HomeMy WebLinkAbout1412A By-law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. NO'JP THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke hereby enacts that Herman Edward Millson of the Village of Orono in the said Township of Clarke be and he is hereby appointed Clerk and Trea- surer and Tax Collector of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke; that he shall have an office in the said Village of Orono for the carrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and max Collector; and that he shall be paid the sum of Five Thousand, One Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly, the said Municipal Council to provide for him a suitable office for the carrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector and to pay all premiums on whatever bond they require him as Treasurer and Tax Collector to supply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws contrary to or inconsistant with the provisions of this by-law be and they are hereby repealed. This by-law shall take effect on January 1, 1963. Finally passed thisS~day of MAkeN 1963. ~~ ~J~ Reeve S E A L , ....ca...-,..~ ler .. _.. .~:. .: ~Ke![".'F ... +..~ .y -~.. ..... ~ wM~J._1!' ':g~M'n. y.y~'~ ~.'j.'yi1* ~• ,~ p*r An i~ ~ it S Wy A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to appoint a clerk and Treasurer -and Tax Collector of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Passed - 5 March 1963. H, E, Millson, Clerk. . ,. _ i .. _ ~~.'~ era ".i rt ~' r.,"'~ ~. ~~~.- at I~r ,,. ~. .. t - -+ a ~ ~ _ Y~` . _]Y. -. ~~ _au-'L A i.. ~.i:-.t .J~ 4En~.~'hj'. y. n. ,.. ~ t _ _ _~ •- _ R'HE CORPORATION OF TAE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKS -a...____.~ BY-LAW NO. /5~.2 as Being a by-law to establish a Fire Department. WHEREAS The Municipal Aot provides that the Counoil may by by-law establish and regulate afire department; THEREFORE, the Counoil of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows; 1. In this by-law, unless the contest otherwise requires, (a) "Counoil" means the Counoil of the Township of Clarke. (b) "Department" means the Township of Clarke Fire Department. (c) "Member" includes an officer. (d) "Trustees" means the Trustees of the Police Village oP Orono. 2. A department for the Township of Clarke to be known as the Orono Fire Brigade is hereby established and the head of the Department shall be known as the Chief of the Depart- . meat. The Chief shall take training courses or instruction as advised by the Trustees and as suggested or recommended by The Fire Marshals Department. 3. In addition to the Chief of the Department, the Department personnel shall consist of a deputy chief and such number of district chiefs, captains and other officers and members, as from time to time may be deemed necessary by the Trustees and approved by Counoil. 4. (1) The Chief of the Department may recommend to the Trustees the appointment of any qualified person as a member of the Department. (2) A person is qualified to be appointed a member of the Department for fire fighting duties who (a} is not less than 18 years of age and not more than 55 years of age, present members excepted. (b) has successfully completed at least grade 8, (o) is of good character, (d) passes such aptitude and other testa as may be required by the Chief of the Department, (e) is medically fit to be a member as certified by a physician designated by the Chief of the Department, and (f) resides within the Township of Clarke. (3) A person appointed as a member of the Department for fire fighting duties shall be on probation for a period of 6 months during which period he shall take such training and examina- tions as may be required by the Chief of the Department. Pre- sent members excepted. (4) If a probationary member appointed for fire fighting duties Pails any such examinations, the Chief of the Depart- ment may recommend to the Trustees that he be dismissed. .............. ~ .. f - 2 - 5' The remuneration of alI members of the Department shall be as determined by the Trustees Frith oonsent of Counoil. 6. The Chief of the Department is responsible to the Trustees for the proper administration and operation of the Department, for the disoipline of its members, and (e) may, with the approval of the Trustees, make suph general orders and departmental rules as may be necessary for the Dare and proteption of the property of the Department, for the ponduot of the members of the Department and generally for~the effioient operation of the Department, provided that such general orders and rules do not oonflipt with the pro- visions of an3r' by-law of the munipipality, (b) shall review periodioally the polipi~es and propedures of the Department and may establish an Advisory Committee oon- sisting of suoh oPfioers as he may determine from time t'o time to assist him i n this duty, (o) shall take all proper measures for the prevention, oontrol and extinguishment oP fires and for the proteption of life and property and shall enforpe all munipipal by-laws respeoting fire prevention and eaerpise the powers and duties imposed on him by The Fire Marshals Aot, (d) is responsible for the enforoement of this by-law end the general orders and departmental rules, (e) shall report all fires to the Fire Marshal or Fire Commis- sioner as required by The Fire Marshals Apt, (P) shall submit to the Trustees for its approval, as required by the Counoil, the annual estimates of the Department. ']. The Deputy Chief shall report to the Chief of the Department on the aotivities of the divisions and Derry out the orders of the Chief and, in the absenoe of the Chief, has all the powers and shall p®rform all the duties of the Chief. 