQ-1~undredths foat (1217.8II•) to an iron bar; i. II Tfi~ICE South 1? d®grerss 55 minutes 30 seconds East to and alotzg a fond a distance "of tvrelvo hundred and thirty-five and forty-three one-hu~r~cahs foot {i2si.a3') '' `I morn or loss to the POINY OF COPiV.1~S3CIItitE~IT. ~' The hereinabove described lands are shaven on a reap or plan spade by ~9. D. Broevn, ±i i~Ontario Land Surveyors which said plan is dated October 25, 1S~i7. ~!' tea 2, 1968.~~ ' .. y 1A. D. Bror,~n,. Ontario Land Surveyor. EiECP,S DE'v r~D°rt,? L~ ~ S LI~AITED ;. i !+ \ p~gc~OENT i ', f~ '1 ~~ ! ~I - i) S ~ i i scxEDULE "c" ENGINEERING DRAWTNGS__ The following drawings are attached to this agreement as Schedule "C": Drawir~,Number _Description Q~CAS EEVEfLC~Pi'r~F~~S Lli~niTED (~ PREf19ENT SCHEDULE "D" LANDS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 1. Easements (a) The easements to be granted to the Township are: For Water Main between Lots 20 acid 21. (b) Block D. 2. Walkways (s) The walkways to be deeded to the Township are: Nil. 3. Lands for Hydro Purposes (a) The lands and/or easements to be conveyed and/or granted to the CoaIInission are: As required by the H.E.P.C.O. 4. 5x Lands (a) The 5~ lands to be deeded to the Township are: ~, Nil. (b) The cash payment, in lieu of the Sx lands, to be made to the Township is in the amount of $10,000 plus Blocks B and C. 5. One Foot Reserves (a) The one foot reserves to be deeded to the Township axe: At the end of Peters Pike. U~CAS UEVEL OPi~~1~~~1 ~ S L;'~~ ~ 7 PRESIDENT ~ 1 i 1 SCHEDULE "E" LANDS UNSUITABLE FOR BUILDING The following lots and blocks as shown on Schedule "A" are unsuitable Por building and no building will be permitted except in accordance with the provisions oP Section 21 oP this agreement: Lots ntunbered : - 36 - 40 Blocks numbered:- BECAS DEVELOPR~ENTS L11~41TED PRE& OEaI ', l } , F SCHEDULE "F" ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE WORKS ITEM AMOUNT of . ~ . ~ , r ~ ~. SCHEDULE "G" ~` ~; LAND USE I` ' i `, 1- ,, The lots and blocks within the Plan shall be used for no other purpose than the following: Single Family Homes. 1- ~ : E Lot or Block E' Number Use _ G: A Future development B Dedicated to Township ,. ' C Dedicated to Township D Dedicated to Township ~~$ E5' ' ' Future develop~-ent -~-' d F Future development -~~~~" ' 21 ~ Withheld from development for a reaonable period oY time for a possible ' future road ~ allowance . / • A t BEC(Aj~S 1 Dc`v`ELOPI~L^iYS Lis"':,EYED l1w tt ., r.A,Vk~... l I.~J ~~,~,~//.......PRESIDENT aK/~ ty4~c.~w, ~A~~I~~1KJ~iYX'Y . ,Vr rU~ t ~ r ' ' ~ SCHEDULE "H" Shall be subject to agreement between the Township Engineer and the Engineers for the Owner. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SERVICES IN SUBDIVISIONS SECTION 1 General Procedure SECTION 2 Drainage and Storm Sewers SECTION 3 Water Distribution System SECTION 4 Roads and Sidewalks SECTION 5 Street Signs SECTION 6 Conservation Works and Planting SECTION 7 ~ Construction of Services . STANDARD DRAWING - Standard Drawing attached hereto and forming part of the Standard Specifications. 1 ) ~~ ~' ~r i` k` f' i E i. C GcCr~S C; ~';`L-LGt'~~,~ ~~1TS LIP~iIfiED {~ PRESIDENT ~ Y ............. ................... ~: 5 i, i ' ~ t ' ' ~ ~ ~ .. ~ . SECTION 1 -GENERAL PROCEDURE ~ ~ ~.,:. ,.` ` ~, 1.1 Design of Services _ ~ ~ . , , • ~ . ' ~ 'ibese standards and specifications are to be used as a guide foac ,~ y ' • ~ the design and preparation of detailed $ngineering Drawings and spec- ~ ~~ ' ~' • ' ifications Por the subdivision services. . _ ~ 5 • . • `, The detailed Engineering Drawings to be prepared shall cauist . ~ '' of the lollcaring: . _ ~,~; _~ 4 t ~; ,: 1. A general plan of the subdivision at a scale of 1-inch ~ 100 feet r .