HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-11-94e`z` »LL Y ^~~ . < ~ ~p }~~'t /~~ /~ ~+p~ iiia t~ii~!' Vr la0 '~+~BYV~ VF 4i~ki a': s'~: L ~fi" REPOi~'F :Meeting::. E~iQBRAL PtlRP©SS AND ADMINISTRATION COI4~lI9'TB'$ Fite# #~~-~of-~~^ Res. Date: P'ESA9ARY 7, 1993 I By-Law # Report # mn-i a _oa File #: O ':n _ n r Subjeot: -- Fes- FOR IH6 3>,~s INITiATTiil~B I1T Recomntendatlcns It is r~apectfully recommended that .the General Purpose and Administration-Committee recommend to Council i;he followings 1. THAT Report [riD-11-94 be received for information, R» 10 T . No. is Correspondence dated .January 7, 1994, from John Hanson, 8xecutive Director, Reeyciiag Counai]. of t'hstario 2.0 BAG$9D 2.1 At a regular meeting held on January 24, 1994, Council .passed Resolution #C-58-94s "Ti3k~T the correapcadenae sates January 7 -1994, from John Hanson, R:cecutive Drecttr, Recycling Council of Ontario, requestittg aaminationa of outatandiag 3Rs initiatives i.s the municipality,. be received and forwarded to the Director of Public Works for review and ~, aggacopriate action. " ~~:Q~ .:k. ~.:~e~e TIL6P1Y11®WBIGW WFEM REPORT NO.: WD-11-94 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 A close examination of the terms of reference for nominations and the information required reveals that, although Clarington has several people who are actively engaged in projects dealing with the 3Rs, there is no person or organization that can be nominated for 1993 for an award from the Recycling Council of Ontario. 4.0 RECOM!lSNDATIONS 4.1 It is therefore recommended that this report be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works WAE*ph January 27, 1994 Attachment G~i~~-' Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Acting Chief Administrative Officer 1081 Recyclin ~_, . Tel. (416) 960-1025 Council of Ontario U-U Toronto, Ontario M6G tA5 Fax (416) 960-&053 January 7, 1994 Your Worship and Members of Council: ~ r .(a'. ¢'e -. ~y a° t t '`:~'J ~;; :! i ! "arJ4 ... y '. re: OUTSTANDING 3Rs INITIATIVES IN YOUR COMMUNITY This letter is to inform you that the Recycling Council of Ontario is currently seeking outstanding waste reduction success stories as part of Its tenth annual Ontario Waste Minimization Awards. As you are probably aware of many noteworthy 3Rs efforts taking place in your community, eve would appreciate it if you could help us in identifying those businesses, organizations, and/or Individuals you think would be deserving of recognition. Perhaps your own municipality has made significant advances in the areas of reduction, reuse, recycling or composting. Please use the enclosed form to nominate outstanding 3Rs initiatives in your community; and, feel free to circulate copies through your Chamber of Commerce, senzee organizations, schools and local media. The deadline for submissions is February 14, 1994.. Recipients of an Ontario Waste Minimization A~~•ard will be honoured at an Awards Banquet at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto on April 21, 1994. We look forward to receiving your nominations. Please call Nicole Fowler cr Judy Shin at (416) 960-1025 for more information. Yours sincerely, John M. Hanson Executive Director Encl. Tnls PaPa~ gn!ains 20°:, pog~conv-=~ ~acyc' ~'9res. - - -.~-~ J E ,. ; . ~ /,~ ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-11-94 1~8~ P,iJitilC,'P,$i(T.'! ^:F fi ~RIidGTON h8A't'Cc;';i 0: ~;C ~-~~s~ ~-~a~: i»3 O~IIf\KI(~ ~.~~~i~~in~a~l~.~.ic~N he RCO is anon-profit organization founded in 1978. A leading authority on waste management, the RCO represents individuals, business. government and community groups. The RCO believes that society must minimize its impact on the environment by eliminat- ing waste through reduction. reuse, recycling and composting. To that end the RCO hosts an annual U)n fCi"C I1Ce. I11aIntaII1S a province-wide hotline & resource centre, operates a home composting education program, promotes Waste Reduction Week and presents the Ontario Waste Minimization Awards. Thisyear will mark the pre- sentation of the IOth annual Ontario Waste Minimization Awards These alvards recog- nize individuals, businesses, governments and organizations whose efforts to minimize waste are contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable environment. Plcasc read the following criteria and complete the enclosed nomination font __ ___ Aw~riD cnTEGOIZIEs hot "Outstanding Perfornuutcc„ in the following categories: • Individual