8. (1) The Department is oomposed of the following divisions Division of Administration and Communications Division of Apparatus and Equipment Division of Fire Fighting Division of Fire Prevention . Division of Training and Fire Civil Defenoe. (2) Eaah division of the Department, exoept the Division of Fire Fighting, is under the direction of an offioer who is responsible to the Deputy Chief for the proper operation of the division. (3) The Division of Fire Fighting is under the direption of the Deputy Chief who is responsible to the Chief of the Department for the proper operation of the Division. 9. The Chief is in charge of the Division of Administration and Communioations and is responsible for the parrying out of the following duties of the Division; (1) Provide administration faoilities for the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Department. ................... - 3 - (2) Prepare the departmental budget and exercise control of the budget. (3) Prepare the payroll of the Department and initiate requisitions for materials and services an8 certify all accounts of the Department. (4) Maintain personnel records. (5) Arrange for the provision of medical services. (6) Arrange for the provision of new buildings. (7) Prepare the annual report of the Department. (8) Carry out the general administrative duties of the Department. f9) Receive alarms and despatch apparatus. (10) Prepare specifications for new communication systems and for additions to eaisting communication systems. (11) Maintain the communication systems of the Department. 10. The officer in charge of the Division aP Apparatus and Equipment shall be the Deputy Chief who is responsible for the carrying out of the following duties of the Division; (1) Prepare specifications for the purchase of apparatus and equipment. (2) Maintain and keep in repair all existing buildings, firefighting, rescue and salvage apparatus of the Depart went. (3) Modify apparatus and equipment. (4) Provide recharging facilities for fire-fighting extinguishers and cylinders and to test and repair hose. (5) Provide liaison with the Wa'~er V~orks Commission in order to ensure an adequate flow of water in new water works projects and the adequate maintenance of eaisting water works facilities for the use of the Department. (6) Issue clothing equipment and cleaning supplies. (7) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Apparatus and Equipment to be submitted to the Divi- sion of Administration and Communications. 11. (1) The Division of Fire Fighting may b® composed of one or more Districts. (2) The Township of Clarke may be comprised of one or more districts and each district is composed of such number of companies as the Chief of the Department may determine. ............... r 4 r (3) The Deputy Chief is responsible to the Chief of th® Department for the management and operation of the Division of Fire Fighting and for the carrying out of the following duties of the Divisions 1. Prevent, control and extinguish fires. 2. Conduct through the Division of Fire Fighting or the Division of Fire Prevention, investi- gations of fires in order to determine cause, origin and circumstances, and, where appro- priate, to notify the authority having juris- diction to conduct an investigation. 3. Perform rescue and salvage operations and render first aid. 4. Respond and assist at such emergencies as may be required by the Chief of the Department. y. Participate in training at stations. 6. Conduct company fire prevention and familiari- zsetion inspections of premises. ']. Perform apparatus maintenance and cleaning duties at stations. 8. Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Fire Fighting to be submitted to the Division of Administration and Communica- tions. (4) A District Chief is in command of the district to which h® is assigned and is responsible to the Deputy Chief for the proper operation of that district. (5) A Captain is in command of the Company to which he is assigned and is responsible for the proper operation of that company to the District Chief of the district in which the company is located. (6) Where the Chief of the Department designates a member to act in pleas of an officer in the Department, such member, when so acting, has all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the officer replaced. 12. The Chief is in charge of the Division of Fire Prevention and is responsible for the carrying out of the following duties of the Division: (1) Conduct fire-prevention inspections of premises. (2) Enforce fire-prevention by-laws. (3) Examine building plans. (4) Provide personnel for fire-prevention lectures. (y) Establish and maintain photography facilities. (6) Maintain fire-loss records. ('~) Receive, process and follow up reports of fir®- prevention insp®ctions conducted under the Division of Fire Fighting. (8) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Fire Prevention to be submitted to the Division of Administration and Communications. 