~ .- ;.; ~i 1 '•~ ' ~ indicating the location and size of all subdivision services. ' _~ ~• ` ' > ~• . ~; , ~~ .. ~~ .; r 2. A general plea of the subdivision at a scale of 1-inch ~ 100 feet, ~ { z ~ ~ ~_ ~~~` to be entitled Grading Control Plm, indicating the existing and. ~ t -~ ~ 1A • proposed ground elevations at each corner of each building lot ~ ; ~ , ~~ • ~ ~~ ` , , r • :? : ~ ~ and at the. building line on the centre line of each lot. ~ :A • t .. a ~ ' (. ~ 1 r 1 ;. ,. ~3.. Plan -profile drawings of the services to be installed including ~. " ~ ~ roads, storm sexers, xatetvains and sidewalks. The scale o! these `~ ~''~ .,~ . E., '+ ~ drawings shall be 1-inch • 40 feet, horizontal and 1-inch ~ l0 ~.,. ~, '~ ' i ~ ~:; ',~~, ~' ~ ~ feet vertical. ' ~. a.~ • .,;,:; 4.. Detail pleas at suitable scales, indicating the design and eonstr- .. , ~ ~ ~ ' uotioa details o! the services to be installed. • ; ~ . :~ ~ ° ~ , : ` ` Tt-e detailed Engineering Draaiags and specifications shall be . ; , ,G ~~`'~ ~, approved by the Township Engineer prior to commencement of oonstr- ~ t ~~ f f 1 • - ' ,, ~' action. t *. • ~, ; ~ 'k Upon coanpletioa of construction and prior to acoeptaaee o! the ' ~~'` work by the Township, s11 Engineering Drawings shall be revised ss ~ • ,~`-! ~ constructed and submitted oa permanent transparent material to the • ~: Township for iacorporstion into its records.` . ~ , k . ~ ;~ • ~ shell coanp]y with all the relevant statutes, by-lea~rs, ordinances ' i ~, j. ..~~ • ;• and regulations of Federal and Provincial gomernments, and .municipal • corporations and shall ppr all tees, procure all licenses and oertit-' . icates, deposit all drssings•and give all notiees~required therexitb. :. r ~~' i ~ ~ ,• . 1.3 Location _..r . ~ ~ 1.. 4 The location of services sithin the road sl~anee sbr<li be ~•' . . . ~. located as indicated on the Standard 1~t'aaadad. 1~ ~ ~ ' ' SECTION 2 - DRAINAiGE AND STORM SEiP8R8 - t .': ~ :. ~ ~ ` ; ~ ,;; - 2.1 Genet Requirements ~. ~, . • '' .. t ..,: The Oaaer shall provide for the drainage of all lands within the :: subdivision and for surface aster troad abutting tributas~r lands on r ... ~ .k . ~' :. 4 the basis of developed land use. , ~ r '' ,. _ , :. For this purpose a system of storm seaera shall be installed ' ~~~ on each street designed to drain the rosd~+eys and other surfaces by ' ~~, .; ,` ,• means o! proper]y located catch basins . tienersl area drainage shall ~~ .' " :. be provided by means o! proper lot grading, to be indicated on the ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ` :, ~ Grading Control Plan. Such lot grading, shall be to the approval of ' the Medical Officer of Health, with respect to the instsllati~ o! ` septic tanks sad the fields.. t ,. y, , ,. The storm sewers shall also be .designed and located to inteseept <,'. ~ : .. r , ;and carry roof aster sqd foundation seeping file aster !'road each ' f . , `building in the subdivision , ~, ~' The storm sewers system chaff be provided with satifsctory outlet . - ;. , „ _ , . . or outlets to established safer courses. Gratuitous easements aha11 ~ , 1 ., , . ~ be provided where regvtirad~ both inside ,and outside the subdivision . r L ~'. i} I tos the Outlets . 1 ~ 1 ,; ~ . ~ ~ r . i,v~ ti • - - ` . (3~' ' ~ $'ECE~S ~EUELO~f ~9dTS L(~~is. E~ • •. ,gyp '~ , ~,..i,...,..,uu ,,.. u.u..,.,:PRiSIDiNfi ' 111 ' i • 2.2 Storm FloK Calculations '!!