HomeMy WebLinkAbout1451A supplementary By-law to provide for the 1964 expenditure on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. f •., Form OB-MR-16 63-0165 ~U~~''Ta::~c~i]~ i.:.'iRY BY-LAW No._-1-!-~~1---------- A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 196_4_._ TOWNSHIP OF ___~lar~e_______ IN THE EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY OF --- Dur'~~ -------------- - WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ ~~a ~',,zQ~9.Q_______ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19_4_4 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total RoADS ------------------ _---------$-26, 200. co_ $----------------- $--2~,~~Q~QQ BRIDGES & CULVERTS _ ______$__ - 4,_500_.00_ $_________ _ ______. $____4,94 i0Q NEW MACHINE] .---=-$--¢2,_930_..00_ $ nil $-- 42,30, 00 SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD ------------------$ -- - - - _ _ - $------- ---- $----------------- TOTALS $._.73 ~ ~~Q~9Q- $----------- ------ $-- 23_= 630,_00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed ~in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the :Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of .the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- kure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at _C>-!~o~4_._.____ this__ _.__ t~18~'T_- _---- day of_.__~sc~r_s~M 6tR. A.D. 19.~~_ (SEAL) ---------------- Clerk Reeve -~ y I, _ ____ _ _ ____._._______________ ___________________, Clerk of khe Corporation of the Township of _ _.. _ ________.________.___, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No._._ _ - _ __., passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ______.___________ day of - - -- - - -------------~ 19------• Township Clerk .r '.. - Rosnsa~{}bRM[RLY MR-te) Supplementary eases TOWNSHIP OF Clarke RE : BY-LAW No. ~ ~Si ROAD PROtaRAMME FOR THE YEAR 1964 1. CONSTRUCTION iii ~n~n~ LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCgiION) NATURt OF WORK MILaa EfTIMATED GOST Job 1- Lot 16-~.7 Con. 2~-~ Pre-Eng. Survey, Purchase Lan 2.6 4,000.00 Job 2 -Lot 4-5 Con. 6-']-8 Pre-Eng. Purchase Lan Job 2 - Con. 8 Lot 4-10 Pre-E Purchase Lan 4~6 4 000.00 Job ~3 -Lot 10-1I Con. I Construction of Diversion around dill 1/2 9,200.00 Job 4 -Lot 32-32 Con. 8 Pre-Eng. Survey 2.7 3,000.00 Job -Con. 6 -Lot 20-26 Land Purchase'Surve Utilitie ~ m 4 000.00 Job 8 -Con Lot 2'4-28 Pre- n ..utilities 1 2 000.00 fUB-TOTAL 26.200.0 (B) DRIDGES AND CULVERT! -TYPE AND LOCATION Job 1 -Lot 16-17 Con. 2 Surve Land Purchase & Desi n 1 500.00 Job ~4 -Lot 31-32 Con. 8 Land Purchase 8c Design 1,000.00 Job 5 -Lot 10 Broken Front Con. Land Purchase & Design Job ~`7 -Lot LO-11 Con. 4 Pre-Eng. Design 1000.00 1,000.00 iU.-TOTAL 4 , 5 00.0 0 Cons ruction of new ~, Shed and pu~chase of land (C) ~~~~~ 42,930.00 (D) fUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (fEB FOOTNOTE) __ TOTALS ROR CONSTRUCTION 73 ~ ~i3 0 t d 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROAD! -EXTRAORDINARY ~ RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES REfURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILEf SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROAD! -ORDINARY !WEEPING CRACK FILLING PATCHING "-----"""-""- ---"""" . . PAVEMENT (TONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BEADING QyfT LAYING -CALCIUM, BALt, OIL.. PRIME DITCNEf, TILE DRAIN!, CATCH BAS/Ni. CURB!, GUTTBRS, DRAINAGE ASfESSMR?/TS WEED !PRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNi, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL - iNOW FENCE, PLOWING, iANDING, SALTIP(G fUB-TOTAL (B) BRIDGBB AND CULVERT! AJOR REPAIRS (DEfCRIBE) M MINOR REPAIRi SurroTAE (C) fUPERINTENDENCB AND OVERHEAD (SEt FOOTNOTp TOTALi I-OR MAINTWANCL GRAND TOTAL 73 ~ 6.30 ~ dQ Oate Township Rad Superintendent It InsuAiclent room attach additions) chats SIvIMt ~ data In tM form hldigted NOTE, $uperiMendence and Overhead may M distributed between Construction and tdalatenaNla In tM proportion that total of Items 1(a) and l(b) bear. to total of ibma 2(a) alnG R!D). ~ , . w , 'vt~Hm cr-o 9 ~..~ ~'R. o~N N• ~• ~ w I O 'd c'- N~ H ~ G~ ~ b i N O i (D ~y O `i7 C~ ~; d F"h cD ~ ~ 'd N • Ul s/ m E-q m N (D CD "i n O ~' ct m `i M'Li ~' 1-~ O '7 N• ~' 'y ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ O (D ~ ~i cr ~ ~ ~ x' '~ ~' O C~ c+ u• O' CD O (D !fi O W F-' CD W '~ ^" '-S ~ \~ ~ t7 f- ~ ~.o ~+N• r~ -~ w T ~~ x~ r cD cD N• ~* o ~ ~ c~ ~~ k; ~-~M 'rs .A.p 1 oNrAR~o DEPARTMENT OR HIGHWAYS Tp. Downsview, Ontario. ~iave~ er 27th, 19~• ~Ec. H. E. Millson 'Clerk Township off' Clarke, Box 3~', OkON~, Oat ari o . Dear Sir: Re; Supplements Road Expenditure By-law No . 11.51 Amount - ~ ~ ?3 , 6~ . fflG Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Departmentts estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has. approved of the proposed expenditure,_for pub- sidy purposes, to a limit of ~~ 73, 630.f)0 for Construct_ ~©' ,~~4 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOjaING CONDITIONS: ~~'Or 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made onl ~'~`~ ~'' purposes set out in the by-law and support ~' ,~. gramme and shall not be diverted,. either in ~' or in part, to any other purpose without the .prior . l_ consent in writing of the Municipal Engineer.. ~~ 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- _ struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be ~" subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads.Division. ~ 3. That the District Music pal Engineer .shall be informed and his consent .obtained before tenders . are called for the proposed work or purchase and ~. before any commitment is made by the Municipality. N~ B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year. or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any corranitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, ~~ ~.. ~s ~~ ~~' `hs, it ~ ~i~a.1. J. P. Howard, ..~--~-~--". ,_ ~ Municipel.Engineer, :D ~ ~ ~ .~__ Operations Branch. Encl.