HomeMy WebLinkAbout878A Bylaw to regulate the erection and provide for the safety of buildings within the limits of the Police Village of Orono. Iri~~?~ector o~ Build.in;~s. (3) A permit '~O more a building to another location 3h~.11 not '~,s granted if suoh b« ~l:~ing hma bc~sn t ::.rte ~;ed to a : rc ter e~Cent th.~ fifty per eeat o' its original v~lus, ~y r~~:;,~.r ~n ter. tie ~.,etit~,- or the elements, #ss a~ b;~ other ma~:ra• (4) A ch.az~e 1ti~- ~f ~ builder 1 ~s ~t~~i.;res~t 2" Ur et icaat of ~.1~ ~ ~~ab; : at t~~ -.ie~a ~~' ~~ ~,~-3~.zr. n.. . -2- (5) Repairs and alte_Mations to arty building to the extent osT over ' t''~.3'ty per cent of thc~ value of such building, as it wa.s before szzeh re~~airs and altere.tions were commenced, shall be consi~tered a re- erection of suoh buil~~ing and subject to the provi;,ion~ of this B y-1 ~:w. ~. APPZIC ~2~ z oxs The application for permit s2~a11 be on the of~ieial i'ormsto be obtained from the Inspector of Buildings, f~.nd shall be in duplicate. The applicasnt shall give else-rly ~+.nd fu11y the information required to completq the raid application forms including the probable cost of the proiao~aea work for which a permit is rec~uest8d, any shall ver-~'ity the correctness of tho information supplied in the said appli~.ation by a statutory decl<: ration if required by the Inspector o f Buildings. The applicant shall pay t o the Ins,+a ec for o f Buildings vrith each application for Y~ermit or ~:°or ceviation from permit the sum of One do1lY_~r, which fec; s~!lall cover the e~~amin~ition of the appllo~t ion, the issuing o f the ,~ ermit and the in pact ion of the building. 4. PT,~',AT~ ~ ~i~RCIi~'ICA'~,I~~'S The Applicant shall submit with the application, in duplie~z.te, dr~~wings, including stress :~hnets :for tru:~aes, ~~nd specii:ieations, suaficient to enable the Inspector of Buildings to obt~3in full a.nd complete information ~.;s to t,1~e extant and character of the pro~~o.,®d work. He shall also submit a bloc=k plan or a certi~_'ied survey by an Onta~~io Land Surveyor if so required by the Ins~~~~etor of Buildings, chewing the location of the propo;~ed builc~.ing ~vith re:;.pect to the street end prop©rty lines and other buile~in~,s and ;~t~:•~:~.cf,ur. es at present lo_~:tad na:~on the 9~ ,, a~~erty a.nd thc~ add oix~ing properties which block plan or eer•t~~fied survey aha.ll rQmain on ~il© in the office of the Inspector of Buildings. All cry ,pings submitted shall be in blue or white prints, and shall be made to a scc,le of not lase than one-eighth of an inch to the foot, fu11y dimensioned, aQanrE:.tely figured, explicit a.nd eomi,lete. In speez~.l cL_>es a smaller scale may be al1o~~;°ed. 5. ~~ ~,P , ~ ~.a ~iIT 3 ZY the matters mentioned in any application for a ~;e mit or if the ~~~ !tr in~a, sus a i ~ is at i onat, or b1 ook p1~:~n ar k-~~zr~o,~ d~.bmi: t«~d ~saith tho ~~ _ li~°t S o1~3, ~ ~'. !Date to the In.~~>ootor ai' N~.Y11din~o that the c~ror~ ~ gr o~~d to be c~~one ~il~. not o oily in ~~~.1 rm:;:~~,~c,at~ ,pith the ~s~vri~1 of this B~-l~~~t, he oh~ll not l,1~~Y~e ~ s:oa°a~~19.t t~'~.c~rfor, . I~,t sh~t11 be i stZOC~ ,.~xttil the riffs. 1ia~t i.on, ~r~~in~ ', ,rt~~:i*~,tR~t ~. 1tld~ek ~rl.~n ,~s ~c~e to r.on.form to the rcy~~~3. ~;~t~trnfid t licz~tion, dr~.