HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-38-94/` - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~1~ ~~~'~~ ~y`f~i~EXI~ ~L~X~~LXE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: JULY 4, 1994 Report#: wn_ZR_gd File#: Subject: REVOCATION OF CONNECTING LINK Recommendations: File # / _(~~i . ! '32 ~ f~T Res. # ~~Pp, '41~~-94 By-Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-38-94 be received; 2. THAT Denise K. Evans, Regional Director, Ministry of Transportation, be advised that the Municipality of Clarington accepts the offer of financial compensation of $220,000 in exchange for the revocation of the connecting link agreements in Bowmanville and Newcastle Village, as detailed in her correspondence dated June 10, 1994, (Attachment No. 1 to Report WD-38-94) and as detailed in correspondence dated June 17, 1994, from S.E. Gwartz, (Attachment No. 2 to Report WD-38- 94); and 3. THAT a copy of Report WD-38-94 be forwarded to Denise K. Evans and S.E. Gwartz. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Correspondence dated June 10, 1994, from Denise K. Evans 1 ~~3 o.o.EO®: ~.~.E R$PORT NO.: WD-38-94 PAGE 2 No. 2: Correspondence dated June 17, 1994, from S.E. Gwartz No. 3: .Drawing Showing the Location of the Connecting Link in Bowmanville No. 4z Drawing Showing she Location of the Connecting Link in Newcastle Village 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Aesumntion of Hiahwav 2 by Region The Ministry of Transportation and Durham Region have agreed that Highway 2 within Durham Region will be assumed by Durham Region effective January 1, 1995. 2.2 Connecting Links Clarington has a Connecting Link Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for that portion of Highway 2 (Ring Street) in Bowmanville from Regional Road 57 to Haines Street and that part of .Highway 2 in Newcastle"Village from Baldwin Street easterly for 0.5 km. The length of the connecting link in Bowmanville is 3.05 km, and in Newcastle Village is 0.5 km. The two connecting links are illustrated on Attachment No. 3 and No. 4. The purpose of the Connecting Link Agreement is to provide an additional or higher subsidy on the maintenance and construction of highways which pass through the built up portions of municipalities. The municipalities own the road allowance and have control of items such as building permits, entrances, signs, and underground services. The Ministry of Transportation pays a 90 per cent subsidy for the reconstruction and the maintenance of connecting links for those items which are normally subsidizable. This means that such items as sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers larger than 27 inches in diameter, street trees,.(such as those in downtown Bowmanville) are not subsidized. - 1~~3f~ REPORT NO.: WD-38-94 PAGE 3 2.3 Revocation of Connecting Link Agreements The Ministry of Transportation has been negotiating with the staff of the area municipalities in Durham Region which have connecting link. agreements with the goal of having all the connecting link agreements revoked. The Director of Planning and Development, the Treasurer and the Director of Public Works have participated in the negotiations with the Ministry for the connecting links in Bowmanville and Newcastle Village. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMI+IBNT 3.1 Deficiencies on the Connecting Links The Ministry of Transportation, as a matter of principle, does not ask municipalities to assume a highway which has deficiencies. As Council is aware, Highway 2 through Newcastle village has recently been reconstructed. There are no deficiencies on the connecting link in Newcastle Village. However, there are three locations on the connecting link in Bowmanville which have deficiencies: (a) Storm sewers from Frank Street to Church Street This project is one of the projects which is included in Clarington's application to the. Ministry of Municipal Affairs for funding .under the Canada - Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. The estimated total cost is $600,000. (b) Urbanization of the North Side of Kina Street from Roeniak Drive to Regional Road 57 This project involves the construction of storm sewers, curb and gutter and sidewalks, grinding. of pavement and repaving. The total estimated coat for this project is $300,000. -1u37 REPORT NO.: WD-38-94 PAGE 4 (c) Vanstone Mi11 Bridae A recent inspection of the Vanstone Mill Bridge revealed some deficiencies, which do not need immediate attention, but which may require attention within the next five years. The estimated cost to repair the deficiencies is $374,000. 3.2 Proposal from the Ministry of Transportation The Ministry's proposal for compensation to Clarington for the revocation of the Connecting Link Agreement is contained in correspondence dated June 10, 1994, and June 17, 1994, (Attachment No. 1 and No. 2j. The proposed $220,000 cash contribution is to provide $200,000 towards the cost of urbanizing King Street from Roenigk Drive to Regional Road 57. This is 66 2/3 per cent of the total estimated cost of $300,000 and when-one considers that. much of the work is not subsidizable, the offer is more than fair. The remaining $20,000 is a cost contribution towards the future costs of repairing the deficiencies on the Vanstone Mill Bridge. The $20,000 is based on the difference in the 90 per cent subsidy which would be provided in the connecting link agreement and the 80 per cent subsidy which would be provided under normal subsidy. One other concern is that the connecting