HomeMy WebLinkAbout1592A By-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures in the Township of Clarke. r r'„. . ~. : -, ' ~ ,~ -~- ~, "' D`^'el l i,~},;,~on~.~ _fami 1 v: means a se~.arate btti 1 di.n~T cont,ai n.i n~ onl~r one d~r~ell i n,_r unit . ~ , ~~ ~'" 1.~.:~ t,^'n farn; 1 v : means a separate b. r uildi_n~, contai_nin~r only t~~~-, dwel_1_infT ~_~ni_ts. ~. ~? Ih1•<,11 i n~T - Sgmj,.,_~~tachAd : means a httildi.n.~r that i s divided verticall~~ into t~~~JO dwel.l_inrT units. x.10 Dwell in,~ - '~ , , ~: means a bu_ldin~ that is divided horizontall~,T into two dwellin~T units each of ~r:~hi.ch has an independent entrance. 2.11 Dweuine T n; means one or more ha'oitable rooms desi~ red for use by and occupied by not more than one family and i.n ~~~hich separate kitchen and sanitary fact lit i_es are provided for the exclusive t.se of such a family. Pith a private entranc^ from outside the ~:~ui_ldin~° or from a common hal.l_~~Tav or stairway inside the buildinT. 2, l ~ Farnil:'_: r?~^ans on~ or more persons lvi_n~r as a sin,Tl..e hous~keenin;~ ~;n.i_t in a dwelling ~ln%t and includes: (1) Domestic servants (~) 2oomers or boarders - two only. 2.13 ~~~~: means, ~~~i th reference to a one fami_l~r d~~~ellin~r, the total floor area o:f all storeys or half storeys contained ?~Ti..thin the exterior faces of the exterior ~^~alls of a b~zi.ldin~r, but excludi.n=T any private ~arasTe, bree~c- ~~~ay, porch, verandah, slznroom, attic, basement or cellar, ~.11L ~3~' ~ t : means, ~fThen used ~~~i.th reference to a ruildin~T, the surface of the tTround at the front of the bu.ildin~-r and --- (1_) i_n the case of a flat roof, th^ hi.~hest :~o%nt of the roof surface or the parapet,, ~n~hichev~^r is the ~rPater, (~) i_n the case of a mansard roof, the deck roof line, and, (3) in the case o:f a gable, hip or FTambrel roof, thA mean het;°ht 1-~etti~~e~~n the eaves and ri.d~Te. 2.15 I~ot : means a parcel of land, ~.~hich fronts on a nlihlic hirhwav which has peen assumed for public use as a public hi~'hwa~r ~~hether such a parcel i_s described in a rP~*istered i S ~ _3_ • plan of subdivision including any of its parts which are subject to right-of-way or easement. 2.16 Lot Area: means the total horizontal area ~~,~ithin the lot lines i of a lot, In the cage of a corner lot having street lines rounding at the corner with a radius of twenty feet or less, the lot area of such lots shall be calculated as if the lot lines p were produced to their point of intersection. 2.17 Lot coverage: means that percentage of the lot area covered by buildings, including accessory buildings. 2.18 Lot frontage: means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured along the front lot line. Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured along a line twenty- five feet back from and parallel to the street line. 2,19 Lot 1-ine: means the lot line that divides the lot from the -~~ street, provided that in the case of a corner lot the shorter lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line and the longer lot line that abuts a street shall be termed the flankage of the lot, In the case of a lot abutting on a navigable body of water and not abutting any street, the line opposite the water shall be the front lot line. 2.2.0 Lot Line - rear: means the lot line opposite the front lot line. 2,21 Lot Line - side: means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. 2,2.2 Obnoxious Usemmnsana~'ensive trade within the meaning of the Public Health Act ar any use which is offensive or dangerous by reason of the omission of odour, smoke, dust, noise, gas, fumes, vibration or refuse matter. 2_,2.3 Yard: means an open, uncovered and unoccupied space appurtenant to a building. 2.2_4 Yard Front: means a yard extending across the full width of a building lot on which a building is situate, and from the front lot line to the nearest main wall of the building or buildings for which such front yard is required. ~'' ..aooe.. ti e . . , , . -4_ ~ ` 2.2.5 Yard - Hear: means a yard extending across the full width of .° a building lot, on which a building is situate, and from the rear lot line to the nearest main wall of the building or buildings for which such rear yard is required. 