~rin~, ea,eai~'ia€~tiana ~.n~. block ~l~in ~~ o~~or~ tc~ the ror~~~i~ewents of this H9-1~~w the :Lnoi3c~otor ~, ~;~ ehs 11 st , th o ci x ;.,~rin~-s oxtd epe tibia of i ox~e v~ith hi e s w ~o~ etg~-~, i °sm.a the ~ormit, aelivor ono sot of the Q~o,id ~~~~~ s~ e~eoifios.tione to the s,~~?lic.~s~nt ~~~~ari rr~c~~xc~dt, t~.nd ~.i~ thy: other sot. it hoil~ con£liisio~~,1 ho -°c7~'~:x that t'he: r~.-x.:i~~±~~nt's set ehnll ~.t e.~.l times be ~ss~t o~ the s~ror7,: rangy. .v~~.l~=~~~~-o s ortox of ~3ttilc~ in~?;:~ ©r his ti~d~i...~tr~~.ts. It ie r,~,eo ~:~^ov~.~ {ci ~ ~ the i~~ K t~.. t ra•°~ ithor the ~r~~ntin; of s ~or~°.it na~r t~ho 3.n~+~r~at~:n~ae ~s~~~'by ~; ~1r ~: ~cto r c~ ;i~ilca in~;s or o.ny off' his m;~,ixt~~:nte t~-i~.:i°in~ tho •~x ~ on o ~ the bz~.il~? ing, in r~.ny rr~~ re~.io;v~-s the o5d~.~xr or the €.~~ont, ~-x t~ he ~rahi~' ao~ of cy~xc~h ~a ils` ink;, ~'ro~m fa~.ll rc~:~~-~ans i~:,ilit,~ for ~ he or ~-r , ink- ons~ o ~ the ~toxl~ In ;~.,, ric~"~ ~aoorao.na ~ ~ritxa t:~;o x~o~~~~.3.ror~c;nts o~ this 8,~-ls~eo or for tho :~t€~bil.ity of $~te t~` ~. ~€~..~``s~f ~°~, a'~'~ :~ ': 'n thr~r ~,ro~ icy t~c~ that ra. ~g~armit is ~;rt~.xite~. e~rslt~:eiv'+~ o:~ °:~ ~~ert~it esion for licc~n:se or other ,~uthottt,~ to nse the ~~royrtiRxot~. It is e~lao r ot*ic~etl that r~11 s,~,~li ,~~nt8 f'or ~ti~s~'~d.t ,~~:e.ll ire ;~;~:~ r~cii#~t~rd: b~+ Zn=;}?ootor of I3uilci ~.n~'8 to ~aor~x~~o a aoxs~' of thin H~-J.~ €>:.nd. ~ ~u-ke aa~fir~~ote thorefor~. It sh~~ 1Z b is unlt ~ ;T~f~~.l t o ear^~, ; ~o , alter or' ~~oct ~. f,~ ~~.n;,, ~! x: ~in~:a o r e-Teri:"irt~t;i.ox~-~~ t~t~.~~;~nc~ci b the Ins; oa~,or o~: .F3liilc~ inz'~3, in ~.cr3oi ~9.;~.nc:e with --- ~tiole 6 0~: this I3,y~-l~t~, t;~~it~hout t; h; eon~~ent of tie Ixz~ ^t-' or of Hu3.~.i~.in€-s. If. ~',uring the pro..~s:3 oa thQ ;~c- rk, it 1s a c~l~,pli.iat ~.on, st~*~~=e~ei ; ~ :~.~~tn~s or ,a;mci:~io~^,~. ~'°~~;,1~-~c3 to !~'~'iz~td :from th bons, notics~~ of rah intr~ntion to cievitito ~h~tll ba ~ in •:ritin t a thQ In~:s~~oc:i~or of ~3~~ilc1in~~sa, :1ho~~e con:iont~ ~3hr~.1 First ba o~t~.ino~. ~, s £ -¢ - ~~t~to each devintio3~ be made, and, if the s^.id Insi~aotor of Buildin~;n A W E o~~f".owe it x~ecese<~ry, anew or revised a>;plication, together with ~' ~~ ~v-ieed ~lrr:~ing$, specifications and block paa,n, shall. bQ ~o~ ~'or approTel. ::T" ZGN_'~~Y : G ,~-~~ 3 Ox INSPr,C TOR OF BUI>i~) INGS . ~ s,e-stiff ~~ee, -~,ich ~.zs hie ~n gment warrant it, the ~'. ri'~" it I~rrmi'~ ~tcah deviL_tion from the By-la~,~s ~' +~`ioa et ~ra.i13. in,ge sa hs mry deem Proper and safe ~'~i for tl~e cire~s 4sne :s. ~. ! ZC ~~~.7's ~;::Z OF ~'ERTiITS. k ~ p~rmmit shall e: Aire if active work is not commenced ~~%ithin r o ~ ~~l of eiz maths fr om the dat® o~ Sts is,:~ue, but ~-ahen it has ~r,lrod it may be reneti~,ed after a reasonable length o:C time, at the ~re~tion of the Insp©otor of Buildings, y~rovin ed the propeeed vfork ~o f~E to comply with the provisions of th3e By-law as revised to ~"~o '~ ime o f t he ~:~ r op o :~ e d r an~,ti~a a 1. ! ~. 3~T~~ :°~ ION 0 ~' P 1{~ F? R~tIIT S eery permit shall b® subject to revocation sh ould the Inspector ~'. ~~ ]Iaildin~s ascertain that the work being carried on under such permit !o Le1.ag dale in a manner that does not ~4easonably comply in every re~~~ct with the requirements of this By-law, or, in the opinion of the said Inspector of Buildings if satisfactory progress is not ~oi~ tide to complete the said work, The revocation of a permit sthas?1 be in ~^riting, and shall be served on the ot~ner or his agent, orr, in their ab°enoe, on any person doing ar~,y of the work, after 'kh~r revocation of a permit all work shall at once cease u~cn the butl' ins or structure. RIGHT OF 1~VTRY TO BUTI.