HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-13-94~Y ~l ~~~' d ' ~ ;. .. . gp app +~p TZiD, ~ Yi 1L~a ii`J:i r,/F ~ '• ~ ~. . i, y . . _ m ' .REPORT Meeting: , 6NN$RAL PEJAPQSB AND ADMINISTiR1l~TION CO14ttiTT$B File # ~~~• ~ ~ Date; FHSRIIARY 21, 1994 a®s. # ~~- ~~=,q'~-- By-t.aw # Report#: f~ja-9a Fils#: n_7n_o~ Subject; TNIT 388ViCE Recomtnendattons: It is raspeotfully recommended that the Geaezal Burpose and A~dmini.stration Committee reoo~end_to Council the fol]:owinq;' 1. THAT Repozt'WD-13-94 ,be received; and ~ 2. THAT Mr. A. Q'Donnell, Ms Victoria Welch, t4s Sher L~astoose and Mr. Herb Cornforth be advised that Couaail considezs it to be ' premature to provide a tranait aervfce for Clarit:gton at :this. tima RNP+ 1.0 OR'1' ATT3liGffi4i~3 No. 1: Correspondence dated May 2i, 1993, amd ~nlp'15, 1.993,..from.:Victoria" L. Welch, Vice-Ptesi~stst of victoria Equipment Limited Alo. 2: Correspondence dated: December 8; 1993, .Fssasse, A>tr. A. ,: O'Donnell, Chair -Oshawa Rublic tTtilitets ,~ , f Na. 3: .Correspondence dated- October I3, 1933, from S~.: Leetooae ,, . _~°~ ~~~~ ~; ` t tp~EGYGE 1X69RMEOWtG1G1lY WiEP REPORT NO.: WD-13-94 PAGE 2 No. 4: Correspondence dated January 26, 1994, from Berb L. Cornforth, Evergreen Bus Lines Ltd. 2.0 BACRGROIIND 2.1 At a regular meeting held on September 13, 1993, Council passed the following: "Resolution #C-839-93 THAT the correspondence dated December 8, 1993 from A. .O'Donnell, Chair, Oshawa Public Utilities regarding the possibility of Oshawa Transit expanding into the Courtice area, be received; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for response." "Resolution #C-840-93 THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-838-93 be amended by adding the works "to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee for final approval." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMl4SNT 3.1 Interested in Providing Transit Service Victoria Equipment Limited, Oshawa Public Utilities and Evergreen Bus Lines have all indicated an interest in providing a transit service for Clarington. Sher Leetooze has provided her opinion as to how Clarington should proceed with the provision of the service. 3.2 Feasibility Study The starting point for the provision of a transit system for Clarington is the preparation of a "Feasibility Study" which would examine different options, obtain input from the public 1032 REPORT NO.: WD-13-94 PAGE 3 and provide estimated costs, operation costs.. The Ministry 50$ subsidy for the study and, o study have been approved, the subsidy on capital purchases operation of the system. both capital purchases and of Transportation provides a nce the recommendations in the Ministry will provide a 75$ and a 25$ subsidy on the 3.3 Transit Service is a Money Loser Even with a 25$ subsidy from the Ministry, Municipal transit services generally operate at a deficit, which must be paid from revenue received from property taxes. For example: Net Coat to Property Tax Payer - 1993 Pickering $1,075,000 Ajax 550,000 Whitby 840,000 Oshawa 2,100,000 4.0 CONCLIISIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that it is premature tc .proceed with the provision of a transit service at this time. Respectfully submitted, f; Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works WAE*ph February 9, 1994 Attachments Recommended for presentation to the Coaanittee, Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Acting Chief Administrative Officer ..1033 REPORT NO.: WD-13-94 PACE 4 pc: Mr. A. O'Donnell Chair - Oshawa Public Utilities 710 Raleigh Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3T2 Ms Victoria Welch Vice President Victoria Equipment Ltd. 2125 Prestonvale Road Courtice, Ontario L1E 2S2 Mr. Herb L. Cornforth Evergreen Bus Lines Ltd. 208 Rinmount Cr. Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3T7 Ms Sher Leetooze 80 Roser Cr. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3N9 103 COUNCIL DIRECTION D-26 p Victoria Equipment Ltd. DIVISION OF 635159 ONTARIO LTD. 2125 PRESTONVALE ROAD, COURTICE, ONTARIO L7 E 2S2 TEL: (416) 432-6050 FAX: (416) 432-2722 ~~l/ C 1~.