HomeMy WebLinkAbout1528A By-law to approve of and to authorize the entering into an agreement by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono respecting fire protection within the Township of Clarke. . WT~REAS it has been deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, dated the z~ day of Auy~-sr 1966, for the purpose of providing fire protection for the Fire District of the Township of Clarke. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke EIS?4C TS as follows: 1. An agreement between the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke .dated the z++d day of 9~4..ry- 1966, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, is hereby accepted and approved by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke,and the Reeve and Clerk of this Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on behalf of the said Corporation. READ a first, second and third time this ~. day of G~ 1966. ,rw Reeve ~t' ~ A L -~ - C er ~ s' ~, .~ ' ~' (~) "'he said o?'~a'Qtin~z oo eta for. those t1r0 oa~.la ttt~~~'9 in the Police Village of Orono •3rE;1 bs revised b tTiO A.: #_; assessa+ert of t'~e~ e~aid Police Yi3.i F. ,. ~' ~'+! stns ~; ; ~~ .. (~`1 ire saifl o~e~r~ting costs for fireor 4rOno », "" ~rtf.oned b®tAeen the ~ pre~Q#i~~OS a30~.1,~..ir~r a ~~'.~' c~unoil ~nlC ~ui'li~ter'~i ~kR„ ~. ~''r- hasis ~s,tha current Police Vill' ~° c~~rrent assesatrent of the ~0 ~*ei~ ~.~aia1•~O ~~r-.''. 1~. z r.ew f {re pumper ahe11 be need om the first! sire e~,h'~, r;,,,'", i ^i ~e11 t~ Lehi le t't• Police Till aka ~*,e flirther *'ire aet.1.~, een~eaery 1II ,the *i"^e~ w*~en the Poliaa`T.~.1e ae ~~~'~'' 1# . puMp~er i s off. ~anF ~ , iii ~~!°iri . ~ ~, ~ ~~..` et~teree;i a in the To~nz,~tl,,p loeatsd ~~tai~a,athe limits of the s':'f~~ ., ° i , 11 ~~n th.en the ~Trustee-r the it be =reitcbtze~sed 9t t e rite o~ ~g.0© ntn hones i'or the b7 ~th•'tt' Fire Oh i ®P or Deputy `ire Q!1i. et, ae theeae se the aQi d putn~er. Ths ~, resuorsible fbr the tf.ms inY~lved. ~-b0, s~a11 b0 11. `?'he a nnu 3i budgie t to. Qotm ai 1 tez• o erettln - ss referred to in Pr~re~ P ~ ~~ ffi+atIIte~l~te1! ~4~~~w ~h 3 har0o~,~ lt~+o~3.u+~-~~t+~~,~a~t ~~~, .~~ C'ffia~=rs ot. the ~p~ t qs e' Tr, t $ t e e s a r~ti apFrc~tsd ~' Counai l~' ~ ~~ "~~i~~tt~t _,~-~ .~ sd~i ~ior to their h # ~~ ' ~o~ L, ~~ ourly rate sell ,• ±~~1er ~l~ 0•t~`~ on light, neat, teieph.bAe, ina~lrs~©es; !!~ , fire ael.la~, (save ~ttd si~t~pt o er+~ting !'~.r'e., ~ . ~., • rPfeTr~~ to in sub-petl'iM~dnhe ~. +~nfl ~B, !~x-er~r ~ h~n y rr9c+! ces, mal-~teAanae vn fire he11 two. ~F 9 t~tj~ miQCei I~neons. ~ ~~~ tQu~~ffit. • 12. Thf a a~rree~en t ahaal bsoome efteet#r- :'~~jt~" ~;. ~`, J~r_tzar A. a +~ . ~.~ .~'~~ -.