HomeMy WebLinkAbout1573A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture in the principal amount of $269,000.00 for public school purposes. ^rr~rr.,r WHEREAS the school board named in Schedule "An attached hereto hsa applied-to the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke to provide the sane of $ 269,000.00 by the issue of Debentures of the Corporation far the public school purposes set out in Schedule f~An attached hereto attd the Corporation has approved of said application; .AND WAS far the purposes aforesaid the Council now deems it expedient to borrow money by the iaaue and sale to The t'k~tario Education Capita,7.Jlid Corporation of a Debenture of this Municipality in the principal amount of $ 269,00.00 beari~sg interest at the rate of (~ ~ per annum payable aeumi-annually, xhich is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law. NOW TF~REFORE the Council of The Corporati~au of the Township .~,...w of Clarke enacts as fol7.o+ra 1. THAT for the purposes aforesaid money shall be borrowed on the credit of The :: Corporation of the Township of Clarke by t~s fasu~r of a Debenture of the Corporation in the principal .amount of $ 26q,000,00 bearing interest at the rate of (~ ~ per annum payable ssani-annually ou the lot day of dime and lot day of .December in each gear of the currency of the Debentm-e,. upon; the principal amount from time to time reasa3nning unpaid. . 2. .THAT. the Said Debenture shall be dated the 1st day of ~c~,er , 19 67 and shall be payable in 20 annual instalments of principal on the lot cD~' of December in the years 19 68 to 19 g7,. inclusive, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in respect of such Debenture in the years 19 68 to 19 87, inclusivei shall be as set forth in Schedule nB*' attached hereto. 3. THAT the said payments of principal and interest shall be payable fn 1sMfu1 money of Canada by cheques sent through the poet to the registered address of the r~gisterad owner at tYlr DM1~entnrr4 ar~d surt~i tlheapsrs bhal.3. be payable act ~ in t-~te City ,` of Toronto. A-1 y 4. THAT the said Debenture shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and shall be signed by the Head of the Council or by sane other person authorised by By-~].aw to sign the same, and by the Treasurer, 5. THAT all sues required to pay off the instalernts of prinaip~l of the Debenture a~ad to psJ 3atersst thereon as set out in the sisth aolusn of Schedule ~B" attached hereto sha11 bs levied and raised ,iri the years 19b8 to 1957 , inclusive, t+7 a special rate sufficient therefor, truer and above all other rates, upon all the rateable property assessed to public school supporters in the municipality at the same titae and in the sale ma~aner as other rates. 15. THAT the said Debenture be sold to The Qitario 8dncatiort Capital Aid Corporation. 