HomeMy WebLinkAbout1514 A Restricted Area By-law. ~• - 2 - For the purpose of this definition, a "registered Plan of Subdivision" shall not include a registered plan of subdivision which has been deemed NOT to be a registered plan of subdivision in a by-law pursuant to Section 26 of The Planning Aet, as amended. "Dwelling, One Family Detached" means a separate building containing only one dwelling unti and used by one family only. "Dwelling iTnit" means a room or suite of rooms used or designed or intended to be used as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment. "Erect" means, with reference to a building or structure, build, construct, reconstruct or enlarge, and shall include; (a) Any physical operation such as excavation, filling, grading, or draining preparatory to building, construction or re- cons true tion ; (b) The moving of a building or structure from one location to another; and "erected" and "erection" shall have a correspond- ing meaning. "Family" means --- (a) one person or two or more persons who are inter-related by bonds of consanguinity, marriage or legal adoption, living as a single and non-profit housekeeping unit, or; (b) not more than five unrelated persons living together as a single and non-profit housekeeping unit, or; (c) A widow or widower with his or her children and not more than two persons unrelated to the widow or widower, or; (d) the owner of the property or two owners of the property with- out any members of the family of either of such owners and one or two persons unrelated to such property owner or owners. "Floor Area" means, with ref erenee to a one family dwelling, or summer cottage, the total floor areas of all storeys or half storeys contained within the exterior Paces of the exterior walls of a building, but excluding any private garage, br~eseway, porch, verandah, sun room., attic, basement or cellar. "Lot Area" means the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. In the case of a corner lot having street lines rounding at the corner with a radius of twenty feet or less, the lot area of such lots shall be calculated as if the lot lines were produced to their point of intersection. "Lot Coverage" means that percentage of the lt~t area covered by buildings including accessory buildings. continued ................. - ~ - "Lot Frontage" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured along the front lot line. Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured by a line twenty-five feet back from and parallel to the chord of the lot frontage. (For the purposes of this by-law, the chord of the lot frontage is a straight line joining the two points where the side lot lines intersect the front lot 1ine.'~ "Lot Line, Front" means the lot line that divides the lot from the street, provided that in the pass of a corner lot the shorter lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line, and the longer lot line that abuts a street shall be termed the f tankage of the lot. In the ease of a lot abutting on a navigable body of water and not abutting any street, the line opposite the water shall be the front lot line. "Lot Line, Rear" means the lot line opposite the front lot line. "Lot Line, Side" means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. "Sleeping Cabin" means a building used in eon~unetion with a summer cottage located on the same lot therewith and used mainly for sleeping purposes and shall not be a complete housekeeping unit. "Summer Cottage" means a dwelling used only as a secondary place of residence primarily for vacation purposes and not es a permanent dwelling. "Home Occupation" means an accessory use conducted in a one family detached dwelling or summer pottage, and (a) which is clearly secondary to the use of the dwelling unit as a private residence, (b) does not change the character of the dwelling unit as a private residence, (c) does not have any exterior evidence of being ponducted therein, (d) does not create or become a public nuisance in particular in regard to noise, traffic and parking, (e ) does not occupy more than 25~f. of the total floor area of the dwelling unit. "Yard, Front" means a yard extending across the full width oP the lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot. "Yard, Rear" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot. "Yard, Side" means a ,yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot. continued.............. s' - 4 - SECTION 3; PROVISIONS. Qeneral ~~To person shall, within the Township of Clarke use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except for the purpose and in accordance with the standards that it is lawfully being used for on the date that this by-law was passed, except as hereinafter provided. (b) Permitted Uses (i) Single or multi-family dwellings and accessory buildings. (ii) Summer cottages with sleeping cabins and accessory buildings. (iiij Home occupations. (iv) Public uses and buildings owned by the Dominion Provincial Government, of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. (v) Public Utilities. (vi) Temporary uses: The erection or use of any building or structure for a construction camp, work camp, tool shed, scaffold, or other building or structure