HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-49-97REPORT #1 z ;~ , v f4 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Date COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1997 File # Res. # By-Law # Report #: ADMTN.49-9'Ale #: Subject: .OLDER ADULTS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended; L THAT Report No. ADMIN-49-97 be received; 2. THAT Council waive the Purchasing By-law 94-129 in order that an agreement can be made for architectural services for the project with Barry Bryan and Associates Limited at an estimated cost not to exceed $85,000.00 which is included in the construction budget; 3. THAT staff be directed to proceed to tender for the renovations to the first floor of the Older Adults Centre, based on the final floor plan as agreed to by the Older Adults Committee, and report back to Council; 4. THAT staff prepare a management agreement and lease between the Municipality and the newly incorporated Clarington Older Adult Association Inc. (presently the Older Adults Committee), for Council's consideration; and 5. THAT copies of Report ADMIN-49-97 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Older Adults Committee for their information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 On October 6, 1997, Council approved ADMIN-43-97 (Attachment #1), directing staff to meet with the Older Adults Committee to refine the floor plans for the renovations of the new Older Adults Centre. 1.2 The enclosed floor plans (Attachment #2) have been discussed with the Older Adults Committee, and will form the basis of the renovations to be identified in a tender call covering construction. 1.3 The preferred plan accommodates the program requirements of the Older Adults Association. The highlights of the concept plan are an auditorium/activityarea, new kitchen, new barrier free washrooms and a new main entrance and library/lounge. o.o. °®.t~.~,. ~~ REPORT ADMIN. 49-97 2 1.4 The recommended floor plans have provided for access to the second floor and basement areas as well as designating the elevator area. It is important to include the location of these three items to avoid additional costs in the future of reorganizing the space. This was not included in the floor budget estimate prepared in July but will be acwmmodated in the overall budget of the project. 1.5 The Building Department has reviewed preliminary conceptual plans of the proposed scope of the works. As there will be an increase in the occupant load of the building, we will be required to evaluate and upgrade existing early warning and evacuation systems. The number of fire exits from the basement and an alternative to the main stair will have to be examined. The Consultant will be accommodating these improvements in the scope of work. 1.6 Staff reports to Council on July 7, 1997, ADMIN. 35-97 (Attachment #3), that the renovations of the Adult Centre will be focussed on the first floor only in the initial work program at a cost of $912,000. Staff have prepared a phasing program which will be used in the development of the Centre. Phase One: renovation of existing main level, building addition, elevator structure, stair enclosures Phase Two: elevator, elevator structure basement finishes nursery renovations mechanical upgrades Phase Three: bus lane additional parking restoration of windows/stairs 1.7 The entire project including phases one, two and three is estimated at $1,500,000.00. 2.0 SCHEDULE: 2.1 In review of the scope of work and the current tenants of the building, it is recommended that the building be closed for four months to complete the approved works. 2.2 By closing the building, this eliminates the hiring of staff to maintain areas and to avoid construction safety concerns. 2.3 All users will be notified and provided with contacts of surrounding facilities. This may be an inconvenience to some users but it is the best avenue for all parties concerned. 2.4 The Tender for the project will be advertised in mid December with closing and award report in January. It is suggested that this is a four month construction project. Tentative opening of the Centre is scheduled for June 1998 in conjunction with Seniors month. REPORT ADMIN. 49-97 3.0 MANAGEMENT BOARD: 3.1 Council directed staff to report further on the question of a Management Board to operate the Centre. 3.2 The main function of a Management Board would be the maintenance and operation of the Centre and would undertake the following tasks: 1. Responsible for all revenues and expenditures as it relates to the building operation. 2. Responsible for administering all terms and conditions of tenant leases. 3. Maintain distinct and regular accounts of its receipts and provide financial records to the Municipality for auditing. 4. Present an annual operating budget to Council for consideration. 5. Recommend capital budget items to Council during the budget process. 