HomeMy WebLinkAbout1042A By-Law to restrict the speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Clarke WgERF~S subseotion 3 of Section 2F of t$e ~ghway Traffic fat C~P• 288, ReS.O. I937, pr07ides that, The Council of any Township ,may by reason of densit of or number and proximity of buildings therein or in an population thereof by By-~wa approved by the Department y Part vehiole from bein , prohibit ~~ motor $ operated at a greater rate of speed than thirty ntil®s per hour iu the ^o~+n~nip ©r iu uch ;~~a:~t or ~~.~~rt. t<zsr;~,~ °~ or on such highways or pane of highways therein as the Bye-I~aw may define. dND WHEREAS it ie deemed expedient by reason of the density of population and number and proximity of buildings adjacent thereto that speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township be restricted: NOW THEREFORE the biunieipal Counoil of the Corporation of Clarke, in the County of Durham, ®nacts as follows: I. No motor vehials shall be drf ven upon the following designated highways or portions of highways in the Township of Clarke at a greater rate of speed than 30 miles per hour. Sings Highway ~2 within I600 feet of the Stone Monument situated in Newtonville at the southern end of the County Road leading to gendal. Bing's Highway X35 within 2000 feet of Centre Street in the Police Village of Orono ~ Every person who violates any of the provisions of this B ?yaw shall incur the penalties provided in subsection 4 of section 26 of the Highways 'Traffic get (chs,p.288,R.S.O. 1937) 3 The provisions of this By-I.aw shall not become effective until signs have been erected in eomplianae vrith the regulations of the Department of Highways 4 Sub~eat to the provisions of tha preceedin By--I~w shall take effect upon, from and afterareceivingtthe approval of the Department of Highways. Passed in open Council this third day of October, 1939 Joseph J.Mellor C1erY 6~ ~,W,.... ~., ~ .~.~~ ~~ N i~:.. Seal T.A.Reid Reeve ~,~ ,~ ~. ~/ -~ ~~~ 3~i~'3~ Certified Copy„ r,_~..~