HomeMy WebLinkAbout1613A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592. WHEREAS Zoning By-Law No. 1592 was Passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporatioa of the Township of Clarke on the 23rd day of May 1968; AND WHEREAS the Clarke Planning Board has made a general review of the provisions of the By-Law and has recommended to the Municipal Council that certain amendments be made to the said By-Law; AND WHEREAS the Municipal. Council upon the recommendation of the Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the said Bylaw; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows: - 1. That SECTION 2 of By~Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding the following after SECTION 2.13: 2.13 A gib ~ Gs~~~= means and includes a building or place where motor vehicles are hired or kept or used for hire, or where such vehicles or gasoline or oils are stored or kept for sale, or a building or place used as a motor vehicle repair shop (but does not include an auto body repair shop) or for washing or cleaning motor vehicles but does not include any business use otherwise•defined or classified in this By+Law. 2. That SECTION 2.15 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding at the end of the third line and after de~„rrib . i _-~ the following: "deed or~shown on a". 3. That SECTION 3.1 oft~ByLaw No. 1592 istthereby amended by i7onetSvml~ol between Commercial C and Industrial Ml under ?r.411a and "Highway Commercialtt and "HC" respectively. !~. That SECTION 3 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding the following after SECTION 3.7s 3,7 A treater Restr et one: This By-Law shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate any restrictions lawfully imposed by a governmental authority but in such cases the greater restriction shall apply. 5. That SECTION 3.$ of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by deleting "defined. by the Township of Clarke or by any local Board thereof". 6. That SECTION 1.11 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end of the first line after ,~, add "Rl", and after y,Qn~,in the second line delete the "R". 7. That SECTION $.5 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end of the sentence after ~a>>~ - "shall be erected upon a lot . " $. That SECTION 5.6 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby deleted. 9. That Table II of Bylaw No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "Minimum Rear Yard~35 ft", and deleting the word "ground" from Minimum floor area. 10. That Table III of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding 'Minimum Side Yards 25 ft." "Minimum Rear Yard 35 ft." 11. That SECTION 6.2 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by rewording to read "No Shopping Centre shall be established except by a reMzoning for this specific use." r '~r r X12. That By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by inserting immediately after Section 6, the following s .. SECT ION 6 A - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL "HC'i a 6 A.l Hi~'~ocS3~ Co erci 1 done .E,~,~ ;,i 't Q~ Uses t No person shall use land or erect or use a building or structure in a Highway Commercial Zone (HC) except for one or more of the following purposes subject to SECTION 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) Restaurants, Sporting Goods Service Centre, Public Garages, Service Stations, Hotels, Motels, (with or without restaurant facilities), Car Wash Stations, Commercial Nurseries; (b) Notwithstanding any provisions of this By•Law to the . contrary, the owner of a Commercial operation in the HC Zone may erect a caretakers residence in the same lot, which shall conform to Table II of By-Law No, 1592 or an apartment above the first floor to a minimum of 600 sq. ft. exclusive of halls and stairways. 6 a.2 sot, Regius reim~nt s : In accordance with Table II. 13. That SECTION $.1 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is amended by adding "conserv- ation areas". 