HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-113-81~^ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Dlrector HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-113-81 • SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning of Part of Lot 27, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington - Courtice Auto Wreckers Our File: Z-A-1-9-1 RECOMMENDATIONS• It is respectfully recommended that Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report P-113-81 be received; and that 2. Application for Rezoning File Z-A-1-9-1 be denied and • the applicant so advised. ~. (a~ BACKGROUND: On March 19, 1980, staff received the above-noted application for an amendment to Restricted Area Zoning By-law 2111, as amended. Said application requested that the subject site be rezoned to recognize the existing use of the property as an automobile wrecking yard with associ- ated uses. The site is designated as Urban-Residential in the Durham Regional Official Plan and as such the said use is not permitted However, Section ~,~ 4~''~ ~V -~a~ - 2 - 16.6.5 of the Regional Plan would permit Council to pass zoning by-laws to permit the continuation of an existing use, provided that Council is satisfied that such existing use would have no adverse affects upon the use of surrounding lands or the implementation of the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. The Darlington Official Plan designates this area as Urban-Residential and as such the existing use does not conform. Said Official Plan also identifies this particular site and the surrounding areas as being environmentally sensitive. In that regard, • the compatibility of the use with and its impact upon the sensitive features would require further investigation. However, a recent study of the sensi- tive features conducted by the Town indicate that the particular sensitivity of this area is in respect of shallow water table conditions. Said study recommends that this area be subject to special policies requiring an inte- grated Hydrogeological Study to define "surface" and "ground" water impacts of development. Furthermore, in January of this year, the Town was advised by the Ministry of the Environment, that the subject site had been subject of a preliminary investigation, which tested for the presence of gas and leachate. This investigation indicated that while there appeared to be no major environmental problems, given the physical nature of the water table, the on-site presence of combustible gas, the presence of petroleum products on the ground and the evidence of possible ground water contamination, further study would be required. COMMENT: In accordance with the Department's procedures for processing by- law amendments, the subject application was circulated to a number of Depart- ments and agencies for comments. Only the Durham Regional Planning Department expressed any concern in respect of the proposed zoning. Their concerns mirror J -~a~ - 3 - our own and are in respect of the non-conformity of the use with the intent of the Official Plans now in effect and the negative impacts of such use upon the future uses of adjacent properties and the local environment. Staff, therefore, recommend that the subject application be denied as contrary to the intent of the Official Plan. Respectfully submitted, / ~/ ~~.% • TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. June 4, 1981 Director of Planning C J _-~ „ - fl~ ~r' ;'~{~~\ ~,#1 itP^ I" h?q~ • MEMORANDUM .. ., ._.,,,~..~_. r T0: E. Pella, Planning Department FROM: J. Hayman, Fire Chief DATE: April 17th, 1980 SUBJECT: Courtice Auto Wreckers Limited, Part Lot 27, Concession 3, Darlington - File No.Z-A-1-9-1, By-law ~t2111 • I would submit the following recommendations in regards to the above application for rezoning. That the fire safety requirements for the yard bean accordance as required under the National Fire Code and the proposed Ontario Fire Code. Authority would be under Section 19, Fire Marshals Act. t ( ' -~ai_~ r ~. • ~J. Haymah. ~.(~~ ~~ 1 ~: ~~° March 20, 19aO yA~x }'' : ~~ ' fi:y >,E DURHAM r :, ` ~.~,"~`- m°---1_~_.,., ~?~ '. Don Smith ~, ~,~ il' x 1 R~?