HomeMy WebLinkAbout1461A By-law to establish standard requirements for subdivision roads in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act and the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960. P A G E 2 (d) S e~oi__al plans - ~ihere drainage requirements require the construction of a struc ure overt with a hydraulic area in ezeess of that provided by commonly prefabricated structures or culverts, the detail drawings of the proposed structure shall be provided. Such structures shall be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer and plans shall bear the approval t~f the Chief Bridge Engineer of the Ontario Department of Highways. 3. SPECIFICATIONS F'08 HOAR CONSTxUCTION a p an o typ c cross see on shall be part of this specification. b All streets shall be constructed according to specifications in this B - a~w (c~ All road allowanees•must be completely cleared of trees, brush, shrubs, ers or other obstructions for the entire width thereof. Certain trees may be left that do not interfere with construction or installation of services. (d) To soil and sod shall be removed to its entire depth throughout the centre or y-five feet of the road allowance, ea~ept when a fill equal to or eater than three feet is provided. (e~8ough grading shall follow removal of sod and topsoil so that subgrade is established at a level 13" below the approved final grade shown on the profile in sections where the sub-base is predominantly clay. Side slope shall not be steeper than 1}.horizontal to 1 vertical. In a cub-base of predominantly sandy soil side slopes shall not be steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. (f) Upon completion of rough grading, the sub-base and ditches shall be established as followss 1. Width between shoulder points, 36 feet. Centre line of ditch, 44 feet. 2. Ditches shall be established having a minimum depth below shoulder point grade of one foot and a top width of five feet. 3. Ditches on grades, hills or sandy soil that are subject to erosion, shall be stabilized by sodding or asphalting as specified by the municipality. (g) If springs or an unsuitable base are uncovered during grading operations such area shall be ezcavated and baekfilled to a depth required by the road Superintendent. Material used in backfilling shall be acceptable to the road Superintendent or officer appointed for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this By-law. If in the opinion of the 8oad Superintendent, a satisfactory solution cannot be achieved by excavation and backfilling, then he may require the installation of sub-drains. (h) If water mains, sewers, or other buried municipal services are to be provided they shall be constructed following completion of rough grading or before rough grading. (i) After completion of sub-base, shaping and ditching, all culverts, including entrance culverts, shall be installed to grades established on street profiles. (~) Following the installation of culverts (1) pit run gravel shall be placed to a compacted average depth of nine (9j inches on a width of thirty-six (36) feet, This represents approximately 5:404 eu. yds. per ~sile. Pit run gravel shall be of a quality acceptable to the road Superintendent and shall have all stones larger than 4" in diameter removed. Pit run gravel shall be applied in two layers and shall be levelled and compacted following each layer. The final grading of the pit run gravel base shall establish a minimum crown from centre line to shoulder point of 4" and a maximum crown of 6". (k) Following the shaping of the gravel base an application of 3/4" crushed gravel shall be made. The material shall be acceptable to the road Su~erinteadent and shall be applied to a depth of 3". This represents approximately 1,¢00 eu. yds. per mile. (1) Following the application of 3/4" crushed gravel, the surface shall be grade8 and a dust laying application of calcium chloride shall be made at the rate of six (6) ton per mile. (m) Inspection - The road Superintendent shall be notified by the subdivision owner, at the following stages of constructions 1. Completion of rough grading. 2. Application of pit run gravel. 3. Completion of graveling operations and application of Calcium Chloride. Should the road Superintendent discover that any work has not been carried out in accordance with the provisions of this By-law, he shall require the owner to correct the defect. (During placement of gravel the road Superintendent shall provide an inspector whose duty it shall be to insure that the proper quantity and quality of material is placed on the road. The cost of inspection shall be paid by the subdivision owner.) continued........... PA G~ 3 4. c~zvsBSS - -"~'~a~'~oadwa~, Culverts - All roadway Qulverte shall be of a corrugated s e~` e~ype~ie diameter, thiokness of metal, length and manner of installing shall be A roved b the 8oad Su erintendent. loo road culvert shall have a diame er ess , a eng a a normal crossing less than fort -four feet, a length at a normal intersection less than fifty (503 feet and a thickness less than 16 gauge. The foregoing provisions do not apply-where a reinforced ooncrete structure is required. (b) Drivewa. Culverts - Driveway culvert8 shall be of a corrugated s ee e. veway culverts shall be not less than 20 feet in length nor have a diameter less than 15". (e) If future development of ad3acent land would require that a dead end street be incorporated in the plan of subdivision then the 8oad Superintendent may require that extended steel driveway ®ulverte be installed near the end of the street to facilitate turning of road equipment. 5. 1~tTaICIPAI~ SE89ICE - The location of municipal services shall be as ca a on a plan of typical cross section. 6. The owner shall deposit with the Corporation X62,000.40 per mile of sub-division street. This sum to be used by the Corporation at any time following completion of construction for dust laying andjor surface consolidation. The choice of material to be used for this aforementioned purpose shall be left to the discretion of Council. 7. All roads within the proposed subdivision shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications outlined herein and under the following schedules (1) The owner shall commence road construction on any street in the subdivision prior to making application for a building permit to be issued for the constriction of any building on that particular street. This road construction shall be completed to the stage where the complete application of pit run gravel has been made and inspected before a building permit shall be issued on that street. In each ease of application for a building permit an entrance culvert must be installed to the satisfaction of the 8oad Superintendent before such permit shall be issued. (2) The owner shall provide to the Corporation Dash, bond or other security acceptable to the Corporation equal in value to one dollar per foot for each foot of subdivision road to be constructed. This payment shall be made prior to commencement of road construction and shall be forfeited to the Corporation at the end of a two year period if the road or roads are not completed to comply with the terms of this By-law by that time. (3) The owner sha11 stake the street lines-and they shall remain marked during the construction period so that they remain visible at all times to the operators of machinery. 8. APP84TAI, - All works covered by this By-law she'll be subs e~~e approval of the Council of the Corporation of the Tor~ehip of Clarke and The Department of Highways of Ehitario. The 8oad Superintendent is hereby appointed by Council for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this By-law. contin~tdd ............. 'r r ~ PAGE 4 Bead a first and sec©nd time this ~ ~ day of p cTo bcr:. 19 ~~ . .t~ ~J ~~ 8ee~e ~,.t _ ..-..~ Clerk Bead a third time and finally passed this ~~' day of oaro~R. 19~~. ~.' _ ~~89® ~~ Qlerk - - .. 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