HomeMy WebLinkAbout1518A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $107, 442.00 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of a Water Works Project as more fully described in Certificates Number 65-B-15 issued by The Ontario Water Resources Commission and known as Ontario Water Resources Commission Project 64-W-130. 'NHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke by By-law No. 14']2 authorized the construction of a Water Works Pro~eet as more fully described in Certificates No. 65-B-15 issued by The Ontario Water Resources Commission and known as Ontario Water Resources Commission Pro~eet 65-W-130. AT?D WHERE.A,S the Ontario Municipal Board, by its Order dated the third day of March 1965, under file No. F2834-63, approved the application by the Corporation to enter into an agreement with The Ontario Water Resources Commission in connection with the work described in the said By-law and the borrowing of money for such purposes by the issue of debentures repayable over a term not exceeding 30 years. ATID ~~HEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs by his commitment to make loan ~?o. L311 dated the first day of April 1965 approved the making of a loan under The Municipal Works Assistance Act in the amount of X143,256.00 at the rate of interest of 5~°fo per annum repayable over a term not exceeding 30 years. AND WHEREAS the Counoil by an application for a payment on a loan dated the twenty-first day of January 1966, has requested the 1!:Zinister of Municipal Affairs to make a final payment on a loan in the amount of 143,256.00. AND WHEREAS the Ainister of bunicipal Affairs has requested the Corporation to deliver to him a debenture of the Corporation in the principal armount of X10'],442.00 bearing interest at the rate of 5~`~o per annum, Qertified as to validity by The Ontario Municipal Board, as security for the repayment of the above loan and it is now deemed expedient to authorize the issue and delivery of such a debenture. -~ • , ,.+. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke -E~n?.CTS AS FOLLOV~IS; 1 "'z-I.4T mor_ey shall be borrowed on the credi t of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke at large by the issue of a debenture of the Corporation in the principal amount of 101,442.00. The said Debenture shall bear interest at the rate of 5g~o per annum calculated yearly, not in advance, and payable on the First da.y of June in each year of the currency of the Debenture. 2 TKA.T the said Debenture shall be dated the First day of June 1966 and shall be payable in 30 equal annual payments of principal and interest combined of ~1,1$9.6q each, on the First day of June in each of the years 1961 to 1996 inclusive, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years ~a11 be as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto which is hereby declared to be and to form part of this By-law. 3 TI?AT the said payments of principal and interest combined shall be parable in lawful mone~r of Canada by cheques sent through the cost to the registered address of the registered owner of the Debenture and such cheques shall be payable at par in Toronto or r."ontreal at the option of the payee. 4 THAT the said Debenture shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and shall be signed by the Reeve or by some other person. authorized by -E3y-law to sign the same and by the Treasurer.. ~ ~_am there shall be raised in each of the years 1961 to 1996 inclusive, by a special rete sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the `township of Clarke at the same time and in the same manner as other rates, the total annual sums of principal and interest payable in such years on the said Debenture as is set forth in the fifth column of Sehedlale "A" attached hereto. But it shall not be necessary to levy in any year a greater amount than is required to pay the said instalment after taking into account net receipts from any source in connection with the said works. .