HomeMy WebLinkAbout1545A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1967. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has in accordance with The Municipal Act considered the estimates of the municipality and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following estimates be raised by means of taxation for the year 1967: EXPE,I~D1'1' URES Executive ~~ Legislative Administrative Other General Government Clarke Cemetery Board Committee of Adjustment Clarke Planning Board Clarke Cer_tennial Committee (General) Clarke Recreation Committee Clarke Public Library Fire Protection - Shared Operating - Direct Twp. Costs Street Lighting - Newtonville - Kendal Destruction of Pests - Warble Fly Fox Bounty Other Protection- Livestock ~ Dogs - Line Fence Act. - Hydro Arrears - D.P.V. Garbage Arrears Prior Years Deficit 1966 Operating Deficit Fublic Works-Ivi . W. A . P . IJo . 1 Loan -NI.W.A.P. No. 1 Bank -hi.W.A.P, rdo. 2 Loan -Ni.W.A.P. No. 2 Bank -Normal(By-Law 1541) Twp. -Normal(By-Law 1541) OPV -Supplementary(By-Law) OPV -1966-67 r~:. w. w. I . P . -Supplementary(By-Law 1535) (oPV.) Supplementary(By-Law) Twp. Sanitation- Garbage Expense ;iealth - Insulin Post Sanitorium Care nursing Home Care Airect Welfare (Subsidized) Direct Welfare (Jon-Subsidized) Direct Relief - Indigent Ambulance - Indigent Burials Education - Public r~iaintenance - Separate r~laint~uance - Secondary I4iaintanance Recreation &~ Community Sarvices- - Twp. Hall - Sundry Grants - Pounds General ~ Total Public Works ~ t P ~..O~Z..Y... 3,$00.00 3,$00.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 x,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 550.00 550.00 3,5$$.00 3,5$$.00 ~., 260.00 ~., 260.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 250 . oo ~ ~~ 1'30.00 3$0.00 700,C0 700.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 22.50 479.63 ~,~~ 1, 502.13 6,7$6.35 $,x,725.77 15,512.12 15,512.12 11, 464 . ~.$ ~, 253 . ~~+ 3,0$5.01 2, 503.63 114,500.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 10$,700.00 '~7,~, 0~ o _ 00 296, 506.36 a96, 506.36 2,000.00 2,000.00 20_.. 00 20.00 100.00 100.00 2,$00.00 2,$00.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 50.00 50.oC 250.00 250.00 2oo.oa 200.00 113,766.00 2,039.24 112,3$0.5$ 1,200.00 1,200.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 .,~ - 2 - Debt Charges-Principal - Public 6,500.00 -Interest - Public 6,$54.00 -Principal - Memorial Hospital 3,000.00 3,000.00 -Principal - Orono Hydro 1,$00.00 -Interest - Orono Hydro lt$40.50 -Debt Retirement to OWRC-OMWS 1,152.00 -Principal - Secondary 1$,19$.77 -Interest -Secondary 13,454.55 -Interest to GWRC-OMWS 3,2$1.00 -Interest - Memorial Hospital 4,169.10 4,169.10 Interest and Bank Charges $,000.00 $,000.00 OWRC Current Operating Ghar~es - Oh~WS 3,125.00 OWRC Current Contingency Charges - ONiWS 1,305.00 Debt Charges-MWAP-Principal-ONiWS 1,54$•9$ -1~IWtiP-Interest-OP~:WS 5.6~~ 0.7~ 7,1$9.69 OMWS Deficit at December 31, 1966 3,225.25 Discount for Taxes 2,450.00 2,450.00 Taxes Written Off (Exclusive of Charge -Backs) 500.00 500.00 Taxe s Written Off ( OI~1WS ) Capital Expenditure From Revenue: Public Works - Supplementary(Reserve) 12,000.00 Fire Hall nil Fire Truck (Tank Truck) (Shared) 750.OC 750.00 Fire Equipment (Shared) 500.00 500.00 Administrative 500.00 ,500.00 County Rate 6$,466.46 Police Village Rate 13,500.00 Local Improvement 1369 225.31 Durham, Federation of Agriculture 905.9$ Ganaraska Authority 1,$00.00 Central Lake Ontario Authority 74.92 74.92 Area Ambulance Agreement 2,075.76 2 075.76 ,Reserves-Replacement of Equipment 3,000.00 , .3,000.00. -Working Funds 3,000.00 3,000.00 -Other nil Miscellaneous _ ~ OQ 0.00 7 ,000.00 , , 796,122.72 _x„ , 402,231.26 ~~ Taxation Levy-County 6$,554.24 -Township (No Grants) 25,1$$.94 -Township (Grants) 102,521.