HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/2010Clarington LeudlnX the Nay General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu; until 2:57 p. m. Facilities Manager, G. Acorn, starting at 1:40 p.m. Director of Community Services, J. Caruana until 1:00 p. m. Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid Director of Corporate Services & Human Resources, M. Marano Fire Chief, Emergency Services, G. Weir Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, J. Gallagher Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak announced that she attended the opening of the new business, Heather Windsor Photography, on Sunday, January 31, 2010. Councillor Hooper announced that, on Saturday, January 30, 2010 he attended the opening of Clarington Wellness Path, formerly Bowmanville Massage Therapy. They provide individual fitness classes, etc. He added that there have been other new businesses, including Belladonna's, Cottage Country Antiques, and Scrub Uniforms. -1- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 Councillor Hooper also noted that on Thursday, January 28, 2010, several Council members participated in the EarlyAct Club program at Dr. Ross Tilley Public School. He noted that the EarlyAct program is a school wide service club for elementary students from ages 5 to 13, which is sponsored by the local Rotary Club, and encourages respect and builds character among the youth. Councillor Foster announced that on Thursday, January 28, 2010 several members of Council attended the sod turning for the expansion of Roy Nichols Motors Limited, in Courtice. MINUTES Resolution #GPA-049-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on January 18, 2010, be approved. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS John Pisapio, from the Ministry of Natural Resources was called, but was not present at the meeting for his delegation regarding Coyote damage. Bill Humber, from the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington, presented the Task Force's Interim Report. He noted that the work of the task force is continuing. This work includes: reviewing the growing demand for post-secondary education, discussions with the Presidents of UOIT and Durham College, reviewing potential local facilities which might play a role in an emerging strategy, discussing a range of potential training and education disciplines which might be appropriate for Clarington, and the possibility of establishing a community education foundation. Mr. Humber added that they hope to talk to representatives of Trent University. He informed the Committee that the next steps are to determine priorities and explore future possibilities. Mr. Humber confirmed that there are several directions that the Task Force's mandate allows them to take. He concluded that the final report is projected to be submitted by July 5, 2010. DELEGATIONS Richard Ward was called, but was not present at the meeting for his delegation. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. -2- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law 84-63 Applicant: F & I Gateway Investments Inc. Report: PSD-015-10 .Paul Wirch, Staff Planner, made a verbal and PowerPoint presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Francis Mallon spoke in opposition of the application. She expressed her concerns regarding the parking on Emily St. E. for the proposal. She informed the Committee that she has a special needs son and she is concerned about her son's safety and that of the general public, with the additional traffic coming from the proposed Emily St. E. entrance. Shelley Berezowski spoke in opposition of the application and expressed her concerns regarding the development. She stated that she was concerned about where the severance is located. She noted that she was uncertain whether there would be other stores included in the development. Ms. Berezowski is also concerned about the noise, garbage receptacles, location of the entrance, whether the shipping/receiving will use the same entrance, and the fate of two large maple trees located at the corner of Emily St. & Mill St. Judy Powell spoke in opposition of the application and expressed her concerns about the demolition of 57 Mill St. as part of the development. She noted that she is the granddaughter of the original owner. She also noted that, although the house is not 100 years old, it is an historic house. Ms. Powell noted that she was born and raised in the house and she questioned if the house could be saved from demolition. She informed the Committee that her family is obtaining quotes regarding moving the house. Ms. Powell also noted that there would be excessive noise and garbage if the proposal proceeds. She requested the house to be included in the list of heritage properties. Allan Kirby, President of the Newcastle & District Historical Society, was present with a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. He noted that new structures adjacent to old buildings follow the historical theme of the downtown core. Mr. Kirby asked that the applicant embrace the theme of the community and to also show restraint regarding signs. Mr. Kirby provided Members of Committee with copies of a brochure depicting possible acceptable exterior designs and he granted permission for the Municipality to reproduce the handout, if necessary. Mr. Kirby confirmed that the Society is not opposed to the development and that the Society views this as an opportunity to use Newcastle as a model of how new development can be incorporated into an existing architectural heritage. -3- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 