1l~. That SECTION 10 (a)(i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "subject to Table II. er 15. That SECTION 10 (b) of By•Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by altering "~(a)" before zone to "(A)". 16. That Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by adding "O•S" Symbol to the Department of Lands and Forests, and adding United Counties' Durham Reforestation and the "OS" symbol to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 17. That Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by changing from Development Zone "D" to a Highway Commercial Zone "HC" the area as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and more particularly shown in the plan of survey attached hereto as Schedule "B" 1$. This By•Law shall take effect from the date of passage by Council and shall come into force upon approval by the Ontario Municipal Board. That By•Law No. 1607 be and the same is hereby repealed. Read a First and Second time this 13th day of December 196$. Reeve jS~•,~ t u DeWith Acting Clerk Read a Third time and passed this 13th day of December 196$. Z~/b 9 ( ~~ a t Rom A, Fo,4.~P~ --~ ~ Reeve ~Sand~ H DeWith Acting Clerk • 1 11 - - _. - ~-- I' !~ >• M >t ;tl W 1! 10 ' 7 ~ 2t if M st b !b 1Y 17 K Is ~~ 1~ q • ~ 10 ! A 7 6 S ~ 3 2 1 E ~d ~ \ ~\`~tt,..rlL\t~e.~~~li~~ti~ ~~ 1 1 , ~ ::~:~.:~Gfl RAS ~ CO>VS~~V~T10N,,~;,,.1~~~~~0. S::!II Ig ~~,. ~~,~ ~R,•~;., ~ , ~ , ~;;,1\ ~ ~~TftORITY;~411 ` ~ . , . `UNITED COUNTIES DURHAM REFORESTATIONS-- ~'.I r-~ ; - ' / `~ A ~ i ~ '~`~ ~~ A ~ ~~ L~ KAl(D '' '' ~ ~ ~ YR , - - ~ i . --- ~--e--- i '. _ .. ~, ~ ~,•~~ -A- H.C. ~~ - ~'° A- ~ }. ~ ~ 2Z LI 20 M 11 K If µ Ij ~ 12 11 ~10 9 ! 7 6 s ~4 "'~ •-1 ~'~\\ 1 t~DL T~.s ..C''=,' I . ~~~~' Y Atl m•~ ~ a L j . ,: .~;::.. 1 i ,, r . \ ... .. ._,~_ --_ 1. _~ ;\ - - B - -.L---- --- r 1 , - ~ r - 11 v ~~ 1 :, .~ f ~ ~~ ,~ c s - ,~ ,~~~ _ Y _ ooraco --- ~ ~ - eecc.a s ~ i - l ~ ,~, I s ' µ ~ A A ~ A~ r----L ~~ ~ i • ; ;? I ~` -- -;~ II - ~ '_12.2, ~ ~ w ~ - - - ~ ~ --~-~--- .11 .. R -, . '' D e a II '. ,. g T ,r WGA'$ - , - - - - -- ~ _ N~.WT , NYII~LD. _ ~ -A-- -A-- ,,o t, t7 L6 ~ [ 4( I/ Q N 1 ! If 1 11 n 9'~ S '~ 6 ~~ 4 ) ~ C twl•1 _ i y ~~ - 11 1! I ZONING BY-LAW-" ~ -- _ ,~ - w O A ~tG1Z1CULTURAL ~ r. Rl 1°1DIrNS1TY RL5ID~NTI~FL ~ ' Iz2 2'~ D1rTlS1TY R~S]D1rNT1ltL C COMM~1tCfAL LAKE ONTARIO ~..•w,f• ~ Ml 1NDU3TlZlfll. I 1 MILE ~ t MILES l O.S O]?DN S~hC~ Lt~J. D D~VLLO~[VILNT • • • H.C. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL t ,+ PLAN SHOW/NG PART OF LOT 26, CONCESS/ON 6 N T OWNSH/P OF CL ARKE COiIINTY OF DURHAA! SCALE : / inch /00 Jeel J CONCESSION a~ ~~ SCN~DUL~-"B" J 69032 M. D. BROWN ONTAR/O' LAND SURVEYOR ~....,.,; BOWNANV/L L E Mar' /3, f95e ROAO ALLOWANCE 9£TWEEN CONCESS/ONS S AND 6 NOT ICE TO OWNERS OF LAND in the Township of Clarke and Townships of Manvers, Darlington, Cavan, a~at Hope and Village of Newcastle whose lands abut lands in the Township of Clarke NOT ICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act. Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 1613 passed on the 13th day of December 196$. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law is also furnished herewith. Any person interested may, within fourteen (1l+.) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the Township of Clarke notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law, together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection and who have left with or delivered to the clerk under- signed, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. ;` The last date for filing objections will be the 20th day of .~ February 1969. Dated at the Township of Clarke this 5th day of February 1969. T. E. Monahan, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 219, Orono, Ontario. Explanation of Purpose and Effect of By-law No. 1613 Purpose and Effect This is an amending By-law for the purpose of correcting the °- wording of certain clauses in By-law No. 1592 (being a By-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures in the Township of Clarke) and to designate a specific area as Highway Commercial. T?T.