Meeting: COUNCIL File# ~q~~~p
Date: Res. #~_~~
JUNE 23 1997
By-Law #
Report #: ~ F~j#: ~'~ - \a~j
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Subject: Mosport Park: Proposed By-laws No.'97-124, 97-125 and 97-126
attached to Addendum to Report #CD-~6-97 to which will amend
the Noise By-law, the Public Ente tainment By-law and the
Exhibitions Held for Hire or Gain By-law
It is respectfully recommended that Council approved the following:
1. That Administrator's report ADMIN. 32-97 be received;
2. That the draft By-laws No. 97-124, 97-125 and 97-126 be
amended in accordance with this report and as amended, be
passed by Council;
3. That the By-laws covering Mosport Park be revisited at the end
of the 1997 racing/concert season in order to re-evaluate the
set DBA levels noted in the said By-laws;
4. That copies of report ADMIN. 32-97 and Council's decision be
forwarded to the North Clarington Ratepayers Association Inc.,
and IMSG Properties Ltd.
At its meeting of June 9th 1997, Council considered Addendum to
Report CD-26-97, heard representation from the North Clarington
Ratepayers Association and the International Motor Sports Group
(IMSG Properties Ltd.).
During Council's deliberation, the Municipal Solicitor advised
Council that he would be submitting a further report recommending
certain amendments to the By-laws in question to correct certain
typographical errors and to make certain substantive changes of a
technical nature.
Council then approved the Addendum to Report CD-26-97 and deferred
passing the By-laws until its meeting of June 23rd 1997.
We now enclose a self-explanatory letter from our acoustic
consultant, John Swallow, dated June 13 1997, addressing concerns
voiced by the representatives of IMSG Properties Ltd. pertaining to
the By-laws in question.
We also enclose a report from the Municipal Solicitor dated June
17th 1997 giving further information to the changes in the By-laws
that will be before Council for approval.
The Chief Administrative Officer's office has had further contact
with IMSG Properties Ltd. and enclose a letter from them dated June
13 1997 again requesting a deferment of the passing of the By-laws
in order to carry out further studies pertaining to the proposed
DBA levels. The correspondence goes on to say that should Council
pass the amended By-laws, IMSG is prepared to work with staff over
the 1997 season in order to comply. They also request that the By-
laws be re-evaluated at the end of the 1997 season. Staff has
already advised Council that it has no problem in meeting with all
parties involved to revisit the issue at that time.
It is recommended that Council approve the revised By-laws as
submitted and instruct staff to work with IMSG Properties Ltd. over
the 1997 season and revisit the noise issue following the
racing/concert season.
Respectfully submitted,
W. H. Stockwell,
Chief Administrative Officer
DATE: n 1 997
TO: Dennis Hefferon FAX >Y 68 0306 CQMPANY.
M: wall w
N be f Pd es In ver
Both the operators of Mosport and their acoustic consultant, John Coulter, raised the concern that they have no
experience with the noise by-law amendments and would need a season in order to acquire experience and
knowledge to determine whether or not they could meet the by-law in future circumstances.
I think the by-law quite reasonably anticipates this by establishing the procedure for approval of plans by
submissions to the City engineer, Further, we and Jahn Coulter already have considerable experience with the
Mosport site, with regards to propagation of sound from inside the site to a lot line. Based on existing
measurements and/or reasonably quick tests, they can calculate what sound power and spectrum
!equivalent to sound levels measured aY known distance from a noise source} can be tolerated at any
given location within Mosport in order to meet the criterion.
Imagining for a moment the Mosport Ig considering a new event - either a music concert or a race event -tor a
race avant they would Head only t0 get sound level measurements taken On similar vehicles elsewhere and with
the knowledge of tho number of vehicles involved in the race they can easily estimate the sound level at the
lot line. In the event of a music concert event knowing the characteristics o} the amplifiers and loud speakers
to be used (power and efficiency, etc,!. They can also calculate the expected sound level at the lot Ilne. This
is exactly what was done last year In advance of the EDENFEST event.
If there is a problem based on the calculations then we have the option of either adding noise controls pr
changing the event timing to coincide with one of the periods when sound levels are permitted.
