HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-20-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~. REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~ ~~ Date: MAY 20, 1997 Res. # c~A-~.,.~q-97 Report #: AnMiN_20.9rjjie #; ey-Law # Subject: Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-20-97 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Council at their meeting of March 24, 1997 referred correspondence (Attachment #1) from EnerShare Technology Corporation to the Property Manager and the Director of Public Works for review and report. 1.2 Staff provided a report to Council (ADMIN-17-96, dated July 2, 1996) Attachment No. 2 which outlined the efforts of staff throughout the first five years dealing with energy conservation and efficiency. 1.3 Council is aware that one of the thrusts for energy management was because of annual utility increases as well as the addition of the Goods and Services Tax in 1991. 2.0 REPORT: 2.1 When you review the contents of the marketing program of EnerShare, the specific Township of Eramosa, near Guelph, is projected to save $150,000.00 over a twenty year period. 2.2 With the many retrofits that have occurred since 1990, staff are suggesting that considerable savings have been made with the fuel conversion programs that have occurred at the following locations: • Visual Arts Centre • Bowmanville Museum • Clarke Museum • Newcastle Community Hall • Orono Community Hall • Clarington Fire Department, Station No. 2 ../2 o.oEEO®aE~,~.. 13 01 IF Yi c .' y. S V .~~': .v '' REP(1RT ADMIN-~P-9'1 ~ 2 - M:AY 2&,1997 23 The most significant achievement in energy savings was the Street Smart which was c~aaal3leted is 1993. 100% of the Municipality's. street lighting; system roaverted m high efficiency street tights.: An estimated yearly savingys of $32,#l©0+0(# was frmn redid energy aausuaiptioa. Another area of energy savings is the I~s~nptan C3Qeratlo~ renovatioffi completed: in 1995. New insulated garage doors with dole: gtaaed witrdows were added to ', incaea~ energy efficiency. 2.4 Staff are continttatlyrevewingmechanical equipment to ensure maximnmoperati~ conditions. This year all HVAC controllers will be calibrated to eliminate. double ~ of nnators. ZS Staff are also purau~ng the following. is upcoming capital programs; a) window retrofits -Newcastle Community Iiatl- b} fuel conversation - Newcastle Arena, Courfiee Fire Station c) ice machinery conversion to natural-gas dj replacement of non insulated exit doors e) fuel conversion for Hampton C)peration Centre atxl D sports C$ntie 2.6 ; Two main facilities that are energy users are the Municipal. Administrative Centre and the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Comple:t. The Municipal Administrative Centre ktas undergone minor retrofits in terms of heating, ventilation .and air candtiomng equipment;as well as caulking, weathetxtripping and insulation to the building envelope. The Garnet`B. Riekaxd Recreation Complex is undergoing retrofits to the IiVAC system to maintain ouatomer comfort as well as to itnptove overall efficiency itt the system.. 2.7 There will be discussions with the proposed addition to the Garnet B. -Rickard Recreation Complex in terms of building envelope pr®tectioa to e~ue that energy efficiencies are incorporated in the overall design. Respectfiilly submitted, Reviewed by, _._-.-- _ "_.C" R.R.F.A. W. H. Stockwell, rty Manager Chief Adnunistratrve Of6Eoer: Stephen A. Yokes, P: Eag. D~reetor of Public Works' FHsa X302 ATTACHAAEIUT N0.1 COUNCIL INFORMATION TO REPORT ADI~kN-20-97 p{~~ )7 jj 0~ ~-j'~~'OWN OF ERAMOSA LOWERS OPERATING COSTS BY MORE THAN $150,000 Dear Ms. Hamre: _' ~s ~. (i ~ 'fir a" I-22 ~~~'~ MAR 1 0 1997 ~st:Ntt~l~aLtrv aF CLRRtN6TAN NtAYOR'S OfFtCt Towns across Ontario are under more pressure than ever before to maintain services in the face of shrinking budgets. As difticult as the situation may seem, there is one area that can bring you some immediate relief. R4any municipal governments are taking action by reducing their energy consumption, without effecting their operations. A case in point is the Township of Eramosa, near Guelph. At no cost to the town, they are reducing energy and saving $150,000 in their town facilities. These cost saving changes will actually improve the overall environment in the facilities! We are proud to say that Enershare engineered and financed these savings. Our mission is to be Canada's Leader in Energy Saving Solutions. We provide Energy Management Programs based on our expertise in Energy Economics; Engineering Skills; Project Financing and Procurement Abilities. See the attached article from the Guelph Mercury on this project. Our work is endorsed by the Federal and Provincial Governments as well as the Canadian Manufacturer's Association. We have worked closely with the AMCTO as well. T he liir;i`i'.'aii'4'L' apprilaul we have taiien tilt raiTrii~a Carl be appiied t0 many other municipal situations. I enclose a case study of how we saved the Town of Strathroy more than $520,000. Take a look at this case and think about how we might do the same for you. We have done similar work for towns from Kenora to Toronto to Valley East to Midland. If you are spending as little as $100,000 on