HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-10-94 *-r <c. ~ ,.. .. .. _.... _ .' t w' Y" ~ ~ ~ .- s ~~"` .. " '.' ~;I Q ~ Fia+a COI~(3RATIQ~li Vr iaiaa Vriia'JJi.FF+ Vi ~~I i.. 4 Meefing:' GENERAL PIIRPE}8E .FYI+iD ADNINISZ'RATION CUMMI ~ f5a~`~~ . CGf-~' , Pile # L - '{ Res. # ~~r~r =~.p~~ ~` Date: FEBRUARY 7 , 1994 8yrt.aw # ". "Repoa#i wn_tn_on -File#: r pt.ne_03 Subject: SST Ff~t NI1N3IAI.K tNl RSGItaltSL ROAD 18 FR Q1[ !~ ,2 R'O r ~ - L'L8 PUSLIC scaooL, Recommendations: It is respectfully reconeaended .that the General Pttr~aoes and Administration 'Co~mi.ttee recoaend to Council the follosvinq;" I . T13AT , Re~rt PiD--94 be reclined; 2. TEAT $511,090 be grovided in the proposed 1934 Capital Budget, fora-Council's consideration:, for the construotian o€ a sidevtalk on the east side of Newtonville Roi ts~ the Newtonville Public School; and 3.. _ r THPa'F the lead .petitioners, Sharom Steele and .Mr. R. L. 6fiilishsr, be advised of Council's decision. Ri4P 10 O1tT A No._ 1: Rey Map No. 2: Retiton dated October 7, 1933, from Shazs;n Steels Nc. 3: Gorrespondenee dated October 7,.._1993., ;from R. L. Will.shor, Tzustse '~'" Y a x~.~MCY6Lf i16®VIWIF041 RLYCI®W49 REPORT NO.: WD-10-44 PAGE 2 No. 4t Letter Report dated January 5, 1994, from Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates 2.0 BACRGROO'ND 2.1 At a meeting held on October 25, 1993, Council passed Resolution #C-724-93: "THAT the correspondence received from R. L. Willaher, Trustee, requesting the installation of sidewalks on Newtonville Road to Newtonville Public School, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT R. L. Willaher be advised of Council's decision." and Resolution #C-732-93: "THAT the petition received requesting the installation of sidewalks on Newtonville Road to Newtonville Public School, be received; THAT the petition be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT lead petitioner, Sharon Steele, be advised of Council's decision." 1 ~.a 6 0 REPORT NO.: WD-10-94 PAGE 3 3.0 REVIEW AND CO1~Il~16NT 3.1 Report fra~m Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates Our consultants, Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates, were requested to address the needs and alternatives .for the provision of a sidewalk on the east side of Newtonville Road from the south end of the existing sidewalk to Newtonville Public School. Their report, dated January 5, 1994, is attached (Attachment No. 4). 3.2 Need for a Sidewalk Based on an Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of 1,035 vehicles and the estimated daily pedestrian traffic of 64 people, the warrants for a sidewalk, (from "Recommended Guidelines for Residential Servicing in Ontario"), are not met a However, additional weight must be placed on the facts that the sidewalk would provide for a safer access for children walking to and from the Newtonville Public School and the sidewalk is adjacent to a Regional Road. 3.3 Alternatives On page 4 of the Totten Sims Hubicki report, two (2) alternatives are discussed. Although Alternative 1 does not,. provide the best possible solution, it is recommended that Alternative 1 be selected because of the high cost of Alternative 2 and that Alternative 1 is similar to most of the other sidewalks in Newtonville which have been constructed in conjunction with the reconstruction of Highway 2. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMFIENDATIONS 4.1 Although sidewalks on Regional Road 18 do not meet the warrants for the construction of sidewalks, consideration should be given to constructing a sidewalk because of the school and the fact that the school is located on a Regional Road. 1061 REPORT NO.: WD-10-94 PAGE 4 4.2 If a sidewalk is built it should be in accordance with Alternative 1, as detailed in the Totten Sims Hubicki report. Respectfully submitted,. Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ~~~~~°"~ Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works WAE*ph January 27, 1994 Attachments pc: Ms Sharon Steele 4443 Highway 2 Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1J0 Mr. R. L. Willsher, Trustee Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education 323 Church Street Newcastle, Ontario L1B 1C6 Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Acting Chief Administrative Officer ~~62 i ii HILL STREET 2 N1GHWP� CRESCENT LL cn 0 Q 0 w � J J_ Z O JONES AVENUE w z i 00 NEWTONVILLE LEGEND Q PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 EXISTING SIDEWALK Q PROPOSED SIDEWALK J Q z O w Of E TV T TVIL HGINIA� � HIGHWAY I NO' m JONES - S �J JE U /ppp�' 111 C:\ATTACHS\\CLARIpKIrE\REGR JS N.)WC 1 MocGONALO GARIIER F WAY 4�I1 HIGHWAY N0. 