HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-55-94C.. THE CORPORATION OF THS MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ' - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: OCTOBER 17, 1994 Res. # GPt~ " (~57-`~q By-Law # ~ 7~ -~ Report#: ~*T-„ G~-o~ File#: nr~a n~ Subject: STORM SEWER EASEMENT FROM GILLSS RENE ROIISSY AND HALINA HELEN ROUSSY PRESTONVALS ROAD, COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose. and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-55-94 be received; 2. THAT Council pass the proposed By-law attached to Report WD- 55-94; 3. THAT the. Municipality's solicitor be directed to take all actions necessary to complete the Transfer of Easement; and 4. THAT Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy be advised of Council's decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Rey Map No. 2: Proposed By-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale from Gilles Roussy and Halina Roussy. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Through Report No. WD-54-93, various road widenings were purchased by the Municipality to facilitate the reconstruction of Prestonvale Road from Claret Road southerly to Glenabbey Drive (see Attachment No. 1). ~ j~58 ..,E ~®.P~.«E REPORT NO.: WD-55-94 PAGE 2 2.2 In order to accommodate existing drainage in a low area adjacent to the roadway, a catchbasin was required on private lands. Accordingly, a catchbasin easement is required in favour of the Municipality. Arrangements have now been made with Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy, and an executed Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the easement has been provided by Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy at no cost to the Municipality (see Schedule "A" to Attachment No. 2). 2.3 All restoration costs, surveying and legal costs shall be borne by the Municipality. 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is recommended that Council accept the Transfer of Easement by passing the proposed By-law (Attachment No. 2), and that the Municipality's solicitor be directed to take all action necessary to complete the transaction and that Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully submitted, Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, ~~ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer NC*WAE*ph October 6, 1994 Attachments Gilles Rene Roussy Halina Helen Roussy 2370 Prestonvale Road Courtice, Ontario _ 1)J 5 9 3.0 x 3.0 metre Storm Easement an 40R-15580 2370 Prestonvale Road Lilies & Halina Roussy ~ 0 0 -~, ~wnr e . a o °D oaa ° S T S Q~ o C:\ATTACHS DARL\PRVLPRP2 ° DRAWN BY: JM DATE: OCT. 1994 ~~ ~ CO R TIC ATTACHMENT N0. , KEY MAP WD-55-94 ~E ~` THE CORPORATION OP THE MONICIPALITY OF rr.aarNGTON BY-LAW NO. 94- Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality and Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy for the acquisition of an easement for the installation and maintenance of a storm drain catchbasin associated with the reconstruction of Preatonvale Road. THS CORPORATION OF THH M[iNICIPALITY OP CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. - TBAT the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clalington, andseal with the Corporate Seal, an Agreement of Purchase and Sale respecting the land described as Part of Lot 33, Concession 2, geographic Township of Darlington, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-15580 between Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto and marked Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 24th day of October, 1994. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of October, 1994. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-55-94 1061 _ SCHEDULE "A° ® ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE REAUOn REAILOR PURCHASER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON aRersmbuy from VENDOR GILLES RENE ROUSSY AND HAi INA [{ET EN ROUSSY duough verMor's AGENT NO AGENT _ da meowing PROPERTY: fronting on the _W~STxiae of PRFSTONVALF ROAD k„nwn municipallyaz ~T~D PRFSTY1NVAiF ROAD m me MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGION IN THEotREGION OF D iRHaM ,na navmg a fronuge or SFF DFSCRIPTTON [iFi OW more or less by a depth of ~ MF'f'F'RC X ~ MFTFRC more a kss and descdlxe u i (YT 3"{,~fr1NCFCCTON 2, MNNT('TPAT TTY OF ('T ARTNI"fY1N F(1RMFRT V TuR 'ITxdN f1F NFWCASTTF AND FORMERLY THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FOR TNF FXCHANGF CONSIDERATION OF THE INSTALLATION AND MAI~TDENANCE OF A STORM DRAIN ~AT&}~ISF~aAN THE HEREIN SU&I~Ang terms: I. wrenaarsuemhs wan mis otter NO DFP04TT Ibllars rs NTT Irasmalwyae payabk w the Lining Broker as a deposit m be held by him in wu pending canplnion or abet rcrmirtubn o(Nis Agreement erd w be crcdiud mwuds dre Purchau Prke on mmpletioa ?. Forebear agreexm install a storm drain catch basin and surrounding area, during the reconstruction basin will be constructed in a good workmanlike Clarington in perpetuity. to drain storm water from the Subject property of Prestonvale Road. The storm drain catch manner and will be maintained by the Town of The interest in the property being exchanged herein is an easement in favour of the Municipality of Clarington with ownership being retained by the Vendors herein and the Vendors being the Servient tenants and the Purchasers being the Dominant tenants. The Property in which the interest is being exchanged herein is known as the north east corner of the property known municipally as 2370 Prestonvale Road and is a square parcel of land at the eastern frontage on the west side of Prestonvale Road and consists of a total area content of nine (9) square meters (96.876 sq.ft.) + or -and is more particularly illustrated by the highlighted area of the attached copy of plan for road widening marked "Parcel 6". The Purchasers agree to pay all of the Legal, surveying, landscaping and/or any other associated costs involved in or with this transaction and development of the property. The Purchaser and Vendor both agree Chat the transaction can be canpleted at any time prior to the closing date set out in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale. The Vendors agree that construction can proceed on the Subject property at any ti177e after the Vendors agree herein to grant the Subject easement to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. PureMar and Vendor agree that ell existing fxwres are included in the purchau pritt exmpuhoa lined hereunder: std shanhe following chapels are included in the purchau prim- 4. Vdfjx:$'RdCagrcesrnalNisOffershallbeirtevocablebyhimumil 117.59 (Xi6.lp.m.lonNC 15TH dayo(_,T111aY, 19 9L , stmt which rime. if not ucepud, tFus Offer shall be null aM void std she tlepmit shall be remmed w Purchaser without inrerest or deduction. 