2.26 Yard - Side: means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side lot line to the nearest main wall of the building or buildings for which such side yard is required, 2.27 Farrn: means general agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare including farm buildings, field crops, garden- ing, nurseries, orchards, kennels , forestry and the processing of forestry products, fishing, trapping and seasonal fruit,. vegetable, flower and farm produce sales outlets. 2.28 Resort Dwelling: shall be a secondary dwelling and conform to the regulations in Table III, 2.2_9 Erect: when used in this by-law includes building, construction, reconstruction and relocation and, without limiting the generality of the word, also includes: . (a) any preliminary physical operation, such as excavating, filling or draining; (b) altering any existing building or structure by an addition, enlargement, extension or other structural change; and (c) any work for the doing of which a building permit is required under the Building By-law of the Corporation, SECTION 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS: 3,1 Zones: For the purpose of this By-law, the following zones are established, as shown on Schedule "A", Zone Residents al Residential Comme rcia 1 Industrial Open Space Development Agriculture Zone Symbol ~~~1~• -+ R? ~, aCn n~~~~ "OS" a Der nAa ........ ,~ _' ',; -c~- No person shall use land or erect or ease a ?~:ui_ld.n~r or structure except in accordance ~ti~ith the ~Teneral and special provisions of this Ry-la~N applying' to the '.one in ~~rhich the land, buildin~T or structure is, or .s to ti,e located. 3.2 ~t1~~oundari P s : `:~VherP the boundary line of a 'one does not coi_ncidF ~~rith a nronPrt~T line, the location of the ho~rndarv line shall_ be scaled from the ?onin~~ Man. 3 ~ ?pit, • z-,~ ~ ~~ ~. (a) -.Vherc~ any land or bui.ldin~T is used for more than onF n~,rnose, all provisions of t.hi s ~?y-la~~:r relating to each use shall be complied ~,~ith nrovi_dPd i-,hat no d~f~ellin~r is located closer than ~5 feet to anv other building; on the lot except a k~uildinr.* accessory to such d~~~e1.1_inr. (h) No person shall_ erPCt or tzse an~T bu i_ld n,S for resident i.al purposes unless such buil.din,T i_s erected upon a lot, (c) TTO person shall erect or use for residential purposes anv bui_1din~T upon any lot whereon there then exists, or is in the course of construction, or for ~~~hich a bt.~ildin~T Hermit has been issued on behalf of the mu.ni_cipality, a. buil_din.~T erected or used or intended to ~,e used for residential.. >1~_trnoses. 3,1~ N_r,,~.~~tr;ctionG: Notwithstandin<~ the height provisions herni.n contained, nothi_n~T in this By-laser shal]_ z~revent the erection and~or lisp of a church shire, a '~>el.fry, a flan pole, a clock to~~~er, a ch_mne-=, a water tank, a. radio or tele~.Tisi on tourer or antenna, an Plovator Dent-house, an air conditioner duct, a skvli;=~~ht, a gain elevator, a tarn or a silo. 3.5 ~.~1.i~~P..~.~ Nothintr in this by-la~~~ shall prevent the ~_ise of an~r land as a n~~}~1.i c park, comm>>n ty nark, nlav~rrotnd, hi.;Thwa~r or ri ~•ht -of -~~ray , ~~, . -6- 3e6 Accessory B~.ai.ldinas: (a) The-total area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed ten percent of the area of the lot on which it is situates (b) No accessory building shall be erected at a dist~.~nce of less than four feet from the rear or side lot line of any lot and when not attached to the main building shall be located in the rear yard at least ten feet from the main buildings (c) No accessory building shall be used for human habitations (d) No accessory building shall exceed 15 feet in height or be more than one storey, 3,7 Lands Subect to Flooding: In all zones the erection of buildings or structures for residential or commercial purposes shall be prohibited on land that is sub- ject to flooding or on land where by reason of its rocky, low- lying, marshy or unstable character, the cost of satisfactory waterworks, sewage or drainage facilities is prohibitive, Nor shall any building or structure or appurtenance thereto (other than conservation or flood control