{~ *}w Manning DirectC~ ~ ~ a }' , ~ : jt The Regional a'OWCI of Ne WCaet11A ..d ^^"ni~ipaiiry Hampton ~+unicipal offices ~~~ ~> ~ of Durham $ampton, Ontario llA~'„'.ii ' }~ ~,li~f~; ow.rorl.M F 3~11snr Mr . Smith t ~ Sox 623 106 Conaumero Dr. - ovnany, Ontario Canada, LIN BA3 (4561 886-7737 Ofl. M. A. MICHAEL. M.C.I R.. ,._ Cortmpione, of Plenrwg Re; Application for Rezoning Courtice Auto Wreckers Part of Lot 27, Conc. II (Darlington) Town of Newcastle Your File: 2•-A-1-9-1 • In response to your request, we wish to provide you with the following comments. ,..:The subject site is designate8 "Residential" in the Durham Regional Official Plan, being part of the Courtice Urban Area. Housing is to be the predominant use of land in this designation. A wrecking yard is not permitted. Section 16.9.5 of the Durham Plan, however, allows Councils of area municipalities to zone to permit the continuation, expansion, or enlargement of existing uses pro~~ided that such existing uses have no adverse effect an the present uses of the surrounding lands or the implementation of the prdvisions of the Durham Plan. In this regard, the desirability of zoning for the wrecking yard, a use which would likely be incompatible with thfa future residential use of the surrounding lands, slxould be examined. With reeipect to the provision of regional services, municipal water and sanitary services are not available to the subject site and there are no plans at the present t#me to extend services to the area. Furthermore, because the proposal is commercial in nature, t~Yire are no financial planning implications with respdct to the Region's current development polieies~ Yours vcr,~ truly, ,, ( ',:i :, , Manager Current 6perations Branch eJJ "~-(a~ Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food .March 25, 1980 ~~i.c>` ~1 B/ p65- Legislative aullOinps Oueen's Park Toronto, Ontario ~•i~ T''~ S~'h~Z ~` ~"~ MAR ~1 1~~ P~~fIU~iG DErART~P~cNT fDii+V4 QF N~'NC/-SfLE .MEMO T0: Mr. D.N. Smith Director, Planning and Development • Town of Newcastle Municipal Buildings Hampton, Ontario FROM: Donna Sharp, Project Officer Plans Review Food Land Development Branch Re: GOURTICE AUTO WRECKERS LTD. APPLICATION FOR REZONING Pt. of Lt. 27„ Con. .3, Darlington File No. Z- A- 1 - 9- 1 . Staff of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food have reviewed the above plan, and consideration has been given to it in view of the present goals and objectives of the Ministry and the guidelines on land use which support these goals and objectives. Please be advised that we have no objection to the proposal at this time. ,// i' /. ~" r iG' a. O i THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ' DURHAM REGIONAL HEALTH UNIT-HEADQUARTERS: 307 GOLF STREET, OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1G 48214161 723-8527 1980 03 17 Mr. D. N. Smith, Director Planning and Development . Tovn of Newcastle Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario Dear Mr. Smith: Re: Application for Rezoning -y~2-A-1-9-1 Pt. Lot 27, Canc. 3, Town of Newcastle (Dart c:ourti ~~~~~H ~ ~~~~ MAR Ys age The Durham Regional Health Unit offers no objection to the above-mentioned application. Yours truly, I ~ ~~~ J .~. E.`Watt, D.V:MC, D.V.P.H. Director, Environmental Health Services JEW/js c.c. Bowmanville Office Z-A-I-~I-1 M E M O K A N D U M ~~~'~ !~'~ 3R1?II d(~jl g 1 ~ ~ ~.9~ ~ .~ ` `. t ~!.p? ~ ? tin"v w=`~` , n To: D.N. Smith, M.C.I. P., Director of Planning. Fri: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. J. Ferguson, C.E.T., Deputy. Subject: Application for Rezoning. COURTICE AUTO WRECKERS LIMITED. Part Lot 27, Concession 3, Darlington. Your File Z-A-1-9-1. Date: March 12, 1980. With reference. to your enquiry dated March 10, 1980, it is our understanding that the applicant, Courtice Auto Wreckers Limited, has requested the subject rezoning in order to make his operations and lands a 'legal use', and does not intend to change, or alter in any way, the existing wrecking yard. If the above is the case then this Department does not have any comment on the matter; however, if the Appllcant intends to change any aspect of the wrecking yard in the future (e.g. drainage, entrances, etc..) then it is felt that a Site Plan Agreement between Courtice Auto Wreckers Limited and the Town, will be necessary. J. DUNHAM J. FERG ON ~~• -~~~ i .. /~ r ~ LJ Ontario "' COMMLJfIICATIONS I - 9~ ~~ Information -- _ _---- _ Ministry __ __. _ _ _ _ _ ~/~~p~~~j-p~- of the ~{pn~- 1""V~""-r Environment ~`~ n ~ y c.