~ COi~POT?A.TIOTv OF THE TOirINSHIF Gr CL~.~'diE BY-L?"~ti~ NO. 161-.3- A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592 •ti,~E~ERE~.~ Zoning By-Law ~ro. 1592 was passed by the r~unici~n~:l Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on the 23rd day of r`ay 1968 AT_SD ~,~?TEREAS the Clarke Planning Board has made a general review of the provisions of the By-Law and his recommended to the Municipal Council that~certa.in amendment; be made to the said By-Law; AT~D ~Tr~-ECEAS the N'L~n.icipa.l Council upon the recommendation of the Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the said By-Law; NO~ri T~~.:~~T?~~~FORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the `.Pownshi~; of C1G.rke ETT~~CTS as follows: - 1. That SECTION 2 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby arr.ended by adding the following after SECTION 2.13: 2.13 A Public Garage: means and includes a building or place where motor vehicles are hired or keyt or used for hire, or where such vehicles or gasoline or oils are stored or kept for sale, or a building or place used as a motor vehicle reT~air shop (but does not include an auto body repair shop) or for washing or cleaning motor vehicles, but does not include any business use otherwise defined or classified in this By-Law. 2. That SECTION 2.15 of Bar-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding at tie end of the third line and after described in a the following: "deed or showr_ on a". 3. That SECTIOiV 3.1 of By-haw No . 1592 is horeby a_mer..ded by in~~erting betTaeen Commercial "C" and Industrial "Ml" under Zone and Zone Symbol "~Iighway Commercial" and "HC" respectively. 4. That `3ECTIOi~T 3 of By-La_w :tio. 1592 is hereby amended by adding; the following, after A~ECTIOTiT 3.7: 3.7 A Greater Restrictions: This V- ata shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate any re•stri ctions lawfully imT~osed by a gcvernmental a=at~~orit~T but in such cases the greater restri coon shall aY~p?_y. 5. That :=ECTICN ,..8 of ~sy-Law ~To. 1592 is hereby amended by deleting "defined by t~ ToT~:nshi~ of Clarke or by any local .~oard thereof" . 6. That 'rEC"'IOT~T 4.11 of .~y-Law "To . 1592 ,_s hereby amended by adding thereto ~.~t the end o_E' the first line after the add "Rl", and after zone in the ^econd line delete the "'?". '?. Th2t ::~~~CTIC~?`T 5.5 of By-L~~w ~~o. 15;2. is hereb:~,r amended by adding t'-_r~reto at t?we end of tre sentence after dwellir_~ - "shall be erected upon a lot." ~. 'Ttii~t ~ ~~CTIOT? 5.~ of ~'y-L.at,7 S1o. 15x2 is hereby deleted. 9. `i~hat ~Iable II of By-L^?t T?o. 15Q2 is hereby amended by addir~ "tir~imum f year Yard 35 ft" , and deletinU the word "ground" from Mir..imum floor area. 10. '?'hat enable III of By-Lava Tio. 1, ;'? is hereby amended by adding "T'ini.mu~i'ride Yards 25 ft." "Minimum Rear Yard 35 ft." 11. That ~ECTIOTT 6.2 of By-Law TTo. 1592 stall be amer_ded by re-wording, to read "T~To Shop_~ing Centre shall be established except by a re-zoning for this specific use." I2. Th~.t By-Law 1~To. l 9? is here=by amended bg inserting, immediately after Section 6, tre following; - SECTIOTT 6 .~ - T3IG~y~:AY C0~"~~RCIiL "FTC": 6 4.1 Highway Commercial Cone Permitted Uses: ?VTo ?~ersan shall use land or erect or use a building or J r structure in a Ni~hway Commercial Zene (I3C) ex_cey:t for , one or more of the fo11o?~aing ur,oses subject to SECTICT~a 3 - GET~~n~iL Pi OVIaICNS: (a) Restaurants, >~porting Cxoods Service Centre, rublic Garages, Service Stations, Motels, hotels, (with or t~rit?~.out restaurant facilities), Car ~~Jahh Stations, Commerc~_a.l Tuurseres; (b) Notwi'~hstanding any provisions of this B,y-la,~ to the contrary, -he of~Jner of a Commercial o->eration in the HC Zone may erect a caretakers rAsidence in the wame lot, whicr~ shell conform to Table II of BST-Law Teo . 