Vic Suppan, Chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee, was present to discuss the heritage aspect of the rezoning proposal. He noted that several of the buildings on the property have been recognized informally as having heritage values. Mr. Suppan was concerned about the process because the developer is not required to present a Heritage Impact Statement, due to the buildings not being formally placed on the Municipal Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. He informed the Committee that the process would be easier to handle if the 1000 properties on the Municipal Inventory of Cultural Heritage Resources were placed on the Register, in order to fall under the Register guidelines. He explained that if the guidelines were applied to 57 Mill St., the developer would be required to provide a Heritage Impact Statement. Mr. Suppan noted that this development is located at the main corner of Newcastle, which has historical significance. He noted that he is concerned about the future of the building, if Shoppers Drug Mart leaves the leased location. Mr. Suppan explained that, under the Places to Grow Act, there is intensification required, which means more residential units. This would suggest that there should be a residential component of the development. Mr. Suppan urged that the Municipality delay the approval until the developer has provided a Heritage Impact Statement. Mr. Suppan confirmed that the Clarington Heritage Committee has provided the Municipality with comments. Darrell Cook, an area resident, spoke in opposition of the application. Mr. Cook noted that he lives in a heritage home and has spent time and money to make his home more historically accurate. He stated that the existing structure should remain, with the interior renovated to bring it back it back to the original design. Mr. Cook asked why the Municipality allows for the demolition of the historical buildings. He noted renovation successes, such as the Box Factory and the House of All Nations. Mr. Cook concluded that he believes that the buildings should be saved. Dr. Boris Kostiuk spoke in opposition of the application. He was present to voice his concerns about the height of his building, which will encircle his building and will lower his property value. He is also concerned that the reduced parking may result in taking or blocking his parking spot. Dr. Kostiuk is also concerned about the drainage, the possibility that this development may result in lowering the value of his property, and the ability for the exterior to be maintained with a proposed zero set-back. Rick Westrik spoke in opposition as he is concerned about the displacement of existing tenants that have been there for years, adding to the culture of the downtown core. Mr. Westrik is also concerned about the tearing down of historic buildings to make way for a "big box store". He asked whether there is going to be any accommodations made for the existing tenants. He suggested Shoppers Drug Mart move into the former Rona location. -4- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 Ron Warne was present to restate his opposition as previously expressed in a letter that he had put forward to the Planning Department regarding concerns about a Heritage Impact Statement. He noted that he also has concerns about parking. Mr. Warne noted that the Bowmanville and Port Hope Shoppers Drug Mart stores have significantly more parking, yet in this application Shoppers Drug Mart is requesting a reduction to 26 spaces. He noted that there would probably be 26 employees of Shoppers Drug Mart, which would take up most of the spaces. Mr. Warne was glad to hear about the proposal for the public open house meeting. He requested that the meeting will be at the former Newcastle Town Hall in the evening. He also requested there be elevation drawings. Mr. Warne confirmed that it may be appropriate that the Newcastle Improvement Program/Group chair this proposed public meeting in Newcastle. Pauline Storks was present in support of the development. She noted that she was born in one of the buildings on the property and is a great supporter of the Village of Newcastle but does not believe the building is viable. Ms. Storks stated that she is confident that the developer will build a store that will be appropriate, and that we have to 'move on with the times'. She concluded that she wants something that of which the Village of Newcastle could be proud. Carl Good, Chair of the Newcastle Improvement Plan Liaison Group, was present in support of the development. He noted that a new building has a unique opportunity to follow the historic theme of the Village. The Community Improvement Plan group has concerns about the facade and overall look of the buildings. Mr. Good wanted the applicant to be aware that Newcastle welcomes new development and hopes that Shoppers Drug Mart takes an active role in the community. Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Chair of the Newcastle Business Improvement Area (BIA) was present to state that the Newcastle BIA is in support of the development. She noted that the BIA also has concerns about the overall look of the building. Ms. Vanhaverbeke noted, as a building owner herself, that although she will be losing Shoppers Drug Mart as a tenant, if this proposal moves forward, she still supports this development. Steve Lawrence, a local business owner, was present in support of the development. He thanked the developer for "seeing the vision". Mr. Lawrence noted that he believes that Shoppers Drug Mart has the ability to build a building that will fit in with the Village. He urged the Committee to congratulate the developers for the proposal. Barry Morrison, Barry J. Morrison & Associates Limited, was present on behalf of the applicants. He noted that he has reviewed the staff Report and concurs with the recommendations contained in the Report. Mr. Morrison noted that the Municipality's current planning documents have a theme of urban growth. He stated that the reality of retailing today is that the retailers will locate where it is simple and uncomplicated. Mr. Morrison added that it is difficult to have a large retail chain locate within small -5- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 municipalities and therefore the Municipality has a good opportunity with this proposal. He noted that this store will anchor the downtown, re-energize the downtown and will encourage redevelopment within the same area. Mr. Morrison noted that landscaping and garbage design will take care of the resident's concerns. He added that the parking proposal is within the Provincial guidelines. Regarding historical design, Mr. Morrison noted that they have consulted historical experts, it is still in progress, and that public input is welcomed. David Terrace, representative of the applicant, was present to note that they are mindful of the public's concerns regarding the historical nature. RECESS Resolution #GPA-050-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT the Committee adjourn fora 10 minute break from 11:05 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 11:15 .a.m. Barry Johnson, representative of applicant, was present to explain the design of the building. He noted that the design contains design elements from the existing buildings in the Village of Newcastle. Mr. Johnson's presentation was supported by displays. He noted that the roof line is at different levels to pick up on the different levels of the existing building. He explained the design proposal and design elements. (b) Subject: Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan Applicant: Timothy and Sandra Kearns Report: PSD-016-10 Meaghan Harrington, Staff Planner, made a verbal and PowerPoint presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Pam Callus and her husband Jim Osborne were present to speak in opposition of the proposed change in zoning. Ms. Callus delivered a letterfrom Vicki and Roger Bergmann to Council regarding the same issue. She stated that the property is an inappropriate location as it is adjacent to residential land, Greenbelt land, a planned residential subdivision to the East, and environmentally protected lands. Ms. Callus objects to the statement in the proposal that it is not adjacent to sensitive lands as she believes that it is adjacent to sensitive lands. She noted that there is an increased likelihood that other properties will be rezoned for storage, therefore this would be setting a precedent. Ms. Callus noted other examples of storage areas already located -6- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 within the Municipality and therefore, she believes there are other more appropriate lands available for this type of business. She noted that this land is maintained by an absentee landlord and the land has been frequented by trespassers. Ms. Callus added that the environmentally sensitive lands include wetlands within and adjacent to these lands. She noted that the parking spots are shown as very near the creek. Ms. Callus noted that even a small number of vehicles would pose a threat regarding leakage, but that this proposal is for 100 vehicles. Jim Osborne spoke in opposition of the proposed change in zoning. He stated that originally there was a single property that was used illegally for recreational storage, and then the adjacent lot was purchased and used for the same purpose. He informed the Committee that they were concerned about the initial storage, but that they had refrained from making it an issue, in the interest of being "good neighbours". However, now with the second lot, they are raising their concerns. Mr. Osborne is concerned about their well being contaminated. He stated that they would not have purchased this home had this use been in operation at the time. Mr. Osborne added that the sight of the recreational vehicles is not what they had in mind when they purchased. He stated that they had contacted and confirmed with the Municipal. Property Assessment Corporation that their property value would decrease being next door to commercial lands. He asked the Committee '~vho will compensate them for their loss in property value?" Mr. Osborne stated that, since the applicants are absentee landowners, he is concerned with potential security issues. He noted that they have lived in this location for 31 years and have enjoyed the area until the recreational vehicle storage began. Mr. Osborne confirmed that he was concerned about the abandonment of recreational vehicles. Libby Racansky spoke in opposition and stated that she has the same concerns as the previous speakers. In particular, she had concerns about the proximity to the Black Creek Tributary. She noted that the property is located within environmentally sensitive areas and that and Environmental Assessment study should be required. She stated that she is concerned about the affect on the surrounding wells. She cautioned that the Regional Ground Interference Policy is not necessarily good protection for the adjacent land owners. Ms. Racansky asked that, if Council does approve this application, a condition be placed on the owners to be responsible for immediately rectifying or replacing any