401 DRAWN BY: JM DATE- JAN. 1994 ATTACHMENT N0. , �J�J KEY MAP wo-10-94 U J COUNCIL DIRECTION OCT 12 Z 2z PI~'93 Mrs. Sharon Steele, 4443 Hwy. 2, Newtonville, Ont. LDA 1J0 (905) 786-2593 October 7, 1993 Municipality of Clarington Council, c/o The Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Mayor Hamre and Councillors, As Parents of students attending Newtonville Public School, we would like to draw your attention to the need for a sidewalk along Newtonville Road to the school. As you know, this summer the Hamlet received sidewalks along Highway 2 and partway down Newtonville Road towards the school. This was much appreciated but still leaves approximately 35 students walking about 24D m. along the shoulder of an increasingly busy Newtonville Rd. We feel this is an unnecessarily hazardous situation, especially during the winter months. We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the issue of the construction of a sidewalk extension along Newtonville Road to Newtonville Public School be put on the public agenda at the next Council meeting. *~r~*,t***************,r*******a*~r***,t,t*,r************~*,~**~r*,r****~ NAME ll.Q.~.bst ..Q~-~"~- ~~ , , ' _~ ~GK mil! ~ (1 a~ncrt~ ADDRESS yyY3 Hwr.2 T1Jt~..Tlonu;I~e,u.A ~/` : .~. 3G 8Y ~. Aluv~ 12. le, ~ N ew-f'o...u t ~l~ ~-~~ •Nw~~ ale ~zD 2 I~u9~ z Rl2#~8 ~~ 0.~e_.~ I,?_S - ~ i~. 6 PHONE NUMBER ~-e~-593 D-7 7sc -a~~~ 7d'G~ 2ogq, ~s~-a~g~ ~ ~{,-2tR'~t~ - ~~~ -a4~3 -l~ 6 - aaao c~E 7b'( -3oi~ -------------------- -------------------- OVER ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-10-94 ,; ~' . I~~ ~~ ~ ati~,., ~ ~~ _________________ __________________________________________ NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER --------_`l-,r4-I-~-w--u---- ---------T------ -- -- ------ ----- 78(0 -2.701 ~~ / !~~~ Y~~~ ~. v `~ ~~ ~, m~ ~~G'~~" s .._.~ X6"9 l~c~o~v~. y sst PF?YN+iS C,e~s . yY81 ~~'vNe3 GrLE1. ~~~ 11~w~1clw~-e~ 4Cvy~ ~`~ ~vtc.u~ a~~y ~ ~~ ~7 8 Il9e,w~ n.a ll ~ 12d . d~~ / w~V'~hdUILI,L ~h, Nn~to n vi I ~c_ ~~7~- ye..,~,.~,Yr~ i2~ ~6 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~d. g ~ N~~ ~~~ ~ ~~.~ 5 a~ , ,,,.¢~., ~a.{. 12re~1 13-1 Cawcv.r,~:~~ ~ ~. f~:* CZ 786 -zoos) '7 S ~ -z~o~ 7~C-,27o~ q g ~-~a58` 7~~~z~~~ 7 ~G -z ~~y ~~~ -a ~~~ q~~-57~a ~g~-z~z~ 7 ~'~ ` 2~( "oZ~ 7p~-3~a~ 7P6 - .z-oP6 18'6 -a o~ ~~~ - 2~~ ~ ~G -a 3 s~ 786-x336. 4d 7~ 5391 qL'7-i3o ~'~6~ COUNCIL DIRECTION D-6 T ~o ~o Y~V 1115dJSea?)lC]Ll~e~y ~liOl41~ 1l ~~ O~ I ~ ~ 9 3Q ~f'''he ~~thwn6erlaud k Newcaalle Bond a( Education 327 Chinch 54ca Newuane, Ontario j `` LIB IC6 ~ Iz~~f'i !~~\\~"~~~~~~9 555,`# '" -~ 'rf ~ r "' ~.J r~rt 1 Z 1993 October 7, 1993 Mayor D. Hamre & ifembers of Council Itunicipality of Clarinyton 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear 17embers of Council: MONP;,4Pi;!_ITY OF CLAf?IP;{`~IUPJ Mr1Y'Oii'S Uff ICE It is my understanding that a request is being submitted by some residents of Neartonvi.lle t.o have a si_decaalk installed nn 11etu P.nnville Road down to the school. I am lrriting to support that, request. As a Trustee representing Flard III, I recognize the n?~•d to ~nsnre oul students have safe routes to and from sr_hool. I know ghat Council supports thin object;ive a well. Having lived in Werrt.onvill~~ T ~•an understand the concern raised by the parents of r_hildren ai.t.An-ling Newtonville Fublic Sr_hool. Ylith the growth that has occurred the Newtonville area there has hen an increase in vehicles nn Newtonville Road. As the hamlet. grow:: even more there i_s a greater opportunity for an accident involving a student. ~ sidewalk would greatly reduce the chances of Ch.ttC happening. I appreciate the fiscal restraints you fare, but trus.Z_Y.9u will bP _ this re nest careful consideration. I ~?' rc~•t ~ ) -f~ ~l , ~ ~.`~' . L, ~ .f ~ - - _- ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ -- ~~~ _... JJ/ __ R. L. willsher Trustee "Q.®II~Il1~~ Q® 1L'AUIl~~$I®ffi~ 01[`US~Il]~1 1f®]C Q~1~ ATTACHMENT N0. 