HomeMy WebLinkAbout1580Being a by-law to provide for the licensing of dogs and for regulating the running at large of dogs. WHEREAS Council deems it desirable to protect the inhabitants and animals in the Township of Clarke against the infection of rabies and to provide for the licensing of dogs and for imposing a licence fee on the owners thereof and generally for regulating the running at large of dogs NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, pursuant to the authority provided by Section 379 (1) of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 2~.9 and Sections 5 and 6 of the Dog Tax and Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter III, renamed the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act and ame nded by 1965 Chapter 33, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this By-law (a) "Dog" means any dog, male or female whether a desexed male or spayed bitch (b) "owner" of a dog includes any person who possesses or harbours a dog and "owns" and "owned" have a corresponding meaning (c) "running at large" - an animal shall be deemed to be running at large when found off his owners premises and not under the control of any person. Any dog on a leash shall be deemed to be under control (d) "spayed female" means a female dog which has been operated on by a licensed veterinarian to prevent conception (e) "dog kennel" shall mean a kennel of pure-bred dogs registered in the register of The Canadian Kennel Club, Incorporated, or shall mean a dog kennel which has been properly constructed in the opinion of an Officer of The Ontario Humane Society and duly kept by an owner operating a business dealing in dogs ~ 1 C a' i ~ t~ I P r 2 r i (f) "assessor" shall mean the assessor of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke duly appointed by the Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham (g) "Clerkn means the Clerk of the Township of Clarke (h) "Dogcatcher" means the person appointed by resolution under the provisions of this By-Law as Dogcatcher (i) "Licence Fee" shall mean and include 'dog taxi as referred to in the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act as ame nded by 1965 Chapter 33 and amendments thereto (j) "Poundkeepern shall mean the person appointed by resolution under the provisions of this By~Law as Poundkeeper (k) 'Tax Collector" means the Tax Collector of the Township of Clarke (1) "Animaltt shall mean any dog 2. every owner of a dog shall register, on or before the 1st day of May annually each dog owned by him in the Township of Clarke with i;he Clerkts Department and at that time pay to such Clerkts Department the licence fee prescribed in Section Eight (1) of this 13y-Law and the Clerk ~ s Department shall issue to such owner a receipt acknowledging registration of the dog and payment of the fee. 3. livery person who becomes the Owner of a dog on or after the 1st clay of May in each year shall register the same and pay the Licence fee therefore as provided in Section 2 within fifteen days after becoming the owner of the said dog. !~. 7:he setting down by the Assessor in the assessment roll then in t;he course of preparation by the Assessor of the information as t;o the number o~.f dogs owned by a person why is assessed as owner or tenant of any land and who is in occupation thereof, in respect to every dog which he owns within the Township of Clarke, as F-rovided by Section 20 (2) Column 2g of the Assessment Act shall be deemed to be a registration of such dogs or dog by the owner for the year following the year in which such assessment roll is being ~-repared as required by Sections2 and 3 of this By-Law. Provided however, that the failure of the Assessor to set down such i _ ~~. ,. 3 particulars as regards any dog shall not relieve the owner thereof from registering such dog in accordance with the provisions of S,octionS 2 and 3 of this By-Law. 5. A tag shall be supplied by the Clerks Department for each dog which is registered hereunder, and the owner shall keep the tag securely fixed on the dog at all times during the year and until he p:^ocures a tag for the following year. 6. The said tag shall bear a serial number and the year for which it w;~s issued and a record shall be kept by the Clerks Department for the purpose of showing the name and address of the owner and the serial number of the tag. '~. No person sh all put upon or fix to a dog a tag unless the same was issued for use upon such a dog. $. l;l The amount of the licence fee hereinafter referred to shall be payable annually, and shall be as follows:- For a male dog, if only one is kept. .5.00 For each additional male dog. X5.00 For a female dog if only one is kept. .10.00 For each additional female dog. .~1OS00` For each kennel containing 5 or more dogs ... .10.00 2)~ Where the certificate of a veterinary surgeon is produced showing that a female dog has been spayed, it shall be licensed at the same rate as a male dog. 3) The licence fee shall be paid at the office of the Clerk« Treasurer and at such other places as shall be determined by the Clerk. 9. 1) No animal shall run at large within the Township of Clarke and the owner of any animal running at large within The Township of Clarke between the lst day of April and the 31st day of October in each year shall be guilty of a bre ach of this bylaw. 