13. The officer in charge of the Division of Training and Civil Defence is responsible to the Deputy Chief for the carrying out of the following duties of the Division: (1). Conduct training for all personnel of the Department in fire administration, fire pr®vention and fire fighting. (2) Administer training programs in stations. ................. - 5 - t3) Prepare and conduct examinations of members as required by the Chief of the Department. (4) Provide liaison with the local cieil defence organiza- tion. (5) Pr®pare fire civil defence operational plans and standard fire civil defence operating procedures. (6) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Training to be submitted to the Division of Administration and Communications. 14. (1) The provisions of this station with respect to the promo- tion of members do not apply to the Deputy Chief. (2) Any member having at least 3 years of service with the Department may make application to the Chief of the Depart- ment to qualify him for promotion to a rank immediately superior to his present rank. (3) Every recommendation for promotion of a member made to the Trustees by the Chief of the Department shall b® based on the evaluation of: (a) the results of examinations taken by the member, as set by officers above the rank being applied for, (b) the age .and physical fitness of the member, and (o) the fire and station record of the member. (4) Ahen, in the opinion of the Chief of the Department, all other factors for the promotion of two or more members are equal, seniority of servic® in the Department governs. (5) The fire fighting and station reoord of each member of the Department shall be evaluated annually as follower 1. The Captain of each company shall evaluate each member of the company; evaluation forms to be provided. 2. The District Chief of each district shall evaluate the Captains and other members under his ~urisdiotion. (6) The Chief of the Department and the Deputy Chief shall evaluate all members of the Department who are partici- pating in an examination for promotion. (~) Every applicant for promotion shall take such written, oral and practical examinations as may be required by the Chief of the Department. (8) Any member may apply to the Chief, in writing, for the opportunity to take a training course as recommended by The Fire Marshals Department and approved by the Chief and Trustees. 1,5. Every member of the Department appointed for fire fighting duties is subject to a medical examination at least every three years and at such other times as the Chief of the Department may require. ................. -~ 6 - 'y, 16. (1) Every member of the Department shall report for duty at ~, the time prescribed by the departmental rules and shall remain on duty until relieved. (2) No member, (a) while in uniform, shall enter any premises where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed, except in the performance of his departmental duties, (b) if his ability is impaired by the use of an intoxi- cating beverage or drug, shall be permitted to remain on duty, (c) while on duty, shall consume any intoxicating beverage or drug. (3) No member shrill solicit the influence or support of any- one in order to secure a transfer, promotion or other advan- tage. 17. (1) The Chief of the Ddpartment may reprimand, suspend or recommend dismissal of any member for insubordination, inefficiency, misconduct, tardiness or for non-compliance with any of the provisions of this by-law or the general orders and departmental rules that in the opinion of the Chief would be detrimental to the discipline and efficiency of the .Department. (2) Following the suspension of any member the Chief of the Department shall report the suspension and his recommenda- tion to the Trustees within 48 hours. (3) ,A member shall not b® dismissed without being afforded an opportunity for a hearing before The Trustees, if he makes a written request for such hearing within seven days after receiving notice of his proposed dismissal. The Trustees shall submit their recommendation to Council within 3D days there- after. (4) A copy of all notices of dismissal of a m®mber shall be forwarded to the Trustees within 48 hours. The Chief shall report ell r®signations to the Trustees within 48 hours after receipt of same. 18. The Department shall not respond to a Dell with respect to a fire or an emergency outside the limits of the municipality except with respect to a fire or an emergency, (a) that in the opinion of the Chief of the Department threatens property in the municipality or property situated outside the municipality that is owned or occupied by the municipality. (b) in a municipality with which an egreeme nt has been entered into to provide fire protection, or (a) on property with respect to which an agreement has been entered into with any person or oorpo~tion to provide fire protection therefor. 19. That By-laws No. 1191, No. 1426, No. 1427, No. 1428, No. 1429, No. .1434, Nol 1435, and No. 1436 be and are hereby repealed. 20. This by-law Domes into effect on the day it is passed by Council. Given First and Second Reading this ,~ day of `~~ 19~'~. Re e Clar Given Third Reading and Finally Passed this 3day of ~--"'y. - - ~~ (/ Reeve. ~~ Clerk. 196G. ~. w~w~.~ t=~*~ a rn ~~ o -~ w c~ 'r ~ ~ W c* ct ; ~ F-' ~ ~ =~ ~ w ~.~ c* ~7 r+, O 6' r~ ~ C~ ' .. `i G~ ~.;~ ~ F :3' ;-1- ~~ Cr ;t QI ~ u• '~ ~- `'7 N~ ;n 'i -7 O 1-' Sv ~) '~ ~~ I-~ ~ : ~ C~ ~+~ O ~ fv 'i w :~ -,- ~, ,,. ~ ~. i~ N• c ~ ~~ :~ cz m ~ ~