5. This Agreemcm shall be complercd on Nc 30TH say ar AUGLIST I9 94 , upon romplmm~, Yacam paaaessron of the progeny shall be given m Forebear unless aherwiu pmvidcd a follows. b. Purchaser shall h albwed umil a:59 p.m. m the 4OTH of AIlf:114T 19 Q4 . m: examine me sick w she pmpery, ar hi: own expenu to suisfy himulf that dxrcarc no ourswnding work orders arTecting the TapcrtY7kA'axYa:67kdGxxd+ IXdPNa9f697-d1iXObW16DrCG]bY[6%Xg(W7NfipiSOWWfdB~fE-PxXr%9f80%Ya161tH9fkKbt% ]. Provided shat the sick w the progeny is good aM fra from all rcsnicsions, charges, liens. claims sad erwumbnrces, except as Rd¢wise specifcally providW in this Agrcemem. u covenanss Uu mn with the Ivd. provided seas such arc rompliN wish: with a municipelitY as supPlierof utility urvice including, without limimion, dmuicity, wear, xwage. gss, rekphww orcable ukvuion oraher mviding such have bmn complied with or ucuriry has been possM ro emurc <ompfwce and compkrbn as evidenced by krta fmm the rekvanl r; and u supply of milirY smia m the Progeny or w adluem properties. ne the title env valid obknion w tide, a knY ouuundin6 work order a hF kuwY notice, Rr ro drc fen [hat Ne aid prerem uu maY na IawfullY be unb m the t to she raps of rirk. PUrchaserdull of atl wuwnding wak orders or VetNOr agrees Purchaser or his uliciwr such further auslwrisssiom in rnis regaN uppP~~u~rc~nppa~~ur[[jmjannyoorcawnaaly requve. 8. Purchaur arYawwledBes havin6 irulsmed We Property Prior soRlWhdl~h/Sh~Offer and underssandr that upm RNd61fd4mepsme this ORer there shall be • hipNng agreement of purchau and uk hetwren Purchaser wd Vendor. 9. vendoraM Puunaur agree Chas there is rocondition.«PrcssmimPlied. reprucnksion or wumnry ofanY kiM Char she furore inktWed uu of Ne PmpenY by PUmhauruawill be kw(urexceq es may be specifically stipulated eluwhere in this Agreement. .. lUb r - IU. Purcha: r .hall mtt call Nr IM1C protl«' t ~ y fU decJ abst I ~ w Iher <sisknu of I tl I the progeny < c p ' h th po. o I I f Vendor. ~ V~d~r agrees Nn. lrcq«suJM theP h: h w11 Jel a '.k eM1O a eY of the Propem nA: po`: azio u lti h: mWI P ha.arr '. po:abk and p m IM1C ku Jay II J f exam d g f k I the ere t Thal a Jisaharge f v monpace or barge hdJ by a coryn fora mnryon eJ pis m m the Loa C panin An ICanWel. Chanentl8 k T .I Camp C dtL onml. c Comps v J A h'. lu to bee' MbtheP h: o romp) I -: t PM g': abkf m nmplmion lheP h: cmtccrMlhe VendwswliCUnsptwlalundrnak nFmWaam.Wlof sM1e doinFfundcediuhargeor«uionNch+ree in reFi: vaMC form and m register same nn lido xelhin a nmwnabk pcriN of lime alive rompktion. provided Thal on or belort eompktion the Vemlw .hall prariJe to she Purchaser u mungagc autetwm prepared by the nwngaFCe mu1nF nut the Wlanse rcyuimd m obmin the diuhargc. taFelhcr wish a dirttlian exttVlM by the Vendor dirtttinF paymem to the twngnpec. of the armwnt reyuired to omain the Jischurg<ws of IM balame tlue on wmplelion. 11. All buildings on the progeny and all olhenhings being purchauO sM1Wl be atW rtmain umil completion al the risk of Vendor. RMing completion. VeMor shall hold all insurance policies. if anY, and Ne pr«ceds Thereof in tmu for the genies as Ibeir inurnts maY appeu arM in the event of subslamial damage. Purchase may eiNCr Imninau Nis AFr«mcm aM have all monies Ihercrofm paid rewmed wilhaut interen m deduction m elu eke the pr«ceds of any insurarce aM complete the pmchau. No insurance shall be Transferred on cotnplelwn. If VeMor is inking back a trwngage or a charge, or Purchaur is usuming a mongap or a charge, Purchaer shall supply Vendor wish reaanabk evidence of adequate insurance m pralttuhe Vendor's w other ttwn¢agee's inmrcsl on rompletion. 