~ 1981 O1 29 ~~ Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3AG Attention: J. h1. hlcIlroy Dear Sir; Re: Industrial Waste Disposal Site Study Preliminary Investigations In 1980, cun;ulLants for the Ministry carried out a preliminary field investigation study of a number of industrial waste disposal sites in Ontario, including Lwo sites in the Town of Newcastle. These sites are lucated on the property of Courtice Auto Wreckers at two different sites as shown on the report maps. The studies included testing tor' the presence of gas and leachate and documenting any apparent imLracts arising from the production and migration of these contaminants. The study results have been released to the property owner for the above sites, and-the property owner has been requested to inform us of his plan of action on the report recommendations. Enclosed fur your information is a copyof the consultant's report dealing wiUi the above sites, the report is also being released to the public. if you have any questions in this regard please contact the writer. Yours truly, ~ . G.B. Nelson, P. Eng. District Officer Industrial iri~,~trr,enl Section GBN/nsiW-H ~ ~ / ~ /w{ ~ rr" ,^ ^ ~ 3 ~ { }! ~ rA' - ~ '. a . ~, iF as r Y~~, 2.2 _ c3 .. YDRr; ` DURHAM D1STR~CT; Five Sites have been identified in Lhis Industrial Waste District of the Central Rcgien as candidates for Phase I study. The five sites, whose locations are shown on the "site locations" map in ,,t~,e pocket at the back of the report, ar'~ tl`iscussed in order of the assigned sate numbers. 5 t I f • 4 I k Description: At this site Courtice Auto Wreckers :has been operating for a number of years. Wastes-are generally assgciated with those from wrerkad automobfiles, that is metallicS, ruSEed parts of cars., glass, batteriesr of)s, gasoline, rubbef and cloth. In addition, spent foundry sand, coal ash, roetaltics and phenols have been reported to hate been landfilled in on-site depr•ession~. The wastes that would cause most environmental concern from this site are metals' {Cr, Cu, fe, Pb, Mn,'ai, Zn} chlorides, and petroleum products. C'onclu,;icn~ and Xecommen:Qrio~:a: 2.2.1. COURTIC_ AUTQ ~iR~GK R~ {SITE 1 This preliminary study indicated that no major environmental problems are. associated with this site. Nonetheless, the physicdl setting, bhe shallow nature of the water table, the on-site presence of combustible gas, the presence of petroleum products on the around and the evidence of possible ground water contamination indicate thaE further study is required. It is likely. that combustible yes found on-site may be reiatr>d to the waste petroleum /,(~ :' • _, 17 _ ~~> _. products and may therefore be localized and not representative of a large combustible gas source. Furthermore, possible ground water contdminatior, may be the result of other factors. 7o Letter delineate the extent, origin and environmental threat posed by the combustible gas and potential ground water contamination, the following! recommendations are made: 1. Samples of the combustible gas" should be collected and analysed tb better define its compasitidn and hence it8 origin. During winter months, nearby. residences should be manitared'rputinely for the presence of contbustiDle qas until gas analyses prove the threat Co public safety to be insignificant. 