incidental to and necessary for construction work on the premises but only for so long as such use, building or structure is necessary for such construc- tion work that has been neither finished nor abandoned. (vii) General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare where such agricultural useage is carried on in oon~unetion with an area of land of ten acres or more except that this exception shall not be deemed to include any user associated with the whole- sale slaughtering or processing of animals or animal products for commercial purposes. (a) Regulations (i) The dwelling and accessory buildings thereto shall not be built on any lot closer than thirty (3q) feet from the street or road allowance line, except in built up areas where adjacent buildings do not comply with this requirement, when this requirement may be dispensed with and the new buildings placed in line with the established and existing building line. there County or Department of Highways regulations are more strin- gent, such regulations shall apply. (ii) (e) Minimum Lot Frontage and Area Requirements Lot arses and frontages shall conform to the minimum requirements set out in the following table: Minimum Frontage W1Zn r'Lill Services With Municipal Water Supply With No Services Minimum Lot Area t Fu 3erv ces With Municipal Water Supply 111th no Services Single Duplex or Multiple Family Semi-Detached Family Dw®lling Dwelling Dwelling 50 60 80 15 80 80 100 100 100 5000 6,000 8,000 sq. ft. plus 2,000 sq. ft. Por every unit in excess of 3. 7,500 10,000 Not permitted. 15,000 15,000 Not .Permitted. Continued ............... a' r ` w ~ w (b) Non-Conforming Registered Lots ~Phere a building lot having a lesser width and/or area than that required herein is held under distinct and separate ownership from adjacent building lots at the time of the passing of this By-Law as shown by the reoords of the Registry or Land Titles Office or where suoh lot is created by expropriation,,.suoh building lot may be used for the permitted uses pro- vided that all other requirements of this By-Law are complied with. (iii) The total building area shall cover no more than 34~ (thirty-four) percent of the lot area. 45~ (forty-five) percent of minimum lot area shall have no more than l (one) foot fall in 10 (ten) feet. No building shall be ereoted for residential or com- mercial uses on any land which due to its low lying, marshy or unstable character is considered unsuitable for the installation of proper sewage and drainage facilities. (iv) Aside yard shall be provided on eaoh side of a main building with a minimum width of (4) four feet on each side, plus (2) two feet on eaoh side for eaoh additional storey above the first, and no eve shall project more than (24) twenty-Pour inches into any required side yard; (v) No accessory building shall be located within (3) three feet of the building to which it is aooessory, or within (6) six feet of any required window lighting a habitable room, nor exceed one storey in height or (15) fifteen Pest above ground level. The founda- tions shall be a minimum of (2) two feet and the eve projection a minimum of (18 ) eighteen inches from the lot line. (vi) No single family one storey dwelling shall have a living space ground floor area of less than seven hundred and twenty (']20) sq. ft. and no storey and a half or two storey building, shall have a living space floor area oP less than eleven hundred (11Q0) sq. ft. and eaoh family unit in any multi-unit dwelling shall have not less than seven hundred and twenty (~20) sq. ft. floor space per family unit. (vii) Nothing in this by-law shall be oonstrued to permit the use of any land for any purpose, that creates, or is likely to become a nuisance or offensive, by the creation of noise or vibration or by reason of the emission of gas, fumes, dust or ob~eotionable odours or by reason of the unsightly storage of goods, wares, merchandise, salvage, refuse matter or other material. Nothing in this by-law shall operate to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of any other by- law of the Township of Clarke in force from time to time, of the obligation to obtain any licence, permit authority or approval required under any by-law of the Township of Clarke or any other government agency. Continued ................. I Ji ~ ~ ~ ~ i -6- Penalty; Any person convicted of a brer~oh of the provisions of this By-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the oonvioting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of #300.00 for each offense, exclusive of ousts. This by-law shall Dome into Poroe and take effect on the day it is passed by Council, sub~eet to the approval oP the Ontario lt~unicipal Board. THAT By-law No. 1479 be and is hereby repealed. Read a first and second time this /~ day of `i'`~' lgbc Ree ler Read a third time and finally passed this J~ day of ~~. ~. 8 6v S E A L - 0 -.-_~/ Lyle r z 19 cc A ~ ~~ u -J !~ ~ CD A~ ~ ~A~.~~~ `~ ~ `: A~ ~ ~ ~ C7 .: ~^ 'i "~ G7 ~ ~ ~ ~ D `~ M ~- ~u n J. ~i ' ^ f~ ~ r'' G] ~ w ~ ~ ~ U~ , ^ ~ J O ~' ~ -~ ~.. V (~] fi J. rn / ~ ~"ti ~~ lD ct ~a :~-' ~ ~t :~ a ;1 -j p~ QL~ I ~* z o ,i. ~ ~7 p.. ~ ;7' c'}' - '~ ~~ ,_ Wv (~ ~ ..~ j ~ ~~ 'J :~ r~ N :l~ .T~ -'F ;) ~J. v Q