3 j ~ 6 ~} WD-10-94 ~ ; ~~ _.. (~ .. ; :. ._.~ , t .'~ r~~n n C, J - ~'i~ totten sims hubicki associates Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Corporation of the Municipality of Clazington Municipal Administration Centre, 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontazio L1C 3A6 to KING STREET EAST, P.O. BO% 910, COBOURG ONTARIO, CANADA K9A 4W4 (905) 372-2121 FA% (905) 372-3fi21 Januazy 5, 1994 __ _._ -- ---___..i `' ` ' _ _. -_ _ _ Deaz Sir: Re: Request for Sidewalk on Regional Road 18, from Hwy. 2 to Newtonville Public School, Newtonville, Municipality of Clarington As directed we have prepazed the following information for your report on the above noted request. Our work consists of three phases. Initially we collected background data regazding Newtonville Public School and Regional Road 18. Next we analyzed the data to establish if a sidewalk was wazranted and finally we calculated the wst of constructing a sidewalk in vazious configurations along Regional Road 18 to Newtonville Public School. The details of our work is discussed in greater depth in the following sections. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Newtonville Public School Newtonville Public School is the primazy trip generator for pedestrian movements on Regional Road 18 between King's Highway #2 and the school. It is located on the east side of the road approximately 350 m south of King's Highway #2 (see Attachment No. 1). Current enrolment consists of 118 children attending grades, Junior Kindergarten to 6. There aze 11 Staff. Classes start at 8:45 a.m. with lunch scheduled from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.. The school day ends at 3:15 p.m.. Approximately 75% of the school children aze bused. The remaining students walk or ride their bikes to school. The above information provided by school staff was used to determine pazameters for a count of vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Regional Road 18 between the school and King's Highway #2 during periods of anticipated pedestrian movement. Data obtained from the October 21, 1993 count is summazized on Attachment No. 2. As expected the majority of pedestrian movement is concentrated azound the school start and dismissal times. Most of the pedestrians were children, only two pazents escorted students to and from the school. A crossing guard duetted pedestrian traffic az the intersection of Regional Road 18 and King's Highway #2. Student crossing guazds directed pedestrian traffic at a signed and painted school crossing of Regional Road 18 opposite the north entrance to the school. Students walked on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic. A total of 64 pedestrians were counted during the 3 one hour counting periods. Given that the school and an adjacent baseball field aze the only attractions for pedestrian trips, the 64 pedestrian movements aze considered representative of daily pedestrian volumes. The baseball field is used by an adult baseball league in the evenings with the majority of participants driving to the games according to local sources. ATTACHMENT N0. 4 10 6 7 WD-10-94 ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., D'u•ector of Public Works January 5, 1994 School Boazd staff provided the following additional information: • School children ride their bikes on the opposite side of the road to those who are walking. This results in school children travelling on both shoulders of Regional Road 18 at the same time. Drifting of snow is a problem between Jones Avenue and King's Highway #2. Student crossing guards can not stop vehiculaz traffic. They aze instructed to allow children to cross Regional Road 18 only when no vehicles aze within sight travelling along the road. This can result in considerable delay for children trying to cross the road. Vehicle speeds aze a concern as is truck traffic travelling along Regional Road 18. Children living outside a radius of 1.6 km from the school aze bused. A 1.0 km radius applies to kindergarten children. There have not been any reported accidents within the study area involving pedestrian/vehicle conflicts in recent memory. 