13. Rvvidetl that Nis Agrttmsm shall beelfemive wcreate an imeresl in the propnY Only ihhc subdivision camrolprovisions of Thc Planning Aa are tnmpliM wish by Venda on ar before rompletion and Vendor hereby cov<nan¢wpr«ced diligemlyaz~ pe1,pu to Gan rucessary conum on or before cwnpletim. IJ. Purchaser shall be crediud wwardz the Purchase Rice with du amount, s E w u EiC a e~wzssary (or Pumhaur m py m the Minklm of National Revenue in uNeno satisfy Poshnar's IuNlly in rcspecl of lu peyabl<by Vcndw under Ne twmrcaNercy pmvisions of the Income Tu Am by reaspn of this ale. Purchaer shell rain claim wch mdil if Vendor delivers an completion the prescribed cenifcarc w his sutmwy' declamlion That he is to Shen a ttott-uzidem of Caluda- Id. Any reins, ttsongage inures, reahy nixes including local impmvemem razes aM unmeurtd publk w pivae mility charges aM ummmred cost of fuel, as applicable, shell be apponiorctl aM allowM w the day of rompietion, sh<d>y of compMion itulf to be apponbrcd w Purehaur' pI~r~ by 2T 13. The TramfereXed shall. save for she land Transfer Tax Affdavil, be prcparW in regisbabk format the expettu ol'['3df~r, d y tmngage or charge to be given back by Ne Ruchaar w she Vestlor el Ne expenu oflhe Purcluur. If requested by PurcMUr. VeMOr cavrnams dot she Transfer/Dud to be tlelivered on completion shall cmuain the sutemems conmmpkud by Clauus d9171aNa). (bl antl fcl of The Pluming An. 1983. I6. Tine shall in all rcsp«IS be of the esu«e Mrtofpwvided Naz the lirKfor doing ar completing of any mater provitlW for herein may be exutMetl or abridged by an agrecmem in writing sigred by Y<MOr attd Purchaser or by lhe'v rcapegtiv<wlieitors who maY ba specif ally authmimdin that regard. 11. MY urdm of documems w morcY hereurtdw maY be made upon VeMOr w Forebear w Ihek mpecdve wlicisars on the day ul fm wmplnion d this Agreement. Morey may be uvdercd by bark DM w cheque c<nifiM by a Chutued BarA, Tina Comlwty. Rovirwx of Omada Savings Office. Crcdil Union w Caisu Populairc. IR. THE VENDOR WARRANTS TNAT SPOUSAL CONSENT LS NOT NECESSARY TO THIS TRANSACTION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, UNLESS THE VENDOR'S SPOUSE HAS E%ECUTED THE CONSENT HEREINAFTER PROVIDED. 19. The VeMOr rtpreumz and wamnts mshc Purchaurlhaz during lh[timelhe VelWw haz owrcd Ne property, the VCndwhaz tort caused any building on she progeny to beimulated wish insulation cwnaining urnfwttwidehyde. artd Ihm to the best of the VeMw's krcwkdge m building on the progeny contains insulaton th•I cmuins ureaformalehydc. This an-ulY dull survive aM nit merge an Ile compleion of Nis sranzution, snit if IM building is pan of a muhipk unit buildinF• Ibis wananry shall only apply to shat pan of Ih building which is IM subject of Ibis wnsxdon. Z(1. THE PURCHASER IS HEREBY NOTIFIED TNAT A CONSUMER REPORT CONTAINING CREDR ANDJOR PERSONAL INFORMATION MAY BE REFERRED TO IN CONNECTION WTTH THIS TRANSACTION. 21. The VeMwherebYapWinss the listing Broker bit AFensfw the purpose MgivwgaM r«eiving mlius qusuanla lhu Agreemam 33. If there is conFlk~ bnween any povision wdllm ar typed in this Agreement lirclWing any SchMUk m Nis Agrtemensl and mY pmvisian in Ibe printed portion hertaL Ih< wlill<n wtypN provision shall wpersde Je prised provision to IM exam of wchconBkt. This Agrcetrcnt ircludwg wy Schedules allxhed herew, Nallcomdtme UK<nlitt Agreemem bnwe<n the Pumhaur aM VeM«. Then is to repreantation. wnnury, colHleral agrtetrcm weoMnion, whclhrdir«t m collarcnl ar expand w implied. which induced wy pant hcrcw m coot imo Thu Agrcetsenl w on which reliance is plxM by uY smh panY• w whkh alf«IS Nis Agreemem w the propenY w supponod hercbY• other tlue az expensed herein. Thu ABrttment shall be rtad wiN all changes of gerMCr w comber rcquued by the cpnlul. D. If this vent«tion is subjen to Goods and Servitts Tan (OS.T.1 Shen sucb G.S.T. skull Ee in addition to aM va included in Ne purchau pri¢, seal G.S.T. shall Ec colkcleJ and remiltedm a«aNarce wish applkable IeFislation. 