2. Further sampling of nearby water wells should be undertaken and water levels measured. Along with routine indicator parameters, samples should be tested for phenols, iron, gas and ail and heavy metals. Residents should also be interviewed about possible taste, odour and colour in well r,~ater used for domestic purposes. ;;, s ~ ~rr~~, <, ~`,. ~aaw~:. The ~ourtice Auto Wreckers site was visited on November 11th, T980. Detailed results of information collected during the field visit are included in the Appendix, The =najor site features and samplino locations are shown on the map provided. ~. ~c~ 11 ~'' ~: B ~' ~~ At the time of our field inspection ttre site was almost entirely covered with wrecked vehicles. Nc major environmental impact was determined during this study. However, some concern is noted with respect tc ccn.bustible gas and ground water contamination. Corsrbustl6le gas was noted at a 4.9> level towards the northern part of the property some 20 to 30 m from the 'closest building. No combustible gas was found in local buildings although investigators were refused entry in the closest 'dwelling. It is possible that the positive reading on-site may have been the result df small cii end petraleum spills which wer°e conenOn in the wrecking yard. Thtis~ numerous pil and petroleum spills are a source of potential ground water contamination. They may leach to the w1~,er table and by lateral ground water flew rnove~to adjacent domestic water wei r. One well nearby (61) revealed near-surface water levels and area „ Dwellings are equipped with sump-pumps ir;Dicating high water table conditions. The same well indicated above-normal cc:7ductivity and chloride readings although water alleyedly fram a well between the.site and 61 indicated scc~~what better water quality. 'n'hile the elevated chloride and conductivity levels may be the result of other factors, these preliminary results justify further ground water investigations. The presence of 1.5 m of foundry Sands at the fronC of the property presents a potential source of phenols and metals contare,ination. ~~~ ~.2.2 l~ - C0;?kTiCE GRAVEL PITS 517E 2 L~ ~tLor: __-_~~~~ At ;:his site, three inactive gravel pits have been used for the disposal of „antes, mainly from the constr'u'ction in:i::stry. The wastes include, concrete, bricks, wood, dry wail, asbestos and fourrdr~• sand. Ir, addition i t has been re;~pisrted by local residents that a' sl~_~~ide has been filled in Pit 6. Iiict :castes Chat would cause most environmental concern at this site are those associated with metallic ma r,~;facturing; that is, foundry sand and ether wastes which may include, oil, grease, chloride, metals, phenols, pair}±, plastics and machining and n;illing waSCe pr°oducts. As Pit A is not ferreed, scnie domestic refuse has also been dum;.;rd presumably by~1ocal residents. ~'~__,~ 1,~~. _trt~i Rr3oon,r,~a,t~ut~orts: ~' -.j At fire time of our field inspection no adverse environmental impact was noted. Surface dnd ground water was found to t,e ~;f satisfactory yvalityand only a trace of combustible gas was found in one ao~iar hole. Some waste in all three pits occurred on'surface and is thus subiect to vapid leaching from direct precipitation. Doe to thesandy nature of the cverburden deposits the potential exists for rapid movenrent of contaminants to the we ter tab u. This preliminary study coulc; neiCher confirm or refute the presence of the sludge repurtediy deposited in Pit 6. a {. F ' b~.: ~r ,~ -13- .....,. j-~°I Qased on our study findings the following recommendations are made:: 1. The sludge reportedly disposed in Pit D should be located and ~dentrfied. IP it is located and found to contain noxious compounds, a ground water monitoring prograi;3 is recommended. 2. R11 pits should be cleaned up and the construction waste buried. Tech~,£eaZ Background: 1 ~ k f+ 1 ` ~'F:;. 1 'r t l~ ,; , d m )lt.r fir`.. The Courtice Gravel Pits site was visited on November 11th, 198D. Detailed results of information collected during the field visit are included in the kppendix. The major site features arld Sampling locations are~showh~~jn tbe_ma~ p~ava;9~~d. h'•t@A oJ~t.gas'br ie~~hair+~~problems were ': ider~tifidd. 'fhe gravei3y sandy nature; oi° the Surffcial materials wduid'ven't anY 9errerateQ comb~rstible gas to the atmosphere. A trace amount of corhbustible gas, less than 1~, was noted in yas probe C2 but 'an adjacent probe, C3 gave a 0:: .reading, Surface water and ground water .samples.. tested indicated a satin#actpvy quality. Elevated thtarides were noted in an an-site pond in Pii F3 but were we91 within he,M•Q•E• surface water objettives. No evidence was found of sludge repo{-ted to have been deposited in Pit 8, -:~v