1.2 Regional Road 18 Regional Road 18 is classified as an arterial road in the Region of Durham's Official Plan. An AADT of 1,035 vehicles was counted in 1991 between Jones Avenue and Highway 401. There have been 4 accidents along this same section of road from 1990 to present. None of the accidents involved pedestrians. Regional Road 18 between the school and King's Highway #2 is primazily constructed to rural road standards. The cross-section consists of two 3.5 metre wide traffic lanes, with gravel shoulders vazying in width from 2.4 to 3.4 metres and drainage by open ditch. A section of the road, 90 m in length, (running from King's Highway #2 southerly) has been urbanized complete with storm sewer and a 1.2 metre wide sidewalk which is located on the east side of the road and sepazated from the back of curb by a 0.7 metre wide asphalt boulevazd. This work was done in conjunction with the 1993 reconstruction of King's Highway #2 through Newtonville administered by the Ministry of Transportation Ontazio. The posted speed limit for the section of Regional Road 18 under study is 60 km/hr. The speed limit is signed for northbound traffic just north of the intersection of Regional Road 18 and the westbound K.H. 401 off ramp. The speed limit sign for southbound traffic is well north of King's Highway #2. There is no speed limit signage for southbound traffic on Regional Road 18 from King's Highway #2 to the school. Street lights exist on the east side of Regional Road 18 from King's Highway #2 to the school There is an interchange at the intersection of Hwy. 401 and Regional Road 18. ~ <) '" ~ totten sims hubicki associates Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eag., D'u•eetor of Public Works January 5, 1994 A 200 mm watermain providing service to the school is located under the east shoulder of the road approximately 3.0 metres from the edge of pavement. 2. ANALYSIS According to Attachment No. 2 sidewalks aze not wazranted at this location based on vehicle and pedestrian volumes, but numerous references (including publications by the Municipal Engineers Association) indicate, that even roads with low traffic volumes which provide direct pedestrian access to schools should be constructed with sidewalks. The rural roadside environment of Regional Road 18 is also cause for concern as is illustrated below by the quotation from the text "Traffic Engineering TheorKand Practice". "Sidewalks are a recognized necessity in urban areas, but few are considered necessary in rural areas. However, in many rural areas the need for sidewalks is quite critical because of the high vehicle speeds and general lack of highway lighting. Rural locations where sidewalk construction is extremely desirable include points of community development, such as at schools, meeting halls, churches, local businesses, and industrial plants. Of the total number of pedestrian traffic fatalities in 1967, some 35 percent occurred on rural highways. This is even more significant when it is realized that although the vehicle-miles of travel are about the same in urban and rural areas, pedestrian density is much greater in urban areas. Therefore, the hazard in rural areas is proportionately much greater. " The statistics in the above quotation aze somewhat outdated but it is very unlikely that they have changed much over time. Another factor to consider is that the recent reconstruction of King's Highway WL through Newtonville will raise awazeness of sidewalks in the local community. The reconstruction included the provision of sidewalks on both sides of King's Highway 112 through Newtonville. In addition, a section of sidewalk was constructed on the east side of Regional Road 18 for a distance of approximately 90 m south of King's Highway J12. Now that new sidewalk exists along a good portion of the pedestrian route to the school, more attention will be focused on the lack of sidewalk on Regional Road 18 from the school to the end of the newly constructed sidewalk. The AADT for King's Highway 1/2 through Newtonville was 2250 in 1991. In conclusion, the AADT of 1035 vehicles versus the estimated daily pedestrian traffic of 64 people does not warrant construction of sidewalk based on a strict numerical analysis. The fact that Regional Road 18 is a rural road section and does provide the only pedestrian access to the. Newtonville Public School favours the provision of sidewalk. There is no doubt that injury or death of a child due to a vehicular conflict would raise considerable