~e Rational Method shall be used for the calculation of store ~. . ~ ~ , flare. The runoff coefficient shall be 0.45 for residential areas ,. and the storm frequengr shall be 2 year~.~ Minimum inlet time shall ` be 5 minutes.' Rainfall shall be calculated using the rainfall curves of the D.H.O. . ,. , Prior to completion of final design,. the OWaer shall submit - ~• " ;, ' ~ for the approval of the Engineers, copies of all storm !].crr caleuL- ~ •~ t- ~ i ' ations and a drainage area plan indicating the limits lmd sires of ' ,. - ' ` . all tributary drainage areas and points of outlet. ~ ,. • ,:~. . . • ~ 2.3 Storm Seger Desi[m •~`' - `~ Pipe sizes shall be selected on the basis of Kutter's lormula, r ' using a coeffYcient of roughness of 0.015 for pipes under 24-inch 1 • ~~ • .. ~. diameter end 0.013 for pipes 24-inch diameter and larger. Storm '~ :,, ~~ severs shall be a minimum of 12~inch diameter, designed for a minimum t • velocity o! 2.5 feet per second sad a maximum of 12 feet per second. ~ ` ~: _ ~ .~ Storm severs shall be constructed of concrete pipe, A.$.T.M. "' • .Specification C14~8$ for pipe ]8-inch diea~ter and smaller and C76 ' ' - ,•~ for pipe over 18-inch diameter, of the appropriate class for the trench , ~;;.,;~ • • .~ load. conditions and alloying for H-20 trheel loads. , . ., . Pipe bedding shall be sa indicated on the gtandard Draxing. ~ ~ 't ' .~ .. *. . 2.4 M_ es ' Manholes shall be located at inter'vsls sot exceeding 300 feet, L ' so located that sealers gill rue in s straight line between manholes. Drop connections shall be provided where the difference in elevation 1 • ~ bet~+een inlet and outlet inverts is three feet or more. In all other ~ ; . ~ - cases the sever crowns shall bd level and benching shall be provided ', at a slope not exceeding 1 to 1. - ' . . Right aagle~turns in manholes will only be alloyed for pipes ' up +,p 18-inch diameter:,: ~, ,r '' i~' ~~ ~' ~ ,~ • •.. ~~~ t ''~3~~~5 :CE.~ELO~',yi~~~S Llii'i~ED • ' VV•°.•.•.•... . ^' r:. • C~ £ ..' ~ ~ ,. ' ~ . f . ' ~. +., t Manholes aha11 be constructed of reinforced concrete poured ,. ~, ' in place or of 48-inch diameter pre-cast sections as shorn on the ,- r.:. . , Standard DraMing. Ia atXy case, manholes shall be of sufficient size to properlj- channel the flare and to allot sufficient space for • ' eleening and inspection. ~r; ~^:. . ; •' '`- Manholes shall be provided xith cast iron frames , Cearon Tsrpe ;. • ~-ST9 with perforated covers. Manhole ladder .rungs shall be sluainus . . .. - 4 ' sa,!'ety t~rpe, Midco or approved equal. I~nhole bricks shall complq '• a , 'S ~.;'. ttith A.S.T. M. Specification C32. Concrete for stsaholes and catchbasins ~` ~'~ , • ~ ~ shall be 3,000 p.s.i. at 28 days. ~ .. t ' . 2.5 Catchbasins ,- ;~ - , h Catchbasins sha11 geaeral]y be located on the upstream side of i. ~ . f t every cross~ralk at intersections. Elsewhere they shall be spaced • ; , r; a at intervals not exceeding .300 feet on each aide o! the road except ~~~y _ - - at hi .~ ~ F~~ gli points in the road grade in xhich case the pair o! catchbasins ' may be located 300 feet each direction from the high points. Double ,.. ,,. ;' eatchbasins are required in all low points in the road grade on each .~~ _: ::~ aide of the road. ~ ~ ,^ i, ;~~ Catchbasine sha11 be 2' x 2' rich a 2' sump. Zbey sball be of . ~ poured in place or pre~a~st 'construction Mich minimum xsll thieknass ~ ,4 L of 9-inches . ,,: ' _ t.- Cstchbasin frames and grades shall be Canton Type' X68. • ~. 1 . Catchbasin leads eball be tl3nimur 9-inch diansber ea-crete . • i pipe. .. , . ~~ t y . . , -, ,..~ ' . 