~150~~~ I~VInV\ MAY 3 1 1993 May 21,1993 Mayor Diana Namre Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville,Ontario L1C-3A6 Dear Madame Mayor: IOWN OF NEWCASTLE MAYOR'S OFFICE Victoria Equipment Ltd, has been serving the transportation needs of physically and mentally challenged students in the Northumberland and Newcastle region for the past eight (8) years. During this period our company has gained considerable experience and knowledge in satisfying the bus transportation requirements of those with whom we contact. With this in mind may I respectfully request that we meet at a convenient time to accommodate your busy schedule, to dis- cuss the public transit needs of the communities you repre- sent. We currently maintain an office and shop repair facility in nearby Courtice from which we could easily manage the public transit of Newcastle and surrounding community requirements. I would appreciate your calling me direct at 416-432-6050 to arrange our meeting. Respectfully yours, )( ~~5~ Victoria L. Welch Vice President ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-13-94 1035 O Victoria Equipment Ltd. DIVISION OF 695139 ONTARIO LTD. 2125 PRESTONVALE ROAD, COURTICE, ONTARIO L1E 2S2 TEL: (416) 432-6050 FAX: (416)432-2722 July 15, 1993 Mayor Diana Hamre Town Of Newcastle 4~~ Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3AS Dear Madame Mayor: On behalf of myself and Victoria Equipmednt Ltd., I would li4;e to ta4:e this opportunity of thanking you for allowing us to make this presentation. I firmly believe that these proposals for the privatization of your Municipality's transportation services are based on sound, businesslike principles that will bring short and long-term benefits to both the Municipality of Claringrton and Victoria Equipment Ltd. I sincerely hope that Victoria Equipment Ltd. will soon be in a position to add the name of your Municipality to our list of valued, and satisfied customers. Should you have any further questions with regard to this proposal, please feel free to contact me personally at (416)432-605V. Yours truly, //~~~~^~_~ 'Jictoria L. Welch Vii-e President 1036 OUR BUSINESS OBJECTIVE Our business ob~e~_tive is to provide =;afe, re.tiable transpor- tation services to our customers, and to earn the trust of our passengers and clients to develope a strong, and long lasting relationship. OUR DRIVERS Our drivers are front line representatives, the drivers are aware of the trust invested in them by students, parents, teas-hers, and School Enards. lde have in house driver- train- ing programs and safety seminars. Our drivers ar-~e carefully screened and tested so to scar-pass and e::cede minimum require- ments dictated by law. OUR VEHICLES We currently own and operate 16 vehicles that range in sizes and years from 1981-1991. They are as follows: 4 - ~ 2 F'assenger~ busses S - W/C Burettes - Station Waa_ons - Ford Vans DUR SERVICES Victoria Equipment Ltd., primary business is to transport people. Our main focus is transporting children to and from --schools. Our company provides specialized transportation for the handicapped together with School Bus Charter Services. The company cares about safety and the care of our young pas-- senger~s. Our- company's motto is "Special Services for People with Special Needs," which we feel applies to not. only stu- dents but the general public as well. 1037 PFOPOSAL For the Municipality of Ciarington, and more specifically the people who have planned, directed and managed the growth of Ciarington, success has been the consistent bottom-line re- sult of the many developments that have taken place within the last decade. Today this Ontario community is poised and ready not only for the challenge of the nineties, but also, we believe, for the challenge of change that each new future success will bring. As Vice-President of Victoria F_quipment Ltd., I am proud to present to you today what we believe