~>INGS. The Insl~eetor of Buildings o~~° his assistants shall h~:<ve the right to visit, ent~;r and insi~ect from time to time and at a.ll reasonable curs, (a) each built ins hich ma; be in course of erect ion, r It drat ion, settons'ruction or being rea ;fired or rQrecked, or (b) arty building ~rnich he h~.e reason to believe is in n c'~an~~eroue or deft.ctive condition iz: regard to its cons ruction, or th~~~ough damage by fire or accident, oz (o) arty building ;^hich he has reason to believe is b Ding u~> ed T ~nr~nose for ~~ ich it is no'; slait?d b,y re~.son of its constrizatian. L ~~ 12. ~~I~OIIS $UILDINGS (l) '~`Jhenever, in the opinion of the Inspector of Buildings, a,ny building or part of any building, fror,~ any cause or defect, is in a dan~e;rous condition or unsafe for the r~urpose for which it is being used: the skid Inspector shall noti~'y tl~e osmer or his went in ~rrt$ing speciL'ying wherein such danger consists or vrherein such building is unsafe or de'ective. The owner or his went shall proceed at once to put such building or part thereof in a safe condition. (2) If the Inspector of Buildings finds any building or part of any building in such condition as to endanger life or to be liable to cause serious accident, and believes that such danger may be averted by the immediate application of precautionary meo,sures, h® shall have pati~rer to take such precautionary rnea,sures as in his opinion may be .necessary to render said building or part thereof $afe, provided the ow»ar, lesses~ occupant or agent of said building refuses or neglects to carry out such neasures irtvmediately on being notified so to do in writing by the Inspector of Buildings. All costs incurred iM connection tYiere~~ith shall btie borne b~T the oemer or agent of the building and if not paid foxthti;rith nay be collected in the same manner as expenses and costs under Article ?8 of this By-law l3. OCOU~ED AND UxdCOP2PLE'TED BUILDINGS Unoccupied buildings and buildings left uncompleted shall be so protected by barricadint,, or other means, as to afford protection against accident to persons in or about the premises. 14. ,~,~,~,~~JITION OF TERT,t The following terms shall when urea :gin this By~l.alr hav4 the meanings assigned to them as follovrs:- (l) "O~~tER" shall mean any person, firm, corporation or agent controllin the property under consideretior.. (2) "FIRST STOREY" sha11 mean the storey the floor of which is the first floor above the level of thirty inches below the finish©d grade, measured at the middle paint of the front of the building. (3) "SECOND STOREY" shall mes.n the storey the floor of ~t~.ch is first above the first storey. ( HIGkiE1i STOREYS shall b~ numberejd similarly in re{;ula.r succession counting upwards) r~wr (4j "PARTY V~(A&~," aha11 mean a wall built upon the dividing ltne bet roe en ad~aining premisc~e for the use of bath promisee. (bj '~EXTE~AZ ~YA7.h" shall mean an outside enelasing wall of a buil~.ing or atructur®. (6 j "D1'~ETS,ZRf~" shah. mean a buildi~„ either dete.ched or in a row, used solely as a residence, and occupied by not