energy for your town's facilities, energy conservation can pay its own way! Think about how you might use funds freed from operating expenses! EM~tS~ TECHNOLOGY CORPORl.TiCN 87 Bakersfield Street, North York, Ontario, M3J iZ4 Tel.: (416) 636-9317 Fax: (416) 638-9318 1-800-461-2651 ~~~3 _2. Since capital is not always readily available for projects like this, Enershare will underwrite and finance this vital cost saving work. You won't have to touch }'our capital budget. We can also reduce your operating cost through our deregulated natural gas and elechicity programs. Our customers -- we now have over 60,000 -- have received savings in each of the last nine years. Our leadership and market practices have been recognized by our election to a Directorship of the Ontario Natural Gas Association. We are also leading the way in the coming deregulation of electricity. Our team of top electricity market professionals are already working to secure a supply of lower priced independently produced electricity. Our people have senior utility experience in purchase of electricity and in electrical generation and transmission throughout the province. If you are interested in lowering your energy cosh; please ;nve me a ra1C at 7.800.461.2651. I'd be happy to make an appointment to show you how we can save-money_.for._y~ur_. __ _ organization by helping you use less energy more effectively and we can'finanre~tfr'eet ^~ to boot! / i~~j Sincerely, ~ ~~~~'" - ~/ ~EjNE~R.~SHARE TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ' --- ___._~ Brian Cappe, President and CEO BChic _- encl. _ ._ -_ ~.. P.S. Please fax back this form and we can expedite scheduling a meeting t reduce your-_-- costs as quickly as possible. _ YES! 1 would like to schedule a meeting Organization: Position: Telephone: Approximate Annual Energy FAX THIS COUPON TO ERAMOSA MAILL~G CAPPE AT 1-416-638-9318 87 Bakersfield Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1 Z4 Tel.: (416) 638-9317 Fax: (416) 638-9318 . 1-800-461-265, - 1 3 0 4 IECHNOLOGV ~OR~:;Ra:iO~'. MERCURY Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Delivering the news to Guelph and Wellington County Eramosa Twp. aims to cut energy costs BY SCOTT STOCKDALE SPECIPCTO TXE MERCURY ............................. ERAMOSA -Eramosa Township council has entered into an agreement with Enershare Technology Corpora= lion (ETC) which is projected to save the township approximately 3150,000 in energy costs over the next 20 years. Enershaze sales manager Scott Mc- Kenzie explained that his program will include lighting retrofits, weather stripping and temperature setback control in a variety of public buildings in the township. Weather stripping will be applied to exterior doors at the Rockmosa Com- munity Centre and the Eramosa Township Fireball. McKenzie said this will reduce air infiltration and leaks, which will in turn reduce the energy cost required for space heating and air-conditioning. However, he emphasized that the majority of the projected savings will be realized through the use of energy- efficient lighting systems in the Era- mosa Township administrative buIId- ing, public works gazage, Eramosa Community Library, and Rockmosa Community Centre. In these specified locations, com- pact fluorescent lights and fietures will replace incandescent lights. Com- pact fluorescent lights provide quality illumination while using a fraction of the wattage that incandescent lamps use. Depending on the number of watts involved, the savings can range from 20 per cent to 40 per cent McKen+ie said compact fluorescent lights also last up to 10 tithes longer. resulting in significant savings in maintenance cosu- These lights are often used in stair- ways, lobbies and exit signs. The fluorescent systems are another proposed energy saving method. These systems can produce the same amount of light as standard fluores- cent systems, but require about 20 per cent to 40 per cent less power. Ontario Hydro literature states that T8 light- ingsystems are the most efficient fluo- rescent systems available to date. As well as saving energy, these sys- tems reduce the magnitude of light flicker which reduces eye fatigue. Be- cause more of the energy is converted to light and less to heat, TS systems re- duceair-conditioning loads and costs. McKenzie said Enershare's lighting equipment conforms to the lllumina- tion Engineers' Society's (IES) stan- dards of illumination. The IES's stan- dards cover everything from the lighting azound a desk tap to a door- way. Microprocessor based programma- blethermostats and an automatic time clock will be used in the temperature setback control phase of the project. McKenzie said this will enable the township to setback the temperature during unoccupied periods at the Era- mosa Administration Building and Medical Centre, the Rockmosa Com- munity Centre and the Eramosa Township Fireball. This method will be applied to both heating and air-con- ditioningunits. In a written report to council, McK- enzie projects annual savings as fol- lows:lighting and maintenance S&,083. temperature setback 3871 and weather stripping 5125. He added that these savings will be documented and scru- CuetrH Gu~r~H tinized by one of Enershare's engi- neers. "We offer to be