HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-62-94THE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSB AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File#~~~ • Gt Date: DECEMBER 12, 1994 Res.#GPta - 71 3-y4 By-Law # Report #: *~~~ File #:~T, O 1 Subject: REQDEST FOR SCHOOL CROSSWALK, MAIN STREET, ORONO Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-62-94 be received; 2. THAT the Director of Planning and Development be authorized to hire an adult school crossing guard for Main Street, Orono; 3. THAT a copy of Report WD-62-94 be forwarded to Mr. David Gray,. Principal, Orono Public School, and to Mr. Al Lindsay, Durham Region Public Works, and that Mr. Lindsay be asked to install the required signing as soon as possible and apply plastic pavement markings as soon as weather permits; and 4. THAT Mr. David Gray and Mr. Al Lindsay be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map No. 2: Correspondence dated September 15, 1994, from David L. Gray, Principal, Orono Public School 1009 P.o. ~®a~.~.E REPORT NO.: WD-62-94 PAGE 2 2.0 BACRGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on September 26, 1994, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence dated September 15, 1994 from David L. Gray, Principal, Orono Public School-requesting the installation of a crosswalk for school children to cross Main Street on their way to and from Orono Public School, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Fublic Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Gommittee; and THAT David L. Gray be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Adult School Crossing Guard Policy Council's policy on placement of adult school crossing guards, as contained in Report PD-47-91, was approved by Council on February 25, 1991. In essence, a minimum of 50$ delay time or difficulty in crossing is required for placement of an adult school crossing guard. 3.2 Crossinc_Guard Stud A study was conducted on November 2, 1994, from 3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. with the approved method of using a stop watch to measure the number of gaps in traffic which would be considered safe for children to cross the street. The results indicated a delay of 45$ existed in this downtown area which is just under the approved warrant of 50$. Main Street 1~1Q REPORT NO.: WD-62-94 PAGE 3 (Regional Road 17) is a through road from Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) southerly to Highway 35/115 with no stop controls or traffic signals. The downtown area is busy during the afternoon period with numerous cars parked along both sides which can obstruct motorists vision of children attempting. to cross. 3.3 Possible Location Staff met with Durham Regional Police and Principal Gray to review possible locations for a crossing if Council should approve Main Street for an adult guard. Five of the eight children who must cross Main Street were observed crossing at Centre Street near the Beckers Store which has a limited sight. distance of 85 metres (279 feet) to the north. A more suitable central location with better sight lines was observed between Centre Street and Park Street. The suggested location for a guard would be across Main Street between #5324 and #5323 across from the Apple Blossom Shop. 3.4 Effects on Parkins Section 4(4)(c) of Clarington's Traffic By-law 91-58 states "no person shall on any highway stop any vehicle within 10 m of a crossover". The purpose of this clause is to allow clear vision for the guard at the crossing. The elimination of one (1) parking space on the east side of Main Street in front of #5323 Main Street will give an adult guard good visibility in both directions. The proposed placing of a crossing at this location has been discussed with the Board of Management of the Orono Business Improvement Area who have indicated that, although they do not want to lose any parking spaces, they consider the proposal to be acceptable.. ~~~~ REPORT NO WD-62-9~ PAGE 4 3.5 Notification to the Region of Durham The Region of Durham does not become involved in the approval or placement of Municipal crossing guards but must be informed of Council's decision for installation of the appropriate signing and pavement markings on Main Street which is a Regional Road. Respectfully submitted, Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works RDB*WAE*ph December 2, 1994 Reviewed by, W. B. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachments pc: Mr. David Gray Principal Orono. Public School P.O. Box 30 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Al Lindsay Public Works, Traffic Region of Durham 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L1N 1C4 I i i i i i j tairs Private la e i i ~ ~ ® #5323 I Child ~! Guard location waiting o! #5324 area °C j possible loss o~ Loss of 1 parking space of west side ~ II ~j ~i ~ Fire j Hydrant ~I NI c~ •~ I ~~ Park Street i i i i ACT ~ s ~ SI T t 0 a s C:\ATTACHS CLARKE 17XWLK.DWG H Vtetor Strsst DRAWN BY: dM DATE: DEC. 1994 ATTACHMENT N0. 1 KEY MAP WD-62-94 ~~ .~ ' Ol~tJ 1`!O PUBLIC SC -_ - TIE NOFTHVNIBERLAND MID'NE1~K`.A$TLE C30i1Fif1 OF EDUCATION 3i1V1111.. Cli/1Y, i3.A., M.rd., Pr~•hai fiC:. 17nK :Rl, C~arxe, ~kd:ua~I1N-1M0 Phone 416-983-SOOE 15 September 1494 Mayor in Council, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ont. Attention: Walter Evans Dear Mr- Evans.: 'Vi'i ~'~~ ~ - _.~~~~'! n;}'~ CEP 2 6 ;994 MUf~ICIPALITY CF C! ARiNG i0tt AflAYOR'S OFFICE C~rcently, in the Village of Orono there exists no crosswalk for school children to cross Main Street on their way to and from Orono Public School. At the present time there are eleven students ranging in age from 4 years to 1.1 years who must cross Main Street in order to attend our school. Traffic can be quite heavy in our village and many motorist do not obey the posted speed limits. This poses a safety hazard to our children. Also, many of the 60 senior citizens who live in the Durham Seniors Complex must cross Main Street to make use of various stores and the Library- For these two reasons I am respectfully requesting that a crossing area be installed in the downtown area of Orono Village. Ideally a school crossing with a crossing guard would guarantee the safety of our students. I have consulted with our School Liaison Officer, Mike Marks (Durham Regional Police) and he is in support of this- Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, David L. Gray, Principal p.c. P.Hcxlgson, President Orono P.T.A- A.Dreslinski, Councillor ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-62-94 - lti1~