more than two farnlles. E (~j "STORE t~P ~]4I~P" shall mean a building used for the sale of merchandise retail. (8j "MA.I~SARD x00"" c~hall mean a rooi', or a portion thereof', which also serves as an external wall of the build.rtg, the rafters having s a slaps or batter of net les;> than one extd one-iis,lf neheII, nor' more than six inches, horisantally, to one Foot, vertically. (9 j "SUNROOI6" sha11 man a room autoide the main 8nalasi ng walls of a bu ild ing, and ere at ed for the purpose c~P prov idi ng a larger amount of light and air than is generally provided fpr an ordinary roam. ,# aiai~ win<<ow area of forty per Dent of the floor eras. of tho o~ eball be considered as i~ilfilling this requirement. ~~) "RSPt1II3S" eha11 meant a r©newal of ax~- pert dr p~~rts of an existing builci.ing by which its fire risk or strength !,!t not af`:~ected. (llj ""PERMIT" wh®n issued- bye the xnspeator of ;Suildirigs, shall mean certificat~.on by him to thr~ ef'~eat that the plans and spec~ifiQatians anbmitte8 far examination grid approval, aomp~,y, or have been made to eomply, roith the requirement.3 of this By-law'. (12j "APPROYEb" shall mean approved by the Inspector of Buildings unless speaia~.ly m®ntianod otherwise. ls. RE ~~u xRr:T s rf~'HE:N DANGi~~ROUs ~rery owh~7r, occupant or other person using a building in which ax~y fireplace, hearth, oven, boiler, furnace, stave, steam pipe, stovepipe, flue or ~plaae for keeping ashes is deemed by the Inspector of Buildings to be ds,n~:eraus in c€~.using or promoting fires, shall, upon rece~.ving notifiaatian Pram the nail Inspector of i r' Builcl.ings so to do, immediately disc~antinue the ass of or remove the same as may be direoted. ,,.' ls. ,~ ~ zap' o~ ~~cay~~ Staves lac€~ted in a~ blxildix~,g e~ha11 bc~ so pl~3.cad s„~ to provi«e .."j.. a clear space of at least two Feet between the top pf every such stove and any woadwork immediately above it and a clear space of at least nine inches between any side of every such stove and any woodwork. 17. ~'~~'E The occupant of any building .shall not permit any pipe hole in a chimney in such building to remain opens but shall see that it is closed with a stopper or register o$ metal of other incombustible material. ~. .~QRAGE QP A (~.) All depositories o£ ashes shall be~built of brick or rather inaomb~stible material without woad in any part thereof. (~) No parson shall place or keep any hot ashes. in any wooden boa or other vrooden vassal, or t~rithin three feet oi' any wooden construction. 19. NA~~, ~l'RAu~T ~~~U.., ETC UATPI~GTEGTE~3 (1) No person shall. place or permit to be platted any quantity of hays strawy. sa~rdust, rubbish or other cambustibl® material uncovered in his yard, courtwyard or other vacant ground within fifty feet oP any building;- ~d then only as approved by the Inspector of Buildings. (2) No person shall keep ice stored in sawdust in any building unless the external walls of such building are sufficient to keep the sawdust entirely within the building; and. such building is kept locked or atherwis~a closed from public aseess. 20. ~~~~ ~tUB~3ISH No person sh~.ll burn any rubbish within :Fifty feet of any building ux~3.ess such dire is enclosed in a mewl incinerator approved by the inspector of Buildin.,s or is guarded by some groom person from the tine the Fire is lighted until it is completely extinguished. 