projects) be installed within (100') one hundred feet of any stream or river bank, or in the flood plain of any water r_ourse, as determined by an Ontario Land Surveyors 3e8 Permitted Public Uses: The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the erection or use of any building or structure for the purpose of public service by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke or by any local Board thereof defined by the Township of Clarke or by piny local Board thereof defined by the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Chapter 98, R,S,O, 1960, the United Counties of Northumb erland and Durham, any telephone, gas or telegraph com?~any, any department or agent of the Government of Ontario or Canada, including the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, provided that: - 3.Q -'~ - (a) The lot coverage, setback and ?ra_rd requirements prpscrihed for the ~c?ne _n ~r~hi_ch s~~:ch land, }~>> ldin,:~ or structure is located sha]_1 he compliAd with, (b) No ,.roods, mat eri_al, or equipment steal. l_ }~e storAd in the op.-n in a resi.denta.l ?one. (c) Any huil.din~ erected i_n a Resi.dentia7._ gone under the <:~~_~thort~r of this pa_ra~ra-~h shall be dPSi`rned and maintained in ~Teneral harmony ~,.~ith residential bui.ldi.na;s of the type permitted in the ?one, In any gone the owner of every huildin~r hereafter erected, enlarged or changed in use after the nassin~ of this By-law .shall provide parkin:r space in accordance oath the followinFT schedule: Tv.~u-~of R.l~il.l.d~ n,T - a huildin~r contai_ninLT one or more d~A~^l.l_inr~ units ~in~R~ 1 ir~sl. One (1) parking space, or one ~raraJTe or one carport per dT~~elli.n$T unit - clinic Four parki_n~r spaces for each p.ract.i si.n~r doctor or dentist - churches, auditoria, restaur- ':MTh^re there are fixed seats, one ants, theatres, arenas, halls, parki_nAr space for ever-, five private clubs and other places s?at.s, or ten feet of r~ench of assembly (includi_n~ funeral space, ~tJhere there are no fixed homes) seats , one Dark in~T snag for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted t,o public use, - 'nospitals, insti.ti.itions One parkin~~ space for each t~•~o beds or 100 sgt.~are feet o.f floor area ~~~hichever is tsreater, plus one ad.dit.ion^l space for each resident doctor or resident employee, - hotels - motels - offices One parking space per suite for the first 20 suites. one additional parkin~T space per 5 suites above 20 suites, One additional parki.nAr space for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to nu}-~lic use, One parkinr space per rental Unit, One additional parkinx space for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to pu}~~lic use, One parking space per 300 square feet of total f]_oor area, e -~- ~ . one of B~_~ild'.n~ contd. P,~r,~yn-~Reat~ired cQnt t.~ - self-service ~srocery, One parkin}T space for every Departmental. Store, 100 square feet of total floor wholesale or discount area, business - other permitted One parking space for each 200 Commerc;_al uses square feet of total floor area., - Shoppi_n~T Centres 15 parki_n~.T spaces for each 1.,000 square feet of total floor area, - Schools One parkintT space for each classroom, - Industrial At least one parkins space for every 1,000 square feet of total floor area ~zp to 20,000 square feet plus one additional space for every 5,000 square feet of total floor area over X0,000 square feet includintT any basement area if used for industrial use, - Physician, dentist, or Two parkinsT spaces i_n addition other professional. per- to spaces required for a son ?~~ho has established dwellin,r unit . an office for consult- ation or other emerg- enc~r treatment in his private residence, 3.10 .P~Area RP ii remen~. Parking areas shall conform to the fo1_lo~srinxr requirements: (a) The parkinEr area shall. be in the same .one and. ~r~ithin 500 feet of the location i.t is intended to serve, (b) Each parkina• space shall be 1.0 feet by 20 feet and shall ~:e orovided with unobstructed access to a street by a drive~l~av, aisle or lane, (c) The parkin~T area and approaches shall 1,~ surfaced with concrete, asphalt, crushed stone, ~ra~Te1_ or a combination thereof with a stable surface treated to pre~,rent the rai.sin~r of d~zst or 1_oose particles. 