HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-23-94'-:T" ~. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - ~~~~~~~~~~~Y~~1~ REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File #~~~~ ~ SI30, RC`, Date: APRIL 18, 1994 Res. #C>Pf~ -2`~ 7`q~ By-Law # Report#: WD-23-94 File#: Subject: SIDEWALR ON EAST SIDE OF ARTHUR STREET VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 THAT Report WD-23-94 be received; 2. THAT sidewalks be constructed on the east side of Arthur Street as originally planned; and 3. THAT a copy of Report WD-23-94 be forwarded to the residents on Arthur Street that signed the petition. REPORT 1.0 A'~'A~FNTS No 1: Key Map No 2: Petition from the Residents on Arthur Street No 3: Excerpt from Subdivision Agreement No 4: Comments from Public Meeting 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on September 27, 1993, Council passed Resolution #C-724-92: "THAT the petition received from residents of Arthur Street in the Village of Newcastle - 1024 ..PE ~®. ~.~~ .~ } REPORT NO.: WD-23-94 PAGE 2 regarding the proposed installation of a sidewalk on the east .side of Arthur Street, be received; THAT the petition be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT the lead petitioners Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson .and Mr, and Mrs. L. Coe be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Proposed Sidewalk The proposed sidewalk is located on the east side of Arthur Street in Newcastle Village. (Attachment No. 1). The resident's petition (Attachment No. 2) outlined the following concerns: a) Engineering drawings b) Tree Planting c) Driveway Restoration d) Sidewalk Location e) Sidewalk Installation Schedule 3.2 Enoineerina Drawings The Municipality's Official Plan identifies Arthur Street as a Collector Road and as such, sidewalks are required to provide a separation between vehicular traffic and. pedestrians. As a condition of the development of the .Challenger Park Subdivision (Plan lOM-827), the developer was required to reconstruct Arthur Street and install sidewalks on the east side of Arthur Street from Street "B" (Andrew Street) southerly to Highway No. 2. (Attachment No. 3). The developer's engineering consultant prepared engineering drawings detailing the full reconstruction of Arthur Street to ~Z~ REPORT NO.: WD-23-94 PAGE 3 an urban road standard including 1.5 .metre (5 feet) wide concrete sidewalks, top soiling and sodding of boulevards and paving of driveway aprons between the curb and the sidewalk. 3.3 Sidewalk Location The sidewalk will be located in the standard location 0.75 metres (2 1/2 feet) from the property line. During the construction of the sidewalk the location of the sidewalk may require slight adjustment to maintain the best location within the Arthur Street road allowance that fits the lot grading and driveways of the homes that have been constructed. 3.4 Tree Planting and Driveway Restoration Through the Subdivision Agreement, the developer was also required to plant street trees. Upon completion of the sidewalk, the trees will be planted. in addition, upon completion of the sidewalk installation, the driveways will be fully restored. 3.5 Installation Schedule At the present time, the Municipality is in litigation with the developer regarding the completion of all outstanding works related to this subdivision. Therefore, the precise timing for the installation of this sidewalk is unknown, but it is our intention to tender the completion of the sidewalk immediately after the litigation matter is resolved. 4.0 MBETING WIT$ RESIDENTS An information meeting was held at the Municipal offices March 21, 1994. Residents were shown the design drawings for .the sidewalk and were given some of the background information of the Subdivision Agreement. 1€26 RSPORT NO.: WD-23-94 PAGE 4 Staff advised the residents that our recommendation would be to install the sidewalk, since it was always a requirement of the Subdivision Agreement, .and it is necessary for public safety. However, staff also advised that every effort would be made to minimize the impact to their properties resulting from the installation of the sidewalk. The attendance and written comments of the residents are attached as Attachment No. 4. 5.0 Sidewalk installation on the east side of Arthur Street is a requirement of the Subdivision Agreement and provides an important service in safe pedestrian traffic for the entire neighbourhood. Accordingly, the sidewalk installation is recommended. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~~~~ /L Walter A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Reviewed by, y W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. ASC/NAC April 5, 1994 Attachments pc: Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson 125 Arthur Street Newcastle, ON L1B 1R5 Mr. and Mrs. G. Walsh 141 Arthur Street Newcastle, ON L1B 1R5 Mr. and Mrs. R. Young 149 Arthur Street Newcastle, ON L1B 1R5 Mr. and Mrs. J. Sotiriadis 165 Arthur Street Newcastle, ON L1B 1R5 Mr. and Mrs. L. Coe 133 Arthur Street Newcastle, ON, L1B 1R5 1027 ANDREW STREET ~ W STR£fT ° SUBJECT i C ALLE GRAHAM IDEWALK ~ w w CO ~ c~n PARK z U ,~ DRIVE ~~ RESNIK DRIVE OATLEY ~~ S UBD V ION LEGEND w FUTURE SIDEWALK ~ PLAN 7 0 827 EXISTING SIDEWALK ~ CHALLENGER = COU Q KING STREET a We o~ ~ IlINC E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~~ ~ C T C:~ATTACHS~CLARKE~ARTHURSW.DW ~"`~`~ - ~" `~'"""` "'~'" ~~'°' D DRAWN BY: JM DATE: JAN. 1994 T E - ATTACHMENT N0. 1 KEY MAP REPORT FWD-23-94 102 C-~. UUNCIL UIRLCIlUN SEP I I tI c2 I'II '93 T0= The Mayor and. Councillors of the Municipality of Clarington We, the undersigned residents of Arthur Street in the Village of Newcastle, do hereby petition the proposed i.nstal.lation of. a sidewalk on the East side of Arthur Street. We request than any proposed construction related to the installation of ..^aid sidewalk be postponed until the residents of Arthur Street are further consulted. As residents, we as)t that flee Municipali.t.y ~f Clarington provide the following information: `~1. A plan or blueprint detailing the proposed lnc:at~>>, of tl~~ si.dewalY.. nr may he, ~, Details pertaining to any alternatives that. have. considered with respect to the installation of ~ siJe~.~alh. J~. P]hether the ]dunicipality proposes to plant: lrq,=s ou the boulevard. assuming the sidewall= is installed' y n~e•d J q. The proposed schedule for the installation of the } .F sidewalk. V 5. A statement from the Municipality of Clarington F"~"'"~,~11 v residents- that, should the sidewa.llc be i.nstall?d, driveways cal 11. be repaired to the state i.n whi.rh f:hey ex„;Led prior to the installation of the sidewalk. Name Address 12S Q.~.l~.w- S~-, ~7~ ~.~ !! 1(05 /1 ~('7 / r >l `' i 1(~2 J~I II CHMENT ~-II I J\Ci~ .?~rL4~ui `~~. t. ~",~ {.~.u; :iilr. DIY ~1Qi'P ~.S Git~i1~ ;!K yt'S Crl ~_ Mr. t YLtr's ~ b . 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I N V Z -~-I 37 C O _1 O z 0 T v r O Z D 2 C m 0 m D n 2 N •.A A 1 r}31 H jr~ E F 1 }. f *~ a a 3~~.~: ~ ~~ =ATTACHMENT 4