3.3 Through the Management Board structure, all leases including Community Care would be negotiated by Staff and all revenues will be received by the Management Board. 3.4 This, however, would create a financial problem for the Older Adults Association as it has always been the position of the Association that they would have access to the rental income from Community care to assist in covering the costs of the Seniors programming. 3.5 Under the circumstances, it is recommended that the Management of the entire facility be the responsibility of the Older Adults Association, providing them with all rental income as well as the responsibility of covering all operating costs of both the Seniors Programming and the building maintenance and upkeep. 3.6 Staff will assist the Older Adults with negotiating leases with the two major tenants. 3.7 As the Older Adults Committee is in the process of incorporating in the name of Clarington Older Adult Association Inc., staff will negotiate a management agreement and lease with the new corporation and present same to Council for approval. 4.0 LEASES: 4.1 Staff will assist the new corporation in negotiating with the major tenants and terms and conditions will be presented to Council for approval. The major tenants are: 1) Community Care (Main Floor); and 2) Lions Club Nursery School (2nd Floor). 4.2 As the Older Adults Association have exclusive use of the main area which includes the auditorium/activity areas and kitchen, the Older Adults Association will be responsible for the scheduling/co-ordination of their areas for special events, weddings, anniversaries etc. REPORT ADMIN. 49-97 4 5.0 OLDER ADULTS ASSOCIATION: 5.1 As the Association will be given full use of the ground floor area, it is important that they begin preparing for the operation of their program areas as requests are being received for hall rentals. Staff will assist the Association in co-ordinating, making arrangements and assisting the public for this significant revenue provider. It is important that the following items be addressed in a timely manner: 1) staffing; 2) booking arrangements; 3) bar services; 4) kitchen services; 5) security for special events; and 6) furnishings. 6.0 BUDGET: 6.1 As indicated in Report ADMIN-35-97, the budget for the building acquisition and upgrades was estimated at $1,349,750.00. The building upgrades, based on the technical audit report prepared by Barry Bryan Associates Limited, was $912,000.00, with funding being derived from the Impact Escrow Fund, Account #5001-50-X, as previously approved by Council. 7.0 ARCHITECT: 7.1 The firm of Barry Bryan Associates Limited has been preparing the floor plan layout and budgets of the Centre since the July 7th meeting of Council. This firm prepared for Council's review two technical audit reports on the Bowmanville Lions Centre. As the floor plan review is complete, the Municipality must engage an Architect to prepare tender documents and contract administration. Based on this firm's familiarity with this building and their experience in dealing with Older Adults Centres, staff are recommending that the Purchasing By-law be waived and that an agreement with the firm of Barry Bryan be approved to an upset fee of $ 85,000.00. The Purchasing Department is in agreement with this recommendation. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwel , Chief Administrative Officer WHS:FH:sa ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 49-97 _ - __ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # _ Res. # _ By-Law # OCTOBER 6, 1997 Report #: ATIMTN-4~-517i1e #: Subject: BO~'VMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-43-97 be received; 2. THAT funds for the purchase and renovations be derived from the Impact Fscrow Fund 5001-50-X; and 3. THAT the attached By-law marked Attachment No. 1 be approved authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary agreement. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 As approved in Report ADMIN-35-97, staff have completed the agreement for the purchase of the Bowmanville Lions Centre. The Bowmanville Lions Club have indicated their approval to the offer to purchase for the amount of $425,000. with a closing date of January 2, 1998. 1.2 The Lions Club have also submitted a list of furnishings which were excluded from the purchase agreement. This list has been forwarded to the Older Adults Centre Committee for their review and recommendations. 1.3 The Bowmanville Lions Club are dealing with the property issues and will provide clear title to the Municipality upon closing. 