HomeMy WebLinkAbout1406A By-law to provide taking the vote of the electors qualified to vote on money by-laws on a question concerning a proposed complete Municipal water system being installed in the Police Village of Orono at an estimated cost of $175,000.00. -~ ~~ i n i !° ~ _.. costa. ey-1aw No. 106 _ ~ meat by the Reeve of pe~r+~ans ~o ettead Ott the polling pleas, and at the final summing up af` the votes by' the clerk an b~hat].f of the ~° persons interested in end gramoting ar ~ppasing the vote in the x . ,... ;.,_. ,, ~....... s.ffirtve or negative an th• paid queatian. ~. The Clerk of the To~vnahip of Clerrl~~ ~ha~Il eet~®nd in his offQa in the Township ...Hell in th® Pc~lioe Yipage of 4rana dt the hour of Nine o~Qloak in ,the etternoon, en ~Q~day the Third dey of ~®Qember, 1962, to sum up the number of votes given in th® affirmative end the negative upon the said question. Read eFirst-and 3eeand Tim® this Sixth dety of November,.1962. ~~~ eve ~~~iG ~'CerTt Read a Thud Time and finally passed in Apen caunQil this Sixth day of Navembmr, 1962. 1 ~G4i~.....,..~ -r-~ ®'`` ~_ ..= J~ save .~.. ,. ~, ,i ....,:,._ as, ,. i.. ..a:,: -._~, _i_.,...~:~:.. m.~. ..z_,.~-_.,:--. ,..~-.. .:.r., .;.. ...:::. , ._ '.:oz..~.. ....__. ,. ,.v.i~ .. ~.«..r, .. a.. _.. ,.~~......_...~..w_a.~',n.-.~,,w.,..k.:~bds4:w`u. xzeC.,.+.rti~:~a`.Rs ~A S;r~o:;k "k~3s.:w^e R A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to provide taking the vote of the electors qualified to vote on money by-laws on a question concernin~^ a proposed complete municipal water system being installed in the Police Village of Orono at an estimated cost of ~p175,000.00 Read a First ~ second time- 6 November 1;62. Read a third time ~ passed- 6 November 1962. H. E, Millson, Clerk.