on site to monitor en- ergy efficiency and ongoing techno- logical changes," he said. In faM, Enershare is so confident of its projected results that it offered to purchase the necessary equipment it- self and receive payment through en- ergy savings. However, Eramosa Township council decided to make the 331,174 capital expenditure itself. Reeve Rick Hughes said this method will be cheaper in the long run be- cause council can get lower intere=_t rates to finance the project. McKenzie emphasized that En- ershaze has an ongoing relationship with its clients in a continuing effort to save energy costs. Reeve Hughes said council would like to save energy costs at the Alma Street sewage prntrea[ment plant in Rockwood. "In 1995. I believe it cost 313.000 to heat the Ahna Street pump- ingstation." he said. McKenzie Enershaze engineers con- sidered fuel conversion for at the Alma Street plant but found no suita- ble equipment that will comply with the fire code of that particulaz build- ing. However. McKenzie said that if a reasonable solution is found. En- ershazewill advise the township. 1305 ATTAC,1#k1I=NT N0.2 Tp PiEPORT At)A~4IN-20-97 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: JULY 2, 1996 Res. # _ Report #: ADMiN.17-~1e #: BY-Law # Subject: ENERSHARE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-17-96 be received for information. • 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Council, at their meeting of June 10, 1996 referred a letter (Attachment #1) from Enershare Technology Corporation to the Property Manager for review and report. Previously the Purchasing Manager responded to an earlier marketing campaign (Attachment #2 -December 1995) by the above mentioned firm. 1.2 Enershare Technology Corporation is one of many accredited CAESCO (Canadian Association of Energy Service Companies) across Canada. Their approach is to provide financing for energy retrofits to government institutions and share in the cost saving. The general feeling in the industry is that government buildings are inefficient. It is important to recognize the efforts by staff to date in the various buildings throughout the Municipality. a) Independent energy audit of the Darlington Sports Centre. b) Energy audit of 10 municipal buildings in w-operation with Ontario Hydro. c) Ongoing building audits of all municipal buildings over a four year period. d) Replacement of energy incandescent lights at Bowmanville Library, Darlington Sports Centre, Fitness Centre, Fire and Court Building and Newcastle Lions Pool. e) Ongoing replacement of inoperable motors with high efficiency motors at various • buildings throughout the Municipality. f) Life cycle maintenance program identification for prolonged use of equipment. g) Caulking, weatherstripping of building envelopes at 11 buildings. _ _ ~, .___ 13 G 6 "'2 REPORT ADMIN-17-96 - 2 - JULY 2, 1996 h) Furnace fuel conversion to natural gas. i) Improved lighting with fluorescent lamps and compact lights. j) Maintenance of recreational facilities in terms of ice thickness etc. to accepted guidelines to achieve efficient energy consumption. k) bower set backs for HVAC systems. 2.0 CONCLUSION: 2.1 Staff are committed to reducing energy vests as the above indicates. Staff are currently investigating retrofit opportunities which includes building control system, low emissivity ceiling and lighting retrofits. 2.2 Staff will continue to review any literature from accredited companies that will provide operational savings to the Municipality. Furthermore, the Durham Purchasing Co-op are reviewing to contract, the direct purchase of Natural Gas, which is another program opportunity offered by Enershare Technologies Corporation. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, • Fredert k o h, W. H. Stockwell, Property Manager Chief Administrative Officer FH:sa Attachment • 1307 COUNCIL DIRECT ACHMENT N0.1 p_7 REPORT NO. A -96 • ,~, AGE 1 OF MAT 29 2 14 O~J~q~,vate Town Employees y MAY 2 7 1996 Lj er Town Energy Usage! adi16~'CIPALITY OF GLARINGTON ®A RiAYOF'S OFFICE Dear Ms. Hamre: Reducing operating expenses should be everyone's job these days; but finding programs that create the kinds of awareness and motivation necessary is not easy. Here are some success stories that have paid real dividends by providing operational savings for this and for coming years. Jim Armstrong, Manager of the Strathroy Town Arena, had an idea to add a staging device to adjust the firing levels of the boiler in the Town Arena to reflect the need for heat. This improvement will reduce Strathroy's fuel use and lower operating costs. Claude Morin, a Maintenance Helper with Cochrane District, had a winning idea to put stickers on thermostats asking people to keep the temperature at 20 degrees and also to put stickers on light switches reminding people to turn them off when lighting was not required. This idea will save Cochrane District valuable operating dollars. What created this motivation? And at the same time saved each of these towns over one hundred thousand dollars in operating costs? An Enershare Total Energy Management program. "The two biggest issues for municipal goverr:ments today are definitely tl:e ecaromy and .the environment", according to Arden