2;- For the purposes of this By~Law an animal shall be deemed to be running at large when found off his owners premises and not under the control of any person. Any dog on a leash shall be deemed to be under control. ,, r ~• Y 10. The Dogcatcher may seize and impound any animal running at large contrary to the provisions of paragraph g hereof and map at any time during the year seize and impound any animal running at large when deemed to be creating a nuisance. 11. When the Dogcatcher seizes an animal as hereinbefore provided it shall be his duty to deliver the same to the Poundkeeper whose duty it shall be to provide suitable quarters, as may be approved by Council, in which to keep in a humane manner all the animals that may be brought to him by the Dogcatcher under the provisions of this By-Law. The Poundkeeper shall, in a book to be furnished him by the Clerk, keep an accurate account of all animals placed in the pound, including the date of receipt, times of feeding and watering, manner of final disposal, the methods of destruction of the same, amounts received by way of redemption fees, and sales, and the names and addresses of the purchasers of dogs and any other particulars Council may deem advisable. 12. Every animal, caught by the Dogcatcher under the provisions of this By-Law and delivered to the Poundkeeper shall be confined by the latter in the Pound for seventy two (72) hours-and at the end of such period maq, if not redeemed as hereinafter provided, be destroyed by the Poundkeeper, and the carcass shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Medical Office of Health for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. 13. Where an animal bearing a tag issued as hereinbefore provided in this By-Law, has been impounded, the Poundkeeper shall, within Twelve (12) hours deliver to the Clerks Department, in writing, particulars of the registration number on the said tag. 14. The Clerks Department, upon receipt of the particulars of regis~ tration number on the said tag, as hereinbefore provided, shall, within Twelve (12) hours of receipt of such notice, notify the owner of the animal as it may appear from the records of that Department . 15. The Owner of any animal impounded under the provisions of this By~Law may redeem the same within Seventy two (72) hours after its delivery to the Poundkeeper by paying to the Poundkeeper the sum of ! ~ 3 1 y } E _ , n, i ~ ~~, ~ . f t - r ~ .r not less than Two (~2.00j Dollars for each day or part thereof that the said animal has been impounded; provided further, that if the said animal is a dog for which a licence fee has not been paid as provided in this By-Law, the Owner shall in addition to the payment hereinbefore provided, pay to the Clerkts Department the amount required for such licence and thereupon shall be issued with a tag by the Clerkts Department. 16. Any person may purchase any animal impounded under the provisions of this BywLaw by paying to the Poundkeeper for the use of the municipality, the sum of not less than Two Dollars 02.00) for each day or part thereof that the said animal has been impounded provided further, that if the said animal is a dog for which a licence fee has not been paid as provided in this By•Law, the person purchasing the said dog shall, in addition to the payment hereinbefore provided pay to the Clerkts Department the amount required for such licence and thereupon shall be issued a tag by the Clerkts Department provided, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this paragraph a sale hereunder shall not be final and the animal shall not be delivered to the purchaser until after the expiration of Seventy-two (72) hours from the date of impoundment. 17. Council shall by resolution provide for the appointment of a Dogcatcher and a Poundkeeper (provided however, that such offices may be held by one person if Council deems it advisable and shall provide for the terms of such appointment). 1$. Council shall by resolution approve the location-and construction of the Pound to be used for the detention of animals as provided by this By-Law, and as to the means of disposal of such animals, and, without limiting in any way the discretion of Council herein, the Pound and the method of disposal of the animals shall be such as are approved by the Ontario Society for prevention of Cruelty to Animals. lg. From and after the affective date of this By-Law, By-Law No. 1l~00 and all other By-Laws at variances to this By-Law are hereby repealed, but the provisions of this By-Law shall be read mutatis mutandis with the terms and conditions of any By-Law, Resolution, or Agreement on the keeping of pounds and the appointment of a Poundkeeper and a Dogcatcher. ~ Y ` \•r~ ~i ~', ,/` ~ ` • y~ ~ . r 6 it 20. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this By~Law shall upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty (~50.OOj Dollars, exclusive of costs, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the provision of the Summary Conviction Act. 21. This Bye-Law shall become effective as of the 1st day of January 196$. Read a First and Second time ..this 5 day of March 196. Reeve .,...~ f Clerk Read a Third time and finally passed this 5 day of March 196. Reeve S E A L `'~ ., _~ Clerk R ` ~ ~~ 4-a O 1 ~O o ,~; r.~. 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