2.6 Building Connections Connections shall be laid Dram each building foundation to the - ;. ~i ' storm sewers. Connections shall be 6-inch .eoaerete pipe, tapped into .. the aeMer such tbat the, obverts , are. level. ;,The minis-um slope of the ~~;~ ' . ,,~ ~ ~.f. ~; i ~ .1 " ~ u` ,~ i ~ .. ,~. . ~ ~ . connections shall be 1/4-inch per foot, from the newer to file property ' • / • line end 1/8-inch per foot loom the property line to the building ~:"~ ~.j. ' foundatioa.~ The minimum cover over the connection at the property ~ ' ~~ line sha11 be 4 feet. . -,'~ ;,. ' .. Under this agreement the Owner is responsible !oz conatru~tim , Y ,; • ~ ';~ of the connection from the sewer on]y to the property line. ~' 7 Tea_ tinQ ~ ,r: •~ The completed storm sewers sad appurtenances shall be tested ~ ~ ''~ : : for leakage by Pilling with eater and all leaks sha11 be remedied'... ~ ~ ~ . ' -: 4 . s prior to acceptance. ~ ~ ~ • ~ .~ ti. , t ;: . ,;ti • . BECTTON 3 -'WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ? .;~: ._r ; ' " - :: . ~.~ . 3.1 General Requirements '~, = The O~rner shall provide a complete water distribution system on ,, . ~ { t~ ' . each street in the subdivision, including pipe, valves, hydrants and ~". ' ~, _ ;~: , , house connections. The system shall be connected to the existing ,. • 5; ~ :._ ~` ~ rsterworks system of the Taanship in accordance with tbs requirements ,,: ~ ~, ..., } L ~ `, , ,, • ~- of the Township and .the waterworks authority, controlling the system. r ~ ~ ~ The ].~yout of the water distribution system shall meet the ~ , , . ~j ; ~, - #~ " ' . - ' requtr~nts of the 8tandsrds of th'e Canadian Underwriters' Association. ' " . ,' '• . .., ~ , r F 1. "~ ~ 3.2 Watermains r r ` • •. Watermains own local streets shall be 6-inch diameter. Watermains ,t. ~ _ • ~ ~ • on mayor roads and the connection to the existing water distribution t,' " rystem shall be 8-incb diameter or larger as required by the Tovnship. j ~ ~. 3.3 Valves Shut-off valves shall be located at the production of the street line at intersections. Three valves are required at Tee +' intersections, and four valves are required at cross-intersections. Valves shall comply with A.M.N.A. Specification C500, non- ' rising stem, mechanical joint ends, open counter clockwise. Each valve shall be provided with s'cast iron valve boat with — adjustable sliding sections and cast iron cover marked "Voter". Valves shall be adjusted to finished grade by the Owner, 3.4 ftdrants Wdrants shall be located at 'a maximum s ac p ing of 100 feet, r • 1 ingtalled as detailed on the Standard Drawing. ` ti Valves shall be 6-inch, Darling "Century" pattern, with 2 - 2 1/2- inch hose nozzles and onelpumper connection.' Bach hydrant lead shall - t be provided with a shut-oft valve and boot as specified in Section 3.2. 3.5 House Connections Each residential building lot shall be provided with an individ- x ' ual 5/8-inch water service connection. The connection shall be made as indicated on the Standard Drwing and laid with a minimum cover, of 5'-6"• ' . P Service pipes shall be Type K, soft copper tubing. Corporates, main stops, curb stops and curb boozes shall be Canadian Brass, or approved equal.. Tappings for service connections shall be made with the main under pressure. Under this agreement Abe, Owner is responsible for construction a^n� rL i'p $ ��MITE� ���u11� ���1CL�i Pil � i P • PRESIDENT ....... , 1 -/ ~ ~ .. - - ....i: - i - ~ y of the connection from the main only to the property line. ~ ," ~ *i , i' • . „ 3.6 Blocking `_ Bends sad tees shall be supported by 2,000 p.s.i. concrete . ; ' throat blocks of ample. dimension poured to undistus'bed treaeh xs1L. , ,- , 3 7 Tes, tiny • ~ ~ . ;" - ' ,_ r Pressure and leakage testa shall~be carried out on all xater- ~ ~'~~ . i mains . After the pipe has been laid and backfilled, the pipe line ` ~ ~- , . . ~ shall be aub~ected to a hydraulic teat pressure of 150 pounds per ~ ' ~ ~ ,-. , ~~ , ' - s uPre loch. All air shall bee elled tram the ~ ` ' ' q xp pipe line before , }. -•= s_. ~:, ~ applsriag the pressure. The teat shall last for at least 30 minutes ~ '° '~~' i and all visible leaks shall be repaired and defective material repl8aed. - '"- `, ` f ` f:, +,- ~, A final leakage test of the system shall be made using suitable -; ~ calibrated equipment. The amount of loss shall not a:coed the limits - ~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ - ` . ' '.. ~ .specified in the A. W.W.A. staadarda for the appliceblesise of pipe. ~ ~~ - ~ N~ ~~r ~ i 4._ All leaks shall be'locate~, and repaired and the test ~epsated until the leakage is xithin the s1loWable limit. r :~ • ~' r ' 3.8 Disinfection ~ •'t '~ F •1' 4 `~ - The rater distribution system shall be disinfected xith a ~~ solution of chlorine containing 50 p.p.m. of wee chlorine. After , .L' ~~~ standing 24 hours, the residugl shall be at least 10 p.p.m. ' , _ During the process of chlorination, all valves shall be operated. M1,y - .' . , The pipe shall t~hea be emptied, flushed and tested bacterialogic~ -` `'; • , '. ' ally. If the test is unsatisfactory the process shall be repeatedr~ , ', • ;, ,.; ,; , - - S~3CTION 4 - ROADS AND sIDEWALtffi ~ . ,• ' 4.1~ General Requirements '~ . 'IIse plan of -subdivision shall provide- lo~c road alloxsneee 66 ,feet • ,; ,~ . ~8~ ^~.. ~3k~(',S•.GC'i'C:.t~,J~,C~s~~ LL„ii~D PRESIDENT .nsu. uwu._.ar..... • r ~ ' ~ --~ ' ~ x ~ .~' ~ • ~ ' . ~~ ~~~ wide !or local roads and 86 feet-wide Por arterial and collector ,, ~ ; • ~ , , 1'OadB . '. • . Roads shall be provided with granular base, asphaltic pavement •' and concrete curb and •gutter. Local roads, shall have 28 feet surlsce width and ma,~or roads sha11 have greater surtaae ~rldths as determined be composed of 9-inches of Class B and 6-inches of Class A granular material. Asphalt pavement shall be hot mix, hot laid asphalt pavement, type HL-4, conforming to D.H.O. Specification, Form 310. Concrete curbs and ;utters shall be constructed in accordance z with D.H.O. Specification, Form 4096 4.4. Sidewalks Y Sidewalks , 4 feet in width, shall be constructed on each side of N` all streets. They shall be located as shown on the Standard Drawing and constructed in accordance with D.R.O. Specification, Form 408, and be a minimum of 7-inches thick at'drivevays and 5-inches thick at all other locations. ` t 4.5 Sodded Boulevards The boulevards on both sides of streets, from the curb.to the Property line shall be graded and covered with 2-inches of topsoil and nursery sod, placed in accordance with D.H.O. Specification, Form 411.: { 4.6 Calcium Chloride +' Liquid calcium chloride, directed to be placed on unpaved roads by the Township Engineer, shall comply with D.R.O. Specifications. • J:; SECTION 5 - STREET SIGNS The Owner shall provide and install street signs and traffic t, control signs at locations approved by the Township Engineer. One street sign with two names on lour plates shall be placed at each intersection and at each change in direction of a street where . • this change in direction is 80 degrees or more. Street signs shall be Rosco type 3 or equal, with 3 1/2-inch ' - (10) s$J L...Iv. if, fl r ~• r, j• ~ L ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ • Pipes shall be laid on a smooth, even, hand-graded trench j ` bottom, on bedding material approved by the Township Engineer. ~~~ ~~ ;` , .. • _ ~ :. ' ~ Unstable soils shall be removed and replaced xith gravel . •; ,~ f, ` or crushed atone. Excess excavation shall be backfilled xith ~ r ;, • sound. - ', ; ,. Excavations shall be shored, sheathed or braced as required to . .. perform and protect the xaark and as required by the Trench Excavators' :' - ~S. Protectiaa Act. ~ } ,• ~ ;,. t ti " Pipes cad fitting shall be carefully handled to avoid damage x, ~; '~ and shall be inspected for defects before layering into the trench,. ~,.