3.11 Or_.~~3.4~icz~ Tr.~°~.~ No oh noxious use shal_1 he permitted U~ithin the Defined Area, 3.12 `D~r,, iris ..: I~asement o-r Ce1_lar: No basement or cellar or Hart of a basement or cellar of any building; shall be ~_~sed as a complete d~~rellin~;, unit and no part of a basement or cellar may r,e lased for cal.culat_n~s the required minimum floor area of an~,~ residence. . '` -o- S~TION 1~ - RESIPLNT IAL ?~JNE "Rlrr:. 1a-.l No person shall ~~.rithi_n the residential gone use any lot or erect, alter or use an~T b~-:ildi.n~T or structure for an~r purpose except or.e or more of the fo11o~~~in~ lzses. 4.2 Rem; d .n .; 1 1SeS (a) si.n:~rle family dwelling hose (b) semi-detached d~frelling house (c) duplex dwelling house (a) Churches (b) Clinic (c) Schools - not operated for profit or fain (d) 'hospitals (e) PvTUrsintT Homes t,..t;. ticcessor~r k-~ui_ldinf~s i_nci_dental to an~r of t;he at ove -ocrmitt^d t~s~s. 1,.. ~ Tloth inch in tri_s socti_on shall prevent a p^rson resi_din~r in a deaelli.n~T ~~ni_t from carrt~i.n;r on an~r domestic or household art , a oh.~,~si_cian or other medcaJ_ riracti.tioner, a dentist,, a la•~~~Tor, a.n insuranco acTent, an en~~i_neer, an architect, an a_cco~zntant or travellin~T salesman from ~_~si.n~r as orof<~ssi.onal offices not more than 25~ of the total floor area of the dwelling i_n which he or she ;.s domiciled, provided that.: - (a) there shall be no adverti_sin~T other than a nonilluminated sign not more than one square foot in area. (b) no person other than those residins i.n the dwelling='' i_s emploTred therein except in the casA of a physician or other medical oractiti_oner and a dentist in which case the staff ma:,- be limited t ~ one em~~love~. (c) There is no external storage of foods or materials. (d) Thern are no kroods, wares or merchand-i.se 1'.ent or offered for sale. (e} There i_s no mechanical or other cq_iipment used except that which is customari.l~ emnlo:-ed in dwellin;'s for domestic or household purposes or for use ~;tr a dentist, oh~-sician or other medical r~ractitioner or other professional persons. 1+' ~ ~4_t..r.~nd Rl i ~ d l 11r~' ,rj? 7 f' Shall be in accordance tai th re.r~;lati ons contained i_n Table I, ,'There a bui.ldin~ lot having; a lesser frontaTe or area than tt.at req_iired herein is held under d.i_stinct and separate ownershir~ from adjacent bt~_ldin~, lots at the time of the pass_nr, of this By-law as shown by the records o:f the Registry or Land Ta_tles Office, a d~~rellinfir may be erected and used >>n such smaller buildin~~~ lot provided that it conforms to al 1. ot'.~ier req~.zi_rements of thi. s F`tT-la~~~ . ~ , s3 r~~~.,,m ~~~ f_ o r w e ~ yn~;,~, (1) Front ~~ard minimum -- ?0 feet (~) ~~ide ~~ard minim:.:m - ':Vhere them is no ~~ara~Te attached or t;~ ire attached to the main '~i ildinT, one s.i_d^ -,-ard shal_1 ha~,~e a minim.~m i~~i.dth of 1.1~ feet and the othor side a min_mi_:m i.,ridth of 1_~ feet for a ono storF=-:~, nlt.is two (~) feet for oath add_t 9_onal half or full store-, (3) Rear Yard minimum - One th_rd of the depth of the buildings lot ?-tit n no case l~ ss t;~:an 35 feet; i n de=~th, In a residenti_al_ gone not more than one pri.ti-at~~ si nr~le fam l~r or semi-detached or d °~1ex s'~;al-1 '. e erected on a lot . !~ , lO i>:i ni mt;m ''aids for ~ . mi ttc~d no~~,~jdPn i ~: Front side and rear yards each (- ~ 5 fee=t„ (~) No acc~.ssory ';_~uildinc; shall exceed 15 feet or one storey in heif°ht . ~. 11. ~~-~1sc~~ Tl~~-rE~Sy.~ d,P,~,nt;i ~1 l~~i i1 i n;s$,; "Maximum height fo-r non-residential_ bu.i.1_din~rs in the resident ial gone r-Rrr shall be Z~ storeys and steall not ~~xc~ed 1~0 f ;~~t . ' SE~T~_ON 5 - RESIDENTI:~I, ZONE "R2": 5.1 Residential Zone "R2" Permitted Uses: No person shall within the residential zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or mor e of the following uses: - 5.2 Residential Uses: (a) single family dwelling house 5,3 Accessory Buildings:. Accessory buildings incidental to the above permitted uses, 5.4 Lot Standards & Buil.dinq Size: Lot Standards and buildin g size sh all be in accordance wi th Tab 1 e I I . 