~~, 9 D. 1966 and shall be reIIe~-ed tutoe~a! 1 bests ,z less either. rar. ty hereto shall noti #8e' 0~~ ; ~ ~~ ' ' in ^er. itin~ og or before 3Z~D8aember iA t~te't~fm~ ou2'~'~t={•~~. , that the3rrdo.ndt wish Ito renew the {. ,~ ~~;g ;~'~ IT~` ~L ^_"~3.1~REOF th is s re ~~;` ;,~~ Parties ©t the 1~Yrst Y,e~t as ~ruatee,r o!''°lr~ esdrsnil~r~~~? t~~~.f `' Jror,a srd the Fart~r of the Second Per3 ~ •~a• ~~~k~ ~ , ~" ~e c I ..^ ci e r t~:e h e12d 41' ~. • ~'~ 1 ~r ~~~~~~ ~ `= - - _ t s proper si kxti~tg ` g~Q.. : ,~ _-~ ~-~, ,_r~-~ ~ f ?r,~i to a».thori.ze *he ant®ring into an egreemen~ ~ "" ~ _ ~~ `~ i the '" rip t i m• ~ • tr e "'ov~n~,hir of ~~1 ~rke v~E th the Truerbees Of for ~~~ ', Pbl i.c ~: N~ri , , ,,,.:, ~* •C~oro, da ~~Ad tr a 2nd day 'of 1lugTaat 1966, reerpeotin~; j fire ^r^ tP~^ ~ j or wi ±hi'~ the ?'o~vnship of Clarice. '.. ~~ `` ,'. ',n_., ~ ~: it has been deermsd exFedient to enter into A21 e~greembIIs .a with +re ~r,,~tees or the Po~.iee vill,sge of 01`Oilo, dented the 2nd ' dqv -~' 4u^~ts* 1;66, for the purrose of rrovidin$ fire iroteotior. for the Fire D~ 4+r ct Y`f the ~'oatnshir of Clarke. ~y,,,a t~n~,~-~~{ ~ of ±?~9 Corpora ti or. of t~s Townethi~ 01' Clarke E'_'TA.C^.'S . ,~ ~ Qo i ~ ,~,x, s ; 1„ -,•, ~~rePm~~•-t he*weer_ tYis Tr>>stees of the Pol.ioe Vilt+„e of ~~.~~% C~•n~, .<,~ +,,,.- ~a~~r~or+~tinr of the To~nrshir of Clarke dated *he 2nd day ~,f ~t„--•,sj- 1.?~ a ro~^y of ~,",ioh is ',f~reu.nto dnr_exed is hereb~~ naoepte~! ,~. ' ~,~ ar,ro~Ts~1 ~-,., the ~orroratio^ of the Township of Clarke, and the - v~ RQe-~~ and :.i~ ^k of this Cor;?or~ti o~~~ sire hereby eu#h©rized and direoted to ex~;c>>te t'~F~ said agreement on rnhalf of that said Corporation. . m'?~~'., :1~•,;~ •, j, ~*rn?T wade in quadrnplicat• this 2D:d da9' ©! ltazguet, ,~ A.D. lQ6h ''~'^~''±"~'~': ~ 'the Folio.a ville~e o! 4r0~ as x'ieextt®d by it• ~'~`.• ^ '~~ R . !~ OODYARl3, DOtT!'*L A.~ 2!-. ~3I?~?lP9t~~ e~ d FIAEb A. I~ SC~31~, : ,. Tr. ~ ~ s t e S ~ ~-~ ~ ~ and ""~E CCRPQAA~'IO'1~ CF T <~ R'0~'"~?~ ~#~ Cl: n,~ ~, ~, g r e l r. ~ f +, ,'r a e l led ^.'.'~ CC}T??'C IL ~. -.-.-,.,~.1.`C t'~e Folios Pillage of Crono is a duly Qpaertituted Pollver ~' _. a. TTi ~ ; ~: e , ~ t'^ e `1 oe n s'~ i p o 1' t~ Irsrke ; <: ~~ ~~~ ,, ~~~?~~ ;,~ t?~~ rarties hereto de,eire to enter into att e.~rssmast r ~ cr- e . i ~ tre fire proteot ~_on for rroperties in all newts o2 the ;~- `1.~o,rt. s ' ~• of Clarke ~ ~ ~- ~,s., m."-~r^1=~QL`~ m tz.~ ~~.~,fi_:i~~T`~ ~Ifi~~s~: ~ t ^n -~ -, i r c ansider~ ti on rf the premieres hereina2"teT set forth the ^; ` rani gs rR*eto m~iturslly e,~r~~e and covenant e.as fotlarsS ~ ~ ~: . 