1.4 Staff continues to meet with the Older Adults Centre Committee to refine the floor plan for the building. The Architect and staff were in attendance at the Fall Open House of the Clarington Older Adults and received input to the preliminary design. As Council is aware, the scope of work to be included in the project is confined Co the main floor. The Architect will be meeting with the Building Department to review modifications and existing conditions as it relates to the Ontario Building Code. /2 REPORT ADMIN-43-97 - 2 - OCTOBER 6, 1997 1.5 Funds for the purchase and renovations of the building will be derived from the Impact Escrow Fund, Account No. 5001-50-X. 1.6 Once the floor plan is recommended and the Clarington Building Department has reviewed the drawings, a schedule for construction will be provided and users of the building will be advised. Preliminary discussions have been held with some of the tenants and it is expected that notification as to schedule etc. will be released before the end of October. 1.7 As deferred from the Council meeting of August 18, 1997 the structure of the Management Board has yet to be finalized. Staff are suggesting a maximum of five community members and two members of Council to form the Management Board. The Clerks Department will be requesting volunteers to sit on the various Boards and agencies for the next term of office in December, and it is suggested that the Management Board for the Centre be included. Respectfully Manager R.D.M.R., R.R.F.A. Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer Attachments `'.I 0 w a n x 0~~~~ [ ~ ~ ~ c z z~U o ~$~ 4 p. ~ ~ ~ a }} 7 J W F UL1z~ ~ z O N - ~~~ ~ O v anN3nv Haase 6 ~ U~? ~' ~ S Q~ O V i ®~ ~ `\ ~~ ~ § S / ® ~ ~ ~ g 9 / p ~ ~ Q~ ~°'~ ~r° '4i"' ' °~ ~ ' ' q~° d~ ~ ~p ~! pp pp S % ~ 6 i i ' ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...d . Q ~ ~ ~4 ,1 ,~ r I ' ~ J ~ 0. a i p ~ S ~ ~ e J ~ i a '~~ r THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~ ATTACHMENT 113 TO REPORT ADMIN. 49-97 REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res.#~ - ~~.7-`~ ~ Date: JULY 7, 1997 ~ ~ By-Law # Report #: ann-rrni_~a.g~le #: /'~/~ spy, Subject: OLDER ADULTS CEN'T'RE 1 UNFIDLNT~~ Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: L THAT Administration Report No. ADMIN-35-97 be received; and 2. THAT Council provide direction to Staff with regard to the stated offer to sell from the Bowmanville Lions Club and to execute the necessary agreement to the satisfaction of the Chief Administrative Officer. 3. THAT the Older Adults Centre Committee be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Further to Council's direction at the meeting of June 9th, 1997 staff met with representatives of the Bowmanville Lions Club with regard to the sale of the building and property at 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville for an Older Adults Centre. 1.2 Staff have reviewed the existing report by the Consultant and focused the review on developing the main floor area of the current Bowmanville Lions Centre. This review has been completed and should be considered only as a guide in establishing a purchase price for the building. 1.3 The estimate prepared as of June 30, 1997 indicates the following: Building retrofits-foundation, roof, brickwork $ 19,600. Electrical and Mechanical Upgrades $ 128,640. Code Upgrades $ 96,715. Building Expansion (4000 sq. ft.) site works $ 592,125. Kitchen Modifications 75 000. - $ 912,000. ..R k;~ ~ - RGI'ORT ADMIN-35-97 -2- JULY 7 1997 ~r «~ 1.4 The Clarington Building Department has not been contacted with regard to any of the proposed works and may have comments as to existing conditions and modifications under the Ontario Building Code as per Council's request. 1.5 The Bowmanville Lions Club have submitted a letter indicating a selling price of $425,000. which was passed at a meeting of the Lions Club on Wednesday, July 2nd and excludes all furnishings and equipment. ,.~2 1.6 Discussions with the Older Adults Centre Committee regarding floor plans etc. has not taken place but have been appraised of the recommendations of the report. 1.7 The overall budge[ for the creation of an Older Adults Centre at the Bowmanville Lions Centre based on the current information is as follows: Purchase of the Property from the Lions Club $425,000. Building Upgrades 912,000. Goods & Service Tax 3% 1 750. $1,349.750. It should be noted that [he property evaluation was estimated at $758,000. without rehabilitation costs being considered. 1.8 The offer to purchase is to be based on the following: 1) Deal to close in Fall 1997. 2) Municipality to honour existing rental agreements for the Hall i.e. weddings. 3) The Bowmanville Lions Chub will provide clear title to the Municipality upon closing. If Council directs StaL to accept the Bowmanvile Lions Club proposal, Staff will work with the i Lions Club to finalize the agreement and transition and report back to Council for approval of the agreement. 2.0 Daros Investments 2.1 A letter dated June 25d~, 1997 has been received from Daros Investments indicating their fee of $1,700,000. plus GST and the issuance of a bond from a surety company acceptable to the Municipality for the construction of an Older Adults Centre on the John Rice properties. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Frederick Horvath, R.D.M.R., R.R.F.A. Property Manager - FH:pg W. IL Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer