HomeMy WebLinkAbout1563A Bylaw to stop~up certain road allowances and certain parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke . WHEREAS notice of intention to pass this bylaw was published once a week for at least four successive weeks in the Orono Weekly Times and was posted up for at .least one month in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of each of the said road allowances or parts of road allowances hereby affected as required by the provisions of The Municipal Act; AND WHEREAS Council has received no objections from persons claiming that their land would be prejudicially affected by the by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT all those road allowances and parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke described in Schedule etAri and forming part of this by-law be and the same are hereby stopped up. READ a first and second time this 19th day of September 196'7. Ree e / _ .e _/ Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this 3~ day of Qr.~~u/ 196'7. S E A L Ree e Clerk } 4 ~: gg' Y • ~~' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKS SCHEDULE '~A" t o By~Law No . 1563 1. The Part of the Road allowance, now unopened, between Lots 2 and 3, in the First Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, more particularly described as follows: "All and singular that part of the road allowance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, in the Township of Clarke being North of the northerly limit of Highway 401 and south of a line drawn through the said road allowance on a bearing North 26 degrees 05 minutes East from a point in the said road allowance 246.66 feet south of the north east angle of Lot 3 in the said first concession." 2. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Sixth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. 3. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, being the northerly 1155 feet southerly of the southerly boundary of Queens Highway No. 115. 4. Part of the Road Allowance between Concession 9 and 10 adjacent to Lot 35 in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, and as shown on a Plan of Survey by M. L. Brown, 0. L. S. numbered 65130 dated October 15, 1965, marked as Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this resolution and .outlined in red thereon. xl ~ ~] m ~ ~+ cF ;:~• rn m r~ ~ ~ o ;~ ~- ~~~ and a.. ~~ a ~3 ~ m ua °C rn ?;9 cep+tii ~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ r ~ :]~,~''~ y ~ :~O cn m~a~,~ ~fi ~•c~~~ F-i ~ ~ Fi cD ,'~' ~ a t F-' ~ ct .i ~ N• N• ~O ~ ct CJ c+ M (A ~ ~ ~ ~~ F--' ~ I--~ (D .'~ N. ~ n Cn ~p N ~ N J O I Q` m 3'r1 :~ Fi ~ J c'~ O ~i `i .~ O • O ~i O 7r J n ~ ;~ ch :~ CD `i ~t c3• m cn c1 ~ :~ .+ w ~+ ~• o :v .. ~• ~ ~~ F--, o ~ ~ ~ :~ ~.o rn o ~t o m ~, o ~ o ~ i ~ ~ ~ Q• t,~ I r 4 i F-' s Q`• w - --_ - F ,~ ~ r ,~ . ~ ~--- ~-... ~ ~ ~^•~ ~ .. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ` i k ~ti ~?4 4~....a ~ .~ ~.... 1r. M ~ ~+.. ~ .b1 h.,f ..., ~,:.. ~ ~" `~ ~-„/ r"_"' ~ N") 7 ' .i ~'.~ ~ ' ,~ ~'..."r ~" , y ~ ~l ,,, , .,y ~, ~ ~ ,.- , .,_ ~~r1'~ i ~~ .. ~. N ~ ,~ ~ ~' ' ~ ~ '~ ~ ~° i ~ yI 4( ~ e ~ ' , `` r~ ,~ 8 p ~7 t1t _ ~ ~' _ _ _. r _ ~"`"~, t° M r ~ ~• ~__- ~ -- h . _.. - ;~ .. _. ~~ f ~ b b"~' ,~'' 4, ~ ~ ~ .~ s ~ ~~ '~' ~~ ~ -~ - ~. _ ~~- -- -__ 6 ~' ~ °, +~ n ~ , r ~,,,- ~ .. ~ r ~. ~,~ ~~ ~ ~ ., f A ~ _ .~ .' „- . ,,. o,,,,~ ~ K ~ ~ ~~ # ~ ~ ~ .... THE Cl%al'O?t .`l'10N OF 'I'Hla TO`~,~;NS17:P OF CLtiRK3; -~ ` FAY-1..1~~,V N0. 