political and legal interest regazding the lack of sidewalk on Regional Road 18 from King's Highway #2 to the Newtonville Public School. U 6 9 totten sims hubickiassociates Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works January 5, 1994 3. COST 3.1 General Several alternative designs have been reviewed to assess the estimated cost to construct a sidewalk on Regional Road 18 from 90 metres south of King's Highway #2 to the Newtonville Public School. All the alternatives considered construction of a sidewalk on the east side of Regional Road 18. By having the sidewalk on the east side of the road the school children would not have to cross Regional Road 18 opposite the school. Pedestrian crossings of the road would take place at the intersection of King's Highway N2 and Regional Road 18 under controlled circumstances. Several alternatives were investigated which considered construction of a sidewalk while maintaining the current rural road section. Unfortunately, the location of existing utility poles, difficulty in maintaining storm drainage and the lower grade of the land surrounding the road ruled out further evaluation of these alternatives. The remaining two alternatives all involve construction. of half urban cross-sections and aze discussed in detail in the following text. 3.2 Alternative 1 Alternative 1 is illustrated on Attachment No. 4. It involves the construction of an urban road section along the east side of Regional Road 18 from the end of the existing urban cross-section south of King's Highway JJ2 to the north driveway of the public school. The half urban road would be drained by catch basins outletting to the existing east ditch which would remain. The curb, asphalt boulevazd, and I.5 metre sidewalk would basically replace the east road shoulder. It is estimated that this section would cost $50,000.00 to construct. It does not offer much improvement over the existing condition other than the bazrier curb provides 150 mm of vertical sepazation between vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Unfortunately, horizontal sepazation between the roadway and the pedestrians would be substandazd but this same situation already exists with the majority of the sidewalk recently constructed by the Ministry of Transportation Ontazio in Newtonville. 3.3 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 is illustrated on Attachment No. 5. At $150,00.00 it is considerably more expensive to construct than Alternative 1. It does however, meet all design requirements with regazd to desirable boulevazd width and provides the necessary vehiculaz/pedestrian sepazation. A small storm sewer system is required because the east ditch would be filled by construction of the wider boulevazd. Some minor regrading would be required on private property. The boulevazd could be paved and used as a bicycle path. The limits of the work would be identical to Alternative I, with regazd to the urbanization, but some reditching of the east road ditch would be required south of the school to establish a suitable outfall for the storm sewer system. I ~l ~ ~ totten aims hubicki associates Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Ianuary 5, 1994 3.4 Other Considerations Staff from the Region of Durham were contacted regarding possible financial contribution to the project. Their records indicate that Regional Road 18 is not deficient and they have no plans to upgrade it in the neaz future. They do, however, recognize that the lack of sidewalk is a legitimate concern and suggest that the Director of Public Works of the Municipality of Clazington contact his counterpart at the Region to further discuss the matter. In our opinion the ditches along Regional Road 18 aze poorly graded and the installation of the storm sewer suggested as part of Alternative 2 would be a benefit to the Region. The Municipality must also consider the financial liability with regazd to snow removal from the sidewalk in the winter. There is very little residential frontage abutting the proposed sidewalk location and once a sidewalk is constructed the Municipality is likely to incur pressure to.cleaz snow from the sidewalk. The cost to construct and maintain a sidewalk along Regional Road 18 should be compazed to the cost of steps which the School Boazd could take to resolve