HomeMy WebLinkAbout1395A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1962. ~~ -2- Assessment entitled to Benefit Assessment not entitled to Lenefit BE IT Ti~REFORE and it is hereby enacted as follows; 1. ~'~~.1~m the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereincfter and there shall be levied. and collected. upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Clarke the follow- ing mill rates for the year 1962; ~~~i 11 Ra te s N.R. R. &F. Comm. County Purposes 11.8 Township ~xeneral: Township Commercial 21.81. Township with Grants Applied 17.98 Police Village Commercial 18.31 Police Village with Grflnts Applied 14.48 Centrsl Luke Ontario Conservation Authority) (Included in "'ownship General) Gan.araska • 4 Durham County District High Sc?~iool Board 20.8 Police Village of Orono 10.2 Federation of Anriculture •5 ~ewtonville~treet Lighting 1.4 Kendal Street Lighting 2.3 mocvnship of Clarke School Area 2I.6 24.© School Section i?o. 2 14.0 15.6 „ „ i~o. 5 22:6 25:1 " " I~;~o . 7 11.6 12.9 '~ " Teo. 10 18.1 -- " " 1To . 12 2 2.5 24.5 " " ?~io. 14 11.2 12.4 ,~ No. 15 22.3 24.8 ~' '- No . 16 8.6 9.5 „ ,~ 3o . 18 13.8 15.3 T. ,- 1To . 19 16 . g 18.8 i~o . 2 OU 1.9 2.1 „ „ No. 22U 9.9 11.0 '~ " No. 23U u: 25U 22.7 25.2 '! " i i o . 24'J 12.0 - - C.R.C.~.S, for the "'ownships of Clare ~, Hope 21.6 -- 2. 'T;"e taxes shall bacome due and pay°>ble on the lst day o' September, 1;62. 3. `~`he!~e s'^all be i_y,osed a l~er~a.lty for non-payment of taxes on ^~ze d<~te cr on i~~stalments thereof, t?ze amount of 1`~~ of the ar^o,_~nt ~aue on t'^e first daTr of defs~zlt, a.n:~ sn additional ~enalt~r o_f 1~" sl~~ll be added ar_ the first ~~ay of e~c', ca.lends.r ~ronth t'~erea_fter on t~.e balance remaining unpaid up to and inc~_~.zdin.~ ~:cember 31st, 1x62. ,. r• - -3- 4. ~~''_ze treasurer and Collector are hereby empozwered to receive in any ye.~3r pays?eats on account o~~ taxes for that year in edv~V:.nce of t}?e da.t e due and i s hereb ~ authorized to allov~ a di sco~ant on such pre-payments ~ t a r~ to of di sco~_~nt of 6~0 per annum. 5. The Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of tie residence or ,_ l•:ice of business of t'_~ie person to va'om such notice is re;wuire~. to be ,,;fiver:. b. ~~.11 c>>rrent ~~axes sr.a11 be paid iynto the C~}n~~dian wank of Commerce t ~~esvcastle and Orono. gill t•:~x arre-ors s_z~~11 ~~e paid into the office of t,~e `,reasurer. °:'',e:^e .A terar_t of 1~r_ds, o~ne~. by t'~?e "ro~:~~n or in. ~°a'?ich t'_~e "-~ , r ~ ~ + , ~ been ern~~loyed either ~+i thin or ,u'~~i~e ''',.e r_~rsic~~p'lit~,r by t~?e sar=~e e~lr~~loyer far not less th,n >~" d~~~rs, such emrloyer shall pay over to t?~e collec*or on detnsr..d out o~' ~s~:~:~es, salaries, or other remuneration aue to s',~c'? employee, tree a~~r~~-punt then pz~yable for taxes cinder t'~is b`°-'_azru ~~n-?. ar_~r such p~.~Trner_t shall relieve the employer fror.~ any liabili t:T= to the employee for t?~?e amount paid. v. `r'?t COl~_~~CtOl' ar'~cA trertS'.ar8r :ire 11ere'C;T eti~7,at=:.~ered. t0 aCCe~)t ~~~'~r~~~~~a.l~rment froCa tlme t0 ~tlme on aCCOUnt Of an?T t''~~eS `~Lle. '-=':?i ~ bjT-i?-;~ sh X11 coy??e into force anc', effect u;~on -h,., ds ,e of` t~~~ fi,:'l _~°e~-,d:_n~ ±Y,e_eof. t~.~'-'fir} ,~-~, _'1 ~ : i; 3~'.a SiCC~ni~ ti'.:!.E tti?1S...~p T~/~ ~~~~~T of .~~RCH 1G~~. _-G3~ ~`v .---_ .Reeve r..~.~ -- ~1erk ~~~,D a t':ird '~irae and fi.r_e.lly passed this .. G.T'':'. ~~ ° ~T o f /.~?~RFN.. ,1 ~ 2 . ~,-T.~w t~o_ 13~~ A by-law Hof t~-,e Corpora±;ion nl t~tl-~ lOWT~1.Jr 1. ti ~~~ V~.arl'~e t0 ad0'~t t~7P F'St7.I"3tF'.^.> Of al) sr.ms rcrt:, nod d~.:. r.~r the vent, and. ±:o strike aa:° rates of t.axat_i on for t;he ~~ea:" 1~~ 2. Read a first r;- second tir~e- F, :March 1~~,~ Read a third tim:; F passed ~, r.,~rch ll(,~ Fi. E, r~illson, Qerk. c