~'~, ~', .,; - -~ ~- 6 TH~~!T the debenture be sold to the Treasurer of Ontario on the condition that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose oP the debenture except after the expiration of six months from the dispatch by the Treasurer of Ontario to the Treasurer of the Corporation, by registered mail, of a notice of ir_tention to sell or otherwise dispose thereof; but any subsequent holder, subject to compliance with any conditions arising as a result of registration of the debenture, may sell or dispose thereof without notice to the Corporation. '7 THAT the se.id debenture shall contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 323 of The r~!~unicix~al Act. 8 THAT application shall be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of this By-law and for the certification of the debenture to be issued thereunder pursuant to Part IV of The Ontario n.~unicipal Board Act. 9 TH~A~' the Reeve and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to do all things and to execute all documents and other papers in the name of the Corporation in order to carry out the provisions of this Ry-law and the Treasurer is authorized to affix the seal of the Corporation to all such documents and papers. 10 THAT all the provisions of By-laws No. 1419, Tto. 1420,.. and 1~To. 142 not consistent with the provisions of this Bev-law are hereby repealed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed thi s '2-~ day of 19 G<` ~=~ ~ . ler - Reeve j~eal) . i ~ , ~ I 4 ~ ' ~ • • ~ f ~ `'~' . - ~' The Corx~ora ti on of the Township of Clarke SCNEDU?,E "A" TO 3Y-LA6"J NiJRRBER _ ~Sl~ 1 Loan Number L311 5 Rate of Interest 5~°f, 2 Amount of the Loan ~ 143,256.00 6 Term 30 3 Amount of the forgiveness ~ 35,814.00 4 _Amount to be repaid ~ 107,442.00 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Fayment Date Due Principal Interest Total Number 1 1 June 1967 1,548.98 5,640.71 7,188..69 2 I June 1868 1,630.31 5,559.38 7,189.69 3 1 June 1968 1,715.90 5,473.19 7,189.69 4 I June 1870 1,805.9Q 5,383.71 7,18q.69 5 1 June 1971 1,900.80 5,288,.~Sg 7,1$9.69 6 1 June 1872 2,000.59 5:189.10 7,189.69 7 1 June 1973 2,105.62 5,084.07 7,188.69 8 1 June 1974 2,216.1.6 4,973.53 7,i89.69 q 1 June 1975 2,332.51 4,857.18 7,189.69 10 1 June 1976 2,454.87 4,734.72 7,188.69 11 1 June 1977 2,583.86 4,605.83 7,189.69 12 1 June 1978 2,719.51 4,470.18 7,189.69 13 Z June 1879 2,862.28 4,327.41 7,189.68 14 1 June 1980 3,012.55 4,177.14 7,189.b9 15 I June 1981 3,110.71 4,018.98 7,189.69 16 1 June 1982 3,337.17 3,852.52 7,189.69 17 1 June 1883 3,512.37 3,677.32 7,18q.6g 18 1 June 1984 3,696.17 3,492.92 7,189.69 1g 1 -June 19$5 3,Sgo.85 3,298.84 7,189.69 20 I June 1986 4,095.12 3,094..57 7,189.6q 21 1 June 1987 4,310.12 2,879.57 7,18q.69 22 1 June 1988 4,536.40 2,653.2q 7,189.69 23 1 June 1989 4,774.56 2,415.13 7,189.69 24 1 June 1990 5,025.22 2,164.47 7,189.69 25 1 June 1991 5,289.05 1,900.64 7,1$9.69 26 i June 1992 5,566.72 1,622.91 7,189.69 27 1 June 1993 5,858.98 1,330.71 7,189.69 28 1 June 1994 6,166.57 1,023.12 7,189.68 29 1 June 1995 6,490.32 699.37 7,189.69 30 1 June 1996 ~-6 831.05 358.64 7,189.69 - lu'/, 442.00 10 4.70 215, 690.70 ~.~ (D ,~ M F-' fJ v~ O V tv ~ ~~ ~ n ~' n w ~ ~- o ct o ~ ~, t7 '~ W O ~' C~ Co O Cu ~ O ~*~ ~ o c* `~ ~~ w d d 1-, Y' ~ [~ ~ ~J ~ 7 V ~' O ~'T ,'7 IJ C fi ~ U1 ~'• ~ ~ $- -~] d p1 ~~ ;u N•Oc7 `'S~ C y`y N u. ~ G~ ~ ~ F~ ~ C) -~- '~ O T iA 1 r' P~ `2 Nom"", IV N ',~ CO l~J G7 O Y R- "S 'zS ~ C W ~~~ 7~ O r' ;~ n n ~ ~ ~ fv d [n ~ ~~; v o c~ O O O c* cD c7 O C d "~ C N• '~ d [n ' ~ ~ F-' o :~ [n ~u r~ i n n ~ O Sv '~ UJ G~ r. t ~ "7 ~ 'i ~ ~- ~~. m ~,~ `i C ~, cr r~ O O ~ 1 ~'• ~? -s~ cJ N• ~ :J. ~ ~ ;_. 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