contaminated wells. She noted that she is requesting wetland and vegetative setbacks be added as a condition. Ms. Racansky explained that one of her main concerns is with the proposed designation of the land being approved in middle of a residential neighbourhood. She was concerned that this will set a precedent for similar types of rezoning that are not in keeping with the neighbourhood and residential area. Ms. Racansky noted that she didn't really see an official plan review but it would be easier to have clearly stated "non-compatible uses". She concluded that was concerned mostly about the illegal parking of vehicles. -7- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 Kerry Maydem spoke in opposition to the application. She stated that she is in agreement with the previous speakers. She stated that she does not believe it should be approved, but if it is approved, there should be setbacks considered. She also stated that she is concerned about the water table and the impact of this proposal. She informed the Committee that with a dirt and gravel parking area, there is a concern about contaminants leaking into the ground. Regarding the Regional Ground Interference Policy, she noted that the well is not replaced and is still a cost for the applicants that have had their well contaminated. Ms. Maydem noted that there are other industrial areas that could be used for this type of business. Tom McKee spoke in support of the application. He noted that he has been a neighbour of the property in question for 10 years. He stated that he is a ratepayer and he does not receive a great deal of services for the taxes he pays, but he believes that, in general, a property owner should be able to do what they wish with their property. He believes that most of the issues voiced today are unfounded. Mr. McKee informed the Committee that he backs on to the storage of the trailers on the first property and does not have a concern with the sight of them. He also informed the Committee that a large percentage of the vehicles are trailers, which do not have oil leaking and suggested that the Municipality could enforce this by stipulating that only non-motorized vehicles could be stored. He mentioned that he also contacted Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and was told that his taxes would not be affected. Mr. McKee is concerned about the water drainage impacting his property. He suggested that drainage ditch could be stipulated to ensure that the water is not an issue. In addition, he asked that a proper board fence be erected between his property and the applicant's property. Mr. McKee asked that the applicant not be allowed to park any further east of the location indicated in the proposal. He also suggested that trees be planted on the front of the applicant's property as a buffer. Glen Genge, D.G. Biddle and Associates, was present representing the applicant. He noted that the applicant purchased the property with a view to making it available for residential development in the future and that this current use would be considered a temporary use until the land is used for residential purposes. Mr. Genge clarified that the proposal is to legalize the current use of the property for storage of recreational vehicles. He confirmed that the applicants are willing to comply with the recommendations of the experts with regard to the protection of the environmentally sensitive lands. Mr. Genge informed the Committee that his firm has prepared a proper drainage plan and a recommendation that the parking area be gravelled. He stated that his applicants believe that there is a need for this type of business so that storage vehicles are not stored at houses, within residential neighbourhoods. Mr. Genge noted that the applicants would be willing to install any screening that is necessary. He informed the Committee that there is Municipal water available to the applicants' property. Sandra Kearns was present to support her application. -8- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 (c) Subject: Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan Applicant: Nancy Mallette Report: PSD-017-10 Meaghan Harrington, Staff Planner, made a verbal and PowerPoint presentation to the Committee regarding the application. No one spoke in opposition of the application. No one spoke in support of the application. Glen Genge, D.G. Biddle and Associates, was present to represent the applicant. He noted that the farm currently provides employment for 11 people with a potential increase to 15 people. He outlined the number of existing outbuilding as well as the use of the proposed tent. Mr. Genge added that there have been several requests for the use of the tent for local events. He noted that he has a letter of support from a local school principal. Mr. Genge noted that the owners plan to install a new septic system for the proposed washroom building. He noted that there is a Best Practice Noise Communication Plan currently being prepared. Mr. Genge concluded that he believes that this proposal represents a commitment to the local area by the owners. He also stated that it complies with the Region's Official Plan, which provides for agri-tourism. He asked that the Official Plan Review, indicated in the Report, would not hold up the approval of the application. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO REZONE RESIDENTIAL AND LIMITED COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RETAIL COMMERCIAL BUILDING APPLICANT: F & I GATEWAY INVESTMENTS INC. Resolution #GPA-051-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-015-10 be received; THAT Staff be directed to facilitate a meeting to receive feedback from the public in Newcastle, at the expense of the developer; THAT the Staff continue processing the application and prepare a further report following receipt of all outstanding agency comments and the meeting referred to in Recommendation 2; and -9- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-015-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED RECESS Resolution #GPA-052-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT the Committee adjourn for 40 minutes, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 1:41 p.m. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY- LAW TO PERMIT AN OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE BUSINESS APPLICANT: TIMOTHY AND SANDRA KEARNS Resolution #GPA-053-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-016-10 be received; THAT the applications submitted by Timothy and Sandra Kearns for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments continue to be processed; and THAT all interested parties listed in PSD-016-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY- LAW TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF A TENT STRUCTURE FOR THE SEASONAL USE OF AGRI-TOURISM EVENTS AS A SECONDARY USE TO THE EXISTING FARM OPERATION APPLICANT: NANCY MALLETTE Resolution #GPA-054-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PSD-017-10 be received; -10- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 THAT Staff continue processing the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-017-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED RELEASE OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW PAPER COURTICE MAIN STREET STUDY ISSUES REVIEW PAPER Resolution #GPA-055-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-018-10 be received; and THAT the Region of Durham and all interested parties listed in Report PSD-018-10 be advised of the release of the Discussion Paper. CARRIED AMENDMENT TO SIGN BY-LAW 2009-123 APPLICANT: APPLE TREE DENTISTRY /ASPEN SPRINGS LIMITED Resolution #GPA-056-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-019-10 be received; THAT the application for Amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 2009-123, submitted by Apple Tree Dentistry /Aspen Springs Limited, to permit a second mobile sign on the property at 39 Martin Road, Bowmanville, be approved and that staff be authorized to issue a permit for a second mobile sign at such time the approved site plan for the development is amended to identify locations for the mobile signs; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-019-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED -11- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 2010 Resolution #GPA-057-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-020-10 be received; and THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on January 21, 2010 for applications A2009-0051 and A2009-0052 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY MATTER -EXPROPRIATION OF 902714 ONTARIO INC. (BRUCE BROWN) ADJUSTMENT TO THE APPRAISED VALUE Resolution #GPA-058-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT this Addendum to PSD-105-09 be received; THAT an additional payment of $31,250.00 plus interest calculated as set out in the Expropriation Act, Section 33, be forwarded to 902714 Ontario Inc. (Bruce Brown) with funds to be provided from Account No. 110-50-130-85002-7401 Land Acquisition; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-105-09 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. -12- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT MIDDLE ROAD SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-2225, `CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND `ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Resolution #GPA-059-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-006-10 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2225; and THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-006-10, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2225 as public highways. CARRIED OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT -OCTOBER -DECEMBER, 2009 Resolution #GPA-060-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CLD-003-10 be received for information; and -13- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 THAT a copy of Report CLD-003-10 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. CARRIED Councillor Hooper announced that, effective immediately, residents can pay Clarington parking tickets online at www.clarington.net. ALTER THE AGENDA Resolution #GPA-061-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the agenda be altered to move the Addendum to Report CLD-022-09, from Unfinished Business, to be considered at this time. CARRIED PROPOSED ELECTION SIGN BY-LAW Resolution #GPA-062-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Addendum to Report CLD-022-09 be received; THAT the Election Sign By-law attached to Addendum to Report CLD-022-09, as Attachment 3, be forwarded to Council for passage; and THAT the interested parties listed in the Addendum to Report CLD-022-09 be advised of Council's action. CARRIED CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. -14- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT ON REVENUE SENSITIVE TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS - DECEMBER 2009 Resolution #GPA-063-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report FND-002-10 be received for information. CARRIED LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION, APPORTIONMENTS