HomeMy WebLinkAbout1638A By-law to authorize execution of Tax Arrears Agreement pursuant to the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Sec. 56 R.S.O. 1960. The Council of tae Corporation of the Town:hip of Ctarks ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i. The Head of Gouncii and Clerk are hereby authorised to sign an agree~aent to provide for a compromise of tax arrears with Lillian C. Gienney of the Said Township of Clerks, whieh agreement to set out as Schedule "A" hereto annexed and is declared to be pert of this By•taw. 2. SubJsct to the approvai of the Department of Municipal Affairs being obtained this by•iaw shalt become effective as of the date of the final signing hereof. By•iaw read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of August, 1969. . ~r/ ¢i rr±- j '"' eeve ~~ er T T-T ~ _~ „Tl 1, ~' ~ '... ~„ 1~. tr n r. rt, l 'f tr t- ~-+ ~ 1_ ,. ~_ . '~(l '^n'r~i Y1 ~T ~' ~1 ~"` ^ ". I,. '^lt ^. ^(lp" !lam ~r-T ~ ~., r:r,~ 1 ~ ~ s~ ° ,~~ APPROVED rZ i n ((~~ !'°t !, ~ !} "'" r'~ ~ X1,^4'9, .7 DEP UNICIPAL AFFAIRS SUPERVIS. NICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BRANCH i s :, • r ''ro ..~_ , ~ ., ~~ ~i fiM#~ #ii'~!E solo #n tr#pi#e~ato lien $th d.y of Aaywst,A,N. i~'i~. IiETN~EM ~ T CUtT14M '~' ' TfiWli~i4~'' Ct~Ai1~E ;;~rrsiarftir ooii~d tho Corporot#on of t~~ ~ i~~# rat N~art • and hiri~t +rsrft~rr " +~a i i ad the Aatopaysr of tho fond Fart . ;; .. 1ilt~; : err her ; rrt~wnt of #~~ri Uzi poi Affa# rs A!t ~ fact ion ~6~ i ~. !~. ~.~. ice, the Oops-rts~t sf Munistlp~,„ Affairs soy author#:~ a ,; ,; rospras# sa of tax arr+arrs to bo ~tirid i n~o' b~ttwrron the a GorporatieA and aAy Aat•paysr~ AI~1 li ~~ Itat~pay~r is io ir~arrs of tr~irs to the Gsrporat io+~ 1 n ttat- asoust of #~~ T~#~ Eiii~' Nt~M ~EMlEM'T~EN .. ,, ifiit.LAllf A~I~ fEYEitTf CEMT~ ~ ~~-.#!7.'~0~ a Csrt # f lesats of flax Armors wos r~istsrsd 10. tl~ t try 0~l1~r of ;tho ts~ry ~lv~s~an of the I~st Aidi~.: of .th+~ Csanty of .~ oo ths..l~ ~..~ of ~';~:' ~,......, A.o. 19 ~«...•~: Aim itEAA liar Corparatlon asd fiat ~topoysr s-yr+a to thsss prassntsf iM'IM TMI ~ ! Mp#E!~!'i'~tE MI# fi1~~AEfiM TiMlfi # p porsurn~ca of the sa# d a~r+srs.nt a+~i tho fara~oaranco of the Corpor+~tlorr to purses its roso~i#ss for tax armors urrr any Apt of the ~rov# of ®ntar#a, tho #Rotopayar cowrnae~ts as fo1 isws: '{'MAT hs rtl i i pay to tM Cor~rvrt ion the sus of 11~ H~i~tEp O~LtA#t!'- ~ _. i~i~ pay+~ i a e+s tia~ i nth +~ty sf August, i ~i9. and sn the i~tth drys of ~sptasbtr and ~tobor '1-! and the brianr~o of the said arrears shoi# bo poll in fuii oo th~- ikth ~y of iiob•r, i969. i N the scant tho #ratapryar dofaui is 1 n anY paysont thi s sxrsAS # on of t#ae t #s. of psywrnt, upoo sot # +as bs # ~ ~ # wo to the Itats- poyir 4y t#ar Carporat ian, shsi i ~-oo tsrs# nrtad aad the itata~oyor shat i bs piaeori # o a pos # t l on hs Mrs ~rforM th# s aosprosl sir cars +~+torsd t ato. M 4 ~,.'` ~ +. AU Authwixation of ~h~ rtrt o#" Mual~ pwi Af~itrs sih~rii b~ obta t eNa~t b~firn this ~r~rprl,r+r bps i-~ta+at i w. t M Mi Tl~~i 1i1lEREiI~' the sand prat i a>~ t~rsta ~+rw, htr~nts sit the t r hs~n/ts aid swl i s. ', ~ t~tl~iE@, ~ Mail rte ~E~i ~ERltO t n tsar pr~st' ~~' +~y~w fi~ ~Oik1A`iti ail " fiMt - , etE APPROVED ~~~~ -~ ~ 199 c~p DEPT UNICIPAL AfFA1RS ~' ^t ~ n SUPERWS R m NICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BRANCH ~~ . --a. THE CORPORATIOiJ OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE BY-LAW N0. 