HomeMy WebLinkAbout1449A By-law to raise $75,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. The Council of th®'Corporation ~©~' the Town- ship of G1Qrke pursuant to The Ti 2.e Dra~.nage A.at enacts as follows; 1. That the Reev® may .from ~i'me to time, sub~eat to the provisions of this by-Iaw, borrow'. on 'the ~redi t of the Corporation of the ~uniaipal.ity such sums not eaQee- 8in~ in the e~hole $7,000.00 Qs may be determ2ned bg the Council, and may in ~.anner hereinai'ter provided, issue debentures of the Corporat©n in such sums `as the Council may deem proper. for the amount so bore©wed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 of the skid Act. 2. Subject to Section lt? ©f the 'Tile Drainage Aat, when the Council is of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose a2' constructing a tide,. stone ar timber drain., should be granted in whore or in part, the Council. may, by Resolutioh, dirsut the R®eve to issue debentures as 'aforesaid aid to borrow a sum not eseceeding the amount apple8 for, and mey lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage wOrZfs. 3. A speQial annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above alI other rates upon-the land in iii .,.u~a~-ate...: a.:..~., ~.c Fv..:: ...4~...:u ~r: '-:~._.L.e:.]k~,. ~ae:...d~i... w_..w,.aitvr.:. »u[i'-'~.. Yt~. -...x a,4.i.~F:sGi.'~.t ~o ::Lv .a ~.~., .~,r3 ...,.~.._.r~y nl _~ ,.~_..r ~.....7.x a ..i...._~.. _.. .ns ~.,..~. ..sue. i-~.,.,...vu. ...a ~1:,591:iL~..... r~rt<ii~ 1 /~ ," i ry - ~~ .. respect of which the money is borrow®d, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Aat. 4. This By-Law replaces By-Law No. 1444 which wse repea2e8 by By-Law No. 144. Read a FIRST and SECOND time this 5th dag of Bray, 1964. ~~~ `~ ~e Z:1e~. Read a THTRD time and finally pawed'this ~~day of a,y~=r 1964. _. _. 5:: E ~lr, L ~-. ~~: ~, +~~ ~.,~~_ -~~_ ~~_ ~+.r^~~r'+.~+s~s~s~.w;~~.w~~riz.~.,,~.r~rr;~k,~ti~,..u.c.,s~~-. , .. _ ~ , ........ ..._ ~ ~ .~ ....,, , . ,. ,. . _ ._ .. ._ .. .. .. Bo-Law No. 1l~~~? A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to raise X75,000. to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. Read a first ~': second time- s May 196+. Read a third time F, passed- !~ August 1a6~. H. E, Millson, Clerk.