21. ,~~~G ,QR I3AV=NG LIC~iTG No person shall smoke dr have in his possession any lighted p ipe~ cigar, or cigar®tte or carry or permit any light, unless such light is enclosed in ~ahs or other incombustible material, in at~y stable carpenter shapy ice house or other buildings where there is hays straw, sa~rdust' or other combustible material. 2~3. ZN~S.~~4r~1A~~ QUIDS (1) Ida person shall haves heap or store any greater quantity -8- than o~ gallon of naphtha, ga~aoline, or other similar combur~tible, inflatsd~ble ~r aangdro~r l~gta.d in any plans euospt as is hereinafter provic~el. (2) Sueh liquid may be kept in the tank o f a~,y automobile bs ing used fram tune t o time by its own®r„ (~) A quantity of such liquid nut sxcaeedin$ fiQe gallons be kept by any parson provided, it is stored outside of aby building in a oonta3ner, the top of which shall be ~'~ttried into the ground not f # less than one foot below the surface of the ground. E (4) A quantity of such liquid in er~oee® c~ five gallons may be ~ kept by any person provided it is storel outside of building in an approved ~an8 properly e~onstrut.tel steal tank, the top of which shall be buried into the ground not less than one foot below the surfacs of the grt7and. suoh tank sha11 bs looatsd and rns.intainel entirely ~~teicle of any building and not closer tkan three fast to aar~,y b:3seetent or Qellar wa11. It shall bs filled by m pipe extenling to the eu~faoe of the ground, having an approval screw crap €~nl 1©ok at the top. The liquid shall be drawn from the tank by properly constructed pipes, pine and vents, a.ll of wh1Qh shall. be 1oQate entir.el,~ outside of a~ building. ~~+- ~? ISIO OF PO CTS Y Z7.AGE 7]~TO F ~~ L TS The whole area of the Police Village cr! Orono is dividel into two fire c~.stricts which are known €ae Ztm~,t ,~ and Limit B. I~1MIT A comprises the following lands;- Those parts of lots twenty-sight and twenty-nine in the fifth oonoession of the Township of Clarks in the County of ]3urha~a more parti.c~.arly describe) as follows s - yots five, six sand seven on the east s ie~s of Main Street in Block "M" according to the registers) plan of the Village of Orono made by C. G. Banning P,I..;, ~ all of $lotsk 0 according to the sail Plan; Zcrt fifteen 9.n Block "q" acctr ding to the :~a.il plan; • That p Farce l o f land on the west aide of Ma.iz~ Street lying incmediate ly north of dot one in Block "P" according to the =aid plan having s frontage on the west side c~ Main Street of One htmdr~l and t~cyent~r-seven fa®t by a depth of ....two aha3ne; cad, Zots one to thi,~esn bath inclusive. on the west aide of Main Street iu Bl©ok nP~ accorling i -~• to the said-plan. LIP~TIT D coLnprises the whole of the Police Village of Orono save and Qxcept those lands included in Limit A above described. Z4. ti7AL~,s~,~QOFINGS AND C~iIP~IATEYB Except as athervrise permitted by this ey-laws in bath trie fire limita specified in Article 23 the external and party walls of all buildings ar additions to buildings shall be constructed of brick, Portland. cam®nt concrete or hallow blocksi tile, terra-cottai stone or other incombustible materials having roofs covered with felt and gravel, slated iron, tin, file or such prepared roofings as may be approved by the Can~.di.r~,n dire Underwriters Association as first class incombustible roofing, and having all chimneys