1 ~~~2 A By-law to authorize execution of Tax Arrears Agreement pursuant to the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Sec. Sb (1) R.S.O. 1960. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Head of Council and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a:~ agreement to provide for a compromise of tax arrears with Lillian C. Glenney of the Said Township of Clarke, which agreement is set out as Schedule "A" hereto annexed and is declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Subject to the approval of the Departme.t of Muiicipal Affairs being obtained this by-law shah become effective as of the date of the final signing hereof. By-law read a first, second avid third time and finally passed this 5th day of August, 19b9. ~J~~Z, `~t/~l~~cy ;~. ~~ ~ n~~ Reeve ~~~ Clerk he ~~a~Yof ~~ FuJus~'~"~~ 19~~~ .. ~_ • ~, THtS INDEiaTUkE r~~adc i:~ tri pi icate the nth day of August,A.D. 1~0~. B E T ~~ L E ,` THE Ci~R~=ORATION OF THE TOWNSH I F OF CLARKE here i ;rafter cal led the Corporat i o;~ of the First Fart - ~::~d - LI LLIAi~" C. GLENNEY hereinafter called the Ratepayer of the Second Part WHEREAS under the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Sect i o= 50 (1) , R. S . O. i X50, the Department of Mu= ~ i c i pal, Affairs may authorize a compromise of tax arrears to be entered into between the Corporationi and any Ratepayer; Ai~D WHEREAS the Ratepayer is in arrears of taxes to the Corporation i:: the amount of SEVEN THOUSA~JD EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTEEi~ D~JLLARS AfvD SEVENTY CENTS ($7,17.70) aid a Certificate of Tax Arrears was registered in the Registry Office of the Registry Division of the '4dest R i d i ~g of the Comity of Durham on the...13. .day of ..':~~.,.~.±.... , A.D. 19 ~'~..... ; AND WHEREAS the Corporation and the Ratepayer agree to these prese;~ts ; NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNE55ETH THAT in pursuance of the said agreeme~~t and the forebeara~ce of the Corporatioo~ to pursue its remedies for tex arrears under a~~y A,ct of the Province of Ontario, the Ratepayer cove~~ants as foi 1 ows THAT he wi11 pay to the Corporation the sum of TWO HUNDRED DE~LLARS ($200.00)payabie on the 14th day of August, 1959, aid on the 14th days of September aid October 1909 and the balance of the said arrears sha11 be paid i~ full on the 14th day of November, l~hq. I N the eve~:t the Ratepayer defaui is i n any payment th i s extensioi7 of the time of payment, upon notice being given to the Rate- payer by the Corporatio-~, shall be terminated and the Ratepayer shall be placed i7 a positior7 he was before this compromise was entered into, . ~i' _ r ~, • ~ k ~ / ~ Authorizatio:~ of the Department of Municipal Affairs ahali be obtained before this compromise becomes effective. I1~;~~dITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED i ,~~ the presence of /i / ~> T atepayer THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE ~~~ ~ cz~~ Acting Reeve .~ ~~. ierk a~ s; • +~ m ~ ~ ~ t .~ o ~ o •~ rn ~~ coo ~ ~ c' E 4-~ ..o E ~--~ O ~ CC r! r-1 ~d ~ ~- m ~; cn cC O f~ r M O ~ C f-~ R, C ~ .. r-I ~ QS +' jv`+ U U 1 +~ o ~ r •~, z cn •~ • J CJ U += ~ • U P • o ~~~,-. ~rn::ox f. ~ ~ `~~ m ~ o ~ rn~ m ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ b w [] ,~ a, •~ N ~ ~. m u, ~ 1 0 ~ •~ eo +~ r-~ •~ ~ m ~, d ~ •~ +, .~ C.`, ~ ~ U1 ~ N ~ o +~ ~, +~ [n m oD m 1 H ~ ~ ~ ~ m f; ,.~ +~ c~ ce ~' O F-+ U U U U