link subsidy is over and above the normal subsidy which is received from the Ministry of Transportation for other roads. Therefore, when the work is done on the Vanstone Mill Bridge, the subsidy will be part of the normal subsidy, which in effect, reduces the total subsidy which Clarington will receive during the year that the work on 1ii3~ REPORT NO.: WD-38-94 PAGE S the Vanstone Mill Bridge is done. The Ministry has dealt with this in correspondence dated June 17, 1994, (Attachment No. 2) in which they give assurance that the work on the Vanstone Mill Bridge will be given a high priority for supplemental consideration when the work is undertaken. The only other consideration is that the subsidy rate for. maintenance of the two connecting links will fall from 90 per cent to 50 per cent. This will mean a loss in annual subsidy to the Municipality of about $5,000. In my opinion, the proposed subsidy on the urbanization of King Street (Roenigk Drive to Regional Road 57) makes up for this loss for several years. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that the proposed financial compensation from the Ministry of Transportation is fair and equitable. It is therefore recommended that the Ministry be advised that their offer be accepted. Respectfully submitted, .~~i~~/ V Walter Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer WAE/wc June 22, 1994 attachments Denise K. Evans Ministry of Transportation Central Region Operations 2nd floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON M3M 1J8 S.E. Gwartz Central Region Operations Municipal Office 1st Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON M3M 1J8 1u3y /-+. r-- Y.+7T'`'1~ T;0'J ~ .~*.I:l,~i-ynr ?n "rat ~_ ~__ ~~ Ministry Ministere ~"-U~1-~ -___ of des ' Ontario Transportation Transports TaL•2355185' ~~`~~ ~ ~+ 10' ~ Fax:'235-4382'__- ~ ___ _._. ~ , . ---C-entY~i Regian-6pera-t-moons---- 2nd Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 June 10, 1994 Mr. W.A. Evans Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 - Dear Mr. Evans: Re: Highway 2 Connecting Link Agreement Revocation Village of Bowmanville and Village of Newcastle As you may be aware, the ministry has successfully negotiated the transfer of Highway 2 to Durham Region as of January 1, 1995. In keeping with the ministry's initiative to best address the needs of the Highway Connecting Links-, ministry staff and officials from Clarington have met on a regular basis over the last few months to identify and quantify roadway needs associated with the Highway Connecting Links. As a,result of these discussions, the ministry is prepared to provide Clarington with $220,000.00 in exchange for the revocation of the existing Connecting Link Agreement for both Bowmanville and Newcastle as of March 31, 1995. The above compensation will be transmitted to Clarington on April 1, 1995 as a grant for roadway purposes through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. It is felt that the ministry's offer for this revocation is a fair and equitable compensation considering the ministry has supported resurfacing and reconstruction projects within the Municipality of Clarington over recent years. We would appreciate your favourable response in the form of a Council Resolution to revoke the Highway 2 Connecting Link Agreement based on the above package. Upon receipt of the Council Resolution ministry and Clarington staff will continue discussions to formalize a detailed revocation agreement. Yours truly Denise K. Evans Regional Director ATTACHMENT N0. 1 DKE:SEG:dl _ ( WD-38-94 di ek:W:\work.96\hwy2cl. rev ~ ~~~ ~~ " C"tI ~ 'C~1N ; i _ _ _- O ~~ --- klt i ~ 4I ~ V .. ._ __.. • ~ Ministry Minist~re --------------I ' t- ~- .t of des ~ _ ~ JUiu i 4 ~'0~ I ~ ~ _ Ontario - __ _ .. _. Transportation Transport ' ~' -...._.__ ~ -.-- ` i ~ r..^, r ~i!C .. ~. ___ _------ i ---- .. . i Tel: 235-5397 Fax: 235-5276 Cemral Region Operations Municipal Office 1st Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Mr. W.A. Evans Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Evans: June 17, 1994 Re: Bowmanville Creek Bridge King Street West (Hwy. 2), 0.70 km. east of Regional Road 57 MTO Site No. 21-t69 Further to your request and'telephone conversation with F. Conforti of June 16, 1994, this office has reviewed the improvement need and cost of the. above structure. It is my understanding that the total cost for the improvement to the structure is estimated to be $374,000.00 and would be required within the next 5 years. As you are aware, this ministry cannot make a commitment with respect to supplementary funding at this time. However, we recognize the importance of this work and wish to assure you that this project will be given a high priority for supplementary consideration when this work is undertaken. I trust thaz this arrangement meets with your satisfaction SEG:FMC:dI tlisk: W:1 wark.94\ regrd57.clr ~U~I ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-38-94 '" Municipal Engineer w Y Z J Z O ' "~ r^~ E~ M (~ Z m z d ~ O ~ U ° w Z ` ~ Z m = ~-- (~ v ~ rn N X Z ~ N ~ % ~ ~ d ~ H ~ W () = U C~ 6 3 avow 3 ewv~ ~ ~ 133a1S S3NMH ~ ~ O ~LJL1 d~ ~~o uUU~ o° ~] ~~OD p o L av0 ~ 019 0 a^o^ D 000 ~ SO ~~ o o ^o~O ~ C ~ ~ ~~~~ s °~ ~ ~ ~ o Z ... aVOa N33a~"~~' __. .~ 1114 L a ~ ~, d> v o ~ o ~~ I / ~ Z f ~ v~ ~ "u 33a1S HlaV E Z U W ~, ~ Z Y X p Z W U J w w N 1s a3na3a 133 s a3 ~ j~ ~~3alS lW ln~~ Y ~ ~~ H1a0N NIM \/)~I/ ay503 J I f ~/~ avoa ~~3ana ~, w ~ E- w ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ¢ m ~ ~ o ~ d 3 c 7 ` Q