$1 -Township OPV(No Grants) 4,169.35 -Township OPV(Grants) 10,906.15 -Ganaraska 1,$00.00 -D.C.D.H.S.B. 143,$05.60 -T.S.A. of C. 127,272.10 -C.~.C.S.S. 1,971.55 -R..C. S.S. Bowmanville 67.6Q -Folice Village of Orono 13,500.00 -Street Libhting-Newtonville 250.00 -Street Lighting-Yendal l~ 500,137.43 tither Taxation Levie s:- -Hydro Arrears 479,63 -OPV Garbage Arrears nil -Line Fenca Act 22,50 -Durham Federation 905.9$ -Local Improvement 1369 X5..31 1, 633.42 Taxation - Oi~iVJS - I~iill Rate 2, 400.00 Taxation - Oi~1WS - Frontage ~ Connection ~. ~ S6 _ ~,~ 513,327.2$ Recoverable Revenue:- - Oi~uVS 7, 721.51 -Transfer from Reserve for P.W.Equipment 4,$00.00 -DHO Subsidy applied on P.W.Equipment 7,200.00 -Orono Hydro Debentures ~.6~ 23,362.01 Revenue Applied to Reduce Township Rates:- Provincial Subsidies:- -Fire Dept. 25.00 -Public Works(By-Law 1541) Twp. ~- OPV 74,640.00 -Public Works(Supp. ) OPV 1,$40.00 +~. i - ~ r -Public Works(Supp. ) Twp. -Public Works(Supp.By-Law 1535) OPV -Warble Fly -Area Ambulance -Orono Public Works By-Law 1535 ~ U.C. of N.FrD. -Magistrates Fees -Fox Bounty Rebated -1966-67 hfwWlP -Licences & Permits - Trailer Fees -Plumbing ~ Sewage Permit Fees -Building Permits -Dog Tax -Interest, Tax Penalties -Rents, Twp. Hall -Committee of Adjustment -Miscellaneous -Indigent Burials Rebated -Road Receipts -Direct Welfare Subsidy -Nursing .Home Care Subsidy -Post Sanitorium Care Subsidy -Tax Assistance Per Capita Grant Estimate Expenditure Applie d on Gen . £~ P . W. Pate s Less Revenue Applied on Gen. ~: P.W.Rates Amount from Taxation ~~ Per Capita Grants To al a l~.02, 231.26 2~ ~' .292. $~ 16~,93$.~$ 22,$00.00 57,120.00 250.00 1,037.$$ 51,5$0.00 x.00.00 100.00 7,500.00 $00.00 1,000.00 700.00 2,000.00 6, 000.00 350.00 500.00 300.00 100.00 2, 50 0.00 6,000.00 600.00 $0.00 70.00 GenQrgl 105, 72~+ • 90 2~; X12 _ ~$ ~ ~,,,.9„ 2.02 AND WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in•1966 and upon which the 1967 taxes are to be levied and finally revised by the Court of Revision on the 21st day of- November, 1966; AND WHEREtiS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as residential and farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as business, of Unconditional Grants in accordance with the Municipal Act, R.S.O.. 1960 is as follows: Assessment entitled to Benefit X3,597,$25.00 Assessment ~ entitled to Benefit $02,x.61.92 BE IT THEREFORE and it is hereby enacted as follows: 1. THAT the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Clarke the following mill rates for the year 1967: 23 $,2g2.$$ 21.15,_ ~3~$9 796,1t~2.06 Publ i c Worj~ 296,506.36 215. L.$~ 0_00 $1i026_~6 ~, - ~. - Descri .~ on Revenue ~ Recoverable E'.xr~andi i;,ii ~s q'a'r-at._.~.oY1 Assessments I~~'_ ~ Rate;, 1.Township Commercial 2.Township Residential &- Farming 3.Townshi.p OPV Commercial 4.Township OPV Resident ial &~ Farming Per Capita Grants Reduction Taxation by Township Rates Street Lighting-i~ewtonville -vandal Other Protection-Hydro Arrears -Line Fence Act Edueation-Public ~~ Separate T.S.A.ofC.