constructed of solid concrete not less than four inches in thi~kziess with the lining or of stone or brick and built from the ~;ro~i' 25. CONCESSIONS IN LI~~~TT A Notwithsta~iding the provisions of s.rticle 2~, in Limit A the t'alio~ring construction is permittedi- ~1~; a buildings not exceeding thirty-five feet in height may be er~~li grovided the outside face of the woodwork forming the outside walls is (a) veneered with brick or cement blocks or (b) strapped with one-inch by t~ra-inch strapping~a spaced not more then sixteen inches a.~art on centres, and lathed, ~alastere~ and roughcast or stuccoed. (2) ,'looden.verandahs may be erected u~~ to ~.nd including the first storey of swellings. (3) ~'Tooden cornices suy~ported by r.rood®n lookouts or braceta may be erected upon buildings not exceeding thirty-Five feet in height. (4) Galleries, verandahsi sunrooms or balconies constructed of wood may be erected in connection with u.ny buldir~ up to ~~.7r1c1 including the second s~COrey thereof' but all sunroom and balcony sash shall be movable. (5) The roofs of dwellings not exceeding thirty-Five feet in height and the roofs of shsds, stables and garages not exceeding t~renty feet in height may be oovered with shingles provided such shin,g3.es are laid in mortar or upon at least one thickness of asbestos paper w®igbing not lass than fourteen pounds per one hundred L -~.~- eq~.ara feet. It is provided however that manaard aat~~ arm. far windows eo Qonstruc~ted shs~ll be Iodated at 1®ast tw® lest distant from the boundary line between the pradi~haes and the ®;i~1.ng premised, exopet where t}m aei,~ Dining p rem, ee e s a public highway. ~ lieu of the ahing]:es a~,d aabestba paper ,: herein specsi:~iec], for rn~naard Z'o4i'8 and dormer windy slate, t i~.e or 6eaent stucco may b® substituted. (6) ~' game building now stax3d~lg may be (a) 1luneered with brick or Dement blocks, dr (b) strapped with oi~-ineh by t~rowinoh strapping spaQed riot snore than sixteen inches apart on centE~r@!, and lathed, plastsr~d and x'oughoa+at ~r stuoot~ed, er (~a) Qovered. eaoept in cased flf building+~i to be aced Per human habitation, offices, stored or ilhop~r~with xrsw gal~ranize~d metallic aiding. 26. GQ~CES~3I4>&~ ~~ l~~' ~IYYYi1riY~I~Y W M~Yirll~l Y"IIY IYIIi~Y~I~iY~ Act ~thstand3aag the"proviaiona of artoia ~ in ~i~tt B the following oonstruotion ie permitteQsY. (1j Frame buildings not exceeding thirty-rive feet in height Da erected provided the o~gtfiside Ease of the wvQdwoac'lc farming the outside wails 3.a (a} renee-red r-ith brick or aeme~tt blgalca, or tb j strapped arth ane-inch by tw©-ix~dh strapping apacaed not more than sixteen inohe+e apart on centers, and lathed, plaster~,d a~td roughcast or stuaaged, or (c-) covered with metallic aiding. (~) Fr'~ae buildings dot exoee8~g thirtyfive feat in height and aldditiona thereto, ha~t~tg the ~-tudding forming the oultside wally covered on the outside with a~lap'~oard~r ®r tongued a~#. grooved siding, or sheeted with one-inch 1'umber may be ere at ed. (3) The rnofe of bulde not exoeed~ .thirty-five feet height may be coverc;d with eh3ngZea or other type of raofing, which may be laid directly upon the room boarding. 87. ~•T~~ (1) ,Axty person convicted of a breach of eny of the provisions of this $y-law :hall forfeit and pay,, at the discretion df the convicting ~gi>strate, a penalty not exceeding (e~lueive of coats) the sum of Pity dollars for each o~'~ence,r axid in default of payment ~~r e~' the said penalty and c oets~ forthwith, the sa!