HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-12-94THE CORPORATION OF 7HE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT lvteeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# 1~~D.00-7~~f~~ Date: MARCH 21, 1994 Res.#GDl~- 22Z-9y By-Law # _ Report #: CD-12-94 File #: Subject: AHANDONED CEMETERIES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-12-94 be received; 2. THAT the Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board and the Darlington Cemetery Board be disbanded; 3. THAT an Abandoned Cemetery Board consisting of seven members and two Council appointees (one .from Ward 1 and one from Wazd 3) be formed; and 4. THAT the appointments t. the Abandoned Cemeteries Board be for a period consistent with the term of Council. REPORT At a meeting held on January 3, 1994, the appointments to the Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board and Darlington Cemetery Board were referred back to the Clerk's Department, in conjunction with the Community Services Department, for re~aiew and report on the justification of appointments. Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board The Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board was formed .in the 1960s by the then Clarke Council at the urging of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to clean up overgrown sites and erect cairns in abandoned cemeteries throughout the Township. "'here are 19 abandoned cemeteries in the Township, however, only t:he 8 located adjacent to roads receive regular maintenance, i.e., white/Porter Cemetery, McLean's/Elliott/Ede Cemetery, Newtonville Presbyterian Cemetery, Lovekin Cemetery, Bethel Cemetery, Old Orono Cemetery and Lawrence Back Church Cemetery. For locations of the . cemeteries, please refer to Attachment A. ~~~~ Continued ...../2 0 Report CD-12-94 - 2 - March 21, 1994 In the early years, the identifying and, second, the Board applies to the maintenance of the eight Services Department who, maintenance costs. ~ommittee was very active in, first, the cleanup of the sites. Presently, Municipality for a grant each year. The sites is carried out by the Community in turn, bills the Board for the Darlington Cemetery Board Around the year 1974, the Ministry of Municipa'a Affairs approached the Town of Newcastle Council regarding the maintenance of cemeteries. In February 1976, Council adopted the following recommendation of the Community Services Committee: "THAT a Committee for the care of Abandoned Cemeteries in Darlington Township be appointed arid the Chairman and Councillor Tink suggest members for this Board." This Board is still very active. There are 14 abandoned cemeteries in the Township (refer to Attachment A for locations). Of the 14 cemeteries, Community Services cuts the grass in 3 (Long Sault Cemetery, Trinity Anglican Cemetery and Presbyterian Cemetery) and bills the Board for the maintenance costs. The Cemetery Board cuts nine, one is maintained by the Dutch Reform Church at no cost to the Board and one ;.., believed lost to the lake. The Board meets informally once>_ ar twice a year on site and often tours the sites to review maintenance and projects. Appointments to the Boards • The Clarke Board consists of four memi>ers plus two Council appointees and the Darlington Board consists of five members with two Council appointees. In reviewing Striking Committee minutes from previous years, it appears that the appointments took place an an annual basis. The last indication of the appointments, however, is in June 1986. In April 1992, at the request of the Darlington Cemetery Board, 1'irnot LVOtten was appointed by Council to the Board. In an attempt to get the Boards back on track, late in 1993 an advertisement was placed in the local papers requesting applications for appointment to the two Boards. Continued ...../3 blJ r1 Report CD-12-94 Recommendations agreement with same. - 3 - March 21, 1994 Because the Darlington Board is still active with maintenance of the cemeteries and, in so doing, assists the municipality, it is recommended that the Municipality appoint one Cemetery Board to look after all abandoned cemeteries. it is recommended that the Board consist of seven members plus two Council appointees (one from Ward 1 and one from Ward 3). This recommendation has been discussed with the Chairmen. of the Boards who are both in Should the recommendations in this report be approved, it will be necessary for the General Purpose and Administration Committee to appoint the members for a term expiring November 30, 1994. Copies of the applications received have been circulated under separate cover for Committee's information. Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Ct;.ief Administrative Officer C ~y r~ ~. ~ Respectfully submitted, ~ z ,c-. y~ got o ~~ r om~~ i ~o _ y -~ F ~SZm ~S TTYj ^I (i 9 ~ ~~> TCm~ 'm ~z ; ;~ -___ ___ ni< Tz ~ mi~ ~ ~ ~ I '~K~r~ ~ l~~Ort' vm ~ ~ E i O ~bOO~ '19TOCJ Q.~-1 ~l'Im I N ~ZZ ~ C I <I~V ~ 00~~ is ~ ml ~ ~ it~l ; ~ n~ ~m~ y ~ , S ~:~ ~ y <~< `m ~7`~~ J z 6 ~ \~ I n ~ ~ 7^I ~ ~' ~ ~ m m ~~ i7. ~S ~ i r r ~E 'Z<C~ ~4 amc~e z ~ ~~ym ~- 3S ~x a~<~ In 1C;~ 3 "~~ ~T~ i_ ~~ -r, a 1L :>rn ~ n-'7 ~c~p 72n~~ Z~'-~y`jm0 ~~ ~o~~~~ a~Y~ o~ p£ ~O ^'~~Z~ ~OF r~ ~m~~-ria ~~~g(AA~ ~~Y i? ~ ~ ~('"~zv r, n ~' ~ ~ 13~~ ~ I s r ~ ~ 6i i, rj