1.5(>~ T:c~in^ a 1>v-lay^3 to sto~-up cert.a_in road al.lowa.nres and cert:,ai_n 1~arts of .road allo~.~~~'?.nces i.n the To~~~nsh;i of C1~rkF . ~~I-iEREtiS noti.c~~ of intention to amass t;h~i s t:;y-la~a zr~as published onc~.~ a ~.aeek for a.t least; four successive weeks in the Orono ~~Veekl~~ T:i.mes and •~~as post~v~d up for at, 1_east one month. in six of thc~ mc,st public place:, in the immediate neighbourhood o.f' each of tree said road allowances or -Darts of road allo~r~anc~~s h~=:ruby ai'fect,ed as r~qui_red bV the provisions of Th~~ Municipal t~~ct; AND ~~JHERE~~~ Council has receive-,d no o~h ject-.ions from persons claiming that their land e~Tould he nre;jud.i.cially affected by t,ht~~ by-13.v~; NO~~I THEREFORE the Punicipal Council of the Corporation of the To~~mship o' C~.arke ENACTC 11S FCihhO^d~: 1. THt~T all those road allowances and parts of road allo~~~ances in the Tov,Jnship of C]_arkF~ d<,~scri.' ed in Schadule "~~" and .for.minrT part of this b;,'-law }-~e and the same are herety st,'op~7ed u~.~. __ _ __ - ' ; c=.t,}1 daV O"f SP ptem~:er 196rI. __ _~ { READ a first and second time t:nzs ~ ~L1~.._2„~y it . Fo s $~.,_.._ tZf'f'Ve .(~=,~-~~,~rE M~ 1 1 son _ Clerk READ a. third t.i.mc: and final:l_,y pa.ssEd t.hi_S 31°d day of October 19h'1. i2E~G-'VE? S E A L Cln rk I, ;~, E. M.l.lson, here;s- cert:ifv the fore,..oinr-° t;o ,~:' a true coo;. of By-La~~~ No . 15''-3 . ~. / Clerk, To~,~~nshi_p tsf C7_arkc~. ~, i ~ ~, ~~ ~~ < ;1' } ' ~t ` t r i ,. _..~~ . _ i. ~ 4: $. 's . J THE CURPOR.~TION OF '1'I-IE TO;rJNSKIP OF CLr~RK.E ~ - r. SCHEDULE rrrjrr to E,y•-Lr~w No. 1.563 .. , , t , 1. The Part of th~~ Road allowa-nce, noti,~ unopened, botwPen Lots ~ and 3, in tl~le First: Concession of.' the Tote of Clarke, Cor_int.y of. Durham, more particularly descriphed ; as follo~s~s rr~il.l and sin."ulcer that , bet~n~f~c,n Lots 2 and '~ Cc~nces~~f the road a.llow,ance of C1_ari_._~ ^c>>_nc,• Nord;. of thf~ northf~rly limitoa (ship ~ , Hi~rhwa-jT 1~~)1 an~3 so~.~tl- of a 1 info dra~,jn throuT:~ the ' ' ' said road a1.lo~-~ance on a beari.ncT North. 26 der , C5 minutes Ease from a ~;rees point i_n t,h<~ said road allo~~~ance 21~F.c,6 feet, so~_ith of t:hc~ nc~rt,f~ east an~~le of Lot 3 in the said f rst cc>nct~ssion •'r 2. The Road 1~11_owance bet:woe~r~ Lo+,s 6 and ' in the Sixth Concession c:f' the To`f~nshi.p of C1?rke, County of Durham, extendine~ from til~~ sauttierl_ ~~ limit c>f t:ne ~. .Concession to the northez^1 lien ~ t. said aixth Y therF:of 3. Part o.f th.~ R:~ad ~1.lowancP t;etw~~en I_,ots 30 and 31 in the Second Concession of the `.Cot°~ns'rrip of Clarke, County of Durham, i,~eincr the. north=rly> _115 i feet souther ~ soot?rerl.•,~ i~ ~undar ~ of ~ ~ r C _ .. 1.Y o~ the .Y ~uE. c n HiErliTr~a,y PJo . 11.5 . ~+• Part of the Road fi.lloi•~ance betwcr.n Conc~ss_ion 9 and 1.0 ad,;acent t -~ Lot. 35 in the To~.~.~nsh ip of Clarke, County of Durham, and as shown on a Plan of Survey b ~~• I,. S. num't~ere.d 65130 dated October 1 y M• L, Brown, as Schedule r-tirr , . 5, 19.5, marked atached to and f'ormi_na-. :part of th i :, resolution and outlined in red there-=on. i d ~. ~; 0 ._ _ ___ _ - -- -- ~ - -- -__ .. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~. _ Via: ~ ~ ., `. ~ ~ ~ F '; r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R ,` ~ ; ~ ~ ' \' ~ - ',~ g r~ °~1 ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~........,._ M._...,...u.,~...,.., ~..~..,.,~ ..-..~..,... ~ ~ ~ ~ `, ~ ` ~` ~~ ~ ~~ T p ~~