1. A11 egritr+l ®zrondi*ures tmatually agreed upon by the pertieei hereto ~ ~: sh~+I ~ be rRise~? in the Reneral. m~iriQipal rates +~p~~,ied eq~litably on ~, the bgsis of asse~rermen*. to. the. Counoil inoluaivas: oI file Fpliae illeg~e of Oro... o. f .,, . ~, ^~~^i tai ezccendit~zres mr~v be debentured, if neosssar9, ~-ith annual ~°~ ~~~. rers~y~~r~rt ~~eri odd being extended over a feria.. ~._ x~ C.,,•••e?'t arrnlel opereti~~.e anA meintenanoe ©osts, save and ezoept . fi rep fiarhtens basic hourly :Cates, ahg11 be levied and -raid out of the 1, ~er~ra~ tgx *~+e of the ^~~-rrioipaiitn and eh~311 be budgeted and szlb~jeot -~°<"r" :x;~' ~M t~, err., recess~~^~ Ad,i~IStr?ent in the ensuing ?tear ar.d shall be nreserted . regular meeting veld in ~'gbruery :.' ?~ to ±r~ Crnz^.o~ ~_ rot 1e~'+er the their of sect. Tear. , a~n 4. mhe said budget 'shgl.l Abe entitled to any goaernrnental eRabaidy ~ f : y. provided ~.- s* r~ tea to or regu'18 tj. ons relating thereto. F. Zt is ~znderatood end a;graad that the fire eq,.zipmernt including ~: the old fire ha 11, 1933 k~io'kie-Ses~rave Paee~eT, ttQ., that i~+ to s~ey' P,r].l ~zrd 9n~r ~na~t'riais purchased solelg bP '~~e Feli~~ p''i.lle~ge of n2~6~o, '. e$ j.ated `in the inv~rttoxg hereto atEaohed, 1~Ad emy e~td all replncee-- SA cents t'~ereof, shall 'be and remain tre property of #her's+tid Police ~ t ~: ,~ ,,~, Yilla~e of Orono. reed up~- ,~`'~ ' ~. 'she Council sh±~ll pass eretTOeeeteblierh the~nio~isaeeY';Iy©b~ec~a of ;, . '~;V' the parties ti®r®to it ord t ,..~ ,~~:. ~ t'h.18 ^~'reement. ~° '. Tre Fire liep~t^:ent shall b~ direatlp rsspon+rible to the dr_dserra~i~~~~~ . . of the ?'oliae village vt Crono and the said 1'rtistaea e~hai.ltl~snt f0lC - i barer,, emrowered to mt~aae e4nd operet• the said .Fire ~ "`" thg 1`~+ar i oipekiity in e~~ ,mattes, inolueive- o! .er~cpea~[1#u~eer ~rtithin ttze •.:.~ o~,_rrent tat t. ~n~r mn.ttera of a e~~t ~'o=} oep14~' ~ • approvsd xtat~~re shah. be 11' .e$r'aed upon by ,1~3Le i~ nos ~QOt., s# t~. The basic rtt`• ~c-r ti.xe-t'ishters oA f°ird'° ,.~• sh,d.2.1 be ®9LQb1' a~,ed by re#olutior. of #ea'1 ~ttti~~ss- ~ioapshalldbey ~ ~~~' Ct~urc+. I . ^'he ti~^® invgl~red 3"4r a f~.: e 1 D ~ Fire ahi et as the ~. ,'. the rear*,orsibility of the !E"'ire Chief' or the ~t° Qeag ~^~ be. <at.l eoocrintd for orsrat~on of fire fighters ere to be _~~ ; . ~ ~' s,sh^'1 ~te,~ b-. the F~r• Ch~s?i grltha'~~rtiors4he ourrentnennualuop~e.tixi a. ~r,e ~;,..,, stess arAll r-D .~ - fi re fighters eos#ea in ire 2'ollo~eing r.Sanne~"t+ ~ `~~ trade fire ca~.ls atte!~ded 1t1 („) T*:e said operating coats tor. t!~e ~'ownarir excluding the Villa~xe of ESrono shall be reined, tap, ~ z ~,~, -~. the e~saessmenit.ezolus~.vs of the a~Qid Foliee YillnBe and ~~~ ~. a~ , ., ,r,,,~ 4 t ~ _ ~.. ' ,, tv N y `b ~ <~ ~ O Sv Sv ~""r O 9 nn,, S Y ~ ..i G, y lJ ~-{~ ~-t ,'~ n` R_~ U O A~ 'Y a O '~ ;.5' 1 ~ LJ• '~ ~ .J O ~' -i W J ~ O :' V ~! L-tom ~i ~ (7 '~~ J ~ LI ~ C-~ ~. '-T` G~ J ~ .'~ ~t' ~ b O Y r'-S ~'~ ~. ~ to i ~• `~ ~-y _r ;~ ~ O O ~ ~ ;D c+ ¢) O ll'; ~ i '~. ~ C~ '~' O O `,~ iD fir. ~i O n ~' ~ ~i o ~. fi O O W O '< ~. ~., fi ~ ~ _~. Fem. ~ ~. 7 :i C~ I ~~ I J r ~'v