HomeMy WebLinkAbout1457A By-law to authorize the construction, reconstruction, extension or improvement of certain capital works in the Municipality. eosstruotiom, reoomstruotios, sztensiom or impravememt bf certain capital works im the municipality. ESE the Cerporatiem o! the To~r~shig of Clarks proposes to either ©omstruot, rseasstruot, a=tend or reprove the following capital w®rks im the mu~nieipality in aeo®rdamme with the pre- visicas of the Yamioipal lferks lssista$e• Program, AAD 1PSEREAB for that gurpoa• the Corporation greposea to me~ce application for assistance im aecerdasvs with the terms ®f The Bunicigal 1lorks issiatanc• .let t0atarioj and th• Ytanioi~a2. Develop- mont and Leas lot ~Casadaj~ 11~ 11HBRBAa the pro~scta are in the opiai0n of the Council of the Corporation mtenioipal prefects gmalified for assistance under the said lot as they world sot, withow.t the asaistamee rendered under said lot, have bees included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the salsadar years in respect of which the spglioaties for assistance will be made, 18D IiSBREA~ the works herein are to bs undertaken Wider the terms of The Yumicipal.let, R90 19b4, Chapter 249, i~.439, ss.l(bj, and amesdmesta thereto; 8011, T~RBFORE, BB TT BEICTED 1RD' IT Is ~BBSI BBdeTBD as ar by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke by the Ceumcil thereof as followss- 1. The following roads insludimg Bridges and Culverts and ancillary buildings shall be constructed or recomatruoted is the following locations at the following estimated sosta, the details 0f sash projects being recited im detail in a report mtds by Totten, 31ms and issooiates Std. dated at the Tows of 1/hitby the 4th day of Yay, 1964 and sumsarized for purpoaes of this by-law as f©llewss Project Lesoriptios 1. Morgasa Road, construeties x.65 miles including bridge B. 8mrth East grojeot rsoomatruot 4.4 mi.lea C. Newtonville Bealigsmest D. Leskard Read, ~.'] miles imeludi~ bridge E. Sizth C®as. Road 1.3 miles F. Simball Bridge a. Hollowell Bridge Location lots 16/19 cons. 2-3 lots 4/g coms.6-~ lots 3-9 incl. ees. 8; lots 8/~ son. 9 lot 11, cos. 1 lets 3®j31 coma. 6-9 lots 21-26 incl. eon. 3/6 lot 1@, oen. B. F. lots 10/11 nom. 4 Estimated Cost 36~~~A,00 43,?A0.0A 9r34A.AA 39,0®0.00 34s3®O.AA 15,44.00 10,000.00 1~,5®0.00 4~~930. ~~69:330.4® H. Third Concessiem Road lots 23-2~ incl. Des. ~~,~ I. Purchase of land and construction of Road Dept . 1~achime ~ GParagt - lat 29, cos. 3 T©tal estimated cost ~_ .. ! ~. o ~, 2. The ~giaoering Censultatt for the Corporation oT the Township of Clark• in this wafter shall bo Totten, aims sad issmiates Ltd, 3®~ Dnndas Street Hest l~hitby Ontario and they shall Torthwith make such plans, profiles, end specificstiens and Tarnish such inform~- tiot as w,sy be necessary for the making oT a oontract Tor the a=seu- tiot oT the work. Such plans and specificatieas to olarify in detail the herka already outlined in their preliminary report dated 4th ~y 1964. r ~ - ~. The work shall be carried oa and e~tecuted ender th• superintsa- denc• and according tc the direction and orders of such Zngiaesring Ceasultaats. 4. The Reeve sad Clerk are authorized to cause a contract f®r the conatructien of each and every work or anT ©ombinatiea thereof to be made sad entered into with same person or pers~ta, firm or corporation, subject to the approval of .this Council to be declared by resolution. 5. For the pureeses sforssaid the Cerporatiea eT the Township of Clarke shall borrow upon the general credit of the C®rporation a $um sufficient t© Titaacs their portion oT the said works which sum shall sot s=coed ~80,843.0o and shall issue debentures, there- f®re, when duly authoriz®d sad approved. 6. The Treasurer may (sul~~ect to the approval of the Council) agree with say bank or person for temporary advances eT mosey to meet the cost of the work pending the completion oT it at n(~ of interest amt to ezceed five and three-quarters per cent per annum. ~. any debentures to ice issued (save those to b• issued to the Province of Oatarie) fmr the l®an to bs effected to pay Tor the seat of the work when ommplstsd shall bear interest at Tive and. three-quarters per coat (gam) per annum std be made payable within ~ years on the instalment plan. 8. The debentures to be issued to the Province of Ontario Tar the loan to be effected to pay Tor the cost of the work when cempleted shall bear interest at Tiv and three-eighths per Dent (~-3/8~) per annum and be made payable within ~ sears en the instalment plan. g. In settling the sum to be raised annually t4 pay the debt the rate of interest ca investments shall sot bs estimated at more than g-3/8 fa respect of the d®bt incurred to the Province of Ontario sad g in respect of the debt incurred to ethers. By-law read a first sad. second time this lath day of Angast A.D. 19`4. ~,~~/~~ Reeve e ' alsr By-law read a third time and Tiaally passed this 16th~iay of November, A.D. 1964. cove S ;.-.~ A L -. ~'lo~k: 4 . F J . ' ~ CD N ~l -( O 7 CJ O ~ nn `` ^ , y ~ ~ A~ 0~, Sv ~ r~ ct ro N N N• ~s cr ~ n w ~ o I--' a ~.D rr :D N• cD to N N n, o o x~- ~' . r~ r,. ~ ~" 'ZJ CD '? CD N ~• (D (D O ~~ I-J G' O ~• c`' c+ O 'i ~ ~ ~ "J ~- A~ • ~ F-' o O Sv N ~ U~ ct fy 'S ~ u, ct N. u. n n w c~ N• ~+- n o ~ x ~- m ~ ~CCv ~ o NN. a, m b ~+ o ~ J u. O u• ~ ~ ~ ~ ti