HomeMy WebLinkAbout1639 A By-law-for prohibiting the obstruction of any drain or water-course within the Township of Clarke. WHEREAS the Council of the corporation of the Township of Clarke is authorized pursuant to The ttunicipal Act R.S.O. Chapter 249, Section 3?? as amended particularly by the possessions of the Statu~sof Ontario 1968, Chapter ?6, Section 20 (1), which amendment creates sections 1? (a) and 1? (b) which enables the Township to prohibit the ob- struction of drains and to regulate the size and mode of construction of culverts. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. No one within the boundaries of the Township of Clarke shall obstruct or cause to be obstructed, any drain or watercourse, and anyone so doing shall remove the said obstruction at the request of CAUncil and failure to do so shall constitute an offence. 2. No culverts or bridges shall be installed or con- structed across any drain or watercourse situated on a highway under the jurisdiction of the Councilof the Town- ship of Clarke without following the requirements set out by Council which requirements may be obtained from the Road Superintendent. 3. Every person who contravenes this By-Law shall be sub- ~e~t to a fine of not more than $300.00 exclusive of costs. Read a first and second time this S day of ~~~ t 1969. Acting Reeve ~m~ Clerk Read a third time and finally passed this .~+ day of,~~~yu/f1969. _.. _ _.. _ ~.~ ~ Acting _ .,~~ Clerk Ry—Lace No. 1639 A by-law of the the Townshir, of for prohibitirg of any drain or in the Township corporatior of Clarke the obstruction watercourse with- of Clarke. Read a first and second time - August 5, 1969. Read a third time - ' ,i!: . 5, 1969. H. DeWi th, Clerk.