5.5 One Dwelling Per Lot: In a Kesidential "R2_" Zone not more than one private single family dwelling. 5 a 6 All develox~ment in the "R2" Zone shall be subject to approval of survey and/or subdivision agreement. 5.7 Nothing in this section shall prevent a person residing in a dwelling unit from carrying on any domestic or household art, a physician or other medical practitioner, a dentist, a lawyer, an insurance agent, an engineer, an architect, an accountant or travelling salesman from using as profession- al of-'-ices not more than 25~ of the total floor area of the dwelling in which he or she is domiciled., provided that: - (a) There shall be no advertising other than a nonilluminated sign not more than one square foot in area. (b) No pe rson other than those residing in the dwelling is employed therein except in the case of a physician or other medical practitioner and a dentist in which case the staff may be limited to one employee. (c) There is no external storage of goods or materials. (d) There are no goods, wares or merchandise kept or offered for sale. (e) There is no mechanical or other eglzipment used except that which is customarily employed in dwellings for domestic or household pu rposes or for use by a dentist, physician or other medical practitioner or other professional persons. t '. , .` -12 TABLE T Lot, ~vcl_1_in~s and iiei~;ht Requirement s in ReS;dam ti sl 7,nne rrR~ rr T_ Y P E O F R i1_ I L D 1_ ~,r,~ One Fam;ly Se m;-deta~hPd Di lei adhere therE is Min. ~31dL Lot. neither public . area i_n sq, ft , 15, 000 15, 000 15, 000 eater suppl~,r nor sanitary s~~,~ers N~in. area free, o~" ?old;,s. in sq. ft. 10,000 10,000 10,000 1`-din . I,ot Front a~To in ft. 120 120 120 '~:Ihere there is Min. "ld~T Lot a pudic ~-~ater ar :a in sq. ft . 7, 500 10, 000 10, 000 st~ppl-" ?gut no',:, s~ni tar~r se~~;e»s Min. area free of b1d~Ts . in sq. ft. 5,000 F, Soo F,,5o0 Min. Lot Frontage in ft. "5 100 100 ihF~r~ there is P~1in. Fsldg. -Lot a. public ~~:ratc~r area in sq. ft . 5, 000 E,, 000 F;, 000 supply and sanitary; sevaers 1~1in, area frame of 'r.ldg,s. in sq. ft • 3, 300 1}, 000 1+, 000 Min. Lot Frontage in ft. h0 75 75 D~ri~~lli.n.r Re~~~ ire- Min. ~sround floor. went area i_n sq. ft . 060 ~1~,0 ~,er ~l~0 per d~s~nlli_n,- unit c~.~11_in~r unit. H~~i rht maximum 30 ft . 30 ft. • 30 ft . ~` ;< =~ T~~LE ~T __ nR~, Lot ~:erluirem~nts Estate Lots T~inimum Lot Sipe 1 ., acre P~inimum Frontage 150 ft. Minimum Setback 50 ft. ~ Minimum Side Yard 25 ft. D~n~ellin~° Regt~_ire- menu Minimum ground floor area 1200 square feet. i I 1 ~ i i 1 ~ i I ~~ ~ ~ i m[~RT.E TT~_rrArr _ rrOSr~ Resort Dtaelli_nz° '^Iith Sanitary disposal to conform t;o NorthumbPrland- I?urham health Unit Regulations, and sha] l not be occ~~~.pi^d for more than fi vA months in an~r one cal~nd~.r `- `_~. a r Minimum Lot Si.~e 1 acre n".ini.mum Fron'~ a ge )_50 ft . Minimum Setback 50 ft, Minim~_am. Floor area 720 sq , ft , -13- SECTIGN 6 - COT~fi~'~ERCIAL ZONE "C" 6e1 Commercial Zone Permitted Uses: No person shall use land or erect or use a building or st.ructl.~re i.n a Commercial Zone (C) except for one or more of t he following purposes: (1) Any retail store not engaged in manufacturing in the prem ises unless such manufacturing is incidential to such reta il business, does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the floo r area and the products manufactured are primarily for sale at retail on the premisese (2) Office (3) Restaurant (4) Hotel (5) Clubroom, private club or fraternal organization. (6) Theatre (7) Service Station (8) Barber Shop (9) Beauty Parlour (10) Billiard or Poolroom (11) Dance Hall (12) Undertaking establishment (13) Laundry or dry cleaning establishment (14) Netirspaper office and/or plant (15) Telephone Exchange ~. Z15) Lodging and/or Boarding House ( t (17 ) Bake Shop (18) Shoe Repair Shop (19) Accessory Buildings incidental to the above useso (20) A residence may be part of the commercial use providing it is located within the same building as any one of fi the above uses, and has a minimum of 600 sq, fto of living space exclusive of halls and stairways and shall be abatre the first floor. 