HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-43-94 THE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # L _('i~i Z9 S. P ~- Res.#~~PA-51A~q~' Date: JULY 18, 1994 By-Law # Report #: *-~-4'~T° r File #: -X50..-0-L_ Subject: gipE ( 5 ) YEAR CONTRACT FOR -^-=°~=-^-E COLLECTION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report WD-43-94 be received; and 2. THAT the proposed changes to be incorporated into a new five (5) year contract for garbage collection in Clarington, as detailed in Report WD-43-94, be approved. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Summary of Proposed Changes to the Proposed Five. (5) Year Contract for Garbage Collection 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Five (51 Year Contract In 1988, Council entered into a Five Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) collection. The contract began o terminated on December 31, 1993. (5) Year Contract with for town-wide garbage n January 1, 1989, and i REPORT NO.: WD-43-94 PAGE 2 2.2 One (J Year Extension In 1992, Council extended the contract for one (1) year in exchange for a "no increase" in the prices. The revised contract terminates on December 31, 1994. 2.3 Authorization to Call Tenders On April ll, 1994, Council gave approval to proceed with the calling of tenders for a new five (5) year contract to begin on January 1, 1995. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement for several suggested changes to the contract. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 .Reduce Container Limit from Five (5) to (41 :The contract with .Browning-Ferris Industries provided for pick-up once per week and for a maximum limit of six (6) containers per pick-up. In 1991, Council reduced the maximum number of containers from six (6) to five (5). New Ministry. of the Environment and Energy Regulations require that, beginning on January 1, 1995, municipalities with a population of 5,000 or greater must have a backyard composting program. At the present time, Durham Region has a backyard composting program, which includes advertising the program and selling backyard composters to Durham residents for $15, which is considerably below cost. Therefore, in keeping with .the composting. program and to encourage householders to use backyard composters, it is recommended that the number of containers be limited to a maximum of four (4). 3.2 One (1) Side Only in Rural Areas In order to improve efficiency, and thereby lower costs, the specifications will provide that, in rural areas, householders 1~~~ REPORT NO.: WD-43-94 PAGE 3 will be required to put the containers on the same side of the. street as the mailboxes. 3.3 White Goods in Rural Areas In order to improve efficiency and thereby reduce costs, white goods will be collected on the last pick-up of the month in the rural areas.. 3.4 Street Receptacles The contractor will be required to supply and service, during the lifetime of the contract, `fifty (50) street litter receptacles to replace the existing twenty-two (22) which are in the downtown areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. The design and location of the street litter receptacles will be subject to the approval of the Director of .Public Works and the Board of Management of the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono Business Improvement Areas. 3.5 Annual Calendars Bach year the contractor will be required to supply and deliver to each householder a calendar which provides information to the householder of the dates for the service following statutory holidays, special pick-up such as Christmas trees, etcetera. The calendar to be provided will be similar in design and content of the 1994 Richmond Bill .Waste Management and Recycling Calendar, a copy of which has been provided under separate cover to each Member of Council _3.6 Service for Apartment Buildings The existing contract provides for a five (5) container limit .for each apartment in an apartment building which contains up to three (3) units. This means that, for 1994, a duplex can put out up to ten (10) containers and each unit would be charged the annual fee, which for 1994 is $145. Similarly, a - 1~~~2 REPORT NO.: WD-43-94 PAGE 4 triplex would be permitted, in 1994, to put out up to fifteen (15) containers and each unit would be charged the annual fee of $145. Apartment buildings of four (4) units or more would be permitted to put out five (5) containers and would be required to pay the annual fee of $145. The new contract will provide for four (4) containers per unit for apartment buildings containing up to and including five (5) units. .Each unit will be charged the annual fee. The annual single fee for apartment buildings of six (6) units or more will be discontinued and the apartment building owners will be required to make their. own arrangements for garbage collection. 3.7 Service to Industrial/Commercial Buildings The existing contract provides for the collection of up to five (5) containers per week from industrial and commercial buildings in Clarington. Each establishment is charged only a single annual fee which, for.1994, is $145. This service will continue as in the existing contract.. The four (4) container. limit will also apply to industrial/commercial premises. 3.8 Yard Waste Collection New regulations, to become effective January 1, 1995, will require the provision of yard waste to be collected separately from the garbage and taken to a composting facility. At the present time, Durham Region has a composting facility located on Garrard Road in Whitby. 1u13 REPORT NO.e WD-43-94 pp~g 5 The proposed contract will provide for 24 yard waste pick-ups per year as follows: - Weekly pick-ups during the months of April, May June, October and November. 21 - Monthly pick-ups during the months of July, August and September. 3 TOTAL 24 3.9 Vehicles To Be Painted Red The specifications will provide that the contractor begin with all new trucks (similar to existing .contract) and .(new provision) will provide that all the trucks be painted red (colours for new municipal trucks) and have permanent type Clarington decals on the doors of the cabs. 3.10 Hauling to Scarborough Transfer Station The best information available, at the present time, is that the Brock West Landfill Site will be closed prior to the end of the proposed contract (December 31,..1999), at which time the garbage from Durham Region will be hauled to the Scarborough Transfer Station and then hauled to the Metropolitan Toronto Landfill Site in Maple. Therefore, the contract will include a price to haul to the Scarborough Transfer Station when the Brock West Landfill is closed. 3.11 Increase Insurance Limit and Performance Bond The insurance required by the contractor will increase from $3 million to $5 million and the contractor will be required to provide a 100 per cent performance bond of 100 percent of the annual value of the contract to be maintained throughout the duration of the contract. ~11~~ REPORT NO.: WD-43-94 PAGE 6 .3.12 Provision for Extension The proposed contract will .include the provision for an extension beyond the five years, if required. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, t~i alter A. Evans, P.Eng. W. H. Stockwell -Director of Public Works .Chief Administrative Officer WAE*ph July 11, 1994 Attachments ~~Lii~; SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED FIVE (51 YEAR CONTRACT FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION 1. The container limit will be decreased from five (5) to four (4)• 2. In rural areas, the householders will be required to set the garbage containers on the same side of the road as the mail boxes, with collection restricted to only one (1) side of the street. 3. Pick-up of white goods will be on the last collection day of the month in rural areas. 4. The contractor will be required to supply and service, during the lifetime of the contract, fifty (50) street litter receptacles. 5. The contractor will be required to supply and deliver to each householder, a calendar which provides information regarding dates of pick-ups, recycling, composting, etcetera. 6. Apartment buildings with up to five (5) units will be provided with garbage collection for each unit and the annual fee will be charged for each unit in the apartment building. The service provided for and the charge of the single fee for apartments with more than five (5) units will be discontinued. 7. The new contract will provide for twenty-four (24) pick-ups of yard waste per year. 8. The contractor's vehicles must be painted red and must have permanent type Clarington decals on the doors of the cabs. ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-43-94 1 ~) t~ - 2 9. The contractor will be required to include a price for delivery to the Scarborough Transfer Station to provide for the closing of the Brock West Landfill site. 10. The insurance required by the contractor will increase from $3 million to $S million and the contractor will be required to provide a 100 percent performance bond to be maintained throughout the duration of the contract. 11. The contract. can be extended beyond five (5) years, if required. 1,1iI,