7, THAT the said Debenture shall ct~tsin a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 323 of The Municipal Ant.. 6. .THAT appliaatioa shall be made to the thta~io ~lnr~i~a~ipal ward for approval of this. ~jr~Lar and for the certii~ioation of the Debaxtare to bs issued here~uler pursuant to sections 5d to 60 of The t~tario 1~icipal Board Acts 9. THAT Schedules nAn acrid nBK attached hereto, are hereby declared to be and to form part of this By-law. ffiJAGTED this 22 day of November ~ 1967 Q Clerk (Seal) Re ~ ve • • • . ~ f ~ i t ..t A-2 . ,, . '_i . , b ~ s~ ~ . ~ m ~~ ~ a~ b N ~ . o ~ .~ ~'~' A r~ 4-i ~ o O ~ ~~ o a p ~ rd m ~ o S o aa ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ .~ N ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H W ~ Gr. ~ O c~ • ~ '~ O ~~ U ~ O ~a q C p, ~y O ® ~ .~ W ~ t~ o 8 1 Q~ r-~ O O ~ O V ~ ~ pp Rt m ~ n O ~ o r-i ~ ~ ~ m O ~ y ~ 'ij v z d cn © ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ o o 0 ABCC*DEF_3 ~' hP }1~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TO~SHTP OF '' BY-LAW N0. 1573 SCHEDULE ,rBrr 1 2 3 4 5 6 f PA:.i~NT DATE PAYMENTS ANNUAL AMOUNT T~iJMBER DUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL LEVIED HEREUNDER ~ $ ~ $ 1 June 1, 1968 8,7'42.54 $,742.50 2 December 1, 196$ ~ 7,000.40 8,742.50 15,742.54 24,485.44 3 dune 1, 1969 $,5~-5.00 $,515.00 4 December 1, 1969 7,000.44 8,515.0 15,515.00 24,030.00 5 June 1, 1974 8,2$7.54 $,287.50 6 December 1, 1970 $,000.00 8,2$7.50 16,2$7.50 24,575.04 7 June 1, 1971 8,027.54 8,027.54 8 December 1, 1971 8,000.40 8,027.50 16,027.50 24,055.44 9 June 1, 1972 7,767.54 7,767.54 10 December 1, 1972 9,400.44 7,767.54 16,767.54 24,535.00 ]1 Jtuze 1, 1973 7, 475.00 7, 475.00 12 December 1, 1973 9,000.00 7,475.44 16,475.04 23,950.00 13 Jena 1, 1974 7,182.54 7,182.54 14 December 1, 1974 10,000.00 7,1$2.54 17,1$2.54 24,365.00 15 Jura 1, 1975 6,$57.54 6,$57.50 16 December 1, 1975 L1,000.00 6,$57.54 17,857.54 24,715.00 17 dune i, 1976 6,5ov.o4 6,540.00 i$ December 1, 1976 11,000.00 6,500.00 17,500.00 24,000.00 19 dtuie 1, 1977 6,11+2.54 6,142.54 20 December 1, 1977 12,004.00 6,L42.50 1$,14,2.54 24,2$5.00 21 June 1, 197$ 5,752.54 5,752.54 22 December 1, 197$ 13,000.00 5,752.54 1$,752.54 24,505.00 23 June 1, 1979 5,334.00 5,330.44 24 December 1, 1R79 14,000.00 5,334.00 19,330.00 24,660.00 25 Jana 1, 19$0 4,$75.00 4,87''5.00 26 December 1, 19$0 15,040.00 4s875.44 19,$75.44 24,750.44 27 Juna 1, 19$1 4,387.54 4,387.54 28 December 1, 19$1 16,000.00 4,387.54 X4,387.54 24,775.44 29 June 1, 19$2 3,$67.50 .3,$67.50 3o December 1, 19$2 17,000.00 3,$67.50 20,$67.54 24,735.00 31 June 1, 19$3 3,315.44 3,315.44 32 December 1, 19$3 1$,000.00 3,315.44 21,315.00 24,630.00 33 June 1, 1984 2,734.44 2,734.44 34 December i, 1984 19,000.00 2,734.00 21,730.44 24,460.00 35 June 1, 19$5 2,112.50 2,112.50 36 Dece~abar 1, 19$5 20,000.00 2,112.50 22~12.~~Q 24,225.00 37 Jtme 1, 1986 1,462.50 1,462.50 38 December 1, 19$6 22,000.00 1,462.54 23,462.54 2{+,925.00 39 June 1, 1987 747.54 747.54 40 December 1, 19$7 23,000.00 747.54 23,747.50 24,495.44 $269,000.00 $220,155.00 $489,155.00 $489,155.40 ABCC*DEF-4 • }~ I V ~• I C !"1 ~ ~ ~ ^ ` W C ~ ~ •~ N •r-I 4-i CC ~` +~ N +' O a M ~ N C U ~ ox r ~~ c ~ ~ (f1 f1 O C ~ I ~; • O :J U U ~ p ~ ~ ~ 't7 r-1 ~ '-~ ~i ~ cH .~' ,~ C '!1) ' ~' .. .ri ri N ~ ~ a ~~ ~rn° . ~ ~ ~•. • ~ W o ~; ~ w ~+~ i N ~° c m ce ~ o ~" C N~ U N N ~ +~ +~ A o m a R~