602 No Sh opping Centre may be established unless it is in accor dance with an approved site plan and in an area re-zoned for this specific use• avovoaoe ;_ -1~.- -.3 1,~,r.imt.lm ya~~: In the "CTf ?one - (a} each building will rc set hack from the street line a distance r-qua_l t,o the avera~°,e set back of the existin; huildi.n~Ts ~,aithin the same street 1~;1_ock . 6. ~+ X1.1 i n~.T rea ; TIo l;uildinrT incl~idin~ accessory buildin,°s thereto shall occu.,,r more than. sPVPr_t. v-five (7J) per Cent of the ar.ca of a 1_ot or parcel on which _i_t i.s situate. F,, C i:t~1 dj n.~' ?ai~_ht : In t_h.:_; "C" 7.,onc huil_din~s shall have a maximum hei_~?'ht of L~0 r ~., t - ~^ ,.>E.,Ta QT'? 7 - Ti~?u~~;TP~.=-3oa-7 T~ E i!M1 rt ~% • l ~~.::~.s~..._~ne rrM~'! Perm i t~~S~.~?5.~~.~ In the industrial .one, hereinafter referred to as 7on^ Ml., the requirements shall be as follows: (a) suh,°,ect to the provisions of part (b} of this para~~raph ~r~hich follo~rrs, any huildinT or part thereof rmav be used for any industrial purpose. (t>) no industrial_ bui_ldintT or part thereof shall be used for antiT purpose ~~~hich from. its nature or mat~~rial_s lased there- in is or may become obnoxious by r.~ason of the emission of odour, dust, smoke, noise, has, Earn^s, Cinders, vibrations, r^fuse matter, or ~.aate.r-carried ~~.~astes. (c) no uses other than industrial uses and essential care- takersf .residences shall tie permitted in the Industrial. ?one rtMlrr 7. ~ SPt.bac Tn th~T'Mlr lone there shall be a setback of not lees than 2.5 feet, except. that ~~Ther~ industrial land is across from a. resid^nt-i_al gone the setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet. 7 . _ =i.~l~~rs~ In theT'Mfr lone there shall. be two side yards each of not 1_ess than l~ feet in width except that where the side yard of the industrial_ land al;u.ts a residential gone the mn.i.mu.m side yard on this side shall be 50 f~~~et . ,,, , -1~- ~; . ~ v lea r.~: T_n the rrl,,glrr Zor_e there sha_,11_ be a r,~a.r ~rard of not l~~C^ than 2r f~~,~t in depth, except. that. F.,her~ the rear ~-ard of the i.ndl st ri al land a?-~ut s a re s i.dent i a. ]_ gone the ^~ nim~.,m rear ;card shall he 50 f. eet . 7.5 x~i ~"h No huildin- or stru.r_t;ure in the "Mlrr Zone shall ~xcePd 1~0 feet, in heir';ht . S CT Tors ~ - OPEN SPACE_ P~ZUVISTONS 7,OD --nSrrl; N.7_ Open S ~ P F'ermittPd TTSPG; ?~?o person shall use land, or erect or ~.zse a huildinr or structurQ .n an Oren Space (OS) gone, except for one or morF: of the fol7-o~:;inr° uses: (a) Resort D~,,,ellins - subject to Tahle III, (t,) Pu'~lic or private parks, i ncludi_n~ t our st campi.n<r facil.i.ties; refreshment rooms; c) Put>1__c hu.ildin~~s includin,,T museum or displa~.r, arenas , communit-r halls, ~~rater stapply or v~astes disposal facil_iti ^s , sorts fields (courts or greens ) , entertainment facilities, (d) Pools, handstands; (~') ~oa.tin~-, facilities, includin~T erection of orivate coat-,,ot.~ses ~~~?~ere r~,oat or 1,,cr~ts ma-,. };~ kept; (f) Go1_f courses or ~Tolf drivi_n~ ranges; (~:,) :_>chools, hospitals, churches , (;-~) D~aelline; unit for a caretaker or an essential ~.~~orkman whc.ce ere-sense on the premises is necessarv at all times; (i) hccessor~= uses to the above uses incl~zdin~T ?~arkin~ areas. =? .2 ~~nt, bl.i ildi. n;° in an Open Space lone shall 'na~,~e a minimum distance of ~r f^et from an -:, lot, line, excerat. a hoat- nou,se ~~~hich mar he erected up to those rprtions of the lot that so •.ab~_tts the navigable *.vater, `~ . ~ Ls,~...,sc v ~ r -, ~e . ?~?o h~_:ildin;- or strl_~ctlzre shall re ~~-,.lilt. 3_n an Open space Zone havin~,T a coverer ~e ;,~rnat.er than 5~ of the 7_ot area, r' -16- SECTION 9 - DEVELOPMENT ZONE (Zone "D")~ 9,1 Development Zone Permitted Uses: In the Development Zone (Zone "D") the permitted uses shall be as follows: (a) Only the existing uses at the time of the passing of this By-law arc permitted until rezoned to a specific urban category upon merits 9e2 Farmer Retaining Lot: Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the contrary, a bona fide farmer, whose chief source of income is derived from farming operations c^nsisting in whole or in part of growing crops, raising cattle or livestock or operating a dairy f arrn, may retain a lot from the sale of his farm and erect, alter or use thereon a single-family detached dwelling in accordance with the provisions of Table II of this By-law, and further provided that such single-family detached dwelling and lot shall be deemed a permitted use for subsequent purchasers and owners thereof, SECTI OPJ 10- AGRICULTURE ZONE "A" : No r;erson shall within any Agricultural Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure, except for such purposes and in accordance with such regulations as are permitted by and are in accordance with the following provisions:.