HomeMy WebLinkAbout1525 Clarke BY- LAW 1525 NEVER RECEIVED THIRD READING A By-law to authorize the construction, reconstruction, extension of certain capital works in the Police Village of Orono in the Municipality. i z - ? - cam.. '"re ~'-~?'?~'l.n.eeri?1~?' COnS'11taYit for t.'`~e COrbOr'~t~On Of thE' "_'OP12?~}''1.'!'` Of Clarke in t??is matter sha11 be Totten ~`i~ s Nubieki &. 4ssoeiates T.l~"'lted, s'~hitby, Ontsrio, anal tb.ezT shall forthi~~i th ~-~.ake suer plans, profiles, and sr.ecificat ons and fLirn_ish such information as sha11 be neeessa.ry for the making of a contract for the exec?.~tior_ of the inrork. Such plans and srecificat ons to clarif~r i n detai 1. the ~~orks alreadzr outlined in their rTel.im?_rarzr resort referred to ,1r.der item. 1. above. 3. "'he ?^~ork srsl?_ be carried or_ ar..d executed under the sizrer~_ntendence and ?ecord.ir_rr to '-he direction ^rd orders of such. .~?~~ineerin~r ~%ons?~ltsr_ts. 4. "'he ReejTe and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the COnStrLlCtin Of E~Ch °r?d eVer~7 ?~Or~~ or an.~r COmbi_r.~ifii nn thereof to be ma~?e anal entered into with so.,,e rerson_ or rersons, firm or corror.ati_on, s?i?~ject to the ar~nrova)_ of ±1?i s Co~,rci7_ to he r?.eclared b~~ resolution. ~. ~'or the }~urnoses aforesaid the Corporation of the Townshir~ of Clarke sha11 borrow Ligon the General credit of the Corporation a s!~TM s!~ fficient to finance their nortior_ of the said works ?~1hich sum sh^11 not exceed `~ ~i~,a!~0.~?0 and_ ?-!!.SST i SsUe r~ebenti!res, therefore, t~~hen du1~r authorized and ar.rroved. 6. mhe tress?_,irer mats (5?sbeCt t0 t' aT.~?rOVa~ of the CO?~nCl1) agree ?".'i t~ anv ban'i or rerso~ for temrorarv advar_ces of nne~T to meet the cost of the work rendinrn t?~.e COmr.leti0"' of i t at a rote of interest rot to exceed six rerce~± (~~~ rer cnni~m. `~. !~r_zr deber_t>>res to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the zTrork wjhen comrleted shall bear inter-~st at a rate not to eYCeed six rercent (6~!) a?er annu~~ and be made paTT~ble w~. thi r_ 5 years on the it st almen t ?~1ari. ~. The ~rinci~?al of tre said debt rer..ayable in annual in.stalmerts c~?triro~ tro r.eriod of fitre years after the date of the comr~letion of the said TT!ork shall be in sLLCh amo„r_ts resr~eetive7_y so that with. the interest in respect of tre debt the angrernate amount ~a~*able for rrinciral. and. interest ~_n each Tress sr311 be as nearly as rossible the same. 9. ~~",o~mei^ cin ~ in the gear 1867 and in eachyea-r thereafter of the c??-~rencsr of the debt there shall be levied snd raised. b special rate s~_z~°ficierit t'~erefore, over sr?d above sil other rates, on all the taxs.ble rror..ert~T of ±.he rstepy~rers of the police Vi7_laa_e of Orono at the same time end in tre same manner as other rates, the sum. shorn. ir_ item. ~. and referred to ir_ item 8. aforementioned, but it sha11 not be necessary to levy in an~~t year a seater amount t?~an is ree~uired to pay the instalraer.t after taking into account~~eceipts under the HighmaJ Improvement Act or fram en~r other so~_irce in_ connection ~~aitn the rrorosed work. T~zr-la?*~ read a first ar?d seeor?d time this a• day of ~`'`~-'""'~_ ~.•~. 1.966. Reeve. er . ~~r_lai~~ reed a third ti'"!e and finally ~sssed this cia~r of !~.~.1966. Reeve. c~:~ L C er_ . '. zv ~ '~ ~ o ~~ cr o ~ o ~ c o n o ~, ~w ~ ~ ~ ~ `r ~ SJ.. u. u. c` O A~ ct ~; r-~ ~~w ~ ~ :r i ~: w ~. ~, ,,. m ~ ~ ~ cn 'L ~ c+ ~' p~ N' ~' '' n C 'S O `i M ~ tD fb ~ ;t ~• ~' • Cn G CD `y ~v N o ~ ~s ~- o -s R o ~ ~ J . r ~ u i o o ~ ~ ;-+- w ~ ~ o ~~. u . , s -i w ~ ~rJ• ~ ^ V ~ 7v fi ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ -* ;* o i ~ o ~• ~ ~o ~ o ~~ ,o .. 1 N r_:~