HomeMy WebLinkAbout1531A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $ 60, 000.00. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of theto borrow1the sumlarke (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary of $ 60, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; f~OTF..-Refer And Whereas the total amS ado ted efort the year 19655 onot en hiding fort thescurrent pality as set forth in the estimate p ,fenot, oo hose revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ 300, 000.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed (Delete this this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The appl~ alile,jf not ~_ 0 , 000.00 , of which the Municipality has Municipal Act is $ 5 already borrowed a total of $ 150, 000.00 Therefore the Council of the To~~mship of Clarke hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Headolan ~e to t me by way of promissoryrnote fromeCANADIAN MPERIAL 1BANK borrow fr of COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 210, 000.00 to meet untiincludin the amounts requhred for the purposes mentioned in subsection for the year, g (1) of Secnk a 3romissory notelor notes sealed withithe Corporalte Seal a dusig ed by to the Ba p the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with ine= cent m per annum paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5~ P - 2. All sums berth sedear andnn prev'ous years f om the said Bank for anyl or allrof the borrowed Y purpothe whole oft he revenuies of the Municipality 1forlthercurrent year and for all upon ears as and when such revenues are received. preceding y 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid thereon a count otr realizedr nnrespectf f taxes levsied for the collected or received a lawfull be current year and preceding years or from any other source which may Y _ applied for such purpose. 19 ~ ~' Passed this `~ ~- day of I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law of the of No. duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said in the Province of Ontario, Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. 19 Dated This day of As Witness the Seal of the of ~~ ...................................................................................................CLER K SEAL `-~-~ t W. ~n ~~ TTI (V ~ Z - ~~ u ~~ ~ ~~~ "~ M O y J. (~ u ,n IJ ~"j ~~ ~; 4-~ -jl o :* o ~ ~~,o ~~, ~N cr:, l"i~ ~ ,~ O ,+ ', nJ+ ~ ~ ]~" 00 ~-?~ O '~ O /~ Q J. £ V .~ O ti C,9 ~ ,t 'r ~'~ J /~ J l ~ ~ '~ Q ~1 '~ _j ,-~ O W µj 'y'i4v u. z,' ~ 1- ~ !i I .~ fl J ~r