~• ti ;.1; ~ ~ T Before being laid, all dirt, oil and grease shall be removed from the f. .~.r inside of pipes and fittings and from pointing surfaces. Pipes shall . •~ i ~ 1 Y G ~. ~~~ . '`R, be pointed in strict accordance xith the meaufacturer's recommendations. ` •~_~ ti `^. .,After the pipe is laid, care shall be taken to provost the entry of - F .• ., .dirt •and rater by the use of tight plugs or bulkheads. Pipes shall not be xalked on or xorked over until there is txo .~~ ~~ ~ feet of cover over the pipe, except as may be required in backfilling ,r .. F ~ `i • and tamping the earth. ~ . • ' 1. • ,: , . j. :_ ~ Backfilling shall be done xith approved material, only after ~ ~ E • .- the pipes have been approved by the ToKaship Engineer. For the first E ~' . txo feet of backfill over the pipe, the material shall be placed in • :.. 6-inch layers cad thorough]y tamped around and over the pipe. Zfie • remainder of the trench depth mear be baektilled in 12-inch ].aprers and ~ ~ ~ ., ~~ ~ consatidated.xith arecbanical tampers. , . ~ _ S. .~ ~. ' / ~ ~ ~ ~• 7.3 Ro s .• ' ~ The road allawanees shall be graded from Property line to ' ~ ~ property line and all trees xithia 21 feet of the centre line of the road allo`-anee shall be removed. All topsoil shall be stripped and S t' r~ • ~ •1 < + • / r 9 1 t r<•y U • .d ~ `•' • •' - ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ , . , , stock-piled for the full width of the rosd~+sy. Baulevarda shall be ~ graded with a fall of S-inches from the property line to the curb. ~ ,- , ~, No organic matter shall be left in the road bed. ~ 1 , Fill material, where required, shall be approved by the ' .. ,. Township Engineer, and shall be placed in 6-inch layers and thoroughly ~~ r , ' ~ compacted. The road sub-grade shall be formed and shaped in accord- . . ,.-- ~. ~ once with the approved cross-section and shall be approved for grade -'~ ~4 - and profile by the Township Engineer before the road base is applied. ~: . M Construction of the. base courses, pavement, curb and gutter ' '. ~ ~. ~ shall be in seeord8aee with the applicable D.H.O. 8pecifieations. - , :~'; j. Prior to asphalt .pavement construction, the Owner shall maintain <~ ~~ ' ,; + ~ "_ the gravel roadways in a useable condition for vehicular traffic at ; , , ° , , ,,. '~ ~ ~ all times sad will repair air. rosds~ays with additional crushed stone ,~ at the direction of the TaR:aship Engineer. During this period, caleiun , :: _ . chloride .shall be 'applied as a dust l,gyer ~ rs diret3ted by; the Tovaship ~ •'~~ , P ~ ~ , ~ " ~ f ~ ~ ., u , ~ r, X i Weer. r ^ ~,. 1 ' ~ 1 + ., Y' ' i t 1 t , ~~' .i .. T 1 t i ; r , , ~~S ~ /r. ,~ f.~.. rl ... ,.+ f ~ It i .` 'fir 1 ~ rt 4a e. s~ , .tom - 1. .. . ' • , • , ,• , ~'N , ..•r ~ .. _ ., :~P Ti ~ L~ , { ~.: i.. ~1.. 1 ..~~, ~ { / y.. it • V 1 ' ~`. ~ , + ' ` t S 1 ~ , ! t' ' L ii , .~{ eJ .,w , .. ., , , . ~,,~ ~ : s ' r ' ~ ~ ~ ' a ,. 1 i . r ' 1 ' d11, } ~ ! ` ~ ~ ~ . '" "' ' 3~~t~ l ~Y Y~ LQ1'ilLt9lJ L~ ~i~~til y 1 L , ' ~ + . PResioeaY ' ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ,