HomeMy WebLinkAbout1390A By-law designating through highways. lt3 F ~ ~' ~"4 ~' QF Q • ~r ~~~~ ~? 1C~I~A Gi 0 ~ R~-A H N~~ oleuss ~6 at subseotian ~ nt sesti+an 1 ©t The ~iighwey ~'ret~'ia Acct (A. g.0. 196, Chapt#r 17~) pr~3tidrs that; - ~#hrough highway" weans any highw+~y car peat at a hi;2sway dssigx~atwd as sugh by the ~ni+~ter ar by by-~~e of a m~nimipelity app~c~rrsd by thw ~spa~t~ar-~t, atad sT~ary ~~~. ?~ighway shall bs matrked by ~ step sigm arc yield aright-nt- way silk laps ea>a~p,lieac~a~~ pith the a~eg~xlatioes a~at the ~tpaaa«6m~'~s.. ~0~ 'Y~~'.~Ag the t~ca~aa~il at th+s t~aa~paaretic~aq; at th® a~uar~laipality dt the ~c~er-ship at ~le~a~'k~- vu~aats as t43.la-we-s- l. ~'ha twllcatwiaag highway~r nar pe-~t+~ at highway s ua~,daa~r th• ,~ua~is.» di~tioa~ ©i" the Muniaigalit~ ~~ the Ttat~.ehip rat ~learic~a aka die~igaa~s.tad as tharau~h hi~;hwsys x •~ ~teme at Hl~hwe9' s- the youth s#.d• Tb thi ~aar~Eh side 4t atetia~ Stareat tit (~abblediak fit. ahu~h ~tareet in the Folic~r Vill+a~s tat Oar4s~o ~ ° ~ s ~'~ar~-~t Cobbledlak ~S t~f ]~ar~ sa>a~arvrille &. 'fihs dasiga~et~.va~ ib s~-atioan i at this 'by-law bt ~ hight~ay oat paart cif a highway es a tha~au~h high~ray shell. sat i'ar~~alude easy intsas•+saotiQa~ thsare~oan: rrhsre the ,a~csad intea~saataei i s a ~iz~~t s ~iighway mar where ta~a:ttio ovantacal sgne~ls ere iac~stallsd. ~. Ry~.la# Vic. 1387 i s hea~ab~- xapse~lsd. a. "~h~s '~~-law shall mat beeta<~ dtterctti'~s until ep rc~vsd by for ~11~~~"'~laAOld!"~ 41" ~aea~sp~-art aara`~ tip signs aa~~e c-aa d~sple~y ~.a~- ~-r~~nplian~a rr~th the ~ergul~tians C-t thw ai3,spaa~tn~ea~t ~1'At~":~'0 A~1'A PA~3~~1~ this 2nd day of ~'ea~uary ~~ ~- ~ t~p'T`Es A ps;>CaLalty please ~s ~4T a~squi~+~~ in this ~+Y~laow. peap~slties ~'oa~ teilutal~e !ta ~+b~rn~~~t a step ei~n Q~ ~lel+~ ari ht•pf-way ~ s~,ga~ ears .pa~o~ri~led' iM sec~tie~n $`~ a~' 'the HA,ghway '~a~at'ia~ ,~~t« 1V117.1son, hereby aertiCy the Approved this .12th day. of February, ~~ H• E. 196 ursuant to the. provisions of toregoirig to b®n tx•ue Qdpy of Hy-Law P Na. 1390. The Highway Traffic Ac . H. L. Ro ee Z`~rk' owns~of~ C1.ar e• MINI$TE~ OF RdNS IQRT Re istra~~ ~MatorVehicles g 4~` a ~. BtT-Law Nn _ 1 pan A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke designating through highways Fassed - 2 January 196, H, E, Millson, Clerk,