HomeMy WebLinkAbout1566A By-law to establish certain benefits for employees of the Coroporation of the Township of Clarke. t~ BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH CERTAIN BENEFITS ' FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO`,~NSHIP OF CLARKS . WHE REAS it is deemed expedient to establish sick leave benefits, annual vacation and statutor~r holidays for the employees of the Township of Clarke, "" THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke enacts as f of l ows 1. Sick Leave Credit Gratuities (a) The Township shall establish a system of sick leave credits under which an employee shall be entitled to a credit of one and one-half days for each month of regular attendance, (b) The credits shall be cumulative. (c) The credits shall be entered into a register maintained in the department in which the employee is employed, (d) No credits shall he given to an employee in any month who is absent from duty in that month: (i) For more than six (6) days for any reason other than vacation leave o_f absence. (ii) Without leave of ahsen.ce, (e ) No employee shall receive pay f. cir absence caused throug'n sickness in excess of 1E~0 days credit or of his accumulated credits, which ever is the lesser, (f) An employee shall not be granted any sick leave credits until he has completed one year continuous employment with the Township of Clarke. (g) Payment for sick leave shall be made at the prevailing rate in effect during the absence of the employee. For those employees engaged on a Salary basis, the salary shall be continued until the employee has exhausted his accumulated credits up to a maximum of 1F~0 days and for those employees on an hourly basis, the hourly rate multiplied by the normal workin~T hours for the particular period, shall be paid until the employee has exhausted his accumulated credits up to a maximum of 1~0 days. (h) 1~fter three (3) days absence caused by sickness no leave with pay shall he allowed unless a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner is forwarded to the head of the employees department certifying the inability of the employee to attend to his or her official duties, The head of the department may require an employee to submit a doctorfs certificate for a period of absence of less than three (3) days, (i) The head of the department may grant leave of absence with pay upon any special or compassionate grounds to an em ployPe and the period of leave of absence shall be charged against the sick leave credits of the employee. (j) On retirement or separation, an employee shall be entitled to an amount equal to his salary, wages or other remuneration for one-half the nl.imber off' days standing to his credit up to a maximum of 1~0 days and in any event, not in excess of the amount of ~0 days earnings at the rate received by the employee immediately prior to termination of employment and providin~T that the employee has completed five years of service with the Corporation of the To~~nship of Clarke immediately prior to terminat%on of em ployment, (k) Employees shall be granted a credit of 1 day sick leave for each month that they have been employed by the Township of Clarke prior to January 1, 19h7, -- 2 (1) an employee shall be provided with an annual statement of the sick leave credits accumulated to his or her credit., This statement shall be signed by the head of the employeets department and shall be given to the employee on or before January 31 of each year. (m) An employee who is permanently employed on a part time basis, and who received an annual salary of not less than 50 per cent of the regular annual salary for this classification of employment, will be entitled to one-half of the accumulated sick leave credits as outlined for permanent full time employees. (n) The following regulations shall apply for labourers and casual employees who shall be entitled to sick leave credits providinb: (i) The employee works for eight continuous months in each calendar year. (ii) The employee works for any eight months of the year, not necessarily continuous, providing the break in continuity is due to lack of work or by other action by the employer. Bu.t the employee Drill not be eligible where a break in continuity is a result of that employeets decision to resign. (iii) Temporary absence approved by the employer for compassionate reason will not be interpreted as a break in continuity. (iv) The employee will not be eligible for sick leave benefits unless he has complied with the requirements of section (i) or (ii) for a period of one calendar year. Accumulation of credits is not permitted for the probationary year. (v) adhere an employee has received a separation or retirement allowance as provided by section (j) of these regulations and is subsequently r eemployed, the employee shall commence accumulation of sick leave credits on the basis of having the status of a new employee and said employee shall be required to serve for probationary period as outlined in section (iv), (vi) The employee shall only be paid for absence caused by sickness which occurs during a period of employment 2. Statutory Holidays (a) All permanent employees statutory holidays with (i ) Nevr Year 1 s Day (ii) Good Friday (iii) Victoria Day (iv ) Dominion Day (v) Civic Holiday (vi) Labour Day (vii) Thanksgiving Day (viii)Christmas Day (ix) Any other holiday the Reeve of the shall be granted the following pay: that may be authorized by Township of Clarke. (b) Permanent employees shall include labourers and casual employees of the Township of Clarke. (c ) In order that an employee shall be granted a statut ory holiday with pay, the employee must work the normal working day immediately before and after the holiday. i , ~ ' .. 3 - 3. Annual Vacation: (a) All permanent employees shall be granted 2 weeks annual vacation after one yeasts service and 3 weeks annual vacation after five yeasts service. (b) One Yeasts annualjacation may be carried over to the following year. (c) ~rVhen a statutory holiday falls on a day of an employeets scheduled vacation, the employee shall be entitled to an additional day of vacation, provided that the necessary arrangements have been made with the head of the depart- ment prior to the commencement of the vacation period. (d) Permanent employees shall include all employees whose service is continuous for such length of time to qualify them for the applicable annual vacation. Casual employees are excluded unless permission is granted by the head of the department for inclusion. 4. This By-law shall come into force and effect as of the first day of January, 1g67, 5. That By-law No. 1~Q6 be and is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7 day of November 1967. Reeve. Clerk. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7 day of.Tlovember 196. Reeve. 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