1502 or an ap~~rtment above the first floor to a mir_imum of 600 s~. ft. exclusiaae of calls e.nd stairways. 6 ~..2 Lot Recuirements: In acc~~r.-.arse with. Table II. 13. That L~ECTICT~? 8.1 (b) of ~3~=01 aw ~Ta . 1592 is amended b~~ adding "cor_servation areas" . ~~ 14. ThC_t ~ECTIOTT 10 (a)(i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by addr_v "subject to `;'able II." 15. T~_at ~~ECTICI~? 10 (b) of By.~I~aw No. 1592 is hereby amended by altering "(a)" before zone tc "(~.)". 16. Th"t ~:ched>>le "A" of By-,haw T?o. 1592 shall be amended by adding "GS" symbol to the Department of Lands and Forests, and adding ITnited Counties' Durham =?eforestution and the "C,~~" s~~bol to th~~~ Ganaracka .Conservation Autyority as shoran on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 17 . ~1`'h ~.t `~chedul e ".~ " o f Bar-Law No . 1592 shall be amended by cr C,n~ing frog Develoz~ment Zone "D" to a uighway Commercial Zane "IIC" the area a.s shown on ~c7,ed~alz "A" attached hereto and more x~articularly shown in the clan o~° survey~attacred hereto as Schedule "B" 18. This ~3y-Law shall take effect from the date of passage by Council and shall cable into force upon approval by the Ontario r-iunicipal }3oard. Th=;t BzT-Law Io. 1607 be and the same is hereby repealed. izead a Firti,t aY~c~ Secand time this 13th day of December 1958. Reeve ~,,,~~~ Acting Clerk Read a Third time and passed tris 13th da.~T of December 1968. Reeve: Acting Clerk ,~ .. ,r_ ., `Y`~ ~!~V t2 a 2b 9 17 K 15 la ~1C Ii q 9 A 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 l,-.- -•-_ ~+d "\~.~ '~~1 ~ a+1'+1 q'v tk 'i~k~ ~ ~.. vn i~ v; r+i ,it ~ 1 ~ ` ,. a ,T k ~ >~~}~~jy ,.. ~ / 1['''{ ..~~}~~~~ty~l`,vTy~~y~{~]j~}R~~yT' 1'7/F~{~~jf"~q ~ ~ I ? t ~ l r~ v t ~ ~ vv I '~Q' _ ._.„ `y'x'~`*`.a.~.'FR~ 1\~~ 1 V~~vWL F~~111 ~v./I l,tr`9+1' a~l'.. ~1V~,H.'t' ~l4'~ J.d -A A ~ `~ t l~ }c. av ~'~: .i,~~~ F%IP i ~.i¢,dA' ~ ~ A ~ , f j MI\. ,;',` ~r~?~`~ ~• ~~'h, ;, '~.~ Tfi~ORITY~~~ .~t.'.,~ r''t'~ t ' ;~'1~; f^ ~'--_~~ `~~ ._ ~,.'fr'A.kk `M~;.~t~t~ i ski ~+: 11~ ~ It ~~i ,N; 4',f,v ~~ ~.~,iu 1'r ~ ~ .t •~ ~ ~ .~ ;~ ~,, f ~ 1, r C ~ 1 ~1 .~+ 'X ~'I. _.___ F I A ~- p ___;__- a. y Y ~~ A f ` y4 ~ I ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ 1~` i ~;: i j h T' ~ -~ ~ I` t'~ _ .. ~~~~++ -A- J~b 73ijti .'.: r a ~ ' 4f \ v IT K IT 14 13~ 12 11 ~-~ ?~ Ty'?,~. pr" ' I C 10 ,q ! 7. 6 S 4 ~~ D Q 1 A ~ m ,..a.~w ~' ..~ f ~ '~ ~~ '~ ~~ A - ' A A Y ~~ ;~; ~ ~ ~r v~a w ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f , ~aTA!e.fvltu ... ~ I ^ ~ .L _ w wi~w _ - ~ rcco ~ - ~ ~CRaiM ~ ~ I t - ~ ~ , • ~.. i .?, i ~1 - -- -,~ 1. II - A ~~ „; . '' '~I ~~ -~2 >; ~ ~ ~ ` - II ~ I~ p ~ ~ j V r ~~ A A ~- ~ ~+ "401 It GH AY ~~ ,~ ~, I ti ~ ~ t7 t6 t tl .b 17 16 I ~ n t tl n 9 ~ 0 e ~~w a ~ : ii C i J i ~~ ~ F T~OWNSi~I~ 0~ CL~IZK~ __ _ ~ _ _ _~ ZONING BYLltWy /j9,L - __-__ 1 SCfifIrDULB "~ O ~! ~4GiZ1CU'LTU&AL ~l l~D1rNS1TY izBS1D~NTI~FL ~. 2"~ D~nS1TY I2LSID~N_TI~L C COIVIM~RC1~kL Lf4K~ ONTARIO N/~Ll~ '/i~KDU~~3tTqq~TM~}.IAAf~k~++L -~ ~ II~V~L9~M~19T • • ~C. ~16~t1M~lY COMMTc e ~ % F Sr .:, ; x - - ee.,ct,.ft R 1 MILE ~ P MIL@9 R lAL ~ ~p .n~~ ,. ,~ „ ~' 4 ti • PLAN SHOW/NG PART OF LOT 26, CONCESS/ON 6 T OWNSH/P OF CL ARKE COUNTY OF DURHAM SCALE : / inch /00 /aeJ C ONCESS/ON ~~`'` ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN :S C N~DU L~-"B" N 4 I / CONCESS/ONS 3 AND 6 68032 M. D. BROWN ONTAN/0 LAND _ SUNVEYOA ~~ j ~..* '~`~"~~ BOWNANVILLE NAY !S, 796a ,.- ~~ r .. ~'7 ~'1 ~+ ~+ Y m o ~' cv ty ~ m ~ R' (D Gz+ A7 ~; O ~ t' ~ 1 W CD W CJ O r r~ C lu C'1' ~ ~ ~' .~ 1c" -~ ~ N• a x --~• ~t ~ Get :s o a ~F-+~ rm ~b ~ d W r• ~-r tnm~r ~ w ~O p' ~' ~ F'' ~ JO F-+~ CD ~•~•~ ra b ~+ ~ ~ tzi n -: ~' O~ f!1 ~ti f-' O f~] ~ 1 O~ (D 1 ~ `~ r ~ r~ ~ ~ d O p 7," O ~i cD ~ ~ cD Fi ~' ~ a W r+ O r r ~~ o w ~ ~ m r v, p r i ~o M ~ N Q~. cX~ r z 0 r ~~ r *. i