Aduli • hrdividual Youth • D9unieipality, population less than 2(1,0110 • Alunicipality, population 211,1100 - 1 OQ000 • D'lunicipalih~, population 100,000+ • t'roducl/Yacl<aging/1'echnulugical Innovation • hlm-I<et I)cvdopntcnl • Small Business • Large Business • Institution • Nun-Profit Organization • School • Recycling Program Operator BUDGING SeleGions will be made by the RCO Awards Conunittee. All nomina- tions are sub,jcet Lo verification. All decisions are final. ,lodging will follow the hieru-- chy of the 3Rs: Reduction, Reuse, Itccycling. First priority twill he given Lo waste reduction at source, including composting; then to reuse; anti finally to recycling. The nomination form will provide the primary basis for judging. lhtder certain exeeptionul circumstances, the ItCO reserves the right to tvi[hdraw an Award and the associate rights thereto. i ,^.. - - NOMINATING RULFS AND PKOCFDURI S Nominees for the "Outstanding Individual" Category must trace been residents of Ontario for al Icast nine months of L993. Nominees fur all other categories must hate conducted business in the province of Ontario in t993. "I'he accuntplishment(s) support- ing the nomin~tlion must be new in 1993, or have taken place in 1991. The only exception is for the "Outstanding Individual" categories, tt°here consideration trill he given to lifetime achiecemenl. ,h>inl ventures will also he considered. A nominator may submit no more than ttvo nominations. "Che nominee must hate consented fo the nomination. A nomination form must he completed tin- each submission in each category. The accompanying nomination Form must he aanplclcd in full. Supplementary material (e.g. uetvs- paper articles, photographs, lepers of support) nmc also accontpanv the nomination. All materials should be ty petvritten rn' neatly printed. For categories other Ihan "Individual", include the name of a contact. person al the organization. Indicate if this person or organization is being nominated in more than our calcgorv. The RCO reserves the right to assign a nomination to a diflerent category, where appropriate. NOMINATING DI:AD1_INF: Nominations and supporting data must be received or past-marked by Canada Post no later than I+ehtvarv 14 799.1. 'they mn}~ be mailed orbond-delivered to: h~ Awat ds ( onunillce Recycling Council of Ontario 4R9 College St Suite 504 1 uronto, Ontario 11~UiG 1i1~ OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAI-, ADULT AND YOUTH "Clio "Adult" Award recognizes an individual whose perseverance and determination over the }ears have had a measurable impact in reduc- ing waste and promoting the con- server ethic in the community, workplace, or in govermnent. "I'he `Youth" Award recog- nizes a person under 18 who has demonstrated exemplary commit- ment and leadership by involving hislher peers, schools, neighbours, ar community in waste reduction and conservation efforts. Nominations for the "Outstand- ing Individual" category need com- plete only questions 1-7, 11 & 14. Other questions are optional. In [his category, references Lo the year 1993 should be ignored. OUTSTANDING MUNICIPALITY "There are Uvee categories: population less than 20,000; 20,000-100,000; over 100,000. Each will recognize a municipality, a regional government or a group of municipalities that are working eoopcratively (i.e. within a county) on 3Rs initiatives. NOTE: A ~nmtcn~,et,rrt~~rttnr is ~~onuN,rrro ns rA~rr or n I,ARGI?It CUOPERA"rl Vls CKOUP snot n.u ~o r ite Nonnn~nTeo I V UIt= IUUALI,F. Special consideration will be given to innovative programs that demonstrate tangible waste reduction or diversion, innovative public education programs, or pro- gram modifications that maintain or increase levels of waste reduction and diversion in a significantly more cost-effective manner than a previous established program. OUTSTANDING PRODUCT/PACKAGING/ T ECIiN01.OGICAI. INNOVAi lON This Award recognizes new prod- ucts, packages, or technologies introduced into [he marketplace in 1993. Specifically, these must be creative innovations that are cost effective, reduce the toxicity and/oi• the vohuue of waste, increase markeC demand lirr secondary materials, andlor help establish new industry standards. OUTSTANDING MARKET DEVELOPMENT This Award recognizes an organi- zation that bas helped develop markets for recyclable/reusable materials through one or more of the following: • increased capacity for recycled materials through production innovation