the problem. These would include the busing of all children from King's Highway /{2 to the school or the possibility of having a crossing guazd escort the children as a group from the school to King's Highway k2. Should the Municipality decide to proceed with sidewalk construction, abutting property owners should be consulted prior to finalizing design plans. There was some opposition to sidewalk construction expressed by local residents to our staff during the data collection phase of this project. If you should decide to proceed with the construction of a sidewalk there seems to be some doubt as to the legal limits of Regional Road 18 between King's Highway A~2 and the school. This matter should be resolved prior to detailed design of the sidewalk. A plan of subdivision has been circulated for the block of land between King's Highway J/2 and the school. Development of this land was not considered in assessing alternatives for sidewalk construction. All proposals contained in this report aze subject to review by the Region of Durham. The Northumberland Clazington Board of Education should also be consulted prior to finalizing a plan of action to address the request for sidewalk. 1 U 71 totten aims hubicki associates Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eog., Director of Public Works Ianuary 5, 1994. We trust the attached information will assist you in assessing the request for sidewalk. We have also included reproductions of several photographs which should help in your review. Should you require any additional information, please contact our office. Yours very truly totten~ms hubicki associates William McCrae, P.Eng. Design Engineer WMc/ag coaba~x.~~oz~c 1 u 7 2 totter aims hubicki associates NEWTONVILLE SIDEWALK REGIONAL ROAD N0. 18 .. Looking north along the east shoulder of Regional Road 18 from opposite the south entrance to Newtonville Public School NEWTONVILLE SIDE4iALK REGIONAL ROAD N0. 1S Looking north along the east shoulder of Regional Road 18 from approximately 60 m south of Jones Avenue Looking north along the east shoulder of Regional Road 18 from the intersection o£ Jones Avenue ti 7 t6~E~ HILL 8T8EET x~cxsw~~ ~ 2 EXISTING 1.2m SIDEWALK 0 0 z 0 0 m J i W W C r SITE LOCATION D 0 O ~ONE8 AVENUE ° NEWTOMYIILE •~ ~ POlLIC 6CNOOL o Q 'HAMLET OF NEWTONVILLE' ~I _ ;. -~. -;~•' ~~ -y C a.w,r a ~~' ,,r d DRAIN BY:IB ATE: JAN. 1994 ICHMENT N0. 1 - io - 94 IU/5 TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY LOCATION: Regional Road 18 from Jones Avenue to Newtonville Public School DATE COUNTED: October 21, 1993 WEATHER: Overcast COUNTED BY: Teresa Forestell VEHICLES PE DESTRIA NS TIME NORTH SOUTH TOTAL :NORTH SOUTH-I TO`T'AL __.. 8:00-8:15 8 15 23 0 1 1 8:15-8:30 10 22 32 0 5 5 8:30-8:45 17 37 54 0 15 15 8:45-9:00 14 16 30 2 0 2 TOTALS 49 90 139 2 21 23 11:45-12:00 10 12 22 7 0 7 12:00-12:15 15 12 27 0 1 1 12:15-12:30 5 20 25 0 3 3 12:30-12:45 6 22 28 0 2 2 TOTALS 36 66 102 7 6 13 3:00-3:15 18 11 29 0 1 1 3:15-3:30 25 10 35 22 0 22 3:30-3:45 20 13 33 3 0 3 3:45-4:00 14 14 28 1 1 2 TOTALS 77 48 125 26 2 28 1u76 WARRANTS FOR THE PROVISION OF SIDEWALKS looo 900 800 70 0 soo 500 >- 0 ` 400 Q 300 ~ 200 ~w 0 n. ..IO 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 ,2000 VEHICLES/DAY -INDICATES PLOT OF DATA FOR REGIONAL ROAD IS BETWEEN JONES AVE. 8 NEWTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL from Recommended Guldeilnes for Reaidenttal Servicing In Ontario. DRAWN BY:IB ATE: JAN. 1994 ATTACHMENT N0. 3 t X77 ~ _ ~o - 94 SiDE1 ALK BO H S! ES SIDE ALK ONE SIDE NO SID V`JAL S o 1B TrnicA~ CROSS-sECr~on, Alternative No. 1 Prelimtnarq Estimated Cost: 550,000.00 NEWTONVILLE - SIDEWALK aEaoNru rto~n No. 1s FEAST s~DE! MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 1u78 E%IS71N0 WAiERMAINO 3.00 vARIES f0-17m REC. ~. is 2 E~Si ~~ ~ = VARES 1.50 3.OOm MIN. 3.50 o SIDEWALK ASPHALT BIXILEVARp E%ISTING ASPHALT d. N_ a 0.70 TOPSd AND 500 Zx_ 7.T MA%~ CONCRETE CURB AND CUTTER OPSD -600:04 ORIGINAL GRWND 3.00 EXISTING WATERMAINO OPROPOSEp STORM SEMER TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION Alternative No. 2 Preliminary Estimated Cost: 5150,000.00 NEWTONVILLE - SIDEWALK REGIONAL Row No. 18 (EAST SSE) MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DRAWN BY:IB DATE: JAN. 1994 1 U ; 9 ATTACHMENT N0. 5 WD - io - 94