OR REFUND OF TAXES Resolution #GPA-064-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report FND-003-10 be received; and THAT the list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes, attached to Report FND-003-10, be approved. CARRIED CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS BILL HUMBER, TASK FORCE FOR ATTRACTING HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES TO CLARINGTON, REGARDING THE TASK FORCE'S INTERIM REPORT Resolution #GPA-065-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the presentation by Bill Humber, regarding the Interim Report of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington be received with thanks. CARRIED -15- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 OTHER BUSINESS BUILDING OF 407 EAST (MAINLINE AND LINK) AT ONE TIME (NO STAGING) Resolution #GPA-066-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the construction of the 407 East (mainline and link) through to its termination at Highway 35/115; WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the aggressive schedule to substantially complete the Highway in 2013; WHEREAS the implementation of the Highway is beyond the scope of the Environmental Assessment, WHEREAS it is understood that there is substantial work to be done, by the Ministry of Transportation, its consultants, and contractors to determine the best way to deliver the project within the timeline and budget, and understanding that the Ministry is pursuing all available opportunities to accelerate the overall schedule without compromising the Provincial and Federal EA Acts and approved Terms of Reference for the project, WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the efforts of the Ministry and Province to meet its obligations as set out in the FLOW initiative, an agreement between the Federal and Provincial governments to improve transportation infrastructure in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and WHEREAS staging or phasing the Highway would have negative impacts on the Regional and local road networks; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington continues to support the construction of the 407 East Extension to Highway 35/115 without any staging or phasing; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to the Region of Durham and its local municipalities for support and forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Premier. CARRIED -16- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 BOWMANVILLE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN LIAISON GROUP Resolution #GPA-067-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo WHEREAS Council adopted the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan (CIP) and project area by By-law 2005-123 in June, 2005 and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved the CIP with amendments on September 16, 2005; WHEREAS Community Improvement Plans allow the Municipality to provide incentives to business owners and property owners within the Project Area (as set out in the CIP); WHEREAS the two other Community Improvement Plans in Clarington have liaison groups that assist with their implementation; WHEREAS at the time the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan was approved there was no recommendation to have a liaison committee; and WHEREAS there is now a desire by the Bowmanville BIA, merchants outside the BIA and Council to have a liaison committee; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff be requested to bring forward a report and terms of reference for a Bowmanville CIP liaison group. CARRIED WASTE DIVERSION ACT 2002 -REVIEW Councillor Trim rose to address the Committee regarding the Region's comments regarding the Waste Diversion Act 2002 review. He informed the Committee that the review has been provided by the Region to the Province regarding this legislative review and highlighted two significant points: within the next five years, the Province is hoping to have an act that will ensure that the producers are held responsible for their waste, and that they are in support of the "zero waste concept". Councillor Trim informed the Committee that he can provide Councillors with a copy of the report if they wish. -17- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 BUSINESS REGISTRY FEASIBILITY Resolution #GPA-068-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Staff be directed to prepare a report regarding the feasibility of establishment and maintenance of a low cost business registry. CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS LETTER FROM ANN-MARIE RAREFY, REGARDING REPORT PSD-015-10 Resolution #GPA-069-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the letter received today from Ann-Marie Harley, regarding Report PSD-015-10, regarding the Shoppers Drug Mart proposal, be referred to the Planning Services Department for incorporation into the ongoing planning process for this application. CARRIED LETTER FROM ROGER AND VICKI BERGMANN REGARDING REPORT PSD-016-10 Resolution #GPA-070-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the letter, hand delivered by Ms. Callus, from Roger and Vicki Bergmann, regarding Report PSD-016-10, regarding the proposal for the storage of outdoor vehicles, be referred to the Planning Services Department for incorporation into the ongoing planning process for this application. CARRIED -18- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes February 1, 2010 ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-071-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the meeting adjourn at 2:59 p.m. CARRIED -19-