-Commercial -Residential ~ Farming C.R.C.S.S.-Residential ~ Farming R.C.S.S.Bow.-Residential &. Farming Debt Charges-Orono. Hydro Education-Secondary D.D.F..S.B.-Commercial .-Residential ~ Farming GT~WS-Frontage ~ Connection -1,:i11 Rat e -Consumption Receipts Counties Rate Police Village Rate Local Improvement 1368 Durham Federation Ganaraska Authority Capital Expenditures from Reserve Expenditure from Revenue Total 1867 Taxation Deduct Over Collections Total 1867 Expenditure 25,1$$.94 624,009.gz 40.3540 102,521.$1 2,g74,o00.00 34.4727 4,169.35 17$,452.00 23.3640 l0,go6.15 623,$25.00 17.4$27 21,159.$9 3,597,$25.00 5.$$13 142,7$6.25 250.00 150,200.00 1.6650 130.00 49,goo.oo 2.6050 479.63 22.50 25,6$4.3$ $02,461.92 32.0030 101,5$7.72 3,527,025.00 2$.$029 1,971.55 6$,450.00 2$.$029 67.69 2,350.00 2$.$029 3,640.50 2$,560.43 $02,461.92 35.5910 115,245.17 3,597,$25.00 32.0319 9,156.43 2,400.00 $02,277.00 2.9914 7,721.51 6$,554.24 4,400,2$6.92 15.5790 13,500.00 $02,277.00 16.$272 225.31 805.9$ --- .5000 1,$00.00 4,400,2$6.92 .4090 12,000.00 2~~.2~a2. $$ ~$~, $-, l 1,,,7$ 796,142.06 ~a_~, 796,122.72 Statement of Public Works (Included in items 1, 2, 3, and 4 above) Taxa~ij,on Assessme is Township excluding Orono 7$,4$6.36 3,79$,579.00 Orono Only 2,540.00 $02,277.00 Orono Only transposed to Tdunicipal~iillRate --- --- Prior Years Deficits. 15,512.12 3,59$,009.92 1967 Provision on Reserve for Replace- ment of Equipment ~,OOQ.00 99,53$.4$ 2. The taxes shall become due and payable on the lst day of September, 1967. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of ~vji l l a s 20.6620 (3.1660) .5773 4.3113 _6 17 26.2 2 taxes on due date or on instalments thereof, the amount of 1 n of the amount due on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of l~ shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter on the balance remainin;; unpaid up to and including. December 31st, 1867. h "y - 5 - ~.. The treasurer and Collector are hereby empowered to receive in any year payments on account of taxes for that year in advance of the date due and is hereby authorized to allow a discount on such pre-payments at a rate of discount of 6D per annum. 5. The Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom such notice is required to be given. 6. All current taxes shall be paid into the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Newcastle and Orono. All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono. 7. Where a tenant of lands, owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of wages, salaries, or other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and any such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. ~. The collector and treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof . READ a first and second time this 21a. day of April 1967. Reeve. `-- ..„ Clerk, READ a third time and finally passed this ~1~ /dray ~of,~April 197 Reeve . S E ti L --=--` - Clerk. tv ~ rv ~~ o ~ w cr o ~• ~- m .F- r ~a o N o~-, w w w 1~ ~r as~~ a :*~ w :*~c ~ ~ ~ ' w w w ~ o ~~ ~ :~ ~• f~• w ~ ~ ~;_; w v 1-' c+ N ~b ct- G~ G~ ct t-~ ~ i ~r w N• o I-~ N. ~, ~ O ;t -~ ;t `y O nw. ~o~~n ;n ~ c ~ ~'~ ~ tJ • ~ ~- rn c-r ,~ m c~ '~ ,, y 'J v~r~ J '. t ~i M • cr- ~'_-~ O c'' u. , O N. . x" • ~'• ~ ~ ~s m .~, ~ • ~ Cn N• O c+ N• n ~ ~ ~s ~+~ o N ~ o ~ p. w ~y N ~ ~' ~ ct C~'C st m "~ G- ~~ ~ .~ ~ N o o w ,~ t~ ~~• ~~ w ~s O '~ w ''`~ c~ ~~. G, cD !~ :'' ci- O 1 I ~, O ', :J'' ~ '~ Cn N -~7