will be the ne:;t logical and e:<citing steps in the development of cost-effective, responsible and responsive transportation services to the Municipality of Ciarington. We believe that the challenge facing your community is the provision of public transit services providing necessary transportation to the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged, the youth, and the general public of Ciarington and area. We believe this challenge is an opportunity for both of us to prove yet again that a fully-accountable, co-operative approach by experienced private and public part- ners is the successful shape of the immediate future for pub- lic transit services in Ciarington. I hope this presentation has given you a better understanding of our organisation and, most importantly, of our readiness and proven ability to wor4: with you in maF:ing this proposal a vibrant and viable reality. 1u38 0~ D. M. Disney Ed. D., Director of Education end Secretary 1993 02 04 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The Victoria County Board of Education OKcs: Veru/am Rd.. S Lindsay Teh. 705/324-6776 fAX: 705/318-2036 P.O. Box 420 Lindsey Ontario K9V 453 LETTER OF REFERENCE Victoria Equipment Ltd. has been under contract with our Board for close to 2 years operating a Special Education vehicle. Our relationship with Victoria Welch has proven to be most satisfactory. ; Victoria is a dedicated operator with a strong orientation to a job well done and to client satisfaction. Personally, I find Victoria to be a pleasant individual, dependable and always available to answer inquiries. Yours truly ~ _, /^ :_/~~~~-~/l fr:' C. R.J. Leveille Manager Transportation & Purchasing /jh 1 Ci 3 9 W. Rosborouph, Ed. D., A. J. Ingram A.O. Truax Srrporintendont of Schools Supedntendent of Business Superintendent of Schools end Hnance COUNCIL-DIRECTION D-14- t, - Oshawa 'fro 770 Haluiyn Ave. Ost,awx, antario LI hl 3T2 TOlophone 1 r/OS'j 579Q471 Fax t9C~ 1579-1050 December 8, 1993 Madam Mayor and Members of Council 40 Temperance Street 80W1•tANUILLE, Dntario L1C 30.6 Dea:c Madam '4ayor and Members of Council: Some time ago myself and the Manager of Oshawa Transit had discussions with Mayor Namre and her CAO in regard=_ to the possibility of Oshawa Transit expanding into the Courticf> area of Cla:: ington. ' Thi7s issue was subsequently raised at a Council meeting and, as I undt7rstand it, was referred back to the staff. I an inquiring as to the status of this issue and wish t;a inform the Mayor and Councillors we are interested in at least further discussing the question of Oshawa Transit expanding into the Courtice area. Would you Tease advise myself and Management cf Oshawa 7ranist as to your decision in this mattr-_r. Yours truly -_--___.__ DiSTRIBUTIOI~i ~~ ~ CLERK ._--------._.... ~ y"- ACK. BY -_..--__-- _ CRiCINAL T0~!2 Mr. A. D'Dcnnell Chair - Oshawa Public Utilities COPIES TO: ATTACHMENT N0. 2 v 4 ~ WD-13-94 ~~~~ ~, JUL 2 3 1893 MUfJICIPAUTY OF CIARINGTO~J MAYOR'S OFFICE July 23, 1993. Mayor Diane Hamre, Administrative Centre, 41 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Diane: I have been reading, with dismay, the proposal that has been discussed regarding a bus service for Courtice with Oshawa Transit. That seems like an awful lot of money to put into just one area of the town to ensure that shoppers go out of the area instead of bringing them into Bowmanville, or over to Newcastle or Orono to shop. If council is serious about providing such a service to Clarington residents, the same amount of money could be used to greater advantage in setting up a 'town' zride service. These funds could go a long way in assisting a local entrepreneur - perhaps someone who has been unemployed since the recession - to run our own bus service. I have taken the liberty of drawing up a map to suggest a possible route that would not interfere with GO Transit and would provide a wide range of citizens with transportation within Clarington - afterall, we want our residents to use 