& penalty sad o ost s, t~ r costa only, may be levie Q by ai et tees ~d sale p f the boo&~. and chatte]s of the dff'ender aid ix~ sass vi' them being ~~ d~.9~t~rese '' aAd costs " four. o~tt of which sash pe~lty^pan be levSea, the convioting ~ag1s gate +~ the offextde~- to the Oom~rtv~ct Qael with ~-r vrith~-ut hard labor for peri~ci sot exoeedi~ s3i Ca.lcndar months unleee~ the said. penalty amd costs (if any) inclucl.ing the aoets ~~' the ~~ distress and of tha m~m~itte~l ax~l. con4eyelncie of the offender. to the said g8~1 afire sooner pa~,d. (Ej The penalties i~tposed by er under the authority ~~ this ~y-3.aw <~ha11 be rc~o04erable u~tt~1lr the pntario ~ummdrq CEpnviations 1~_c~t ~ a13. the prc~vieions of wha~h ~xall aPp~,B' t4 ~ p~~rlas~ltl~-n urger this Bq-la~ar. ~N ~ ~ ~ ~w•+O+~IIiMIW11-~I-I II~IWt~~~ Upb~ a c~onvic~t~.orf. far a b~'eatah pf a,ny of the provisiox~ of this Her-law, the aonvictin~ hag3atrate, besides hosing a penalty under ~.rticle ~9' of this Bq-Lew, maq order the offender t© carry out the requireffiente t~ this Bq-last, with~.~t e. time to be Limited by the order. Ia aef~~lt of the t~ff'~bnder c~3,rrying out sash ender, the esid. ~dagistr~zte maq order the Tnspeootor of BuiZd.ings, or anq other person, td forthwith enter upon the pxemisee where the said broaah ha,s tek~. place aa~d ~.emolieh nr remove at the e~penae of the offe~t er, the said str~a.cture or the part thereof eregitl3~l contraxy to the pravis ~~tffi pf this By-~1.a~r. ~h® expense thereof v~ith costs shall b® recoverable by aotiot~ or iM the name manner a$ is provic~:ed by ~rtiale 29' f'or the recoverq of penalties and costs car, on a certificate from the Toc~mship treasurer -that the same has nct been paid within ozne month from ~ttt~:gareat being recovered therefor in ax~y Qourt beix~ 1oc~ged Frith the ~o~ship Clerk the ~ s~~e ma~+ be plr~ed, upon the ~oL~,~mt~e roll. against the la.ruls c~omprio s~toh prem~eee and coil act ad #.n the same manner ae taxe~t are collected and until eo c~s~ll ated or otherwise pu.id shall be a charge upon the a~,d land. ~~ ~EP~1~'bED ~~1;~~nH~sS ~~D PK©S~C2U~1~1[S . ,.a.f .+ .W..I_.....~......~~.... the ~on~*ietion of an offend®r upon a breach of ar~,y of the 'j . ~ -r~»~~ ~!, provision of this ~!y-Ya'e. shall not aperat© as a bar to e. prosecution against the sam© mffender upon ar~r subser;ueat breadh off' the same or ark other provisiox~ of this B,y-law. the presiding magistrate may aonviat sny offender repeatedly for repeated. -law and. mar, at has discretion, impose upon breaahes d~' this 'By , i, ee.ah aonviation an~- of the penalties provided ft~ b8 this By~lew. aC. ~~ AND PEN~IZ~IL;~1 e11 fees paid t., th® ~napeotor of buildings fox permits n,nder phis By-law and all penalties reoovered for breaahes of this Hy-luw ahe.ll be paid to the Trea,su~:°er t~f th® '~ovhip of Clams for tYm: use ~Df the poliQe 1Tillage t~~ Crono. ~1. Thig Hy-law shall tak® effept on the day of the final passing thereot. r ,; ,~ ~, o en Cotin+~il this Y.~ti k~'~ day ENAC2L`]3 ~~ND pA~~FD i p of January 196. ,. / C Reeve Clerk TOWNSHIP OF CLARgE BY-LAN No ~~. ~. . TO REGnLATE THE ERECTION AND PR09iDE FOR THE SAFETY OF BUILDINGS Pasaed~Y January 1926 i~ ~' T. ~ ~, ~, i