- (a) Permitted Uses: (i) All farming uses and uses accessory thereto including one fam-ily detached dwellings. (ii) Agricultur al: General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare including farm buildings, field crops, gardening, nurseries, orchards, kennels, forestry and the processing of forestry products, fishing, trapping and seasona]_ fruit, vegetable, E flower_ and farm produce sales outlets e g eevoaovo ~. ~: r ~° ',' ,., ` -17- t~griculture Zone "A" Cont'd: (iii) Institutional: Hospitals, clinics, libraries, churches, schools, community centres, municipal buildings, cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums, or crematoriums established with the approval of the Department of Health under the Cemeteries Act. (iv) Recreat.onal: Parks, playgrounds and golf courses. (v) Resort Dwelling (subject to Table III), (vi) Rural Home Occupation and the office of a veterinary surgeon, and premises for the emergency treatment of animals. (b) Area R<>quirements; No person shall within any Agricultural (a) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Table II & III. 5ECT~ON Tl - CONFORMITY: The purpose for which any land or building is used shall not be changed, no new building or addition to any existing bui_ldi.ng shall be erected, and no land shall be severed from an existing building lot, if the effect of such changes, erection or severance is to create a situation in which any of the requirements of the by-law in regards to each individual remaining building, accessory building or building lot is contravened. SECTION 12 - NON-CONFORI~~IT~ (Continuation of Existing Uses); Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by the By-law if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day of the passing of the By-law so long as it o~tinues to be used for that purpose. If a non-conforming building or structure should be damaged by fire, flood, wind or earthquake nothing in this by-law sh all prevent such a building from being ~~ strengthened to a safe condition providing that such alteration or repair does not change the height, size or volume or ch ange the use of such building or structure. voo..... • _l~._ ~~ 'SEC~~T~...~_~'RTOR~TTIT:T_~?'?~i~pr~tRl~S T~TothinFr_ i.n this ~jT-la~.~a shall o.rohirit the erection of a t~uildin,r or strl_~cture for which a '>>u.ildiniT permit. has l-peen issued prior to the da~T of nassn,T of the By-law, so lon~T as the hail dingy or structure wren erected, is u;>Ad and Conti. nl:e s to h~= Used for the ;~~_~rpose for ~~~hich it i.s to be erectF~d, SEC T ON ~_- ~X^~F.,r I DTS~- T_ ~ ct ri al ,,,. On^n 5~~,~or D~vc l onm~~1onP~ ; ( i..) ATOth_n~ in this by-law shall prevent the lands i_n the Tndustria.l (Ml) Open Space or D~vF~lopment 7,ones from ?~;ei_n,° >>sed for one or more ~f the fol7o~,,i ns us?s: an ani_arT,T ~i1 ?Vl.~r~= a ':~~,rrt- or }gush cror a f eld cro _. f~_o~~~er garden a ~Tre-~nhous a ~,~~~ti c~iltural n.urserv a kennel. estati:lishment for domestic ^ets a market ~a_rden an orchard a ~uk,,li.c use in accordance ~,,ait.h section 3.~~ hr~reof a tr~~~ crop temporary huildin,Ts necessary to the operation of the ~1,ov^ >>sPs shal_1 hP perm.itted on the same Lot, and ~nlz.= for so long as is necessary for the ~~~ork in pro.^ress, (i.~) parks, road allozn.ances, ditches, cuJ_verts or property °nt„anC''S _n the nL]"~li_c doma7 n ST~a7.1 not i;e alt•:'red, or the land ~~rorked ot.hcr than ?~~= the riro per auth ority. h r . 1,~~,n ; n~' ~,dm i n i ~~~L4.d~. This T'-jr-l~~.~,e shall he administered ~~tr a person !L~~si^~n~t~d from t:.imF~ to time ~r the Council, as the ?oni_n~~ .