HomeMy WebLinkAbout1634A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1969. > > .. „~~ - 2 :. EV.,NTI~F Provincial Subsidies Public-Works - Regular Twp. No. 1621+ 160,770.00 Public V~Torks .. Regular Twp. No. 1621+ 2F~, 630.00 Public Works w Regular OPV. No. 1621+ (storm sewers) l,~'00.00 Public Works - SupplementaryNo. 1625 9,000.00 Public Works .. SupplementaryNo. 1625 (storm sewers ) 5~', 320.00 Orono Public Works Recoverable from Northumberland ~ Durham and O.P.V. Rate 5',000.00 Warble.. Fly 300.00 Federal Grant Post Office Orono 1,000.00 Licences F~ Permits 1,500.00 Plumbi_n~s ~• Sewa{~e Permits 600.00 Building Permits 350.00 Dog Tax 3,000.00 Interest, Tax Penalties 10,000.00 Rents, Twp. Hall 1, 500.00 Committee of Adjustment . 1,600.00 Direct Welfare Subsidy 12 X00.00 Nursing; Home Care Subsidy 2,00.00 Tax Assistance X00.00 Total 3~2,L320.00 352,320.00 21J+~ 295.16 ~s1~~.1,~, ~P n P ~ l Puh~ i Wo ks ~. ~ Expenditure Applied on General ~'~ Public `uVorks 566, 615.16 132, 771+.60 X33, X1+0.56 Deduct Revenue applied on ~ General ~ Public Works 352,320.00 _35,750,00 316 ~S7o.00 4 21L~., 295.16 97, 02~~.60 117, 270.56 AND WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 19 6 and upon whi ch the 1~6Q taxes are to be levied and was finall y revised by th e Court of Revz.sion; AND WHEREAS the amount of Aspe~sment entit led to benefit, herein- after referred to as residential and farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as commercial and business from Inconditional Grants in accordance urith Sect ion 291+ and 297 o.f the Municipal Act, is as follows Assessment entitled to Benefit ~3,~94,353.00 (Residential and Farm) Assessment not entitled to Benefit ~~1,101+.797.00 (Commercial and Business} AND 'vJHEREAS the estimated amount of the Unconditional Grant is ~23,65~.90 which is the equivalent of 6.0751 mills on the A:~sessmentrntitled to Benefit; AND WHEREAS the Assessment of each of the bodies for which it is necessary to levy rates is as follows: ~~ . ~. ~~ r~ , ~ ~ .. 3 r >. ~ .. Residential Commercial ?`Torthumberland F~ D ~--Farm F~ 8~~. ina~o ~,,~~~ Education - Elemurham Board of 3, $LFS, 203 ~ 00 1 1.01 nt ary ~ • 797.00 1;-~g~50, 000.00 Peterborough-Victoria North- umberland ~ Durham. Roman Catholic Separate School Bd. L~8,150.00 Northumberland ~ Durham Board of nil 19,150.00 Education -Secondary o 3, $ ~1F, 353.00 1, loL~, 797.00 1.~, 889,1.50. o0 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the To~~anshi of C~ P __arke enacts as fo11o~~~s: 1. That the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Clarke the fo1loU,ring mill rates fcr the year 1868: D~,~,'^ i ~ ion T ., ~ ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ,, _ . Tonship Commercial 2 ' `~ 1 0 . ToT-.,nsh p Resid.~ ,, ~nt ial ~ Farming ~. Toumship O P V , 295. ~6 d +- ~ $6g, 525.00 130, 371. $8 ~. X37 00 72$ ?+6,3125 1 , , . Commercial. 1~-. To~h~nship 0. P, tT. Residential , . 6 ~ 31$.OL} .; 235, 272.00 ,.0.267. 26. X351+2 ~ F~rminT Counties Rates 1.3, 61a.1,~, 0$ , 656, 625.00 20.7791 Educa_ti.on: Northumberland Fr Durham77, 621, $0 ~ 1.,"999,150.00 _ 15.5270 County "oard of Education and r et^rborough-Victoria Northum- b erl.and ~ Durham Roman Cathol c Separatc School I?oa_rd _ Elementary - Comr:,erci_al - Residentia_1frFarm S 11~'2~~.p.37 ~ llOt,_,797.00 ~ 37 3$1 5 31F,166$ eparate - Residential~Farm Secondary -Commercial / ,203,00 + ' ,05.06 W 1~-9,150,00 30,7501 30.7501 - Resi_dential~~Farm 55 1 1 6 3 ~ 11oL,797,00 53 7 91 / 3$91 3 1~a,$300 Ganaraska Authority Durham Foderat9 on . 