HomeMy WebLinkAbout1391A By-law designating through highways. Y a � h � a' S A a { � ��a ���k+"��, .� try .�'• �., Avg not £: p An— VT r y dw- 00 "tA a r ► w 4 T711 MAIA COMM . Fs�� z � �')' x'`w `" � `` b I�� � � ��i,� ��;,,�%.. s � {�k..•�a` fir. d i k : rp4 s �� rx x �.' "r -;18+ T - •'f fr'i,T' I 7e qa # tl } '4 .'x. �` , 's"+� '�i r sp YV +k±'r ;`�r a `v.4� 1 ym k Mn 1 , d ° qu WWI .* "..ta'25, 'f£ i ~•k, 7a y �' �' K`rv�i k! t'y ,++ PRIM sf ~� � r� .: ::� t . � a$.. �,' ` � wr"� � z '�,; •yi i �r. � i' � ��, .� �.r�^ro{�� ��:" v '` $,+r� .tea � �r`�". r. kyl.`y" �^'#'�". � t ,"��. d ��KM� �'�, ,qy„ � :¢ �- aP,�s' � ts' � '� � x�,r2'' +"�c �`�;& ;� �..�` �' %�,- ���`b"-"°' S• �p�+xi.� AxC` .�' -.."' k WA �- �rRa a �- ',^' ` �,�.,,`�y4„t ++r,r � ”`�,�.�. � ✓ ✓_ ,r, �xx :�: ��wry�x � ,p, i.�.�2 p y_ �,� � ..# �� � ' _,i."+." f .«'- # '&. '' 41 sr` , ell ilk s Q"`„�ew-. x .s . 1~JNICZPAL~ T~ qF THS TOWAISI~F QF CTaAAY~ D~~Y~NATTN(~ THR4U4~i HIE~I~AYs WH~~EA~ clause (Zb~ of subssvtion 1 of sevtion l of the Highway Traffic Avt ~R.-3.0. 1g60~ Chapter 172a providss thats- "through highway" meane gay highwaq or part of a highway designated as suvh by the Minister or bq bq~-1aw vt' a muniv~.palitq approT®d bq the Dspart- ment, and a•®rq such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-at.•waq sign in vompli~- anon Frith the g~gulations oP the Departments Nfl9~ TF3E~F4RE the Council of the Corporation of the Munivipalit of the Township at' Clarke r~navta ae t'ollowss- l. Th® ~'ollvwing highways or parts oP highwaga and®r the ~urisdivtion of the Munivipalitq of Clarke are desig- nated as through highwagss- Alame of Hi~hwaY ~"rom the 3~ast sid® To the hest side oP Main Street oi' Church street G Cobbledick street in ~ the P€~lice Village of from the ~aat side To the Walt side . flron© px ahurvh stye®t of Provincial a ~ ~ Highwaq Na. ll~ . o .~ a~ 2, The da~gnatinn in s®c lion l vP thi a by-~le~w of a highwaq ~ ~ F' or pant oi' a highway as a through highway shall not '~ ~ w ~ include anq inters®vtion thereon where the road inter- E., u sevted is a Kings Highway or where traffic vontrol ~ x signals are installed. ~ ~ N ~ ~ ,~ z ~ 3. By-law N0. 137 is herebq repealed. ~' x ~ ~ 0 4. Thin bywlaw shall net became ePPentiv® until approved by c ~, .,_ o the DeBartrnent of Transport and ~ant11 signs are on H ~ ~~ displaq in oomplianae with the regulations ©~' the m- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Department. ~ w O G ~ .J ~ ~' ~NACT~3 :A,~TD PASS~U THTs 2 daq of J~{nuu~:'y 1862 N G p4 N r-I O .,i o ~-' N .~ a ~ ~~ , ~ ea p tIT1 C p~ ty ~o a as o ~ . ~3. l ~~Tl'~.. ) ~i. ~, . .,i I..l ti027 ~ er (N4TEs A penaltq clause i a TOT required in thi ® by-law. Penalties FQr failure to observe a atop sign or i eld rf ght•of-vs~aq sign are provi dad in sea ti on ~~ of The Highwaq 'I'rat't'iv Asst. r ~, , , j ~ ~ 7 t ~ ~ ~~ ~~'1' !~To _ to - 1~ V 1~~, . lSa~.: ~r~~d r` Y C hC( ~V-LAS rro. ~~i A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke designating through highways Passed - 2 January 1962. ?i. E, Millson, Clerk.