=administrator, Tn addi_tion to the r.~q~airements of the p~~ildin° T?y-la~~~, every apn~ i_cat.ion for a hu i.7 din~» permi_'; shall re accompani Pd b~.= pL.ans, in tri-~li.cate, drat=n to a.n apT~ronrat.e scale, }~asPd upon the . ~ ^~ .' -lc- SECT.T_OT1 1~- ADT~INI~TRATI~~ o - ~ ; 15 . ~~,n]..?~±; on and P1_ a~~1~~.. :actual sl~rve~r sho~J~-in~ the true shape and dimensions of t':1~, lot t,~? he used, or upon which it is ;proposed to erect and;- '~,Aildinr or structure, and show;_n T the o.ro Dosed location, hei~Tht and dimension of the 1:wilding or structure already erected on or oartly on such lot, to-;ether ~~~i_th a ~~1_oc1L plan. and statement sifrned '~v the o~~~ner or his a~Tent duly authorised i.n writing' filed trrith the ?onin~^ Administrator, which statem~}nt shall set forth in detail the correct and -i nt~nded ~zse of each h?_t ldin~° and str~zcttlre or part thereof and all_ information necessar^r to determine ~~~hether :~)r not ever~.~ such l~;ui_ldin~ and structure conforms with the aforesa;_d req~~i.rerrent,s of t}-,~ s r~r-law. 15.3 ?ns..pP~.~.; on of la nd.,~~~ins~~.~~.~.~ia~P.~.: The Toning Administrator is herehTr a~~_thori wed after an~~ronra.te notice to enter at al.l reasona?-1_e hn,~rs for pilr~,oses of insc~ecti_?n ~.~pon an~~ oropert~T ,:~r ~,remises. 15. ~~ Ana 1 ~v_: r~n~, person co-!vict~d o_f a t~reach of any- of the ,roe=isions ~~f tl-~s ~~- -1_ac~.~ sha11 forfeit. and nab-, a. t; the discretion. of tie ronvi ct.i_n;~' ma~T~ strafe, a pen.alt-> of not less t'-~a_n fi_ft~~ dollars ("50.00) and not more than three hundred d~~llars (:300.00) exclusive of costs for each ~~ffF>nco, a_nd T~~:~ 5~~?mma.rsT Conv.i_ctions Act, as provided and 1_im%ted „r Tl~e i~1~..:n_ci_oal Act, s~iall applTr thereto. l 5. J, Dam of "sv- ya: This By-law shall take effect from the date of passa~~c~ ~~ Council and shall come into force t:pon approval_ bz- the Ontario T~unici pal Board . 3 l • • .~,s_~ li _. .. _.. -.. ._.___~ _..._- _.__...__ _. c=_ ;NS a4 b ~ yl b ~ ~ 27I2f t! i~ L2 >D AD 9 17 K le ~ l4 la ~ N W y O 7 6 a ~ 3 2 1 -~_ MY. , - \;, . 1 Tri11 Z^r1t r ~~ i, v: ~I riY , \:t.,, s;~ ~y rtwt `\, ~+~a1~~~.~`:~~t~cc~I~ ,;~'h.q+ ~ r ppa w~4 r` . ~ 1 l ~ ,F .N.~~~' >r~.i,. r. ''~ ' ~ h.:Yll, }.~I.r ~l~' `R wc~11•- '~ ~ `JI~J`l r. l r rt r ~~ I ' l ~ =~flI~S , CO»S~~~/~TlO~lt','~v,1,,, x „~ ~,~;~ Ig _A A - r~ tD~~ m(, r' ~; i,~j ~'CIt'i` h~dA' .. `~~. r` ~~~~~.,~ , ~~ ~~ 4 `~;.a..~M~y',MM~I ~, ~ `w, ~~° T~ORITY.,~; fir r ; ,,, ; ~, ,,~ ; 1 ~Y,'l,'.1~il~.Lgn' ~J 1jJMiV ^i~l~~I i K; rr,l: h>, ~~ , ~ it ~` i q •; '! ~~rK 1~1~~~XX r , It • , t> > a 4 ~ ` `~ ~ + . t-~'l~,ir?4~"'' ;l.f! ~j ~'r., `•~~'~t `G +1 -y~~ r,i ~t `, ,P'rR t C. ~ ~ .; { ,: ?;, I - L~ L~ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~," `~I 't .: ~ ra ~ ~I1, N QJ Y~ .~.~ t i t u1. J1' ~ t r '• r~ /\ ~, i ; . ~ ~ _ - ~~ ~`•. ~ ~ 22 LI 4A M li K K K la i 12 ' 11 ' 10 8 !: 0 7 ~~ 6 6 • 4-~~ ~7 Q ~ 1 y. A_ ~ ~K en.,~ ,, , u =• ROTS v ~ A -- .~. ~-- ti.R ~- ` i i ~ ~ ~ `•`• •~, ` ' ~ 1 --- ~. ~ -~ r.., ~ - ~ , ~` ~ ~~:, _ _ _ a ~ CRCCK I 1 1 f __ i~ i ~: i h r . II P i ~ y a " - - - .-_ - ~- -!YY~___ ir' `_°I Pow =- ns -- ---- f. r - ,. _ ., - ~ " - ~. aot It c++ AY ~ ~ I ti ac ~, ; . BF =7 >`6 z al a 17 1 , ra 1 u n 9' e ~ s . , 4 ~ r ~i `il -- i '~ ~: T~OWNS~I~ 0~ CL~~K~ _ _ _ - SCfiE~DULB '~ - - 0 ~! ~kG~]CU'LTURAL - R1 1'1DDNSITY 12.DSIDBNTIi~L `' ~~ 122. 2~ D~1'151TY ~~S1D~I~TI~L C COMM~IZCI~4L L~tK~ ONT~4R10 ~Ml,a ~ Mi iNDU3T~LI~RL I ~ MILB I zMaes I 0:~ O1?~N S~ftCD ~ D D~V~L4~I~NT .,.~ `. ~ •, ~ r • u a~ m ~, ~ m ~ i .~ C T ~ •r-I C; , O ~ ~ rd b UI O ~ ~ O •,~ rtl ri :L~ C7 ~-+ +~ N +' ~ r ~ W ~ L./ V W FI M T lT ~~ // / ~ 11 ~ C .-1 t~ U U; ~--~ to C .~' o ~ ~ M o ~- . ~-~ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ J CO ~ O ~ Qi 3-' ~ ~..~ ca cv ce •.--+ cn •~ ~ +~ ~~~~~~ ~ cn 5 ~ c! ~ rn ~E-+a~o~E, ~ ,n N O N :^ cR O K*, +~ +~ -~ c +~ ~ .' •• ,: -20- That ~?~r-7_a~•:~ X10, 1~Q0 k~e and the samA is hore~~T rF~poal~d. Read a First end SP cond. time this.73~dazT of /Y~A~/ 79~'. ~c~t T7 r, C1_erk Read a Third ti?~~ and passed thisz3~da~T of MAy 1~?~08. ~` __.___ / ~%~~~ _.~.Fv.. S F A I~ ~~' ~] E'LLnk