Royce, Clerk, Administrator Fur the Town of Strathroy. His Town is saving over $250,OU without touching their capital budget. We were looking at an overall program to better caltrol or reduce costs. Energy conservation was a strong option. Because of dollars that could be saved through energy conservation, we leaped on that one right away, adds Ken Wollan, Cochrane District, who is saving over $260,000. Enershare's programs are very simple. We believe that many Town buildings are energy inefficient. We are willing to design, engineer, install and even finance the kinds of energy upgrades for your facilities that produce cost savings results for you. Our investment will be repaid by a share of the savings our eng,4l~eers create for you. 87 Bakersfield Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1 Z4 Tel.: (416) 638-9317 Fax: (416)638-9318 -soo-46,-265, 13 0 8 PAGE 2 OF 2 -2- Town after town has found this formula not only works for them and provides no-cost upgrades for Town properties, but creates the kind of positive atmosphere that leads to employee participation and commitment. Enershare believes that conservation is not just mechanical improvements. It involves your people as well. That is why we provide training as part of our programs, and employee incentive programs like those I've mentioned here. Our attitude about improved energy management has brought endorsements to our programs from both Federal and Provincial Governments. And from the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. It has also brought us ir_to the deregulated energy markets. We operate Ontario's leading deregulated natural gas program. Our customers -- we now have more than 34,000, including many Towns like Cochrane and Strathroy -- have received savings in each of the last eight years. Our leadership and market practices have been recognized by our election to a Directorship of the Ontario Natural Gas Association. And unlike other plans, our customers are guaranteed to save money. Surely you would like to lower your operating costs. I am convinced we could help you the • way we have helped so many other Towns in this Province. Please give me a call so Fve can work together to reduce your costs with a comprehensive Energy Management Program. Please call me for an appointment today 1-800-461-2651. Sincerely yours, ENERSHARE TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION "~~nC President and CEO BC/nc encl. P.S. I would be happy to update you on the coming major changes in the marketplace, and we can discuss how your municipality can save, and p from the market restructuring. Call me today at 1-800-461-2651 or (4 • EIVE 'x~E TECHNOLOGY CORPORAi101J 87 Bakersfield Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1Z4 Tel.: (416) 638-9317 Fax: (416) 638-9318 -8!)17-461-265, 1 3 U 9 r1I S't-lbi~ UTIOI~i. 1(l: 1.~._.......... , _-- : fin(- ~~-_......... OF REPORT NO ADMION~? 17-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARII ~GTON Memorandum PAGE 1 OF 2 To: Mayor Hamre and Members of Council From: Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing Manager Date: December 29, 1995 Subject: PURCHASE OF NATURAL GAS - COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE DATED MAY 12/95 At the Council meeting of May 29, 1995, correspondence D8 from Enershare (copy attached marked schedule "A") was referred to staff for a report. The subject correspondence refers to the Municipality's participation in AMO's Natural Gas Pooling Program. Please be advised that as per the attached correspondence to Mayor and Members of Council dated July 20, 1994 (marked schedule "B"), the Municipality of Clarington is no longer participating in the • AMO program. Effective November 1, 1994, our requirements for natural gas are purchased under the systems gas method directly from Consumers Gas. Further to this, over the past couple of months I have been working with the Durham Purchasing Co-operative Group to initiate a co- operative tender for the direct purchase supply of natural gas. Currently, there appears to be interest from both the Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa, who also purchase direct from Consumers Gas. As there are many companies and/or agents in this market now, tendering will ensure that all bidders are given equal opportunity and that the Municipality receives the most competitive purchase arrangement. As the direct gas pricing contract agreements can be extremely complicated with each posing different implications to the Municipality, it is necessary to fully investigate all alternatives before a tender is issued. Subsequently, a presentation by Consumers Gas, to the Durham Purchasing Co-operative Group, has been tentatively scheduled for January 22, 1996. A report with recommendations for an award will be brought forth to Council once the tender has been issued and all results have been evaluated. C~ ....page 2 13i0 PAGE 2 OF 2 - 2 - Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please let me know. If there are no objections received, I will proceed as outlined above. Yours truly, rYV~-, Louu A~ rkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LB/lb Attch. cc--W. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer M. Marano, Treasurer 1311