HomeMy WebLinkAbout1400A By-law to provide for regulating the running at large of dogs in the Township of Clarke. Whereas it is deemed expedient to pass a by-law to regulate the running at large of dogs in the Township of Clarke and Whereas Section 6 (1) of the Dog Tax and Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter lIl gives this Municipality legal authority to prohibit dogs running at large, Now Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. In this by-law: (a) "dog" shall mean any dog, male or female; (b) "Kennel" shall mean a kennel of pure-bred dogs .registered in the register of the Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated; (c) "owner" of a dog includes any person who possesses or .harbours a dog, and "owns" and "owned" have a correspond- ing meaning; (d) "poundkeeper" shall mean the person appointed under the provisions of this by-law as poundkeeper; (e) "municipality" shall mean the Municipality of the Township of Clarke; (f) "clerk" shall mean the Clerk of the municipality. 2. (a) The running at large of dogs within the Township of Clarke is prohibited and the owner of any dog found running at large within the said ~.'ownship shall be guilty of a breach of this by-law and liable on conviction to the penalty provided in section 6 hereof. (b) For the purpose of this section a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in a highway or other public place and not under the control of any person. 3. (a) Any duly authorized person may capture and impound every dog running at large contrary to the provisions of section 2 hereof. (b) It shall be the duty of the poundkeeper to provide suitable quarters as may be approved by the Council in which to keep in a humane manner all the dogs that may be brought to him for disposal under the provisions hereof. The poundkeeper shall keep an accurate account of all dogs planed in the pound, including the date of receipt, times of feeding and watering, manner of final disposal, the methods of destruction of the same, amounts received by way of redemption fees and sales, the names and addresses of purchasers of dogs and any other particulars the clerk may deem advisable. (e) Every dog duly delivered to the poundkeeper shall b the latter be confined in the pound for seventy-two (']2~ hours and at the end of such period may, if not redeemed or sold as hereinafter provided, be destroyed by the poundkeeper, and the carcass shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Medical Of~icer of Health for the municipality. (d) The owner of any dog impounded under the provisions of this by-law may redeem the same within seventy-two (`]2) hours after its delivery to the poundkeeper by paying into the hands of the said officer, for the use of the municipality unless otherwise provided, the costs incurred. 4. The Council shall by resolution provide for the appointment of a poundkeeper and shall provide for the terms of such appointment. 5. The Police Trustees of the Village of Orono may by resolution '~ t `~ Contd. By-law No. 1400 provide for the appointment of a Dog Catcher to enforce the pro- visions of this by-law within the limits of the said Police Village and any such appointee shall be deemed to have been duly appointed to carry out the provisions of this by-law. 6. .4ny person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law or any part thereof shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Dollars (50.00), exclusive of costs, recover- able under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. 7. All by-laws or parts of by-laws heretofore passed inconsistent with the provisions hereof and the running of dogs at large are hereby repealed. S. Nothing in this by-law is to be so construed as to limit the authority given by section 10, Part 2 of the Dog Tax and Cattle, Sheep, and Toultry Protection Act, 1960 R.S.O. Chapter 111, to kill dogs running at large and for purposes of clarification and information of all concerned the mid section 10 is reproduced hereunder: Any person. may kill a dog, (a) That is found killing or injuring cattle, sheep or poultry; (b) that in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise stra;~ing from the premises where the dog is habitually kept; (c) that is found straying at any time, and not under proper control, upon premises where cattle, sheep or poultry are habitually kept . READ a first and second time this First day of I:4ay, 1962 READ a third time and finally passed this ~,-,T;r day of ~r:~~ 19~.~ Reeve ~~ - - .,~ Clerc ~~~~ . ~~ Reeve .~-~' Cler 'Ia Bv-L~w No. 100 A by-law of the of the Township to provide for the runnins at i.n the Township Read 1 May Read 17 Ma Corporation of Clarke regulating large of dogs of Cla rke . a first F~ second time- 196z a third ti. y 1963. ~i. E. Clerk, me ~ passed - Millson,