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John Swallow Associates, 260 Galaxy Blvd., Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5R8
Tobphono (4101 980.99£8
FaosYnY (410) 008-0908
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1~0 AdaWd. BMd Wrf
TOX Box 98
June 17, 1997
Mr. W.H. Stockwell
Chief Adminletratlve Officer
(Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanvllle, Ontario
Li C 3At3
'Dear Mr. Stockwell:
Re: Moeport Park; Proposed By-laws No. 97.124, 97.125 and 97-120 attached
to Addendum to Report #CD-26-97 to whloh will amend the Nolae By-
law, the Publlo Entertainment Bylaw and the Exhibitions Hald for Hire
or Gatn By-law
1.0 Recommendation
1. THAT draft By-laws No. 87.124, 97-i 25 and 97-128 be amended in
accordance with this report and as amended, be passed by Council.
.1 At the meeting on June 9, 1887 Council considered Addendum to Report
#CP-28-97 and heard representations from Mr. Clay Taylor (North Clarington
Ratepayers Aasaclation Inc.} and Ms. Dabble Pearl and Mr. John CouRer
(International Motor Sports Oroup). 1 advised Council that in consuftatlon
wfth Mr. John Swallow I would be submitting a report recommending certain
amendments to draft Bylaws No. 97-124, 97-125 and 97-128 to correct
certain typographical errors and to make certain substantive changes of a
technical nature.
.2 CounCll then approved the Addendum to Report #CD-28.97 and deferred
passing the By-taws referred to In ft.
~.3 I have corrected the typographical errors in draft By-laws No. 97.124, 97.125
and 97.128 which will be before Council for considerat(on at its meeting on
June 23, 1997. I will be present to respond to any questions members of
Council may have concerning them. However, I will not detail them in this
! recommend the following substantive changes to the By-laws referred to
In the Addendum to Report #CD-28.97:
(a) Amend new subsection 1 {3) of the Noise By-law added by paragraph
(e) of Byiaw No. 92-t24 to increase the area of primary auditory
impact from 200 metres to 500 metres from any boundary of Mosport
Park. (The area of primary auditory impact Is Intended to Identify
lands on which a significant number of houses are located 500
metres from any boundary of Mosport Park is a more appropriate
distance than 200 metres);
(b) Amend section 1 of Schedule "C" of the By-laws to change the
acoustic energy I®vel referred to in it from 200 Hz to 2000 Hz. (Mr.
Coulter In his submissions to Council had indicated that the reference
to 200 Hz was erroneous. Mr. John SwaElows concurs. The
reference should have been to 2000 Hz.}; and
(cj Amend the deflnltlon of "Acoustic Calibration" in each of the By-laws
to replace the rehrence to "Instrumentation of Acoustic Calibrators"
with "Specificatlans for Equipment Used In the Measurement of
Sound". (The latter words are used in the Schedules to the Bylaws.}
Thsse changes are of a technical nature and are supported by Mr. Swallow.
Yours very truly,
Dennis C. He on
QCH: bg
~. Mr. John Swallow
~~ ~ `~M~G Pro
es Ltd.
June 13, 1997
Mr. Bill Stockwell
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada LIC 3A6
Dear Bill,
I have been advised that the Clarington Council will be adopting the noise abatement
bylaw in a version as presented to our company the week of 9 June 1997.
I feel 1 must present Mosport's position on this bylaw as fotlows:
1. Mosport prefers that the establishmem of any such bylaw be delayed until
after the 1997 season in order for us to conduct our own tests to determine if
the proposal DBA levels allow Mosport to function as a top facility for
motorsports events.
2. I understand that the bylaw is going to be ratified now and I assure you that
MospordlMSG Properties Ltd. will continue to cooperate with the Clarington
staff and will try to reasonably comply with the legislation.
3. I ask that you include in the version of the bylaw that is enacted a
commitment to reevaluate the set DBA levels at the end of 1997.
In spite of this early issue, I am confident that you and your staff and the Mosport
management have established the basis for a fair and productive relationship.
ck L g
3502 Henderson Boulevard, Tompo FL 33609 Telephone (8l3J 877-4672 Fax (8?3) 876-7030