HomeMy WebLinkAbout1403~' __ _ ~,:..4: 1 4 ~. Jb':: ~ By-law of '~ha ~u~ioipal Counted of the Tawx~ship Of Clerko, PTOVince Of Qntari0, fOr the Bt~IIE~.n~~'~'irA,'~ft3n . o' ltberndoned f3emeterfes taken over by this Municigality in ~eaordanco Frith ~at® Cemet®ri®a ltcst, R.S.O. 1960 it is doomed ezpodent egad aee~oasery that a ~-2a~~ be pe~amd far the establishment ®f a nioipal Cemetery..Boartl tq administeS end opare~ts the following Abandoned Cemet rioas dame of Qametery Loae~tion t~ta E~hristian ~3hurch C®motery. Lot 28, Cda.g 1 Were m©r® car lase La~rrea+~o~ $ Back ©hureh €3ermotery Lot 34, Con. ~ 1/3 er.cre more or .lase Mal~eils ~ ~Teoly Ceffioter~r Lc~t 31, Con.? 1/8 Wore more or lees $eey e~ Maples Cemetery Lot 32, Q®n.8 1/8 sore more or lass Latrrena.ots Cemetery Lot 21, Con.S 1 sore mor® or ass ~Thite Chnreh Clemetery Lot 13, Con.4 l arore mare or aaa MaNeil Property Cemetery Lot 15, Con.3" 1/~~e more ©r less 8er~-•ei Ce.-~e~'eRr Lot 28, Con.S ~ acre more or leers ~~La-wokn Cemetery Lot 35, Con.l 1/8 sore me3r® or loess ~'em~.tly Cemetery Lot 21, Con.2 ~ acre mare air legs Offard Cemetery Lot 15, Con.2 1/8 sore more er less Smith Cemetery Lot 3, Con.4 sera more or loss - Therafare .the ~iunicipel Counoii„ of the 0arparartiQn of the Township. ®f Clarks enact a~ follaw$s . (1) Than the management and -care of th® said aemeteri®s be plaeod in. the hands of a board, nhieh eha].1 be kaolin a~ "Th® G®m®tary. Board of the Township of Clarke" end shall a®nsist of seven members who shell be apgoix~.tsd by .the CQUnail by ~cosc-lution to hold office- for three ysars mr until ~~.~ euo~eseor is apgoint~d with the eaoeption of thee' first appointed members ref the Board of whom 2 shall be appointed for a period of 3 aalan8e~r y®arg, ~ `f or a period of 2 oalandar gears end:1 for a p®riod of 1 crelenderr year. (2) Any ratepayer mho o a reeid®nt of the Municipality, ° ~tnct of the cgs of trren.ty-one years, may be appointed a member of .the .Board. (3) In case of vac~nay in the said Board by removal, acesgnattion or ..death or any otb.er caause whatso®ver, off' any of the eeppointe8 BQsmbers Qi' the Board during th®ir term of office, the Munioipal. Council-will appoint- a Berson to fill th® vaoaaoy thereb;~`©reated. (4) The Board shall have and may e~aercise within th® MuniQipalty ell .the powers etnd perform.-ell the duties oi' a Mtirii.oipal Council' wf th respect to `the` said llbaadonoc~ Camteteries. 't ~- s. '~,~ ~ , ,~ 2 ,~ t5) It shall be the. duty o~ the Cemetery Boardasd they shaell have power: ~a) 3b :appoint a Qhair~en end a Secretary Treasurer ~f the Bc~erd end the Board is authorised to, pay the 8e~eretary Treasurer eueh aaeLary for .his servto®s aa: the .B4erd aheli _ de ®m bus t ~d right. (b) Tc~ fi= the time and place of m®®ting off' the Board enrr,d the mQd® of aal~.ing end Beadua ting +auoh meetings:. ~ e) To see that a true end aorrv+~t ae aouat is kApt of the proceedings of .the m®®tinga. (d) To carry out aEbd enforc® all By-ldwe, rules snd regu~.ations relating to the Qemeteri®s which heroaftsr b® p~eaaed. . (e) Rb submit $1.1 aacount:~, books, ~ouahers end other dc-cumeata - ~e be audited, 'by the , ~lfunioipal Audi for at the came time and under the seine :aa~nditians. Rhicb erppiy to other Mtuti ci pal Jludi t . (f) To sutBmt to the Qe~un:cii of the s~eid Corporation a statement oi' tho faanoial deea.ings of the said Board f®r' the petet twelve moatha up to send inoludfr:g th® ~lst day of December of the game year. (g) To tra~nafer all monies heretofore anal hereafter rsc~ive8 . _ for the peril®tuetl care of lots or of the cemeterie~t to the l~usicipal Tr®asurer/ n trust company/ the Public Trustee, to be inv®sted in Trustee securities ns set`out in Sections 27 and 28 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.Q. 1960 Qhapter 47. Nothing in this By-law or Amen~nents thereto e~hnll be a contravention of 7~e Qemeteries Aat R.S.O. 1860 Ch~epter 4? en8 &nendments 'thereto. Read n first and second #ime this nth day ®f August 1862. r~z' ~-. - - ~4T~ ~ .Read a third time snd finally passed this ~~ 8ay of ,~~._"_"_ 19y~' ~+ ~~ ®eve ~., , :.: - ,~, Z'ler .. „~ ~._a . _~ ~:: - ~,, ;~ ,~, .. l` .+. _~'.:..~:.,z_~;..,.s~.s_~..-.:::u..~v.x.:-:e.,.,..,..~ac.::_.,_>~..:.: w.~,..-.~.,~:......_.~ ...:..~.:..~.. ~., .:::...u ,..:.r.~..c~..n:~:,;.._rr,.-.:~.:i..s~...y..;~.w....:..r.-.~,v.,.H..,;~..Y::-i.c,a~~4n.i*wl~,~~'ws'.~?a;.~~F~v+Yy,1Ye~fai~'s., a.:a4&~:a.,; rM'„t ~~ ~~ A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke for the administration of abandoned cemeteries taken over by this municipality i.n accordance with The Cemeteries Act, R.S,O, 1860, Read a first ~ second time- ? August 196 Read a third time ~ passed- 4 September 1962. H, E, Millson, Clerk,