1( Nis trensanion is tort subjat to G.S.T.. Ne VeMm agrees so povide m w before closing w Uu Purchaer «Purchaur'a wlkiwr a cenif au in sM form pescribed by Ile applicable legislation (if u prcsedhM, or aherwiu N a form reawwbly vlufxrory m the Porchauz w Purchaur's wlicilo0 certifying Thal de Irensagvon is rain subj«t to G.S.T. "G.S.T." means the lu mrtlmwly rtferrM w as Ne'Gaods atW Services Tax" mntemplazed by Bill Cfi2. Thud Reading April 1U. 1990, of IM1C Puli~ mein of Canada. w az may h subscquendy enacted imo law. llATED at Nis day of 19 IN WITNESS whcreofl harcrereumo xt my hand and zeal: SIGNED, SEALED AND ) DELIVERED N the prcutwe of: ) DATE twx..a ) w.w.,t ) DATE iw„..., ) err, ) The undersigrod Spouse of the VeMOr hereby consents to the disposition evidemed herein parsuam so the provisions of The Family Law An. 1986. In considerazion of Ne sum of Om Dollar (61.W I. she receipt of which from the Purchaur is hereby ackmu'kdged, the undersigmd Spouse of the Vcndw hereby agrees with the Purchvur that hUZhe will exttme al I necasarv or incidental d«utnents to give full force and e06n to tM vle evidenced herein. . GATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ecknowlaige receipt of my siF«d dopy of Nis a«eped Agreemem of Purchau and I ackwx'kdge rettip of my sigrcd ropy of Nis accepletl Agrarmm of Purehaa and Sale etld 1 amhwize the Aaem to forwaN a ropy to my mlkitor. Sale and I auNadze the Agenuo IbrwaN a copy to my solicitor. DATE DATE n,~wi DATE ~mtu<„ DATE TELEPHONENO- VENDOR'S SOLh ADDRESS PURCHASER'S SOLICITOR TELEPHONE NO. TELEPHONE NO. Form Nn. IIII ~ 10 6 3 IdNls SIGNED. SEALED N IN W ITNFSS whereof l have hereumo xs my hand and seal: DELVERED inI r~nce of y~ ) tw.~..., ~ ~ ) .u., DATE ~/Z~~' ,w.,..,, ) .,~.'(0,5 ~~ DATE :~ Z/5c/ ), lJJ A16 ~ ~ ~ 1 en U ~ e ~~^,~! ~ iL,~ °• ~ ~ ~P az ~~ ~ .or 1. ~ M -- Iq7~ 7 ~~~~77~~ u a [. a ~s r ~6 ~ 1/~ M ~ A 1, 1 W x m °. ~° ,. + $ ~ ~ O M ~ F ~ G}~ ~ 1'~~ P f~ N ~1 t ~$ ~~~~ Rq' Y~ _ s~ ~~ ,,, ~~ ~~ ~~ S ', $ ~ ~ N .:F: ~, __ o Z~. E ~i e~ i • ~1 a s ~,~.....~~ _ ..~.~ e ~ 2 P ~~ ~ ~ \~\~\1 -T .... .. ... ... .\.~` n. .... ~4 .r~. RA ~ _ _ ._....._... _.._ .... °4 ~.. H ' s L..._...... ~Y ~ ~ ~x ~~~ ~• ~N 0.i ru • I _~~-~ -~ 0 0 N O l0. O yy O l 2 S a acv ,~ i OKE ROAD ~.: _ ____ AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE & SALE DATED MAY 2... 19 94,. BETWEEN THE UNDERSIGNED PARTIES REGARDING PROPERTY KNOWN AS .2370_PRESTONVALE,ROAI), PART,OF LOT 33,_CONCESSEION._2, MUNICIPALITY. OF CL4RINGTON,.. REGION. OF.. DURIIM1. _. (3.. [~i'ERS . X .3_ METERS) _ _.. _.. _ _ _....... . PURCHASERS .'~.E. CARPORATIO„N OF THE_MUNICIPALZTY QF. CIAR1flGT9N..__. __ _.._ _ ._.... ....._.. VENDORS ._..__G.ILLES. RENE ROUSSY..AND HAL.INA_HELEN. ROUSSX.. _......_ ............._.. ___................ It is hereby understood and agreed between the undersigned parties hereto that the following changes shall be made to the above mentioned Agreement of Purchase and Sale, and except for such changes noted below all other terms and conditions in the agreement shall remain as slated therein: DELETE: CLOSING DATE -AUGUST 30, 1994 Purchaser shall be allowed until 4:59 p..... or. the 30th of August, 1994 to: examine the title to the property . ............................. INSERT: CLOSING DATE -DECEMBER 23, 1994 Purchaser shall be allowed until 4:59 p.m. on the 23rd of December, 1994 to: examine the title to the property . ............................... Dated at ....t OURTSCE....,Ontario this ... ._.._.. day of ___ . -_....._ ._...._._ 19..94...... in the presence of Witness Purchaser date Witness 3 Dated _1'. c~._ ..Ontario, this.. tartness Witness Form "107 Purchaser / date /'~ _ day of ~Jcy~u~c?!` __... +9 94. __ _ _ Vendor Date Vendor D~fe 1 ~-65