HomeMy WebLinkAbout1540A By-law restricting the weights of vehicles passing over bridges. RESTRICTING THE WEIGHTS OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAS subsection $ of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960) provides that:- The municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law approved by the Department, make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such a bridge. AND "WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the Township of Clarke; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows:- 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No. 1, attached to and forming part of this by-law, with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge, designated in the attached schedule. Read a first and second time this ~T~ day of /~.4RcH 1967 Reeve Clerk Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of March 1967 /~ D ~~ ~-_----- Re S~ E A L Clerk w~.~ . ~+ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOI~NSHIP OF CLARRE SCHEDULE N0. 1 Attached to and forming a part of Bylaw No. 15+0 Name of Bridge Location Presoribed lfeight Limit 1. Stewart between Lots 6 and ? is the III ConQessian 2 tons ~~•, .. ~i;~~ i~~R~Or 0!' THE CCRFt?hATZfllt 0t T~ TaW~iH2P At CLARI~B RE$TRZCTI2t6r TH& k11SI~T$ t~'' ~'Bh1CLRg PA~IIiG ©~'Sh Sh1~SE3 ~iiflYRS~ subsection $ ®! Sectiaa of the Hi~ray Traffic Act (,R,S,©. 196fly pr©vidse that:~ The municipal ce~rp®ration or ®ther authority having ~uriadictima atrer a bridge may by by~lavrr approved by the IIepartment, make regulatiaaa limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles ar say class thereof passing aver such a bridge. AN~i WH8RBA3 it la deemed expedient tv limit the weight of vehialea passing over certain fridges in tbo Tawaahip a~' Clarke Nax therefore the Council of the C+~rporation of the Tawaahip of Clarke enacts as foliowa~• 1« he vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thersaf, Whether empty err loaded, shall be operated eYer say bridge designated is ~Stsbedule tto. 1, attached to sad farsiiag part of thi• bylaN, with 8 weight in e~ccess of the ~nreight limit prescribed in the schedule tmr such bridge. 2« Any person violating any of the proviaiana ®f thi• bylaw shall bs subject to the penalty provided is gsatitnt 5~ of the Hi~r+ay Traffic Act, 3, This byw-law shall not bae+eme ®ffectire until apprtrred by th~r Bepartment of Trazupart sad until a netice of the weight permitted, legibly printedr has bees posted ap is a aaetspictwua place at either erect of each bridge, designated 3st the attached schedule, Read s #'irat and second time this 7th day of Approved this let day of May, 196' pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act for the period ending May 1st, 1969. Irwin Haskett, M NISTER OF TRANSPORT F Per : ~,,.. Deputy Minister March 19b7 Reeve Clerk head a third time and finally passed t-hia 7th day of .March 1867 Re B'I/e ~ 1t _ A L clerk I, H. E. Millson, hereby certify the fore Ding to be a ,true copy. - ~~~' ~s--/ Clerk, Townshi n ~fClarke. TH8 ODAPQRAR'~t3I~' ~F "N5$IP 4~' QL~KE Attached to agQ torair~sg a yart o~ B~•law ~to.~~ Name of Bri des 1. Stewart ooe;ti between L©ts 6 end 7 in the IYi t3onoes+rion Pr~aeribed ~-exh~~ t 2 tour ~~r~ ~ ~~ ~~a ~ ~ ¢i' c2 pi ~ j .j nSv nP~ ~r :s' ~+ ~~ 7 .~ n C~ ;-r u, `~ iTNT 'y ~ V ~• n J in '~ tel. J :J vZ !'r ~ U7 N' i c o ~ ,~ ; :-~ 3, '~ O' i~ ~~ .~ ~ rnnJ ~J. ^~ 'J ~Il 7 :n ~- ~~ ~ 4.~. O '~ ~ ~ O ~, ,, ~n ~ * ~ ;-* ~. ~ :~. ~- j ~ -J r O C O .,, ~fi O .J. r~ ~.'. ~ ^U, !t W 1`~, `~ '~ ~ Y' J /~ h J. "~ J. 'Y ' J ~j 1, J~ ,•