HomeMy WebLinkAbout1448A supplementary By-law to provide for the 1964 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. . ' , ti - ..__~: Form OB-MR-16 (formerly MR-16) 62-3789 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows (1) The sum of $_44.000_._00-.....-.-_--- is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the constrj~etion and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19..... 0..4.... as follows A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19....6..4.: ......EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF .........CZ_a:z'~~ n Durham . ............. IN THE OF :.................................................................... DISTRICT WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Aet requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. Construction Maintenance Total RoADS ..........- ..................._......._.-.............................. . ~.. ....7...:.6.ao ©a.. $. .....9..:. ..... ?b....500. oa BRIDGES & CULVERTS ....................... . $.. ...~:.T..~.4.(30.•.00.. $.. ........................................... $.. .1~.~.4_00.._00.- NEW MACHINERY ................................... . $ .......................................... $ niI $ .......................................-- SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD ............................................... . $... .......................................... $.. ........................................... $.. ................. ..................... TOTALS $--- --~5.,..000..~.a~. $.. .....~...~.Q.Q....0.0...... $.. ..44.s.~Q.O~-~~-- (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Iighways, Ontario not later than March '31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Muni cipal Eoard shall be obtained before any ex- penditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of deben- tures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at ......QI'vTIO .................. this ~.th.....- day of ........ '~`"r'-~~ ...................._. A.D. 19...64. (SEAL) Clerk S'UPPL,i~,1~T'T'~.RY BY-LAW N0. ....~.'~..`,~.~.~ .................. ,~j~'~.. ~......~.1.../...~~ .......................... Reeve I. .._......... - - ................ - __..................._.................................., Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ......................................._..............................., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No....._ ............._.._....., passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the .................. day of .... - _._......_ ....................................... 19 ..............._. Township Clerk -` ~oRw oaCwa•+s (Pbawse~r Mte-+•) Supplementary es•e~ea TOWNSHIP OF Clarke RE: HY-LAW No. ~...~'~~ ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19~,~ i. CONSTRUCTION (Al RVAYY LOCATION (fY LOT AND CONC[ff10N) NATUR[ OF WORK MIL[f ~ [fTIMATED COST Job No. 5 Newtonville Rd. I,ot $/9, Con. 1 Rebuild 12 000 Job No. 8 Lots 1 X16-1 -18 0 4 2 -26-~ on 4 - i ' fUB TOTAL L' a 600.00 (B) BRIDGES AND CULV[RTf - TYP[ AND LOCATION Job Newtonvill d o s Job ~5 Small Culverts C.I.P. 1 000.00 Hoad Bridge Survey, Lots 8/9, Con. B.F. 500.00 Job '~-~Brid a Extension d S fUa-TOTAL 1 400.00 (C) NEW MACHIN[RY AND MACHINE fH[Df (IT[MIZ[) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERH[AD (ftt FOOTNOT[) --- /y TOTALf FOR CONfTRUCTION ~J5 ~ OOO.OO 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS -EXTRAORDINARY i RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MIL[f re~~ MIL[f GO ~-- RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR atTONE) SURFACE TREATMENT MILER ------------- ----- ROADS -ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, fWElPING ~' STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, (LADING - OOO.OO 1 DUST LAYING -CALCIUM. (ALT, OIL. !RIME _ ~ DITCHES. TIL[ DRAINS. CATCH fA81Nf. CUR1f. GUTTERS. DRAINAG[ Aff[fiM[NTf WEED .SPRAYING. CUTTING. fRUSHiNG. FENC[ IeONUf GUIDERAIL, SIGN(, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL -SNOW FENCE. PLOWING, iANDING. SALTING SUB-TOTAL $ ~ OOO. OO (B) fRIDG[S AND CULVERTf MAJOR REPAIR( (DEfCRIB[) MINOR REPAIRS fuB-droTwL q_ Q ~ n_ 0 Q (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OV[RH[AD (f[[ FOOTNOT[) TOTALf FOR MAINTtlIANC[ 9 000 OD GRAND TOTAL $ 4, ~ O O O. O O day 5 1 6 4 . '= w~~ shit/ Ro.d suvsrintenaent - - p~ If Insulliclettt room attach additional aMeta `hint the dad in tM form Indit:ated NOTE: SuperMtendence and Overhead may be distritwted betwan ConsttaCtimt and MatlttManCa In tl+e P-oYortian Ihat total of Items 1(s) and 1(b) bear to total of Items 2(a) aa0 ZN)• r. ,_ ~ .~,,,,....... m.d.>.~r~~. ~~~y,~ Sup~lementarv J2Y~Y1tii'_i~o~ 1 ~ h~? A by-law of the Cornoratlon of thL Township of Clarke to provide for the lahlr expendittares on rows i n the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. 1~assed - 5 ~iay 1961, `~. L, M~llson, Clerl~ . -- ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. July 27th, 196+. Mr. H. E. Millson, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 37, ORONO, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementaryy Road Expenditure By-law No. 148 Amount - ~ 4,000.00 ~- /~ ~ ,, Please be advised that the above cited by-law,; , which was previously approved in part, has beP,n given further consideration. As a result the Honourable C.S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has authorized a further approval in the following amount: ~ 9,000.00 for Maintenance. This letter, togethRr with the endorsed copy of the above by-law now in your possession, will indicate the total amounts now approved. Should you wish to have the additional amount endorsed on your copy of the by-law please return it to this office. Yours very truly, ~7 JPH/cp J.P. Howard, Attach. Municipal EngineRr. .-- ~ ~ ~O-. t..e...,..- C.. a. u.e-.~.. ~ 7 ~~!~-'' ~. ~~~~. ~ . ~ ' ~ ONTARIO D[PARTM[NT OF HIGHWAYS Tp. Downsview, Ontario. June 2nd, 196+. Mr. ~i.E. Millson, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 37, ORONO, Ontario. Dear Sir: ke: Supplementar Road Expenditure By-law No. 1 ~8 Amount - ~ ~+~, 000.00 The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, I~iinister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above-cited by-law to a limit of ~ 35,000.00 for Construction, and ~ ~-. fr.,~ _.~ ,~r nil for Maintenance . 35 000 00 . Total The amount for construction has received consider- ; ation as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the current year and the approval is given. SUBJECT TG THE FOLLOWING COTJDITIOTuS: 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out iri the by-law and supporting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose, without the prior consent in writing of the Municipal Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Niunicipal Roads Division. 3. That the District Niunicipal Engineer shall be in- forrr~ed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or ,purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of deben- tures, the approval of the Ontario Tunicipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect theret a A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Note: The Maintenance portion oi'~;his Yours very truly, by-law will be considered at a later date. . ~~:.~,P~~~.~_~ ~-~,~~.~~, ~~ J. P. Howard, nr ~'~~ ~~~` "` Municipal Engineer, Encl. ~-~6 ~ ;~;,~.,. Operations Branch.