and modification; • financial investment in new processes, with the potential fur further growth; • stahilization of demand and market pricing of secondary materials. Special consideration will he given to a company or organization that is committed to helping sustain a long-term market and ensure that, tahere applicable, the new market is able to absorb the recycled material. As well, consideration twill be given to the "universality" of a given product, innovation, or newh established market in terms of its usefulness and application outside Ontario. __ - - -- OUTSTfWDING S~1ALL ~'1ND LARGE [3USINESSES There m•e two Awards in this cate- gory: One Cor small business, the other fur a large one. 1'he Award for mull business will be given to an organization d°iUt lever than 50 employees. Companies tvilh more than 50 employees m-e eligible for the Atvard for large business. Businesses will be judged on the basis of volume of waste diverted in 1991, environmental benefits result- ing from Otis diversion, the unique- ness and susLainahilily of the pro- gram and effective public conununi- cation oC Iheir program. AIL businesses are eligible and an induslrv association wnukl be eligihle within the snore category as that of its member Grins. Special consideration twill he given to organizations that have developed employee environmental atvm•eness programs to pronxrte the 312s off the jab as tecll as at work, and that have actively shared these 3Rs initiatives ~cilh other orgmtiza- Lions. AWARDS NOTIFICAI"ION AND PRESENTATION "Che 1993 Ontario Waste Minimization Awards will be presented at an Awards Ceremony at the Sheraton Centre in "I'oronkt on the evening of April 21, 1994. Finalists iu each category will he notified three weeks in advance by phone, with follow-up confirnrttign by registered mail. ol_nsrnNi~IN~ I~'dSTITU710N This Award is Cor an in-house haste reduction program for the follotl°ing: municipal, provincial, and federal facilities, including related agencies; private and public recreationsll facilities, pest-second- ary educational institutions; school boards; health care and social service facilities. A prnfl'SS10^al asfinClatl Oll would be eligible within the same category as that of its member firms. Special consideration will be given to organizations taho have developed employee environmental awareness programs to promote the 3Rs off the job as well as at work, and which have actively pw-sued the sharing of these 3Rs initiatives with other organizations. i )LI l :1;1PJ1)ING NON-i)izoFlr (IRt ~;1NIGr11-ION Nun-profit or grassroots groups may he nominated for 1993 initia- tives in waste reduction, reuse, antl recycling. Special consideration will be given to organizations whose i~i- tiatives have a high degree of con)- munity and volunteer im~olvement, make a significant impact on gov- ernmcntpolicy-making, and will have a lasting effect ___ _... _ (_IIn~InNUiN~ )~.-IIU(.)f. "This category applies to all pre- school, elementary and secondm-y schools both private and public. 1'he Award will recognize an individual school program with proven results in 3Rs activities. Special consideration will he given to programs which demon- strate ahigh degree of student involvement, have a strong educa- tional con)ponent far students, or have had obvious practical results. oul_Sr,~rali~IN~~ RECl"CLING PIZ(?GI:~~A~l OPCRnI OIZ hor either private or public sector recycling program operators invoked in residential or ICftI collection and/or processing. Consid- eration will he given to the scope of aaterials handled, market develop- ment, efficiency and safety of opera- [ions, qualih of materials murlceled, cost to the community, public educa- tion, tlemunstration or pilot projects and community involvement Por clarifiealion on any aspect of the 1993 Ontario ~Vastc A~linimization Awards Program, please OOntaet: Nicole howler ot-.halp Shin, Special hvents Coordinators Recycling Council of Ontario 'T'elephone: (4l6) 9G0-1025 has: (416) 9G(1-8053 Please puss this information on to others w'ho may also he interested in th0 i1W4lr"dfi pPUgl'am. Printed on L(IIl0l0 recycled paper conLtining a rnininmm of 15`70 poslconsunrcr and 85"!, prcoonsumer wastepaper. IR;~(D I)/~S f /\1NAKD 1'VINNtJ~S 1984/85 1'ntal Recycling S}-stems LW. Niagara Recycling Region;tl Municipality of Ilalhm Ontario Paper Compnn}~ Unve \Vur[h liven Discelxdn 1985/86 City of Kitchener Town of Oakville 'Pawn oC Pelham City of Burlington Tmvn of Grimsb}- David Culhnm Guy Hmdy Albert hIluphv City of Mississauga Iialhnt's Recycled Resmrroes Niagara Recycling O~Ull21 1986/87 Mississauga Clean City Campaign Township of South-\Vest Uxford Susan Crofts l,aidlnw R'nstc Srsrcros ISreslube Inc. 1bw~n of Oakville City oC 13urlingtcn City oC Kitchener 1987/88 City aC Peterborough 'I'con of Ajax City of Bcu-ric City oC C;nmlridge City of Guelph -Pawn of Milton 'Cmvn of Midland lilva Curless 13ob Iiillan~ L98N/t39 St Marks Presbyterian Church l3oeing Canada, Ue Ikrvillmtd Division Donaar Pine Papers Prwd: 13aillic Lynn Ingham OMMRI Halloo's Recycled Resources City of Dlississuuga 1990 ISrran Prid .Icnnclle Anbindcr Pedcrntnl R'nmm~'s Instil utcs of Onlmiu .lobo's Cartage Kids 111nking n DiCI'rnmc Club (Sl. Mar}''s I?Icment:vv Schooll Procter and Gamble 'I'ruso Lld., 1?nciro- 1'erm Quaker Uuls C;onytnnv oC C:uunla London 1'rce Press Printing Co. li nicersity of Guelph Tuwn of Lindeny 131ueo'ulcr Keeycling Association Regional Municipality of Halton The Allsaw Compos[cr Pirst 13rnnds Canada Inc. 'Pawn of Prescott 1991 David Crassby lidnard ~IcAlpinc 'Town of Ganonnque Curp. of the County of Grey 'Tmvn of hlarkhnm Lover Brothers Uomal linvirorech Inc. AA'estruc Industries LW. 13c11 Canada Metro "1'urontu %nur Second harvest Puod Support Committee Nnliviq' n(Our Lnrd School Muskoka Containerized Sea ices l.W. Atlantic Pnclarging 'Putvn of Newe;tstle 1992 Cur lial Carolyn Smith Morn iViac Donald Public School Toe'n of Shelhurno Centre A Suulh I lastings 1Vnsle Mgna. Board Region of Peel Knownstc -Pcu:hnuingies Lte. Champion Pholuchent- istrv Limited McDonnld's Restaurants of Caumda Limited 1-lillary's llrv Cleaners Yresqu'ile Pntvincod Pnrk Canadian ~nundalion Gtr World Decebpment lamilton-Wentworth 'Phird Sector Gmploymenl Gnt. Ken h[cl,ellan Scugog Township Bell Canada UOU I`~)rl; (:)I~Tf~lrl0 1~'V~\S1C MININIIZ/~l ION /~W~KC)S NOIVIINnTION I~ORNI Please complete in full Incomplete forms may be disqualified. Please type or print legibly. 1) Category of award: N.I3. One submission form per category. 2) Are you also nominating this organization in another category? If so, please specify which: _--_ __ 3) Organization/Individual nominated: Name: __ - ____ Contact person: - _ - ----- Address: __--- __ - - ---- -- __ - ____ _ ___ Postal Code: Phone: _-__ ____ Fax: 4) Nominator (if different from nominee): Name: -- Contact person: _ __ __ _ ___ Address: _--- Phone: ___ _- -__ Ii ax: 5) Relationship of nominator to nominee: Postal Code: 6) The nominee agreed to his/her/its name being put forward? 7) Please describe the 1993 accomplishment that you are nominating for an award. (lf attaching a full description, please use this space for a brief summary.) _- __ _ _ _ __ S) As a result of this initiative how much (units, tonnes etc.) do you estimate was diverted from the «~aste stream in 1993? (If attaching a full description, please use this space for a brief summary.) -_ __ __ ____ __ __ ~w- ., ~. I~, i f~ ~,' J lJ U ~ / . 9) How does this compare with the nominee's previous achievements in this area? (Specify year-over-year comparison for the past few years.) 10) Describe other environmental benefits and savings resulting from this initiative. (e.g. reduced effluent and air emissions, resource or energy savings, and cost savings.) __ 11) Explain why this initiative is different, why it stands out, what makes it unique or special. -_ 12) Is this initiative sustainable? Comment on its expected lifespan and its transferability to other sectors. Explain how it may be improved or increased in the future. If appropriate, describe the maintenance program now in place to sustain il. ._...._.. _... 13) How much of an impact has this initiative had on other organizations or sectors, and to what degree has it involved your "publics"? (These "publics" could include taxpayers, employees, students, clients, competitors, suppliers, etc.) 14) Please review the nomination criteria for your chosen category, and add here any information that might help the judges to assess this nomination. (For the "Outstanding Individual" Category, highlight elements of volunteerism.) __ The nominating deadline is Fcbrtr<u~~ 14, 1999. You may also attach any supporting documentation or material that would help the judges Lo better understand the achievement for which you are nominating this individual or organization. Any material submitted will become the property of the RCO, and will not he reLLn-ned.