2: + , 53.00 ' 319.60 ~ 11-999,150, 00 1~1a,$1.~.$0 8. L~700 _ Police Vi1_lage of Orono $g1,51~.,~ 17$,30$.00 0.5000 - Commercial -Residential~Farm 1H, 5$5.05 ~ 235, 272.00 12,796 50 ~ 656 625 00 1o.1~$$3 1 1 $$ . , , O.M.W.S. - Frontage F~ Connection 9,181.53 ~ _g. a. 3 Street Lighting-?~?ewtonvi_lle 272.22 ~ 171~,1~70,00 1.5600 -Kendal Ontario Hydro Arrears 121.63 ~ 52,200.00 2.3300 Line Fence Act 111},31 39 00 ~ Local Improvement 1.36Q , 212.3a v Farm. Tile Drainage-J.Barnoski 505,1;.8 ~ -E,narnoski 73.97 ~ I'~~inimum Tax 6$6, 613.00 Add : Due from Tovanshi_p- ° . 34 ~ o Taxat3_on-Over LF-vy -~ y, 26 } 11, Total Tax Roll 1858 6~?6,630.60 2. The taxes sha11_ become due and payable on the 2nd day of June 1969 but mar be paid i_n 2 equal instalments on the 2nd day of June 1868 and the 3rd day of !`Jovember 1969 provided that upon failure to make payment of one or all instalments, the whole shall become due and payabl: forthwith. ,y - 1+ .. 3. There shall be .imposed a penalty for non -payment of t axes on due date or any instalment thereof, the arlount of 1~ of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1~ shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. ~E. There shall be allowed a discount of 2~ on the second instalment onl_3' i~`' paid on or before June 2, 1969. 5. The collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the .residence or place of business of the person to whoa such notice is required to be ~;_ven. ~. All current taxes shall be paid into the branch offices of the Canadian Imporial_ Bank of Commerce at Orono and TIewcastl.e. (All tax ar:~~ears shall he-, paid into the offi c;~ of the Treasurer at Orono. 7. Where a tenant of 1_ands owned by the Crown or in which the Cro~~~n has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the munic~i_pality by thn sam.~> employer for not 1_ess than 30 days, such omployor shall pay over to th-= co_ll_ector on demand out of. ary wades, ~a~ ar y, or other remun~~rati_on due to such employee the amount then ravabl: for taxes- u.nc?.~~r this by-law and such payment shall relieve y. the employer from. any 1i ~hi_1 i_i,y to the emn ~ . `' Nloy, P for the amount paid. ~. The collector and treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final readi.n~ thereof READ a first and second time th~_s 3rd day of June 19h9. ~~ z Reeve Q~ti~ ~~ Actin~Clerk READ a third tir?^ and finally passed this 3rd day of June 1969. S £ A L Act-i nr~ C1 erk Reeve +... . J h O~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ r--i LL' i~ ~ ~ ~ cti ~ 4a .~ M •~ ~, O +~ +~ o ~ ~ rt ~ ~rn b p ~ ~, N cn +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ +, rn o ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ a ~•~ ~ c n ~ o v v •,~ ~ ~ co a~ .,~ +~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~: ~ o ~~~ ~' mrn~q ~ ~ +~ b a~ ~ •.o a~ 4-~ •.-~ .~ ~ •~ ~ v1 r-1 f-~ w U ~ S i +~ C" m O 4-i +~ cC P-~ N 4-i v ~ O O f-~ O c3 ~ ~ H "~ +~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ O ~ h b ~ O ~ rC •r1 ~ L~J ~ +~ +~ u: as m a a