'our' businesses instead of Oshawa's, don't we? For the funds suggested in the newspaper article, we could purchase a small size bus - one of those that hold 15 to 20 people - I don't forcast a huy^e crowd wanting to use the bus in the beginning. A small bus would be 'safer' along the 'in-town' routes of our smaller communities too. Competative rates of $1 per ride would be acceptable to most people. If the Municipality of Clarington was to purchase a small bus, a good business arrangement could be made to sell that bus to ~•rho ever took on the project - over a specified amount of time, of course. That person would pay for the bus out of the 'takings' and hopefully give him/her self a decent wage. 2 ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-13-94 lU4l 2/ There are many competent people among our unemployed residents who would relish the chance to 'manage' our bus service, myself included. Unfortunately, unemployed people do not Piave the financial resources to purchase a bus, not even a small one. I strongly suggest that discussions with Oshawa Transit be put on the bacY, burner until councillors and staff have had a chance to talk to the general public. Discussions with groups such as the Unemployed Networking Group that meets at St. John's Anglican Church Parish Hall could possibly produce astounding results, and you might find the perfect manager among their number, as well as obtain many good ideas for the development of this project. There are, most likely, many such groups within our municipality, wlio would be significantly helpful. I think we have the potential here in Clarington to be self-sufficient. The trend today is: getting back to Community. If we concentrate on that idea, Clarington can be a prosperous, well serviced community, simply by 'looking after our own'. I look forward to your reply and perhaps further involvement in this project. Sincerely, U~O~~ Sher Leetooze. 1042 ~ ~' I ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ Z~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -~ .-> -~ I -> ~~ ~ y`vW ~ I L - - - - - '- ~ -~ C S I ~ ~ I p~~~ 4 i - - - V a- ~ O ~ y „ ~' y ~ ~ ,~ o ~, y ~ L [ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ r C _ _ _ - - _ - - ~ _ __ _ C O I -N ~i I I ~6 I ~ ~ 'i ~ , f o~ ~ro ~ ~ `' f I ' I ~ i c # ~ p a d I i ~, N I f o. 3 ~ 3 I o I v '' ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ M U • ~ O I U 0 LS ~ a~ o - - - - s ~ -~ ~, .' v rn v ~ m ' ~ ~ u } ~ o m ~, m v ,~u~ m .., > G w ~ .ns~ro co -.. as~o o ~ ~,~ . s .c ~ • .um~o•.+ -~ .Q m m m ~ P ~ a,. o ~ bw ,~ u ~ ~ ~ >. ri~~N3 " m~vuc a,~ch-N-..rto N ~ ~ o ~ O ~N,C N,4d ~i u % Dl O rtSw a~ N 3 0 .Oi .%1 7 -~-i ~ Ul -.Ca a ~ ~ Z# , , S ~ w .~ m ~, o +~ a~ z o m ~ 0 3 0 .i rz ~' v 3 o ~ }, f l ~ ~ a °v ~ O O ~ ,~ +~ v ~ ro U7 • O~ R U/ U U! C O .~ C~ -.a U 1~ O N v ro O ~, 1-~ '-I i~ 6 7 ~ o"Of~ ,C .-~ w .-a C G p ro o ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ vmcmroa~oN # x ~; - - - ` - - ~ ; a ~ -~ - 1,-~ ~' o' v v c ~ o ~ o 3 m I (1 ~ F 0 oNma v > ro~ m o w a ?, a~o-~ cros~~ ~ I ~ C c ' '~ a~ i ,C lr O r6 .~ W . U ro C N +~ A 0+ x X p ' ,~ .~ +~ ~ .~ ~ I N " d ~ ~ ,~ J a .-V N O ~ O~ ! ~ ~ w F 3~~ a -' I o - j I ~ ~ z z 1~4~ ~ ; - ~~ i • . EVERGREEN BUS LINES LTD. Quality Service 208 KINMOUNT CR., OSHAWA, ONT. L1J 3T7 BUS. 728-3517 FAX. 728-4597 RES. 434-4581 January 26, 1994 W.N..ti .. _ _ Department of Public Works ~ - , Town of Clarington 40 Temperance Bowmanville, Ontario --- Mr, Walt Evans Director of Public Works Dear Mr. Evans; This letter is to confirm our conversation of January 24, 1994, for a proposal of a Transit System within the Town of Clarington. This service will require no financial assistance from the Town but would appreciate any input from the Town of Clarington or yourself in regards to routes, special areas etc. We also have wheelchair accessible vehicles. Thank you in advance for your co-operation. Sincerely, ~. ~~~ Herb L. Cornforth HC/kc ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-13-94 1 iJ44