HomeMy WebLinkAbout1504A By-law to authorize the sale of land. Y ~ !~ `~ ~,L yLl;~ f;,~~;YL~'~ that certain parcel or tract of lard ar~d premixes situ~:te, l;~.rlg and 'being in the To?~ar_::niz.7 of Clerke, _n the Co?.Inty of ~url2an W.nd i,.-1'ovi~_ce of Ont~~rio, e.rd ~eir!g• part of the soutrl-east cyuarter of Lot Tuniper 9 ire the fourth concession of the said To;$an- ship of Clar?~~t r~2ore p~rtic~_zlarly described as: To find t'rle l,oint of cor:~nler2cement begin at a paint or. the eastern baundar~r of s~.id Lot ~, two thausand four hundred and nine feet 40~ r) r1easured northerly along the said easter2i boundary fro:rl the sou.t'~_ea5 t ankle of said Lot ;~, ;aid point being vahere the southerl~T limit of the C~r2adian orthern Ontario ~ail~xJay rign.t-of- ~;,asr ~.27tersects the said eastern bc~unde_r~r of said Lot ;; `~`~r:~~~CL p?°ac-red soot ~,. ~"ort~r-ei~~Y?t degrees and forty-five minutes (48° and 45 r } west, seven hundred and si qty-t~v0 feet (7b2t } more or less to the =;~estern bo???-1;Ary of tYle se.id south.-east qu~.rter of said Lot 9; `"~l::I~C~~~ proceed southerl; along; the ?western bo?.a.nd~;ry of the said srn?tl~~-rant r r~, ~ to a oi.l t di start seventy-eight (78) rods ar~d :u~~rt!~;r a~ ~:.id Lot p eleven feet (I1~) rleasured northerly along the said western ooundar~r of the south-east quarter of said Lot G from the sot~.therly lirrlit of the; s~iid yot; 'r~'_:'~C1 proceed earth sever~~ty-four degrees (740) east nineteen (19} rods and twelve feet (12~} to a point 4~ahich point is tF2e ai:!~t of colnrtlencement• T'~yjrC~ north seventy-four degrees (74°) east~o i,` un~re an s' ~,venty feet (270 ~ } to a y~~oint; 1'l~C:~ sautherly p~~r~.llel to the eestern bov.nd~ry of s~xid Lot , one hundred and twent~r- ane feet (1210 to a y:~oi2~ t ; `'=~+,Y~CL south seventy-four degrees i (74° ) west two hundred ;,nd si xt~r-ni ne feet (2bg ~) to a point; ._ ~_,C ~n a str,~i.~.~°ht ~_irle cane r~:undred anti. t??~enty-one feet (121 } rnor~e or less to t'~e ";~~izit of corlr~er_cement. Tv~ether "~,tit'r2 a ri~;Y,t_of_~,la~r to tYle grantee, Ylis 1-leirs, executors, ;~r3 ;'.1,S.st.r~.~tors ~an.d assi;vns for t'~.e purpose of ingress and ~=ryes to ;,zed f o,,-~ ~,t,e said ~:~areinbefare described lands far ?~imself, his 5.°r~r`v',ttt~S :!Ci!~. c~ci?tS 027. f00t C7i' ~7V Vesicle OV':~r the fallo`?1T; ~.r :: ~'i ~' ~ ~ F.. ''mil l~.`!~ ('' i Cl rl i";f sc~.ld mat ~ iV r;, ~~ 0 ;J ~ ', t, !~~' CO .i':1E3nCC,_".tent bP,~3n ~~, t t~1e ~Ui7it Of CO'C:lti'teY1C£:11~:i1t Of ,. a f ~. !~. .~ tLe °lere~i. - c~-7- `~==:~rfa i'~r-ds :3rd proceed t~~ence rl:~'rtr2 severlt;~-fo~zr degrees (';4`=') e=r.~t t~v+. '"~undred and seventy feet. (274t} to a i,oint ~a~hic_~y ~raint 1S ±'_e i)?ll7.t_%~A' COC'?2~1e3nC•:~Tlle'lt Of the $Z'u7~d ri~h.t-Of -Z"~JT~ 1'_~~~C.~ r2arth sex ;~t~r~FO~?r• ~?egrees (,4 east one hur'dred and tG;rtjr sevenofteer(I.37T} ~:IOre o~r less to t':~.e ea ,.ern bound~,~ry, a~ said Lot ~., .=~t ,-~ c,~~ur~d a;;~ of said ~y~et ~, t?~7elve; f ~:et (12 ~ } ; ~.:y~~;,~; ac~uth sevel.t~7_"c„~.r devrc,e;s (740) we~-~t o?~.e hundred anal tY~irt~~- ~_ r "1 ~ to a ;oir~ t • T _:,,;C~ nartY2ei~ly ~zl ~a strai~~ht line seVvrl .~eet (1~~. ) ~ ~ +~;,, ,-- ~"~ ~ ~ t ~ c more; O:~' 1eSS i,O t'~.e pa1Y>t Oi' C!~„'li"!P_riCe2:lerlt. ~, ~ r w ~ ~• ~' r7 w ~ fi~ ~ }17 Q7 !~ u ~ J ~ 1 ~ ~1 ~ ~ ^ S r~ • ~ A~ `~ i :~ ~ td :.n -' c~~ '-' U] !--' A~ ~ 't ~."7 !D ~ ~' ~.~. ~ I-i • F-~ ;~ ~~ (n t4 ~-*~ O ;~- A~ 'i ~ L n ., t2. fi u O ~U _~ Q7 'j O `$ W ~ ~t ~. ,~ ~. V ~ (~ ;~ ,b i r :;.~ r